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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HER HEARTBEAT – Episode 33

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?? H£R
{My heart desire…}?

Gbemi Writes✍️

Chapter 33 ? 34


In Danger
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆


“The food today is yummy!” David said as he kept munching on his food.

“What’s yummy about it? It’s just the same food we eat every day”Luke replied starring at Judy who was quiet.

What’s with her? He thought as he continued eating his food.

“I don’t see Valerie and Bryan” Mira said starring around the cafeteria.

“That’s because they are currently busy” David said smiling to himself.

“Busy with what?” Mira asked.

“You see those two are pretending to be dating to…..”

“What!” Mira yelled which caught people’s attention.

“Didn’t you hear about it? It’s the gossip going around the school” Pearl told her slowly.

“But why are they in a pretence relationship?” Mira asked.

“To get Leo off her back. You know he recently began showing interest in Valerie and so Bryan is only doing this to help her” David whispered to her but that didn’t make her feel at ease.

“So where are they?” Mira asked.

“While having a chat with Bryan yesterday, I realized some thing” David began.

“Which is?” Luke asked.

“Which is that Bryan is interested in Valerie” David said grinning like a fool.

“That’s absurd” Judy spoke for the first time ever since they all gathered to eat breakfast.

“It is true. Bryan was talking about his heart playing a trick on him but he wasn’t sure and so I did some thing to help him get his answers” David said.

“What did you do ?” Judy asked knowing she won’t like his answer.

“I lock them both up!” He said looking like some one who just won the world cup.

“Who asked you to do that!” Mira yelled startling every one including David.

“Well I….I thought that if they are both locked up, it will help Bryan know what he feels for Valerie, I….didn’t mean to cause trouble. I only wanted to help” David replied wondering why Mira is upset about it.

“Did they ask you for it? They are some times when you are annoying!” She said turning to leave.

“Where are you going?” David asked.

“To get them out of your stupid plan” Mira replied before storming out of the cafeteria.

“Just what is her deal? She’s gonna ruin things for Valerie and Bryan” David said his appetite gone.

“They didn’t ask you to do it in the first place” Luke said slowly.

“They didn’t but I only wanted to help Bryan. The poor thing was confused about his feelings and it’s only right that I meddle, don’t you think so girls?” He asked waiting for a response from Judy and Pearl.

“If it turns out that Bryan likes Valerie, he will figure it out himself, you didn’t have to meddle” Judy replied before leaving her seat.

Feeling some thing was off, Luke also excused him self, going after her which left David and Pearl.

“Excuse me, I have some thing to do” Pearl said wanting to leave but David took hold of her hand.

“Do you also think that my meddling is wrong?” David asked.

“I don’t, you were only thinking about your friends. Can you let go of my hand now, have got to go” She said trying to pull free but he tightened his hold on it.

“Stay and continue your break fast, you don’t have to leave even though the others did” he said.

“I have things to do” Pearl replied still trying to pull her hand out of his.

“Are you perhaps avoiding me? Is it because of the things I said yesterday?” David asked.

“You said a lot of things yesterday and after thinking about it, I found myself understanding your point. I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes” she replied slowly.

“But” David persisted knowing she still had more to say.

“But it’s hard for me. I would be lying if I said am no longer in love with you cause I still am. Infact have been in love with you for a year now, you just didn’t notice until now” she replied having a sad expression.

“And even when you did, you rejected me. It’s quite painful and hard to get rid of the feelings I have for you but I will do it,David. And to achieve that I think it’s best that we stay away from each other” Pearl suggested making David speechless for a while.

” Do you think that staying away from me will help and besides we attend the same school and we are friends, it will be hard avoiding me” David said hurriedly.

“Staying away from you will certainly help, I can get to meet other guys and fall in love with one of them and school is big enough for us to avoid each other. Luckily for me we aren’t in the same class and we should stop being friends for now until I get my feelings sorted out” She replied.

“You really are going to push through with this plan of yours?” David asked and she nodded.

“It might be hard but am gonna make sure it works. So you can let go of my hand now” she said and that’s when he noticed that he was holding onto her hand tightly.

“Oh! Sorry” he said letting her go.

“See you” Pearl said before leaving the table while he kept starring at her.

“Meet other guys and fall in love with them ? Tch! And you say you love me!” He murmured to himself in anger trying to eat again but when he couldn’t, he push the plate away and left the cafeteria.


“What’s going on here?” Mira asked as she stared at Bryan and Valerie who were both locked in each other arms.

“Nothing!” Chloe replied as she quickly move out of Bryan arms though Bryan didn’t want to let go.

“Are you sure?” Mira asked starring at the both of them suspiciously.

“I am sure. How did you find us?” Chloe asked quickly changing the subject.

“That dummy David told us about his plan and so I came to help you both out of this unwanted situation ” Mira replied now starring at Bryan.

“It’s is an unwanted situation right?” She asked only starring at Bryan.

“Of course! It is an unwanted situation. If I had known what David was up to, I would never have listened to him” Chloe replied quickly missing the look Mira kept giving Bryan.

“It isn’t an unwanted situation to me” Bryan said suddenly before leaving the room.

“What the hell is he saying?” Chloe mumbled before turning to Mira.

“Let’s go before we get locked in again” Chloe said wanting to leave but Mira pulled her back.

“Is something really going on between you and Bryan or is it just farce?” Mira asked looking very serious that Chloe was speechless for a while.

“Of course not! There’s nothing going on between Bryan and I and you should put your mind at ease cause nothing will ever happen between us” Chloe said forcing a smile on her face.

“That sounds better, let’s go” Mira replied with a smile on her face and slowly Chloe followed her out of the room.

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