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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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“Do you think it’s Amnesia?” Brenda Willow asked doctor Larry who kept starring at Chloe.

“Probably. If she’s claiming not to be your daughter then she must be suffering from memory loss, do you remember being hospitalized some where?” Doctor Larry asked her.

“I don’t remember being hospitalized cause I was never in an hospital” Chloe stated already getting fed up of explaining to them.

“I will prescribe some drugs to her cause just like you think, she must be suffering from Amnesia” the doctor told Brenda.

“Do what you can, I don’t care about the cost just help my daughter regain her memory” Brenda said even as she escort Larry out of the room.

Chloe sat still on the bed letting out a sigh while wondering how things got this far.

Due to her trying to get them to believe that she’s not who they claim her to be, she’s been having a headache and all she wants is to sleep which is why when Carmen brought her a drug to use, she used it immediately and doze off.


Chloe woke up with a start when she heard some one foot step in the room and for a while she thought she was back in Kentucky and in her old room in the hostel where she used to live but Carmen voice made her aware that she’s still In Washington DC.

“If you are up Miss, I suggest you go and get ready for school” Carmen told her and it was on Chloe lips to tell her that she isn’t going when she notice the purple and black uniform on the sofa.

“Is that really a M&M uniform?” Chloe asked even as she went towards it.

“It is, your uniform to be precise. Your mom made some altercation but I do believe that it will be a perfect size for you” Carmen informed.

Feeling too excited by the prospect of going to M&M, Chloe dashed off to the bathroom where she quickly got ready for school.

Fully dressed in her purple and black attire, she stood in front of the huge mirror starring at herself, when the thought of the real daughter of the house came to haunt her.

What exactly happened to her? Why would she leave her mom when it’s obvious that her mom cares about her, Chloe thought remembering last night.

She had woken during the night to see Brenda sleeping on the sofa in her room obviously wanting to take care of the girl who she believes to be her daughter.

“Am not you, though I wonder why we both have the same face” Chloe murmured, picking up another frame which had the girl picture in it.

It was then she noticed a book behind some pile of other books.

She pulled it out and read what was written on the first page.


Valerie, that’s the name of their daughter, Chloe thought wanting to turn to another page but Carmen chose that moment to come in and quickly, she put the book into her bag and left the room with her.

A while later the guard who had drove her to school halted in the parking lot where other students were alighting from their car.

“Thank you ” Chloe said cheerfully to the driver who stared at her In surprise since the real Valerie never thanked him each time he brought her to school.

She was so caught up with starring at M&M surrounding that she didn’t notice some of the students watching her and when she finally did, she stared back at them not for once flinching at the look they gave her.

She took the stairs that led to the building which had everyone classes in it.

If she goes in there pretending to be Valerie then it would be hard for her getting her life back, is she really doing the right thing?

She might be so much tempted now because of her dream school but it’s wrong for her to live as someone else.

So instead of going in, Chloe turn to leave only for her to stop when she heard some girls screaming.

And it was all due to the arrival of a male student who Chloe couldn’t deny looks hot.

He had a mischievous smirk on his face even as he chew a gum but as soon as his gaze landed on her amidst the crowd. Recognition dawn in his eyes and slowly he made his way to her.

“Can’t believe you are back” he said still chewing on the gum and to Chloe surprise he spilled out the gum while some of the female students fought on who to throw it away.

Chloe was still starring at the female students who were going crazy over his gum when he said.

“Are you perhaps back to pay me what you owe?” He asked.

“What I owe….” The confused Chloe let her sentence trail off expecting him to fill it which he did.

“Have you forgotten the kiss you stole from me two months ago” he said which got her eyes widening in shock.

She was saved from giving a reply when a white Lamborghini drove in and once again the female students rush over to the car screaming their lungs out.

A male student got out of the car and no one had to tell Chloe that he is also someone important just as the guy standing beside her is.

“There he goes big again” she heard the gum guy say beside her before her gaze went back to the student who just arrived and to Chloe surprise, he was heading towards them.

“I was surprise when I saw your pictures trending on the school platform and it turns out that you’ve really come back” he said now standing beside her.

“It’s a good thing you are back cause you and I have got a lot of things to talk about” he said taking hold of Chloe’s hand intent on pulling her away but the gum guy held her other hand preventing her from leaving.

“You can’t take her away, I got here first and I was talking to her before you arrived, Leo” the gum guy said calling the other guy by his name.

“Oh really! Sorry, though I can’t comply with that cause after all am her fiance and have got more right over her, Bryan” Leo said tightening his hold on Chloe hand just as Bryan did the same.

And Chloe whose hand was being pulled couldn’t feel the pain cause her mind was on some thing else entirely.

On her right stood the guy who claimed to have shared a kiss with her while on her left stood the guy who is claiming to be her fiance.

Just what did she get herself into…….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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