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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HER HEARTBEAT – Episode 37

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?? H£R
{My heart desire…}?

Gbemi Writes✍️


Chapter 37 ? 38


Kisses And Declaration
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆


“Am really not hungry” Judy said as Chloe kept pulling her towards the cafeteria.

“I know but you’ve got to eat some thing. Eating help ease the mind” Chloe replied.

“My mind is perfectly at ease” Judy countered.

“Liar, you’ve been sad all day. You’ve manage to hide it from Mira and Pearl but have noticed and so after eating, you can tell me about it” Chloe said in return while Judy let out a sigh.

They walk into the cafeteria and was heading towards the counter to get their food when Chloe noticed Bryan and Luke at a table, having their lunch.

Through the whole of that day, she’s been avoiding him and that’s due to what Carmen said to her yesterday.

This isn’t the time for her to be in a romantic relationship with some one not even when her heart keeps beating for him and besides he is in love with some one else, she thought as she kept starring Bryan who still hadn’t notice her.

“Can we just go some where else?” Judy spoke up from beside her having noticed Luke too.

At that precise moment, Bryan looked at her way and he smiled at her, waving at her to join them.

For a while she was lost in his smile but came back to her senses when Judy tapped her.

“Let’s eat some where else” Judy suggested and she nodded, ignoring Bryan before leaving the cafeteria with Judy.

“How can you do this to me?” Linda asked David who stood against the wall having a nonchalant attitude.

“Am not doing any thing new to you. You’ve suffered from a break up before right?” David asked.

“I have but I thought…I thought….”

“You thought that with me it was going to last. You dated me knowing my reputation and I also made it clear to you that I only f-__-k around which you agreed to, so why are you being clingy when I want things to end?” David asked slowly.

“But I love you, I love you David and had hopes that I could make it work between us and that you will end up feeling the same way” Linda confess and just as that moment Pearl ran past them, heading to some where while a bright smile was fixed on her face.

She didn’t notice David and Linda and some how that got him feeling a bit angry.

“It’s because of her right?” Linda’s question got him starring at her.


“You are breaking up with me because of that girl!” Linda said referring to Pearl.

“How on earth did you come to that conclusion?” David asked, chuckling at her.

“Have been watching you and most of the time, your mind isn’t with me and just last night you kept talking about her even after having s*x with me” Linda replied and that got David thinking.

It’s true that he kept thinking about Pearl and that’s due to the things she said about finding a guy. Why does that thought bother him so much?

“I won’t make it easy for you! I won’t let you discard me for her. You belong to me David and you will keep on being mine” Linda declared before walking off.

“Did she just call me hers?” David muttered talking to no one in particular.

Pushing that thought aside, he followed the path Pearl took a while ago and after searching for her for a while, he found her with her friends at the school garden.

“Common girls, let’s go to the karaoke bar tonight” Pearl said trying to convince Judy and Chloe oblivious to David presence.

“Have you asked Mira?” Chloe asked.

“I did and she refused, saying she has some important work to do” Pearl replied.

“She’s been giving that same excuse each time we wanna do some thing together” Judy muttered in irritation.

“Maybe she’s busy” Pearl said in her defence.

“Or she’s up to some thing” Judy retaliated.

“Let’s put Mira aside and talk about the karaoke tonight. You two are coming right? You are!” Pearl answered her question herself.

“Why is she excited about the karaoke?” Chloe asked feeling excited too by their up coming outing.

“It’s probably due to Austin, A guy she met just this morning” Judy explained while Chloe nodded starring at Pearl who was busy talking to some one on her phone.

“Austin, who the hell is he?” David muttered to himself as he made his way back to the cafeteria after having heard the girls conversation.

He went to join Bryan and Luke who were talking about Lucas.

“Why don’t we go pay him a visit ?” Luke suggested.

“Count me in” Bryan replied munching on his fries.

“Count me out” David said which got the two starring at him.

“Instead of going to see Lucas, why don’t we go to a karaoke bar” David suggested.

“Common! It’s gonna be fun and besides we already payed Lucas a visit yesterday. Let’s try out some thing new today ” David added when they gave him a condescending look.

“I will take your silence as a yes” he said as he searched for the karaoke bar Pearl had mentioned earlier.


“Don’t you think this place looks a bit unhygienic” Luke said, screwing up his face in disgust.

“What are you saying? It’s the most perfect place ever” David replied as the three went to the counter while earning looks from other occupant in the room and also from the attendant.

“Am sorry but the rooms are all booked. You can wait here while a customer finish using a room” The attendant said but David got some thing else in mind.

“Then instead of us waiting here, we might as well share with some of our class mate” he suggested.

“Class mate?” The attendant asked in confusion while David smiled at her in return.


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