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HomeHELL IS EMPTYHELL IS EMPTY – Episode 13 & 14

HELL IS EMPTY – Episode 13 & 14

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THEME:The end of the immortals


All rights reserved🖤






Written by; L Gold✍🏼



{ CHAPTER 13✯14}

(Trip to the human world)


HB TOWN; Loureii Home

It was in the evening and the Loureii family were having dinner including Gabriella and Brandon who hadn’t left Esmeralda’s side for one bit

“Son,I hope you’re comfortable there” Mr Loureii glanced at Brandon and he nodded and forced a smile

“I am,thank you but I have to be on my way” he wiped his mouth “I have something to take care of at work, I’m sorry to leave in the middle of dinner” he gave Mr Loureii an apologetic look

“No problem,Esme will walk you out” Mr Loureii glanced at Esme and she grabbed her glass of juice and gulped it at one go

“Come on” Brandon held Esmeralda’s hand and they stood up and went out

As soon as they were outside Esmeralda yanked her hand from his grip

“Love,why did you do that?” Brandon turned to her and gave a smirk

“What did you do with that man?” Esmeralda glared at him

“You mean Theo? Ohh I got rid of his body,I threw him in the woods for the—”

“How can you do that!” Esme grabbed him by the collar “He’s still a human being who deserved to be buried by his family! Once they know he’s missing—”

“They won’t ” he cut her off “Relax and trust me I know what I’m doing” He smiled at her “Now get in the car I’ll drop you off then we can talk about the wedding date and everything else”

“I’m not getting married to you!” Esme said through gritted teeth and let go of him

“Ohh really?” he chuckled “Then I guess we should tell your father what you—” he said in a high pitched voice but Esme covered his mouth before he could utter the last words

“Don’t” Esme whispered

The door opened and her father came out

“What is it that we shouldn’t know?” He arched his brow and glanced at them

Esme nervously took her hand off Brandon’s mouth and faced her father


“That she agreed to be my wife” Brandon completed and looked at Esme

“Ohh that’s wonderful” Mr Loureii smiled “Anyway safe travel”

“Thank you” Brandon held Esmeralda’s waist firmly and took her to the car,he opened the car door for her and she got in and looked at her father before forcing a smile

He waved at them and Brandon nodded before getting into the driver’s seat and drove out

“Come to the facility tomorrow” He spoke up without looking at her

“Why?” she glared at him

“It’s your first day, you’re hired” he glanced at her for a moment before focusing back on the road

“But I thought Mr Xander is the—”

“You mean my father right? He gave me permission to fire and hire people so I’m hiring you” he looked at her and chuckled

“T…Thanks” she muttered and silence fell over them until Brandon spoke up

“I want us to get married as soon as possible,on friday” he said bluntly

“What! That’s too soon! It’s four days from now are you insane!!?” Esmeralda snapped at him

“Why do you always have to scream!” Brandon chuckled “We’re gonna get married sooner or later so I prefer sooner” he shrugged

“Stop the car,I want to get off” she unbuckled her seatbelt

“What! We haven’t even reached your home yet” he looked at her

“Stop the car now! Or I’ll jump off” she thr_@tened and Brandon immediately hit the brakes

She didn’t waste time and got off the car angrily and marched away

“Love! Don’t blame me when they take advantage of you” Brandon shouted at her and zoomed off afterwards

Esmeralda huffed and sat at a nearby bench to wait for a taxi,it soon arrived and she hailed it



Dry twigs broke in half as the paws of two big wolves stepped on them

They raised their heads up in the sky and howled at the full moon and immediately ran off deep into the woods,their pants echoed in the air

One wolf was big but the other was gigantic and it’s paws held so much weight that when they hit the ground it shook

The rouge wolves sprang up as they heard the sound of the two wolves,they got ready to pounce on their preys

Rouge wolves were mischief wolves that were cut off packs and were banished from their kingdom,they lived in the outskirts in the forest and fended for themselves…their rights as wolves were stripped off them and they lost their sanity in the process,all they knew is hunting,ki||ing and eating to survive

The two wolves halted as they caught the scent of the rouge wolves and they backed each other and they looked around in alert

The rouge wolves came out of their hidden spots one by one and surrounded the two wolves

The bigger rouge wolf charged towards the wolves and the rest followed its lead

The two wolves fought the rouge wolves off with all their might,the sounds of bones snapping and whimpers was heard ad the two wolves ripped them apart

One wolf jumped on the bigger wolf and bit its neck,it groaned in pain and dragged off the rouge before holding its jaws and separated it in half and threw it at the last rouge standing before charging on it and bit its head off

The other wolf transformed back to Colton,his personal guard,his clothes were still intact and he looked around in disgust

“What a bloody sight” he chuckled and kicked the head of the other dead rouge wolf

The gigantic wolf transformed back to Prince Hades and he looked unharmed at all

“You’re not injured,not even one bit! How do you do that!?” Colton gawked at him

Hades shrugged and walked away and Colton followed behind him

“I want to ask you something”Hades glanced at Colton “Will yo cone with me to the human world? I still remember how badly you wanted to go there”

“Are you serious!” Colton shouted in excitement “S..Sorry” he cleared his throat

“It’s okay,as long as you promise not to blow our cover” Hades smiled “When we get there just pack your bags we’re leaving first thing tomorrow”

“Cool” Colton smiled and Hades threw his arm over his shoulder as they walked back to the castle



“I told you not to put ice in it!” the head maid screamed at Rose before storming off to her other duties and she flinched in fear

Someone entered the kitchen and all eyes fell on her except for Rose who was trying to reach for a glass on the top shelf

The girl walked up to her and reached for it and gave it to Rose

“Th..Thanks” Rose muttered and turned to whoever it was and when she saw her face she gasped “Roseline!”

“Wait you guys are… twins?” another maid interrupted their reunion

“Even a dumb person can figure that out” Roseline muttered bluntly and raised her brow and the maid flushed in embarrassment

“How did you find me?” Rose held her twin sister’s hands

They were so identical that one wouldn’t be able to differentiate them if it wasn’t for Roseline’s short dyed hair and her tattoo,Rose’s hair was dyed too but it was blood red in colour

“T..They took me too but that’s not important,how are you feeling? Did they hurt you?” Roseline bombarded her with questions and held her

“N..No they’re not as bad as you think ” Rose mumbled and but her lip

“Just be careful I don’t trust—”

“Roseline! Princess Zahra is looking for you” the head maid shouted as she entered the kitchen

Rose nodded slowly and Roseline sighed before leaving to Princess Zahra’s chamber

She adjusted her skirt as she walked down the hallway

“Stupid dress!” she cursed and balled her fists in anger

The guards opened the door for her when they saw her approaching and she walked in and they closed the door

“Come in” Princess Zahra smirked while sitting on the edge of the bed

Roseline turned to her and arched her brow before stepping forward

“I want you to remember this day..” Zahra muttered stood up and walked up to her

“Why? Are you going to ki|| me? Or even better..kiss me?” Roseline chuckled

“Or even much better!” Zahra held her neck firmly and strangled her “I want to teach you a lesson! Never in your miserable life talk to me anyhow or talk without without my permission” she let her go and pushed her back and she fell on her butt panting heavily and coughing out

Roseline rubbed her neck and stood up “A..Anything else your highness?” she glared daggers at Zahra

“You seem to forget your place human” Zahra approached her and bore her eyes into her “Run me a bath,maid” she muttered emphasising on the word ‘maid’

Roseline said nothing and walked to the bathroom to do as she was told

Zahra walked up to her window and stared at outside,she sighed as she remembered that she was grounded and couldn’t even go anywhere

Roseline came out after a while,her clothes were soaking wet

“I’m done,by the way your tap gave me issues but I fixed it” she said

Zahra turned to her and her throat dried up and she tried to say something but no words came out and she stared at Roseline in Luss,her eyes trailed from her long legs up to the maids uniform hugging her body to her perky Břě@šťs that were poking out of her shirt

She bit her lower lip unknowingly and gripped her gown tight

“A..Are you okay?” Roseline stared at her

“Ye..Yeah” Zahra snapped out of it and walked up to the dummy and took her coat and tossed it at her “Wear that,it… it’ll hide away all umm…” she cleared her throat

“If anyone asked me I would say you’re gay because you’re practically drooling,but hey I wouldn’t mind because I definitely am into cute ladies” Roseline teased and earned a glare from Princess Zahra “Sorry Princess” she held up her hands in surrender “And thanks for this” she held the coat up before wearing it and was about to walk away when Zahra’s next words made her halt on her steps

“Don’t think you and I are friends, you’re just a weak human ” Zahra spat and Roseline smirked before leaving



The guards bowed respectfully as the royal family walked out of the house,Prince Hades and his personal guard.. Colton..put their bags in the trunk of the car and the guards opened the doors for them

Hades was about to get in when Tamara held his hand

“It’s a long journey I know,so I made you some cookies and put some other food in there” she smiled at him and gave him the food basket

“Thank you mother” he pecked her forehead and took the basket

“Good luck son” King Austin stepped forward and Hades nodded at him before getting in the car and the driver got in and drove out

Thaddeus watched from the distance with a smirk on his face as the car drove out and he took out his phone and called someone



Esme scrolled down on her laptop reading the resignation letter one more time that she wanted to send to the hospital

She was about to press ‘send’ when a hard knock interrupted her,she sighed and went to open

“Gosh i thought you were dead!” Kenny rushed in as soon as she opened the door and threw his arms on her and hugged her tight “Why didn’t you answer your phone Esme!!!?” he scolded

“I’m sorry” Esme mumbled and melted on the hug

It was warm and she felt safe and she found herself melting away and she let out all the tears of hurt pain and fear that she had been hiding out

Kenny heard her sniffle and he looked at her “Hey pumpkin what’s wrong?” he asked softly

“Kenny I’m in a huge mess!” she cried “I made a mistake”

“Come on it’s alright now, we’ll fix everything together, I’m here now” Kenny hugged her tight and rubbed her back

He pulled her to sit and held her hands “Tell me what’s wrong” he muttered

“O..Okay” Esme breathed out and told him everything from Theo trying to take advantage of her to Brandon saving her and about the wedding

“Whoah whoah whoah!! You ki||ed someone!?” Kenny sprang up and sat down afterwards

“I…I know” Esme mumbled and played with her fingers

“Bu…But how do you know he’s dead!? Why didn’t you call the police or the ambulance it was self defence Esme!” he snapped at her

“I wanted to but Brandon said it was a bad idea!” Esme bit her lip

“And you trust him! How can you trust a stranger! What if the man is not dead and this Brandon is just playing you” Kenny pointed out

“You’re not helping in any way” Esme stood up and went to stand near the window “H.. He’s dead,I saw it and Brandon is using that against me to get what he wants…I got myself in this mess and i must deal with the consequences, that’s why I … i’ve decided to quit my job at the hospital b.. because Brandon offered me a job at the facility” she turned to Kenny

“You’re not thinking straight Esmeralda! Why don’t you see that maybe your holy Brandon is just playing you to get what he wants!” Kenny shouted in frustration

“I’m not dumb okay! Even if he is I still need to do this,to get closer to him so I can get to know the truth Kenny,I just need your support..just don’t leave me” she walked up to Kenny

“Okay,just don’t cry..I don’t have anything sweet to make you stop “ he chuckled

“I love you” she smiled


Hades sighed as he scrolled down his phone and he eventually put it away after spending hours on it.He looked outside and watched as the car passed the trees and he sighed

Colton was fast asleep next to him after stuffing in the cookies Tamara made for them

“Sir we have arrived” the driver said as they passed the board that was written ‘welcome to Heavenly Bervely town’

“Good“ Hades muttered and shut his eyes




Written by Your Dzadzy ✍🏼

★★★ ††† ★★★


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