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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?? H£R
{My heart desire…}?

Gbemi Writes✍️

Chapter 3? 4


The Secrets In Her Diary
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆


“Until when will you keep acting like a child? Isn’t it time you grow up?” Leo asked glaring at Bryan even as Chloe stood In between them her hand still entrapped in theirs.

“What does growing up have to do with this? I got here first, I saw her first and I was talking to her first and you just barged out of no where to claim her attention” Bryan returned sheepishly.

“Well I have the right to because am her fiance” Leo stated again and that jolt Chloe back to reality.

Chloe had stood motionless in between them wondering how she ended up in this mess when Leo words drifted to her.

She was about talking when Bryan pulled at her which got her wincing gently due to the pain of him pulling her arm.

“Fiance! You h@ťě being refered to as her fiance” Bryan said just as Leo pulled at her other hand.

“That isn’t your business, so I suggest you…. Arrrghhh!” Leo yelled out in pain when Chloe bite him on his hand.

She then turn to Bryan and kick him on his right leg and that got her hand free from him too.

“What was that for!” Leo yelled at her while Bryan kept clutching at his leg unable to talk.

“First of all am not the girl you think I am and secondly you only had to ask me and I would have gladly told you both that I have no intention of speaking to anyone of you!” She yelled while they both stared at her in surprise along with the students who were around.

“So let’s do this guys, You go this way” she said to Leo while pointing to her left.

“While you go that way” she said to Bryan pointing to her right this time around.

“And I go this way” She added even as she quickly run into the building leaving Bryan and Leo starring after her.

Chloe kept running until she was out of sight. She leaned on the wall taking deep breaths.

“Who the hell are those two dimwits!” She murmured to herself while she massaged her wrist.

She look around her wondering what place she was when she heard her name or Valerie name being called.

Three girls ran towards her and hugged her before she could say or do a thing.

“Thank God you are back!”

“We really missed you!”

“Ɓîtçh! How could you leave without communicating with us for two months”

The girls threw the questions at her and when Chloe could take it no more, she yell at them to stop which they did.

“Err, I doubt if you know this but am not who you think I am and I don’t know you…..”

“Right! Your mom told us about you having Amnesia. That’s bad but we are here for you” A girl said cutting her off abruptly.

“Am Mira” the blonde amongst them introduce herself.

“And Julie though everyone refer to me as Judy, you did too that is if you remember” The tomboy who had refered to her as Ɓîtçh said.

“And am Pearl, it seems odd introducing ourselves to you again when we’ve known each other since we were kids but then you’ve got amnesia” the girl whose hair is black and curly said.

“Yes, I happen to have Amnesia and I can’t remember a thing, not even my class” Chloe replied deciding to play along with them.

“That’s easy cause we are all in the same class” Mira said taking hold of Chloe hand.

“But girl you do look different, what have you been doing to yourself?” Judy asked as they made their way to class.

“Nothing much” Chloe replied feeling at ease with the three girls.

“That’s a lie cause gone are your braces and your weird sense of dress and your hair, it smells nice. You’ve done a complete make over” Pearl chipped in even as they took the stairs.

“Well I like the new you Valerie. With you being gorgeous that prick of a Leo won’t ignore you ” Mira said chuckling softly.

“Mira, whether he ignores her or not it’s the best thing for Valerie, I never liked him for her” Judy added.

Chloe tried to ask them more about Leo when a noise drew their attention.

“What did you just say? What the f-__-k did you say?” A boy asked glaring down at the girl who stood in front of him with a box of chocolates.

“I…I ….said that I like you” the girl answered and that got him hitting the chocolate off her hand even as he pushed her to the floor.

On seeing this Chloe wanted to go to the guy and punch his face when Pearl and Mira held her back.

“You must be sick if you think I will ever like some one like you, what even gave you the guts to confess your feelings, you dim wit!” He said kicking the girl on her leg.

“Fools like you aren’t meant to be in this school, f-__-k you!” He yelled down at her before walking off.

Chloe sadly watch the girl as she left the hall in tears.

“Who the hell is that jerk?” Chloe blurted out not caring if the other students heard her.

“He is Wilfred, a friend of Leo your fiance” Pearl replied.

“And he is also a bully who bullies the weak and also….he bullied you too” Mira admitted slowly.

“He bullied me?” Chloe asked thinking about Valerie and what she must have gone through.

“Along with Marianna and Jessica and Cathy your cousin, they all bullied you” Judy added.

“So you are saying a cousin of mine also bullied me along with that Wilfred guy?” Chloe asked and the three of them nodded which got Chloe wondering if these people are the reason why Valerie disappeared.

“You see you…..” Pearl stopped wh@ťěver she was going to say when they heard the bell ring.

“We better get to class before we get punished” Mira said as they all went to class.

As soon as the four of them walk into class, the students there stopped talking on seeing Chloe.

“Why are they starring at me?” Chloe asked as the girls led her to her seat which is at the back row with them.

“They all thought you gone for good, they are probably surprised to see you back” Pearl said.

“I will bet a dollar that they are all stunned at seeing how pretty you are now” Judy added glaring at them all.

If only they know the truth behind her being pretty? Chloe thought just as the door open revealing Bryan.

Girls, including her three new friends were all ogling him even as he went to the front row and sat on one of the empty seats there.

Is he in her class? She thought just as Leo also came into the class moving to the second row where he took his seat.

Turns out both this jerks are in the same class as her.

The door open and a girl whose beauty could get all the guys going crazy walked in accompanied by Wilfred.

Now who is she? Chloe thought even as the girl gaze landed on her.

She let out a smirk which told Chloe that she had some thing up her sleeve.

“So, the prodigal daughter is back” she said even as she made her way to Chloe.

“That’s Stephanie, your cousin” Pearl quickly whispered to Chloe just as Stephanie got to them.

“Aunt had kept you locked up in your room that i didn’t get to see your face” Stephanie said as soon as she got to Chloe.

” Were you at my house yesterday?” Chloe asked already hating the girl.

“Of course, that’s where I live. You must have forgotten because you’ve lost a screw” Stephanie said.

“Apart from losing a screw, you’ve also dolled yourself up” Wilfred added glaring down at her.

“I hope it isn’t because of Leo?” Stephanie said and that got Chloe starring at Leo who had his gaze on her and a mocking smile on his face.

“And why do you think it’s because of Leo?” Chloe asked.

“Ahh, I forgot that you are suffering from Amnesia but I don’t mind telling you again since that will get my message clear to you” Stephanie said

“Everyone knows how crazy you are about him, you can ask your friends if you don’t believe me but then….Leo belongs to me and no matter how much you doll yourself up, he won’t ever look your way” Stephanie said staking her claim already.

Apart from being bullied, Valerie also had to suffer from an unrequited love, Chloe thought.

“I doubt that she understands Stephanie, why don’t we just take her to the gym just like we did in the past?” Wilfred suggest.

“I know you and the girls would love to bully her today but we can’t. Today is her first day in school after being absent for two months, so let’s give her some breathing space ” Stephanie said.

“See you later cousin”She added before going to her seat which was beside Leo.

Chloe sat watching Leo and Stephanie who were now talking to each other.

Rolling her eyes at them, she looked away only to meet with a pair of blue eyes studying her intently.

Bryan flashed her a smile which she ignored just as the teacher came into class.

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