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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HER LAST WISH – Episode 17

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Chapter 17.

Zeemah Writes . . .


“Saturdays are always so busy” Layla groan, lifting more cups of steaming coffee onto a tray.
“Today is extra busy” Aria set sugar cubes with tiny cartons of heavy cream alongside it and Layla rushed to serve it. She was yet to leave the table when more people walk in.
She asked for their order after they were seated and rushed back to the counter.

“Three Cortado and one cappuccino” She said to Aria and they both prepared it.
She rushed off once again to serve the customers while Aria brewed more coffee.

Phil stepped out of her office and was impressed at how filled her café was, there were just a few empty tables.
Her smile was more broad as she walked around, checking if her customers were okay and well served.
She grin when more people walk in.
“Go attend to them immediately” She shouted at Layla who was waiting for them to be seated.
“What do you care for Sir, Ma’am ?” Layla ask politely, after they were done going through the menu.
” Americano” The man said.
“Espresso” The lady said with a smile.
“Okay, it’ll be ready in few minutes” Layla smile before rushing off, singing ‘Espresso … Espresso … ‘ She had made it a habit to sing with the coffee name whenever someone ordered it, she loved pronouncing it because of the way it felt in her mouth.

“Espresso and Americano” Layla said to Aria leaving her to prepare it as she quickly walked to another table that required her attention.
The coffee was ready when she got back and she carried it and told Aria what the other table wanted.
She served the ma’am and sir and thought the lady was so cool with the way she smile often.

Aria already made the coffee ready for the other table and when Layla returned, all she did was pick it up and walk to the table.
“Thank you” The woman said curtly, turning back to her laptop as Layla place the coffee gently on her table.
That’ll be the fourth cup of coffee she’ll be having and it looked like she was struggling not to fall asleep as she worked on her laptop.
Layla felt so sorry for her.

She walked back to Aria after making sure there was no order left.
They both sigh deeply, glad they will have finally rest for few minutes.
“I’m just wondering . . . what if today had been the day you got the call from Jane’s school and I’m also away at school. How will Phil cope?” Layla wondered aloud and Aria laughed.
“Phil would never have coped with the stress, she’ll probably place a placard outside that reads “I’VE HAD ENOUGH, COME IN HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK”
Layla burst into laughter “Or she’ll come right to my school and drag me out of the middle of a class”
“Exactly” Aria said and they both laugh.

A piercing scream followed by a loud crash disrupted their laughter, every one turned towards the direction immediately and Phil who had retired to her office came rushing out.
It was the lady who Layla had thought was cool with her smile. She just smashed her cup of Espresso on the floor.
The silence was deafening, Everyone wondered what was wrong.

“I didn’t request for Espresso! I requested for Macchiato!” She screamed, tugging at her hair.
Aria thought that act was too extreme just because she was served what she didn’t wanted, even if she hadn’t requested for Espresso, she should have politely pointed out Layla’s mistake to her and Layla would make amend immediately. Layla has never made a mistake with a customer’s order as far as Aria was concerned, so Aria wondered where this was coming from and she had heard Layla singing ‘Espresso’ while coming from their table, Layla do that only if someone order that particular coffee.
‘Well . . everywhere had been so tight today, it’s absolutely normal to have made a mistake with someone’s order.’ Aria thought.

Layla stood, confused as hell.. what’s going on?
She tried thinking back to when the lady ordered and she had indeed ordered Espresso while the man ordered Americano.
Or could she have mistaken the lady’s word?
No! This lady had ordered Espresso, she’s so sure of it because she remember singing with the word ‘Espresso’ and she doesn’t do that unless someone orders it.

“Will you f-__-king explain yourself and apologize and stop staring like a mull! ” Philia yelled at Layla.
“I .. I .. sh .. she had indeed ordered Espresso” Layla said and Aria knew that was true, Layla would have apologized immediately if she was wrong and she had indeed sang ‘Espresso’ so this lady was the wrong one here.
The lady was still tugging at her hair angrily while the man was trying to calm her.
“Isn’t this just weird’ Aria thought.
“Shut up! You indeed made a mistake with her order! she’s obviously not dumb like you not to know what she ordered. You’re so dumb with everything. Apologize immediately dummy! ” Philia shouted angrily and for the first time in years Layla felt deeply hurt by Phil’s words.

“I’m sorry” She said in a shaky voice, trying to hold back her tears but they slipped, rolling down her cheeks .
Aria has never felt so angry at Phil, she wished she could slap her across the face.
“Layla is right, the lady had indeed . .”
“Shut up! Or lose your job!” Phil cut Aria short with a glare.

“I’m so sorry” The man said, holding the lady tightly to his side like she would run off.
“You don’t have to apologize sir, this dummy here caused everything. We’re so sorry for the inconvenience. ” Phil said making a curtesy.
A headbutt that’ll make Phil tumble over is what Aria wished for right now. She passed Layla tissue to wipe her tears.

“No, this young lady is right. Mary had indeed ordered Espresso” The man said and there was silence.
“f-__-k you Phil” Aria muttered but not to Phil’s hearing and Layla almost laughed.
“Oh really?” Phil said slowly, so embarrassed to look Layla or anyone else in the face.
“Yeah, Mary is suffering from dementia.” He announced and everyone exclaimed.
‘Wow’ Layla sigh, feeling so sorry for Mary, it hadn’t been Mary’s fault after all.
” I’m so sorry for wh@ťěver this might have caused” The man said, Mary was now smiling at his side and it was then Layla noticed the edginess in her smile. She has thought Mary was cool with the way she smile often but of course she had been wrong.
“I’m so sorry for wh@ťěver this might have caused, young lady i’m so sorry” The man said.
” It’s absolutely fine” Layla said.

Everyone turned back to their business after the man left, Philia left for her office still not able to look Layla in the face. She felt so bad, especially with the gazes she was getting from her customers.

“Wow” Aria breathed as Layla joined her at the counter after cleaning the floor and clearing the pieces of the broken glass cup.
She turn to Aria after thrashing the tissue she had given her, muttering “Thank you”
“It’s nothing sweetheart, you must have been so hurt to have cried, its been ages I saw you cry over Philia’s unkind words ”
“Yeah, I was deeply hurt that I couldn’t hold my tears. I wonder why though, cause she has said much more worse things to me and I’ve never even bothered to worry about it or cry over it”
“The emotion got to you today, it’s the little things that breaks us”

“I feel so sorry for Mary though” Layla sigh.
“Same here, I had thought her behavior was weird until the man confirmed it”
“I hope she gets healed soon enough”
“Me too. And did you see Philia’s face after everything?”
“No, I hadn’t even glance in her direction.” Layla said.
“I’ve never seen her look so mild and remorseful, she literally had her head bowed as she walked to her office”
“Really” Layla smile, she wasn’t angry at Phil, just hurt at her words
“Yes, another customer is here” Aria said and they both stood straight.
“Philia gave me the permission to go to the Party ” Layla told Aria after they finally got to rest, they know their rest is going to be disrupted soon though.

“Great! How long did you persuade her?” Aria ask.
“That’s the surprising part, I didn’t even persuade her, she gave me the permission almost immediately”
“Are you serious?”
“Of course, I was surprised too that my mouth dropped open”
“Wow . . could Philia be changing?” Aria raised a brow.
“I guess so” Layla said slowly, she would have been glad if Philia is changing for good because she wants to and not because of a reason.

“Well . . it would have been unfair if she refused to allow you go, knowing that’s the first party you will ever get invited to”
“Even at that, Phil would have stopped me from going if she wanted to. She can be so unpredictable”
“Exactly, i’m glad she gave you the permission though. So have you decided on the dress to wear” Aria ask with a smile.
“Not yet. I’ve been busy, im going to do that tonight” Layla said, excited at the thought.
“You must be looking so forward to your first party”
“Very much” Layla grin.


Layla fell on her bed with a thud.

She was so tired, and Phil even had to order pizza for dinner because she knew Layla was too tired to cook. It was written all over her face.
Today was a long day and it had been extra stressful, her legs and hands ache, she had taken painki||ers after eating pizza and all she wanted to do now was sleep but she had to freshen up for the night, she would have skipped tonight’s but she was reeking of coffee and sweat.

She reluctantly got to her feet after some minutes, pulling her wears as she walk into the bathroom.
She walked out of the bathroom in her pyjamas, refreshed.
She felt a bit better, she should pick out her wears for church and the thanksgiving party but she knows she’s definitely gonna fall asleep halfway through it.
She had barely positioned her head on the pillow before falling deeply asleep.


“OMG” Layla nearly screamed glancing at the wall clock.


And she’s yet to get up from the bed when church service starts at 8:00am. She hadn’t even gotten her dress ready.
“f-__-k” She scrambled out of the bed, dashing into the bathroom.
“Phil, why didn’t you wake me for church” Layla said in a hurried tone, hopping on one feet as she hurriedly put on the second shoe.
She was ready in thirty minutes, she was in so much hurry that her room looked a mess now but she was going to sort it when she’s back.

“I should wake you up? After you looked like you were going to die from stress yesternight” Phil said, turning back to the TV and scanning through the channels.
“Bye” Layla said, nearly running out of the house.
“Aren’t you going to eat something?” Philia shouted after her.
“When i’m back”


Layla got back from church by 1pm, church service do end by 12pm and she do get home by some minutes to one but she doesn’t know why today seems f-__-ked up.

“Hi Phil” She said, walking into the living room. Phil was still by the TV and Layla doubted if she had stood up since she left for church but there were slices of cake and a jug of iced tea in front of her, so she had definitely stood up, at least to go to the kitchen.

“Hi” Phil said.
“Are you still feeling tired?” She ask as Layla lower herself onto the couch.
“No” Layla answered.
“Good, then go make lunch. i’m starving.” Phil said pushing the plate of cake from her lap. “I need a good meal”
Layla got to her feet.
“You can have the remaining slices of cake before leaving to cook. You haven’t had anything to eat today right?”
“Yeah but its fine, i’ll eat when lunch is ready” Layla said, she was truly not hungry, she was only thirsty.

“Okay then, see to the meal immediately. What will you be preparing?”
“What do you want me to?” Layla ask.
“Pasta is okay and you should fry some of the chicken in the freezer too”
“Okay” Layla said, walking towards the kitchen.
“Clear this cake and jug please” Phil said picking the remote control.
Layla turned back and cleared the table before finally walking to the kitchen.

She downed a chilled glass cup of water before she started bringing out the ingredients for the meal.
Layla started arranging her room while the meal was getting ready.
She had really left her room a mess, she rarely do that but she had no choice this morning.
After minutes of putting things back in its place, sweeping, cleaning, dusting . . . Her room finally looked its normal clean and sparkly self.

She sigh as she sat on her well spread bed with a look of satisfaction on her face as she looked around.
She should pick a dress for the party, she got to her feet with a smile and walked to her closet.
Most of the dresses in there were her mum’s, her mum was petite and Layla do fit into almost all of her dresses, they even look more fitting and beautiful on Layla that her father would always tease her mum about it.
Layla smile at the memory, it has been so long she put on any of her mum’s wears. Since her mother’s death, she hadn’t tried to but she was going to today and it is kind of making her heart race fast.
Her mum had beautiful dresses, she was a gorgeous fashionista that always stood out every where she went, most especially parties.
Even Philia do come into her room to pick one of her mum’s dresses whenever she had to attend a high class party.

“Layla, the meal is burning! Get the f-__-k here” Philia’s scream jolted Layla from her thought and she dashed out of her room.


“Clean my room also, when you’re done” Phil said to Layla who was cleaning the house after they’ve had lunch.
She cleans the house every Sunday, though in the morning but she had woken up late today and had to leave for church immediately.
Layla glance at the wall clock . . . 3pm and Dan’s parents thanksgiving party is by 4pm. She hasn’t even gotten her outfit ready and just when she thought she was almost done with cleaning, Phil asked her to clean her room.

“Why are you staring at the wall clock huh? Isn’t the party by 4pm?” Phil asked.
“Yeah but im yet to get my outfit ready and some other things”
“Well . . if you wont clean my room, forget about going to the party” Philia said, with a note of finality.

~Wow.. could Philia be changing~ Aria’s words recalled in Layla’s head.
‘Philia hasn’t changed after all’ She thought.


It’s 4pm and Layla is yet to leave the house, she’s halfway ready though, dressed in a pale pink dress well fitted that it accentuated her graceful figure, the dress was so simple and beautiful with pretty pearls hung around the neck.
She hurriedly brush through her hair after putting on her shoes.
She slipped Dan’s home address and some dollar notes into her purse, before rushing out of her room.

Stepping into the living room, Philia stared at her but Layla couldn’t quite read the look on her face.
Is Phil going to stop her from going? . . Her heart raced at the thought.

“What’s this? Are you going for one of ‘your Africa’ festival?” Phil asked.
“Huh..” Layla said, checking out her dress, her dress was beautiful.
“No, I didn’t mean your dress, your dress and shoes are okay but your face, it’s too plain and your hair, so rough. How can you go to a party looking like this? you look like you’re going for a burial to be honest” Phil groan and Layla bit the inside of her cheek.

“Sit” Philia said to her before going to fetch her makeup box and hair straightener.


“I don’t think she’s coming again” Fel said to Dan and he nodded, not happy that Layla wont be here. He had wanted to introduce her to his parents and also some of his friends he had invited from Prestige High School.
They were all here, chattering happily including Jacq, Dan had intentionally invited him just so he could talk to him about how worried Fel was on his recent behavior. Jennie was here too, sipping a drink with a smile on her face, looking her best as usual and Dan is finding it difficult to take his eyes off her.
She had greeted him cheerfully when she arrived like she hadn’t been the same Jennie who had broken up with him.

The women were chatting, few gossiping and drinking while some of the men played board games and few of them talked about politics as they drank exotic wines. The rest paced the grand party hall, randomly chipping into conversations. The whole house was indeed in a party atmosphere.
Fel, Rylan and Anne are equally disappointed Layla wont be attending, they had been expecting her.

It’s some minutes to five already, the party has started since 4pm and now everyone is about to move to the large dinning room, situated in the hall.

“OMG . . who’s this goddess?” Jasper, one of Dan’s friends said and almost everyone turned to the door.
Layla stood there, looking so pretty and shy.

“Layla” Anne and Felia called happily.
“I need her contact Dan” Collins, another of Dan’s friends whispered to him.
“Please” Collins added when Dan sent him a strict look.
“You can go to her yourself for it and mind you, she is African and Africans teeth are like axe . . so, make your choice” Dan smile, like he just said the most normal thing.
He almost laughed at the ‘scared’ look on Collins face before walking away to welcome Layla.



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