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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HER LAST WISH – Episode 2

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❄️Chapter 2.

Zeemah Writes?


Layla walked into her classroom, panting.
She was glad class hasn’t started yet.
She headed to her seat and the students started their mockery as usual, laughing and pointing at her, whispering in one another’s ear.
She noticed it was quite much today and then realised it’s because she had reduced her hair to a Bob.

Did it made her ugly like Philia had said..
She hadn’t even looked at her reflection in the mirror before leaving for school.
Even at that, she knows she isn’t ugly! And even if she is,why should they mock her for it!

She was pissed as she sat on her seat and this time,she sat fully, raising her head high and her look shows she was daring any one of them to approach her and say mockery words to her face.
They looked a bit surprised to see her look this fearless, Layla had always placed her head on the desk crying as they mock her,she only raises her head whenever they’re having a class.

Layla’s gaze shifted to Dylan who was flirting with close to five girls at the same time.
She felt her heart ache, wishing he would at least flirt with her too.
He always light up her inside with merely staring at him.
He is one of the most good looking teen she has ever seen and if they were to rate his looks by ten, he’d score nine with no doubt.

His beautiful face looks like it was carved by a creative genius.
He has soft brown eyes that’d melt the strongest of ice,his eyelashes inky black and even longer and curlier than most girl’s, one’s breath would almost seize whenever Dylan winks.
He has exotic high cheekbones and a narrow straight nose that perfected his looks.
His shiny black curls, always swept to one side giving him a touch of a bad guy look.

He has friends that flocks around him and they are good looking too but not as good looking as he is.

A loud bang diverted Layla’s thought and gaze.
She saw Chloe standing in front of her with her three friends behind her, Chloe,the mastermind behind Layla’s mockery was considered the hottest girl in Ocean high school.
She had the looks and body, her brown hair had been dyed pink and she happily flaunts it,she has a proud nose that suits her ‘not-so-nice’ character and her lips..always in different colors of lipgloss,her face was always covered in this ‘Ɓîtçhy make up’
Just like Dylan, Chloe was wanted by so many guys too, it was all over the school when she was dating Dylan but their relationship only lasted for two weeks.
Though they still kiss randomly during truth or dare game.

Chloe is the leader of the cheerleading team and she had refused to allow Layla join the team just because Layla’s father is black.
Layla is now on the swimming team and the others on the team even refuse to swim race with her, none of them wants to be in the water with her or even get in the water after she’s out..just because of Chloe’s slandering.
Everyone wants to be in Chloe’s good book.

“You’ve reduced your hair to Bob huh?” Chloe laughed.
She’s here to taunt her as usual and everyone watched eagerly like they always do.
Little do they know they’re in for a surprise this time.
Layla is done tolerating $h|t.

“You think it’ll make you look better huh?” Chloe asked.
“ only made you look uglier,you look worse than a scary witch ” Chloe snorted and there was laughter.
She was surprised Layla hadn’t placed her head on the desk to start crying.
“Okay..i reduced my hair to a Bob, so what? I look like a scary witch,and so? Why do you have to be so concerned about that?” Layla asked, looking Chloe in the eyes.

There was silence and everyone looked on in surprise.
This would be the first time Layla would speak back at Chloe fearlessly.
Chloe hid her surprise with a forced chuckle.

“Did you, did you.. you? talked back at me? How dare you? You lowly African!” Chloe yelled.
Layla smiled. “You’re calling them lowly because they are blacks, c’mon that’s not fair”
Chloe’s breath has gotten uneven then, she was at loss for words.
She had planned to taunt Layla as usual and return to her seat, she hadn’t expected this come back.

“They are lowly! Your father is an ugly lowly Africa!” Chloe said, trying to gain more ground.

“I dare you to say that once more and i’ll rip your hair off your scalp” Layla yelled banging her desk as she rose to her feet.
Everyone was shocked and even Dylan turned to look at her this time but Layla was blinded with fury to see him.
Chloe shifted back in fear…
“Finally! You’re behaving like the monster Africans like you are. Violent set of people.” Chloe said,almost breathlessly as she fled to her seat with her friends.

“Really? You’re fleeing?” Layla laughed and Chloe felt so embarrassed.
She was known to be the school’s queen.
How dare this thing ridicule her.

“Don’t ever bring up my dad’s name with such disrespect again, he’s dead and you know it,yet you bring up his name as you wish and even refer to him like he’s some sort of trash, just because he’s African! Would you allow anyone do the same to your own father?” Layla asked.
“My father is white! Not some.. African!” Chloe said.
“You feel your father doesn’t deserve to be referred to as thrash but my own father does just because he’s a black?! Wow, you’re making it seem like it’s a crime to be black, this is terrible, why do you h@ťě us so much” Layla sighed.

“Wh@ťěver!” Chloe rolled her eyes.
“And..if you keep bringing up my father with such disrespect, i’ll not hesitate to drag the hell out of your dad too, you have my words on that” Layla said.
“Wh..what did you just say?” Chloe asked.
“I said what i said Chloe” Layla said.

“How dare you speak to my father that way!” Chloe fumed where she stood with her friends.
“ care about what others say to your dad but you don’t care about what you say to others Dad!..that’s pretty unbelievable of you” Layla raised her brows.

Chloe sighed, Layla is having the upper hand and it’s so embarrassing to her.

“Everyone knows your father married your Mum just to get papers!” Chloe said and Layla laughed.
“Just so you know, my parents love story is still the best I’ve ever heard. My Mum actually made my Dad marry her just so he can have the papers to stay behind, she doesn’t want him out of her sight not even for one hour…” Layla paused, a bit surprised to see almost everyone interested in the story.
“Huh..seems everyone is so interested in the love story of a black and white. I’m sorry i’ll have to stop there” She smiled.
“That doesn’t change the fact that he is African!” Chloe said.
“And, what is wrong with being an African?” Layla asked with all seriousness.
“Maybe if you tell me,i would at least understand why you h@ťě them this much” She added.

Chloe went speechless for some time,she also couldn’t understand why she h@ťěs blacks and maybe she doesn’t h@ťě blacks, maybe she h@ťěs Layla personally.

“I do not h@ťě Africans, i h@ťě you!” Chloe said bluntly.
“Why?” Layla asked.
Everyone waited for Chloe’s answer but none came.
“Okay..i get it that you h@ťě me,do you have to extend it to my parents,my father in particular?” Layla asked.
“Because they gave birth to you! They f-__-king gave birth to you. And to think a black! is in the same class that i am…d@mn!” Chloe growled.

Layla laughed..”I’m not even a full black,my Mum is American so i don’t think that’s enough reason to h@ťě me. That’s just your excuse to,you obviously have other reasons but i don’t even care, just do not speak ill of my father or your father! would bear the brunt” Layla said.

“Do not mention my father with that black father of yours!” Chloe said through gritted teeth.
Layla laughed loud and hard.
“You should actually be glad i mentioned your father alongside mine.. My father, Michael Ajagun Williams..” Layla paused and if there had been a ‘Yoruba’ in the class,they would have laughed at the way she had pronounced ‘Ajagun’
“He is a three star general who fought across the thirty six states of Nigeria during World War II,he fought till his last breath and he died while protecting thousands of people” Layla said and her classmates exclaimed, looking touched by the story.
Chloe was touched also but she was too headstrong to show it.
“He’s not just any African, he’s a hero! The most selfless man I’ve ever known. None of you should dare bring up my father again and even if you do, please accord him some respect” Layla said and the whole class went silent.

Most of them already feeling bad to have treated Layla like thrash.
Chloe could see what was happening and she knew she had to speak up real fast.

“You all shouldn’t fall for her words! She’s telling lies!” Chloe said.
“Lies? Why would i do that? I didn’t say that for anyone to change their ways towards me,i didn’t say that to earn y’all pity nor anyone’s friendship. As a matter of fact,i don’t want anyone’s friendship. I said that to make you see how lucky your father is to be mentioned alongside mine” Layla smiled at Chloe.

“Your father fought across thirty six states in his poor country! That means nothing!” Chloe said.
“Yeah,it means nothing to you but it means a lot to the people he saved and they’ll forever be grateful to him” Layla said.
“And i think i should be blamed here because i gave you the chance to disrespect my father. Starting now..never speak ill of my father again,i won’t take it lightly..i promise you that. You h@ťě me,then direct your h@ťě to me, Do not extend it to my father. Don’t bring him up ever again!” Layla warned clearly.
“And that doesn’t go to Chloe alone but everyone in here, never disrespect my parents again. This is a warning!” Layla stated before sitting.

Her eyes landed on Dylan and surprisingly found his gaze on her,her stomach lit up immediately in excitement.
His gaze lingered before he finally looked away.

Dylan looks like he has finally noticed her and maybe he would start flirting with her too.
She almost grinned at the thought,her gaze was still fixed on him even after he had looked away.
Everyone was astounded Layla could turn that bold and fearless,they stared at her, different questions written all over their faces.
Chloe fumed on her seat, tapping her fingers on the desk repeatedly.
Her friends knew better than to say anything to her at the moment.

“What’s with the weird silence?” Miss Moore asked as she walked into the classroom.
She got no answer and then shrugged before proceeding to teach.


Walking into the cafeteria for lunch break, Layla had the same demeanor she had when she sat in class in the morning.
For the first time in years,she wasn’t mocked. She was only being stared at.
Realising it was this easy to have brought an end to the mockery that went on for years almost brought tears to her eyes.
She had allowed it go on and on,she had allowed it break her,it almost marred her and then with just few words and action..she was free.
She had thought it was going to take more than that,she never thought being free of the mockery and hatred only required standing up for herself.

If it hadn’t been for…what happened, would she have made the decision to stand up for herself or would she have even thought of it..?

She knew the answer and it sadden her.
Perhaps,she was being punished for not standing up for herself all these years.
Maybe God knew what happened would make her stand up for herself and then..

Stop Layla..she scolded herself.

She walked to the counter to get her lunch and then walked to a table with a tray of meal in hand.
She sat and expected the girls to stand up and move to another table like they’ve always done but she was surprised when they remained seated, eating their meal.
She was stunned for a while, knowing the students never ate with her,they do move to another table.

Except a girl who always sat with her.
Only the girl did not avoid her.
She eats with her all the time, though the girl is in a junior class.
Layla looked around and wondered where the girl was,she couldn’t find her.

“You should eat up,lunch break will be over soon” One of the girls said to Layla, stunning her yet again.
“Hu..h? Okay” She said and started eating.

Chloe saw what was happening and knew Layla is starting to win over the students heart.

“I can’t believe those girls sat with her!” Christy,one of Chloe’s friend said.
“What am i gonna do?” Chloe sighed worriedly.


Lunch break was over and everyone started moving to their classes.

“I think…your hair looks nice on you” Layla heard.
The voice sounds familiar but it can’t possibly be the person she’s thinking right?
No…or she’s going to faint.
She turned slowly, earnestly hoping he was the one.

It was Dylan.

He smiled at her before walking away.
She managed to stop herself from screaming but she couldn’t stop herself from dancing.
She broke into a dance, shaking each part of her body, humming incoherent rhythm to compliment her dance.
She cared less about the students who laughed at her funny steps.
She looked like the happiest person on Earth at the moment.

“No one told me Michael Jackson’s daughter attends this school..” One of the students said as they walked past her and the rest laughed.

“Wow, great dancing ski||s.. wouldn’t you like to showcase it to the class? Come with me” Miss Moore said and Layla stopped dancing.
“Miss Moore, no..i i”
“C’mon, great steps you have there, you’ll need to come show it to the class” Miss Moore smiled.
“No..i..i was only dancing because I’m excited, i know my dance ski||s is worst than a jelly’s, please don’t make me showcase it in front of the class” Layla said and Miss Moore held her laughter.
“You only think so, you’re still the best dancer I’ve ever seen. The world needs to know of your talent but let’s start from your class” Miss Moore said, laughing hard as she dragged Layla along.

“Miss Moore..nooo,i dance like a crab, pleaseeeeee” Layla pleaded as she was being pulled to her class.


Thanks for reading ?

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