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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HER HEARTBEAT – Episode 34

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Judy got out of her tent only to recieve a call, seeing who it was she cut off the call only to look up to see Luke standing a distance away.

“So you’ve been seeing my calls but chose to ignore it ” he said putting his phone in his pocket.

“Am not ignoring it ” she replied slowly.

“Then why didn’t you pick the first, second, third and sixth time that I called? ” He demanded and his tone of voice got Judy angry.

“Am I obliged to pick your call?” She demanded in return which answered Luke question.

“You are indeed ignoring me and I would like to know why?” He asked.

“I don’t feel like talking” she replied turning to go back into her tent but Luke stopped her before she could go in.

“We need to talk about this now! ” He half yelled.

“And I don’t want to talk to you! Who do you think you are to boss me around?” Judy yelled at him in return.

“Am not bossing you around, I just want to clear the air between us” Luke said more slowly this time around.

“Clear the air? Fine then let’s do that you big time jerk!” Judy said insulting him.

“I think we are past the stage of insulting one…..”

“I heard you talking to Wilfred yesterday!” She said cutting him off.


“Yes, Wilfred. I didn’t ask you to go talk to him but you volunteered to do so before I could stop you. I ran after you to get you to stop but when I got there it was to hear you saying those terrible things about me” Judy said with tears in her eyes and that pulled at Luke’s heart.

“Judy I….”

“I know am not pretty but that doesn’t give you the right to talk about it. I also think about it every day, I wonder why I can’t doll myself up just like the other girls does, why I can’t wear a normal dress instead of putting on this baggy clothes” she said wiping the tears that slid down her face.

“But then I realize that every one is different and that am different and so I don’t need a jerk like you to tell me that or to tell it to any one else” she said.

“Judy I didn’t mean it that way”

“Lies! you meant every thing you said to Wilfred. Every thing you said is what you think about me, to you I will always be the ugly swan who can’t catch the interest of any guy” She screamed at him.

“For a while I thought we had gotten close but I only needed to hear that to wake me up” she added slowly.

“Judy you…..”

“Stay away from me. I mean it Luke,I don’t want you close to me or to anything that has to do with me. I know it’s gonna be hard avoiding you when the others are friends but I will do my best in avoiding you, so I suggest you do the same” she said before going into her tent ignoring what ever he had to say.


“That made me full” Chloe said as she walk out of the cafeteria clutching onto her stomach.

“Thanks to that dummy David, I had to miss eating a bit earlier” She murmured as she went to her tent.

But thanks to him, I got to confirm some thing and that is Bryan, she thought putting a hand on her thumping chest.

“Am I falling in love with him?” She murmured just as Leo approach her.

“We need to talk” He said obstructing her path when she tried to walk past him.

“We have nothing to talk about and I could remember my boyfriend giving you a warning to stay away ” Chloe said liking the way she refered to Bryan as her boyfriend.

” So you refer to him as your boyfriend now?” Leo asked.

“It’s because he is my boy…..” She stopped talking when he siezed her by the arm.

“Wake up Valerie! Bryan isn’t in love with you, he’s only trying to use you to get back at me” he said shaking her.

“Stop shaking me or I might throw up what I ate a while ago on your face” she thr_@tened which got him letting her go.

“I mean it Valerie, Bryan only wants to use you. He’s trying to use you” Leo said.

“And on what fact do you base that on?” Chloe asked.

“On the fact that Bryan has some one else he is in love with” Leo replied earning Chloe’s attention.

“In love with?” She asked nonchalantly trying to look uninterested.

“There’s a girl Bryan was dating in the past. Her name is Cathy but some thing happened which got her asking me for help. I had no choice but to help her and in the end it broke Bryan’s heart and ended their relationship”

“It’s the reason why Bryan h@ťěs me so much and also the reason why he is trying to take you from me. He thinks that I stole Cathy away from him but I never did and judging by the anger he still feel towards me, I can tell that he’s still in love with Cathy and if Cathy returns today, he will go back to her. So before he leaves you heart broken, you should come to your senses and stay away from him” Leo added.

Chloe whose heart suddenly felt saddened by what he said about Bryan being in love with Cathy forced a smile on her face.

“I don’t believe a thing you say. Bryan loves me and the person I should stay away from is you. The one who have always made me sad and made me cry a lot is you” Chloe said thinking about Valerie.

“I loved you Leo, but you disregarded my feelings and now that am over you, you want me to feel some thing again. That won’t ever happen cause my heart belongs to Bryan now” she added turning to leave but he took hold of her hand and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight.

“Bryan will only hurt you, listen to me” he whispered into her ear while he held onto her tightly.

“Let go of me, Leo” she said trying to pull away and when he didn’t let go, she kicked him hard on the leg that he let go of her to hold onto it.

“I know how to take care of myself and so if I end up being hurt by Bryan, I will take care of it” she said running off before he could come after her.

A while later, she was strolling through the camping ground thinking about what Leo told her.

Bryan is In love with a girl called Cathy, she thought as she let out a sigh.

“Why do I feel hurt thinking about that?” She asked no one in particular.

“It’s not like I care” she muttered again.

“And besides my goal here isn’t to fall in love but to help Valerie and that’s what I…..” She got caught off when a black hood was put over her head blocking wh@ťěver she had to say!

And before she could say a thing, the two men who attacked her pulled her further into the forest…..

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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