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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HELL IS EMPTY – Episode 7 & 8

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THEME:The end of the immortals


All rights reserved🖤






Written by; L Gold✍🏼



{ CHAPTER 7✯8}

(An accident)



The king sighed as he stared out of the window,the half moon was shining brightly and that gave him peace

His mind suddenly travelled back to when they were cursed


He was about to try and get up when he felt his bones crack and he yelped in pain as they reformed too and he turned into a beast

The king stood up and stared at his fury hands,he wanted to scream out but it came out as a growl scaring the others and they moved away

He stared at everyone in shock,pain and shame all in one.

They had all been turned into animals and some were too engrossed and checking themselves out that they didn’t realise the beast in front of them,some turned to tigers,,eagles, peaÇ0çƙs, snakes,cheetahs while some turned into mythical creatures which are vampires,werewolves,dragons,demons,witches and hybrids,King Austin was the only Lycan amongst them

They were all turned into those creatures according to their sins,those that sinned the most were being turned into the deadly creatures such as demons, werewolves and vampires

They turned others that pretended to care about others while stabbing them in their backs into snakes to show their characters

Those that were too envious of others were turned into witches to show how dark their hearts were and the gods were graceful enough to turn others into peaÇ0çƙs, harmless creatures

King Austin and his family were punished even more,he was turned into a Lycan whereas his wife Hailey turned to be the strongest and ugliest witch,nobody knew what Sierra was going to turn into since she died before the curse

The king’s child with Hailey turned out to be a hybrid when she was being checked the moment she was born.Hades had to be punished for his father’s sins since he was the first heir of the king,he possessed different kinds of powers and abilities and even had the seven deadliest demons spirits inside of him

It was difficult to discover what he was unlike like the others,but his curse also turned out to be a blessing in disguise since he was feared all over and rendered the most powerful heir and future king that would be able to take care of his people.

The king was about to step back when a snake hissed and raised his head

“Ahhhh!!!” the king screamed and the snake slithered away but it came out as a loud growl gaining the others attention

All eyes fell on him and he saw the fear in each one of their eyes,the king didn’t think twice as he ran out and disappeared into the woods,he ran until his chest pained and he finally stopped when he was far away to catch his breath

Rain started falling and he saw a river nearby and went to stare at his reflection and when he did he staggered back in fear and shock,he looked up and cried out but it came out as a howl

“Let me help you” a voice said behind him and he turned to see a man standing there with a bag over his shoulder,he looked like he was in his mid forties

The king stepped back,he wanted to speak but no words came out

The man chuckled and walked up to him

“I’m the greatest seer and have been sent by the gods to warn you,I have been trying to get to you but your people didn’t let me,looking at you… it’s clearly too late” he smirked

The king angrily stepped forward and growled at him

“Still as Ç0çƙy as ever I see,the more you struggle to listen to the gods,the more difficult it will be for you to live with this curse” he dropped the bag “I’m here to help you,step forward”

The king just stared at him and he just wondered why this stranger wasn’t afraid of him whereas he’s a hideous creature

“Step forward King” he said sternly and king Austin walked towards him and stopped when he was only few metres away

The man touched him but he shifted away and he gave the king a glare and he stood still to let him do wh@ťěver he wanted

“Very strong,it shows there’s royal blood pumping in you” he smiled and stood in front of the king “Now close your eyes,clear your mind and think of yourself being human again”

King Austin shut his eyes for a while and opened them after in frustration and growled

“Clear your mind and concentrate, let’s try again” the man stepped back

The king shut his eyes and soon after his bones snapped and reformed

He yelped out in pain as he transformed back to human,when he was done he felt drained out and fell on his knees

“Wear this” the man pulled out a cloth in his bag and threw it at the king since his clothes were ripped to peaces

The king stared at his hands and laughed out in excitement,he didn’t even mind being stark naked as he ran back to the river and stared at his reflection

“I’m human again!” he laughed out and ran back to the man and hugged him and when he snapped out of his little happiness he cleared his throat and stepped back “S..Sorry” he cleared his throat and grabbed the cloth and wrapped it around himself

“The gods were too lenient on you by making you a shape shifting Lycan,by the way I’m Thaddeus”

“What is a shape shifting Lycan?” the king stared at him in confusion

“It means you have a Lycan blood running in you and you’re half human,meaning you can let your inner beasts out anytime and can transform back,a Lycan is the strongest hybrid.A hybrid is the mixture of both werewolf and vampire genes, that’s what you’re” he smirked

The king nodded and something crossed his mind

“My wife! Hailey! I saw her in a dream,there was this woman who…who was—”

“Your wife and child are alright—”

“How can she be okay! It felt real! It was more than just a dream you know that!” he roughened his hair in confusion and frustration

“You’re right” he smiled “It wasn’t just a dream,it was more of a vision which carries a message, it’s up to you to know it and uncover the secrets hidden behind it,now there’s one more thing you need to do” he looked at the king

“What is that?” King Austin stared at him

“You have to humble yourself,own up to your mistakes and beg for forgiveness,if not there will be hell to pay,you know what you did king” the man picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder

“Tamara..” the king whispered to himself

“Go! I will be waiting at the palace for you to return to your people and your wife” he smiled before going into the woods heading for the royal house

The king didn’t waste time and he ran and ran until he was closer to where Tamara and Sabrina lived,he stopped when he was closer to catch his breath but Tamara’s scream got him panicked and he ran to the house

When he arrived he pushed the door open and stood there,he could see everything that was happening in the inner room since it had no door

Tamara was sweating profusely and Sabrina was urging her to push while wiping the sweat off her forehead

He watched as Tamara pushed the baby out,she was struggling and he badly wanted to go over to them and hold her hand at least but he couldn’t

Soon after a cry of a baby echoed in the whole house and the king found himself smiling

“It’s a boy!” Sabrina said with excitement as she cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby with a clean white cloth

Tamara sighed and laid back and cried out in joy,Austin walked towards the room and when they heard his footsteps they turned to him

He looked at Tamara with pleading eyes and she looked away to avoid his gaze

Sabrina silently stood up and walked up to him with the baby and when she tried to give him the baby he shook his head and she gave him an assuring smile

He hesitated but finally took the child from Sabrina,he looked so tiny that it felt so unreal to the king

“I have to give him a bath” Sabrina gently took the child from King Austin’s arms and excused herself

“Mi lady,I… I’m sorry…for everything,I have seen the error of my ways and the gods punished me, please find it in your heart to forgive me” he begged

“I forgave you a long time ago” Tamara glanced at him

“I…I wanted to know if—”

“If I’d let you take care of our child?” she cut him off and he nodded “What happened between us has nothing to do with the child and at the end he’s your son,you can see him whenever it suits you” she said softly

“Thank you” he said and sighed “I’ll leave you to rest ” he smiled and she nodded and looked away

The king left the room and saw Sabrina bathing the baby across the other room and stared for a while before going out

He left for the palace and arrived after a long time since it was far,when he arrived the whole place looked messed up,walls had collapsed and his beautiful garden was destroyed including the gates

The villagers that had turned to creatures including the blood sucking vampires, werewolves and hybrids caught a human scent and turned to him and walked slowly towards him like predators ready to attack their preys

The king knew they weren’t in their right senses and he moved back in fear not knowing what to do

He suddenly thought of something and closed his eyes,after a moment his bones snapped and reformed and he growled out in pain

The creatures whimpered when they saw the beast in front of them and they moved back in fear

Some taking chances jumped on him and he didn’t waste time in biting them off and ripped them apart,one wolf managed to jump on him and bit his shoulder and he growled out in pain and dragged it off and ripped it apart separating its head from its body

The rest of the chances moved back in fear as he did that,blood was all over even on king Austin’s claws

He looked at each one of them and released a loud growl,it was to show authority and that he was the king

They bowed their heads to show respect and he felt happy and satisfied,king Austin transformed back to his human form and he spotted Thaddeus,the strange man he met earlier with Hailey leaning on him for support while smiling at him,she rubbed her protruding baby bump and nodded at him

From there onwards King Austin ruled the kingdom in harmony with Thaddeus by his side,they taught the villagers how to shapeshift and control their inner beasts and urges

The kingdom was divided into ten clans,the vampires lived with werewolves and got along and was even allowed to mate resulting in producing the hybrid species

Witches had their own clan and the rest of the creatures


He turned and took a book on the mini table and sat down and flipped through the pages

The door suddenly opened and Queen Hailey walked up to him

“My lord” she smiled at him and tried to peck his cheek and he shifted away and she frowned “You called for me?”

“Take a seat” he said nonchalantly and she sat down facing him “Hades is bringing his mother to stay with us,I want you not to pull any of your dirty stunt or treat her otherwise” he stared at her

“But my lord—”

“This wasn’t a matter of discussion” he said sternly and cleared his throat “By the way I called you here not only because of that, there’s an issue that keeps bugging me, it’s been years but it still hits my head against the wall whenever I think about it ” he furrowed his brows

Hailey cleared her throat and listened attentively

“About Zahra’s birth,the time she was conceived” he stated and Hailey’s mood changed

“W..What about it?” she stuttered

“Zahra was conceived four weeks just after Hades was conceived and you were only pregnant for nine months— ”

“My lord” she interrupted “If I may ask,where is this going exactly?” she asked softly

“My question is,the time we told the villagers that you were expecting…were you really expecting? Because If you really were ,Zahra was supposed to be born before Hades even if he was conceived a month before her I’m well aware Tamara was pregnant for a year”

“M…My lord?” bids of sweats formed on her forehead

“Answer me Hailey!” he glared at her

“Of course I was,if Tamara was able to carry a child for a year why couldn’t I? Maybe it was part of the curse” she defended “And about knowing how long Tamara carried Hades,how did you know? Were you that in love with her! That you spied on her!” she sprang up

“I need some time alone ” he simply said without looking at her

Hailey stared at him in disbelief before storming off

King Austin sighed and took his focus back to the book



The alarm rang for the umpteenth time and Kenneth groaned and pushed Esmeralda off the bed

“Kenny stop I’m falling!” Esmeralda whined but it was too late as she fell in a thud “Awww!” she groaned in pain

“Finally you’re awake” Kenny mumbled in a sleepy voice “switch that thing off!” he covered himself with the blanket

Esmeralda got up and switched it off,she was about to go to the bathroom to take a bath when she caught a glimpse of her favourite socks on Kenneth’s feet

She got hold of the blanket and pulled it off

“What!” Kenneth glared at her

“Are you wearing my pyjamas!” Esmeralda gasped dramatically “And my favourite socks!! How dare you!!”

“Ohh come on girl, sleeping wearing those clothes was uncomfortable so I just borrowed myself your pyjamas and i didn’t know these socks are your favourite” Kenneth rolled his eyes

“How dare you!” Esmeralda grabbed a pillow and got on him and attacked him with it

“Ouch! You’re too heavy! Get off me you baby cow!!” he pushed her off and she fell next to him

“You’re just lucky” she frowned and got off the bed and stormed to the bathroom

“What is wrong with this baby cow!” he scoffed “Now my beauty sleep is ruined!” he groaned and screamed in the pillow

Esmeralda returned after a while with a towel wrapped on her head and herself,she gave Kenneth a nasty glare before grabbing a black formal trouser and a white blouse with white sneakers and dashed out again

Esmeralda got dressed in the bathroom and when she was done she tied her hair into a tight and neat bun with just one pin and applied light make-up on her face

She rushed to her room to take her bag when she was done but Kenneth was no longer in the room,she frowned and rushed downstairs

A sweet aroma welcomed her and a smile crept up on her face,she tiptoed gently and kissed Kenneth’s cheek

“Ewww!” Kenneth quickly wiped off his cheek and glared at her

“What! You liked it didn’t you?” she winked at him and smirked

“Don’t do that you look like you got hit by a stroke” he scrunched his nose

Esmeralda bursted into laughter and smacked the back of his head

“Are you done yet?” she checked the time on her watch “I’m going to be late”

“Don’t worry, I’ll simply put your food in this” he took out an empty lunch box and dished out the food and filled it up “Now you can eat when you get there or anywhere I don’t know” he handed it to her

“Aww aren’t you just the best boyfriend ever!” Esmeralda gushed and took it

“I’m starting to think that you like me girlie and i must warn you not to fall for me I don’t do girls eww!” he blurted out his lips in disgust

“Bye Kenny!” she laughed and blew him a kiss before leaving and he caught it and smiled widely

“Bye baby cow!” he waved as he watched her leave

Esmeralda walked for some time and a taxi appeared,she stopped it and got in

“Arcea Facility please” she said to the driver and he nodded

As soon as he drove off she opened her lunchbox and started munching on the food

The car got into a pothole and the ketchup on the food spilled on her

“Hey!” She shouted and the driver looked at her

“I’m so sorry miss I don’t usually take this route I’m still trying to get used to the potholes around here” he grabbed a tissue and passed it to her

“Thanks” she wiped it off but her blouse was already stained “God!” she groaned

“I’m so sorry,we can stop somewhere and I’ll get you a new one—”

“No it’s okay,I’m going to be late if you do that, I’ll just see what I can do with …this” she sighed

“Okay” he simply said and silence fell over them till they arrived

She paid him before running out but halted on her steps when she reached the entrance

Esmeralda shoved the lunchbox in her bag and searched for the bathroom,when she finally found it she dashed in without realising it was for men and the ladies bathroom was on the other side

She threw her bag on the floor and unbuttoned her blouse quickly,when she was about to rinse her blouse in the basin the door opened and she turned to see a man walking in

“$h|t I’m so sorry!” he quickly turned away

“Ahh!” she screamed and wore it back

“I’m so sorry ma’am, I didn’t know you were in here and you’re not supposed to be here” he pointed at the sign above and that’s when it dawned to her and her face turned pale

“I’m sorry I didn’t realise..” she picked up her bag and went out and he got hold of her hand

“I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable, I’m Brandon and—”

“I’m sorry I have to go” she cut him off and ran off

Brandon smiled to himself and leaned against the wall

Esmeralda walked back to the receptionist and she took her to the top floor to submit her resume

“There” the receptionist pointed at the last door and Esmeralda thanked her before leaving

She knocked gently on the door and a male voice answered

She pushed the door open slowly and walked in

“Good morning sir,I… I’m here to submit my resume” she said nervously

“Hmm,take a seat” the man said while scanning her “Your…shirt or wh@ťěver that is…” he pointed at the stain on her blouse

“I… I’m sorry It was an accident and I was going to be late if I did something about it” she rushed her words in panic

“Alright” he gave her an unpleasant look and she gulped down nothing

He held out his hand and she quickly pulled out a file and he took it and looked into it

“Hmmm..not bad and we might just start the interview right away” he glanced at her and leaned back on his seat

“What! Umm thank you..are you serious!?” she held herself from screaming

“Yes but on one condition” he slowly stood up and walked behind her

Esmeralda shifted uncomfortably in her seat and bids of sweat formed on her forehead

“Wh..What is the condition.. sir?” she stuttered nervously

“You,play a little..” he placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them lightly “with me” he smirked

“What!” Esmeralda stood up and stepped back away from him

“Ohh come on,stop acting like a baby! You know what I mean” he unbuckled his belt

“What are you doing!? Get away from me or I’ll scream!” Esmeralda panicked and looked around for a weapon she could use to defend herself but there was none

“Come here” he moved closer to her and in a swift he had her hand locked in his grip

“Let go of me!” she tried to free herself but he pulled her towards him and held on tight to her and tried to kiss her but she shifted her head away

“You think you’re something special huh? You think you can be feisty on me? I’ll show you feisty!” he dragged her to the couch and threw her on it

Esmeralda screamed and he hovered over her and covered her mouth and she kicked him off,he fell back and hit his head on the corner of the table and fell in a thud

Silence fell over the room and only the panting of Esmeralda can be heard,she stood up and looked at the unconscious man on the floor

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw blood on the floor coming out of his head and she staggered back and fell on the couch again

“Theo! ” a knock interrupted her thoughts and she glanced between the closed door and the unconscious man

“My god! What have I done!” she cried

“Theo! Are you in here!? Open up man! The meeting is about to start!!” the person behind the door knocker harder

Esmeralda stood up and paced back and forth not knowing what to do,her heart was thudding so hard that she heard it in her ears and a lump got stuck in her throat that no matter how much she swallowed it wouldn’t go away

Her heart sank when she saw the door knob turn and the door opened




Written by Your Dzadzy ✍🏼

★★★ ††† ★★★



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