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HomeHELL IS EMPTYHELL IS EMPTY – Episode 11 & 12

HELL IS EMPTY – Episode 11 & 12

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THEME:The end of the immortals


All rights reserved🖤






Written by; L Gold✍🏼



{ CHAPTER 11✯12}

(Racing heart)



“What! Wait wait wait,what do you mean Dad is getting me married off? To who!?” Esmeralda snapped

“Hold your horses cherry, don’t bite me I’m just a messenger!” Gabrielle hissed “Anyway I have to go” she stood up and walked passed Esmeralda “Au revoir!”

“Ella!” Esmeralda quickly followed Gabrielle out “Wait for me!” she quickly locked her office and ran after Gabrielle



Prince Hades walked slowly into the training grounds and watched quietly as the royal guards trained

The training grounds was on a very large scale and was separated into four parts

Prince Hades diverted his eyes to the guards from the Dragon clan as their bones snapped and they shape shifted into dragons getting ready to start their flying training

“My prince” his personal guard walked up to him from behind and he bowed respectfully

Prince Hades turned to him slowly “What is it Colton?”

“Princess Claire of the serpent clan is here to see you” the guard said with his head bent down

Prince Hades kept quite for a little while before speaking up “Tell her to meet me in my room”

“Right away” the guard bowed once more before rushing off

“Prince Hades!” someone called behind him and he turned to whoever was calling him

“My lord” His second in command ran towards him and bowed respectfully “Is everything alright?” he asked

“Everything is okay Maxwell, I see you have your hands full there” Hades pointed back at the training grounds

“What can I say? Anyway I wanted to ask you if we could go for a run later? It’s been long and I need to blow off some steam after all these training” Maxwell grinned

“Let me deal with a certain peasant and we’ll see” Hades winked at him and walked away

Maxwell cracked in laughter and walked back to the training grounds


Princess Zahra walked elegantly into the King’s study

“Father” she walked up to him and pecked his forehead

“Close the door” he said and sat properly on his seat

Zahra rolled her eyes and went back to close the door before sitting down in front of him

“Why did you run away Zahra?” King Austin glared at Zahra

“Father I told you I do not want to marry that goblin!” Zahra fired back

“Zahra,what is it that you’re doing!? Is this how we solve matters!” he scolded “Escaping to the human world and ki||ing them and causing havoc is unacceptable!” he banged on the table

“You’re overreacting father,it was only few humans” Zahra hissed “And please, stop screaming you’re going to get wrinkles you know” she rolled her eyes

“Young lady don’t test me!” King Austin thundered while trembling in anger “You are grounded! You will stay in your room till I say otherwise! Your personal maid will get everything you need for you” he said with finality laced in his voice

“But father—”

“Go to your room young lady” he said calmly

Princess Zahra wanted to say something but she swallowed hard instead,she stood up and got hold of her dress before storming out

As soon as she walked out her personal maid rushed towards her

“My Lady” she bowed “Queen Hailey gave strict instructions that you should prepare yourself…Prince Carl will arrive soon to see you” the maid ran after her as Princess Zahra marched down the hallway

“Argghhh!” Zahra stopped and turned to her and the maid flinched “Tell my mother to marry that goblin herself and YOU ARE FIRED!!!!” she barked and the maid quickly went on her knees

“My lady please don’t fire me—”

“Shut up and get lost!” Zahra hissed and walked away “Riot!! Get me a new maid!!!” she shouted

Prince Hades heard Zahra’s noise as she shouted as soon as he entered the house

He rolled his eyes and went to his chamber,when he arrived the guards at the door bowed respectfully and pushed the doors open

He nodded at them and walked into his room and the guards pulled the doors,he scoffed as he spotted Princess Claire laying comfortably on his bed stark naked

“Claire,what are you doing here?” he stood in front of the mirror and took off his jacket and proceed to unbutton his shirt

“My love” she smiled and sat up “I missed you”

Hades stopped midway and chuckled “What we had is over Claire,get dressed and leave” he took off his shirt and she stared at his back

“My lord..” Claire got up from the bed and hugged his from the back pressing her B-__-bs on his back “Don’t push me away” she muttered


A knock interrupted their conversation and Hades took her hands off his chest and walked up to the door

When he opened the human girl from the other day came in view

“My lord” she bowed respectfully

“What are you doing here?” He asked coldly

“To satisfy you my lord” She got hold of the coat she was wearing and was about to take it off but Hades held her hands

“Don’t” he said gently

“What’s going on here?” Princess Claire spoke behind them

“Go” Hades said and Let go of the girl

“Rose…t… that’s my name lord” the girl flashed him a smile before nodding and she hurried away

Hades shut the door and slowly turned to Claire

“A human Hades! A human really!? That’s whom you replaced me with? Now it makes sense why you don’t even want me to touch me! Okay okay” Claire snatched her pant,cosert and dress on the floor and was about to wear them when Hades wrapped his large hand around her neck and strangled her

He pushed her to the table and turned her in a swift to face the table before spanking her b*tt hard

Claire m*aned painfully and held the corners of the table

Hades didn’t waste time and buried two of his fingers into her honeypot,his fingers slipped in between her inner walls and they expanded to accommodate his fingers

“Ouch!” Claire bit her lower lip as she m*aned

Hades slipped his fingers in and out of her honeypot at a steady pace while his other hand struggled with zipper

He slipped them out when he finally succeeded in freeing his manhood from his trouser and he didn’t waste time as he held it and shoved it into her honeypot

“Had—” Hades slapped her a** hard to stop her from saying his name “My lord!” she m*aned

Hades gripped her ponytail and th-ru_sted in and out of her hard but slowly

Claire’s pelvic bone hit the table hard that she m*aned in both pleasure and pain,the table creaked in the process and shifted bit by bit

“Ouch!! Ahhh! My lord!!”

“My lord! Hades please!”

“I can’t take it anymore! Please stop!”

“My lord! Hades! I’m close wait please!!”

Claire’s pleas and screams echoed in the whole room and the guards outside heard every single thing but paid deaf ears to it and focused on their job

Claire’s nails scratched on the table and her eyes rolled to the back while her legs shook as she climaxed,her knees gave up and Hades pushed her more to lay on the table and th-ru_sted deeper into her

He gripped on her b*tt cheeks tight and released his s*men into her before pulling out

Princess Claire was sweating profusely and painting whereas Hades had no bid of sweat anywhere on his forehead

“Get dressed and leave” Hades said nonchalantly and grabbed his robe

He wore it and went into his walk in closet


HB TOWN;Loureii Home

A maid wheeled Mrs Loureii into the kitchen and her face brightened when she saw Esmeralda sitting on the counter

“Hey! When did you get here?” Mrs Loureii dismissed the maid and wheeled herself closer to the counter

“Hey mom” Esme turned to her mom and got up

She walked to her and pecked her cheek

“I just got here , where’s dad?”

“He’s waiting for you at the garden” Mrs Loureii stared at her “Esme..” she sighed “You do know how your father is,I tried to stop him but—”

“It’s okay mom,maybe it’s time I did something to please him and stop being the black sheep of the family” she shrugged


“I’ll go to him now” Esme cut her off and went to the garden

“Ahhh,finally you arrived!” Her father exclaimed as soon as he laid his eyes on her

“Hi dad,I heard you were looking for me” she shoved her hands into her hoodie pockets

“Sit,maybe after I tell you this you’ll change your behaviour and dressing code since this will change you and transform you into a real woman” Mr Loureii placed his cup of tea on the table and relaxed back on his seat

He stared at her and folded his arms on top of his protruding belly pot

“Esme..” he cleared his throat “I called you here for some good news,I found a perfect gentleman for you.. willing to be your husband,you have to know that this is for your own good”

“Father,with all due and respect—”

“There’s no room for your silly opinions!” he snapped “You’re getting married, that’s it or you will no longer bear my name and remain as my daughter!” Mr Loureii grabbed a newspaper on the table and scanned through it

“At least let me marry a man of my choice!” Esme shouted in frustration

“You can’t even find a decent dress to wear like a lady can,what makes you think you can choose a decent man to spend the rest of your life with?” Mr Loureii scoffed

Esmeralda balled her fists in anger and took a deep breath to calm down her nerves

“Okay? I want to meet him” she said through gritted teeth

“Good, because he’ll be here any minute” Mr Loureii smiled in satisfaction and picked up his cup of tea and slurped on it

“Father!” a male voice said behind them and they diverted their eyes to him

“Ahhh,just in time” Mr Loureii laughed and glanced at Esmeralda “Meet Brandon,your soon to be..husband”

“What!” Esmeralda stared at her father in shock

“She’s a real beauty” Brandon grinned “Where are my manners! I’m Brandon..nice to finally meet you wifey” he grabbed Esme’s hand and kissed it

Esme turned to him and she tried to talk but due to shock no words came out of her mouth



“That’s enough thank you” Tamara muttered as the maid dished up for her

“Really? That’s all you can eat? Humans surprise me sometimes” Queen Hailey retorted dramatically

“How ironic!” Tamara scoffed “You were one of us at some point” she stabbed into a carrot and shoved it into her mouth

Hailey glared at Tamara before turning to the maid “Where’s my daughter? Isn’t she going to join us?”

“Umm your highness she…she—”

“She’s grounded” The king muttered with a straight face

“But why!?” Hailey shouted

“Tell Prince Hades to come have his meal” the king completely ignored her

“Yes my lord” the maid bowed and scurried away

She bumped into Hades on her way out and she quickly apologised and bowed for him

Hades pulled a chair and took a seat before dishing up for himself

“Umm son..” King Austin cleared his throat “Meet me in my study afterwards”

“I have things to do,say wh@ťěver you want to say here” Hades muttered nonchalantly

“Fine..” King Austin dropped the cutlery and wiped his mouth with a napkin “I want you to travel to the human world,the business we started there is leaking money and I need you to go there and find out what’s going on ”

“Where’s your right hand man? Isn’t that his job?” Hades arched his brow

“I don’t trust anyone! If we don’t do this we’ll lose our legacy and I’m sure—”

“Sure,you can stop your speech now.I will go there” he wiped his mouth and stood up to leave

Tamara stood up hurriedly and ran after Hades

“Hades wait!” Tamara ran after him and when she finally caught up with him she held his hand to stop him “Are you really leaving?“

“I know you’re worried mother, I’ll be fine” he chuckled and pecked her forehead

“You have made up your mind I see,what can I do to change it? Hades this is dangerous!” Tamara snapped


“Pardon me for interrupting..” a maid said behind them and she bowed “My Queen,your cart is ready”

Tamara sighed and faced Hades “This conversation is not over” she muttered and walked away with the maid


Princess Zahra sluggishly walked to the door when she heard some noises from the other side of the door

She held the door knob and pulled the door open

“What’s going on!?” she barked and stared amongst the two guards standing besides the door while pinning down a girl with short purple dyed hair

“Your highness” they both bowed

“Let go of me! Ouch!” the girl groaned in pain and tried to fight them off but they were too strong

“Let her go” Zahra folded her arms

The guards freed her and she stood up and rubbed her temple “Thanks” she muttered and stared at Zahra

Time seemed to stop for moment as the two bore their eyes into one another, Zahra’s heart skipped a beat and she swallowed hard and cleared her throat

“What gives you the audacity to disturb my peace!?” Zahra fired

“Umm the way I’m dressed is supposed to answer your question?” The girl chuckled while pointing at the maids uniform she was wearing

“How dare you—” Zahara held her hand midway as she perceived a scent from the girl “You.. ar–e a hu–man” Zahra stuttered in shock

“Ohhh yeah I’m a human of course you know that” she chuckled and roughened her hair and Zahra stared at the beautiful tattoo on the girl’s arm “Well umm,your highness” she bowed slightly and smirked “Is there anything you need?”

Zahra stay quiet for sometime until the girl stepped closer and waved her hand in front of her eyes

“Uhh.. are you okay?” the girl stared at her weirdly

“Y..yeah” she cleared her throat “leave my presence, I’ll call for you when I need you” Zahra didn’t wait for her to utter a word as she slammed the doors closer and leaned against them

She placed her hands on her chest and she felt her heart racing and thudding like it was right in her hands

“What is happening to me?” she shut her eyes and took deep breaths to calm down her racing heart


HB TOWN;Loureii Home

“Excuse me,I have calls to make…so I’ll leave you two to talk and get to know one another” Mr Loureii patted Brandon’s back and left

Esme waited till her father got into the house before exploding on him

“What game are you playing!” she flared up

“What do you mean!? Words travel fast in this town and I heard your father Is searching for a suitable groom for you!” he chuckled “Look Esme,I like you and I saw this as an opportunity to get what I want,so just trust me” he walked over to where she was sitting and sat next to her

“No I don’t want to get married to you! I don’t feel the same way and I’m not sure I ever will,I don’t want to get married at all! So just forget about everything and we’ll my father this won’t work” she shifted away to make space between them

“” he pointed his finger at her “You will marry me and we’re going to make this work, I’ll make your life much easier” he smirked at her and stood up “I know you badly want to work at the facility and I can make you get the job just like that” he snapped his fingers “You Just have to agree to marry me” he grinned at her

“This has nothing to do about that! We’re talking about my life here,my freedom!” she shouted and stood up

Brandon took hold of her hand and yanked it causing her to crash into his chest

“There’s no room for your opinion or will marry me or your dirty little secret is out!” Brandon muttered through gritted her while glaring daggers at her

Esmeralda’s throat dried up instantly and a cold shiver ran down her spine at that moment




Written by Your Dzadzy ✍🏼

★★★ ††† ★★★


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