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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HER HEARTBEAT – Episode 38

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“How come we have to share our booth with them?” Pearl asked the attendant who brought the three guys over.

“Well I actually told him and…..”

“Let me take it from here. You can leave you don’t have to worry” David said to the attendant who dashed off in a rush.

“What’s happening?” Pearl asked.

“It’s simple, the booth are all booked and since we attend the same school, we might as well share the booth” David suggested.

“Never! You three can go to some other karaoke bar” Pearl said.

“But you can’t throw us out like this, you’ve got to help. Say some thing guys” David said to Bryan and Luke who stood behind him.

“Is that Chloe singing? Then I better have a look” Bryan said walking into the booth before pearl could stop him.

“Since we are here, let’s just share” Luke added before going in leaving David and Pearl alone.

“Must you really use this karaoke bar?”

“I heard that it’s the best in town and I only go for the best” David replied before going in leaving Pearl in fury.

A while later, Chloe sat with Judy checking out some thing she was showing her on the phone and no matter how comfortable she tried to feel she couldn’t and that’s due to Bryan who kept starring at her from where he sat.

“Why the hell are they here?” Judy muttered to Chloe as they kept starring at the phone.

“That’s because there’s no other booth for them to stay” Chloe replied.

“They can as well leave, they are making us uncomfortable” Judy said.

“They are” Chloe replied looking up to see Bryan still watching her.

“Am gonna use the rest room” Judy said leaving the room and since Pearl was busy checking out songs to sing to, Chloe sat alone going through her phone when Bryan came to seat beside her.

“What are you looking at?” He asked.

“Nothing” she replied moving away from him some thing Bryan noticed.

“What’s going on? Why are you being distant?” Bryan asked.

“Distant? I don’t get” she said looking away.

“Come with me, let’s go talk this out” He said taking hold of her hand and pulling her out of the booth before she could refuse.

“Let me go Bryan, you are hurting me” Chloe said trying to pull her hand out of his but he didn’t let go until they got to the back of a room.

“Now tell me why you’ve been ignoring me” he demanded.

“I told you that am not…..”

“You are! ‘” he yelled looking furious.

“You are and it’s bothering me, so just tell me what I did wrong and I will try to make amends” he added more slowly this time around.

“You have nothing to make amends for, it’s me who is the problem here” she said truthfully.

“Care to elaborate on that”

“I can’t….I came here solely to help find the perpetrator who is after Valerie’s life and not to be entangled in a relationship whatsoever but here I….here I am falling for…..” She stopped when she realized what she was going to say.

“Finish what you were saying” Bryan pressed but she ignored, saying some thing else.

“The fact is that I can’t get involved with any one and falling in love should be the last thing I think about. Am an imposter after all and I…..”

“Who are you in love with?” Bryan demanded holding her by the arm.

“Am not in love with…..”

“Tell me the truth, I know when you are lying and when you say the truth and right now, you are lying to me” he said cutting her off again.

“Bryan I….I….I” she didn’t get to finish her word when he claim her lips.

They kissed on for a while and when Bryan let go to stare at her face, he got the answer he wanted.

“It’s me right, am the one you love?” He asked and when she said nothing, he kissed her again.

“I love you too, I love you so d@mn much that am going crazy” he admitted and once again he claimed her lips.

Mean while David went to where Pearl was checking out some songs in the booth.

“Pearl I…” He began only to stop when she got a call.

Her face lit up when she saw the caller and immediately she pick the call.

“Hello Austin” she said walking past him and out of the booth.

“So, it is the famous Austin” David muttered and angrily, he went after Pearl leaving Judy and Luke alone in the booth.

Luke stared at Judy who ignored him while she scrolled through her phone.

Wanting to get her attention, he picked up the remote and turn on the volume of the song that got Judy starring at him.

“Am sorry, is it too loud?” He asked and when she said nothing he lower the volume.

“There isn’t much to play here” he said aloud saying out the name of the cd’s he picked which cause a distraction to Judy.

Sighing out in frustration, she stood up to leave but he took hold of her hand putting a stop to it.

“Am sorry” he said again and she turned to stare at him.

“For what? For the cd’s, I really don’t….”

“Not that! Am apologizing for that day, I never should have spoken to Wilfred but I only wanted to help and so I said things about you which were cruel. I feel like a jerk, I shouldn’t have said those things when I didn’t mean them ” he said starring at their linked hands.

Judy felt her heart skip when she saw the sad look on his face.

“Am sorry Judy. I really am” he said again.

“It’s okay” she murmured meaning her word.

“It’s not, I know you are saying that to let me let you go but I won’t until you forgive me” he replied looking like a cute baby and it took Judy a lot of will not to smile down at him

“Seriously you don’t have to…..”

“I have to” he replied tugging at her hand and this got Judy falling towards him.

Luke fell back wards with Judy over him on the couch.

“Am sorry” she said wanting to get up but he held onto her waist.

“What am about to do might get you more angry but I….I can’t control it any longer” he said starring up at her.

“What?” She asked lost by the look in his eyes.

“I wanna kiss you” he confessed and before she could say a thing, he pulled her head towards his and gave her a kiss.

“The bar we are at? Its called the Love karaoke…..” Pearl stopped talking when David pulled her phone out of his hand.

“I suggest you don’t come to the bar” David said moving away when she tried to take the phone from him.

“Me! Am some one who wants the best for Pearl and you aren’t the best for her, so I suggest you don’t ever call her again!” He added ending the call.

“Why did you do that!” She yelled at him.

“Am only trying to protect you. You just met him today and am sure he’s only after your body and not your heart” he told her crudely.

“Just like you right?” Pearl asked.

“You are getting me wrong here….”

“You have no right whatsoever to answer my call. You told me to move on and that’s what am trying to do so why on earth are you getting in the way?” She said cutting him off.

“That’s because I….”

“I knew it! You left me for this dummy” Linda said startling the both of them.

“Linda, this isn’t the place for your tantrums” David pointed out.

“It is! I came here in search of you only to see you with her, she’s the reason you left me right? The reason you dumped me in the most cruellest way ever” Linda screamed out in anger.

“I think you’ve gotten the wrong idea” Pearl said wanting to correct her mistake.

“You are right, She is the reason I ended our relationship” David said while Pearl stared at him in confusion.

He stopped her from saying a thing when he pulled her into his arms.

“She’s the reason why I broke it off with you because I love her. She owns my heart Linda and not you or any other girl can change that” he said and in one swift mood, he kissed the startled pearl making Linda jaw drop in shock.

Bryan let go of Chloe to stare down at her lovely face.

He still can’t believe that she feel exactly the same thing he feels for her.

“So are we…..” She paused starring up at him with her gorgeous eyes.

“Are we what?” He asked holding back the urge to kiss her again.

“Since we’ve confessed our feelings to each other, are we….dating now?” She let it trail off while a blush appeared on her cheeks making it lovely.

His heart overwhelmed with joy at seeing how lovely her blush made her look.

“Of course. Once two people in love confess their feelings then automatically they are dating one another. From now on you belong to me just as much as I belong to you” he said which got her chuckling.

“Does that answer your question?” Bryan asked.

“Perfectly” she replied before pulling his head down, initiating the kiss this time around…..

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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