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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HELL IS EMPTY – Episode 1 & 2

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THEME:The end of the immortals

All rights reserved🖤






Written by; L Gold✍🏼



{ CHAPTER 1✯2}

(The past)



An old woman walked slowly into the hall where the meetings held for the whole villagers usually takes place

Her walking stick was thorny and yet the thorns never harmed her at all even though she was blind

Her clothes looked dirty and she reeked of dirt,smelly armpits,bad breath and the smell of her awful portions that she would spend hours in her hut making them,her fingernails had dirt packed under them and they were long like if she would stand someone with them they would go as far as to pierce into one’s heart

The king stopped talking when he sighed her and the villagers turned to look at her,those sitting closer to where she was sitting quickly shifted away,nobody wanted to be close to her

“Good evening my lord,I… I’m sorry for disturbing ohh forgive this old woman but I couldn’t hold myself,the great gods sent me here to deliver a message” she spoke slowly like she was about to die

“Speak and make it snappy!” the king snapped

The old woman walked up to them,as she walked her stick made a ‘quack’ sound whenever it kisses the ground

She walked past the king stunning everyone in the hall,she stopped right in front of the king’s second wife who was pregnant with a little baby bump showing

“No matter what you do,no matter how many portions you drink,like her” she pointed at the king’s first wife “You can never give the king an heir” she said bluntly and gasps filled the hall “The heir..” she turned to look at the king “Will be born from a womb of the one who is delicate and fragile,the one who has lost all hope for it will be their greatest gift,the one who is very unfortunate and resented by you!” she thundered and hit the stick hardly on the ground

“How dare you!” the king got enraged and glared at her “guards! Get her out?” he shouted and numerous guards ran into the hall and rushed to her

A young girl in her mid-twenties stood up from the crowd and ran to the front

“Mother! Leave my mother alone!” she shouted and stood in front of the old woman protectively

“How dare you define the K—” the king’s words got stuck in his throat when his eyes fell on the young maiden

She looked pure and delicate,her eyes held so much innocence that he got lost in them,her skin looked soft that he yearned to run his fingers on it

“Don’t you have any shame!” she barked at the king forgetting who he is

The king’s heart fluttered and he swallowed hard

The king’s first wife stood up “Kick both of them out!” she instructed and the guards immediately bowed and dragged the young maiden and the old woman out

“You will regret this King!” the old woman ranted “Nobody upsets the greatest gods! Nobody!”

“My love,are you okay?” the first king walked up to him and he nodded

“I’m okay” he muttered while staring at the door like he was expecting someone



King Austin walked into his second wife’s chamber and found her sleeping soundly

He sat on the edge of the bed and reached for her face and caressed her cheek gently

The queen stirred open and looked at him with a smile

“My dear,good morning…how are you feeling?” asked the king

She sighed and sat up

“My lord,I hardly slept a wink.I kept thinking about what that healer said—”

“That is no healer! She wishes bad to people and brings bad luck!” the king protested

“But my lord,how can she not do that when you treat her badly? She’s a healer too,or is it because she’s a female and not a male like all the other healers in the kingdom?” she looked at him and held his hand softly

“Get some rest Sierra,I have to go somewhere” he ignored her gaze and stood up

“My lord wait!” she got up and was about to run after him when her eyes sighted a blood stain on the bed “My lord! Austin!” she called out in panic and snaked her hands underneath her nightgown

She felt wetness in between her legs and took out her bloody hands

“Ouch!” she yelped in pain and held her tummy

“My love what is— ” he froze when he saw the huge blood stain on the bed “Ohh the great gods! Come with me” he scooped her up “Guards! Get Jayce to my chamber now!” he barked to the guards as he ran down the hall to his chamber


“My lord” Jayce came out of the king’s chamber and walked up to him

He was busy pacing back and forth impatiently

Jayce bowed and looked at the king

“Are they alright? Spit it out already!” he snapped

“My lord, I’m sorry to say this but we lost the child,there was nothing I could do because when I arrived it was already too late” he said sadly

The king stumbled back and was about to fall when Jayce caught him

“My lord! Are you alright?” Jayce stared at the king worriedly

The king said nothing and hurried to his chamber,he opened the door slowly and met his wife sobbing silently

“My love?” he called softly

“Get out! Get out! I don’t want to see you!!!” the queen shouted and threw things at him

He rushed out and shut the door and leaned against it,he wanted to tear up but had to stay strong because his guards were watching and they wouldn’t want a weakling as a king

The old woman crossed his mind and anger boiled in him and he marched out



The young maiden hummed as she folded their clothes on the bed

Her name was Tamara and she was the only girl of the old woman whose name was Sabrina

They lived in the village before they got kicked out of the village only because of Sabrina’s gift,her husband who is Tamara’s father refused to go with them because he didn’t want to lose his house

They lived alone in the forest far away from the village in a little hut made by them near the waterfall

Tamara was about to put the folded clothes away when she heard a noise outside,she rushed out to see what was going on

As soon as the king saw her come out he hopped off his horse and walked up to her

“Where is she!?” he shouted

“She’s not here” she said calmly “What brings you here? After you kicked us out like wet dogs! You want to kick us out of this forest too!?” she snapped

“My lady,I did no such thing—”

“Of course the queen did that for you,If she didn’t you were going to kick us out yourself isn’t it?” she stared at him

“I apologise but now is not the time! My wife just lost another child and I need to talk to her” he muttered desperately

“As i’ve said she’s not here and will only be back after two days” she folded her arms

“T..Thank you” he muttered and turned to leave

“Wait!” she shouted behind him and he turned “Would you mind coming in,umm the storm is coming and you won’t make it to the palace without getting drenched?” she said while fondling the hem of her dress

A smile crept up on the king’s lips and he nodded and followed her inside



Hailey,the king’s first wife marched to Sierra’s chamber to look for the king but when she got there her room no one was there

“Where is she!?” she barked at the guard’s but they kept mute “I swear to the gods I’m going to slice her into pieces and have her for dinner! How can he take her to his chamber when it’s my turn to spend time with him!” she ranted as she marched to the king’s chamber

All the maids and guards got out of her way because none of them wanted to feel her wrath

She pushed the door open and marched in

“You! Where is the king!?” Hailey barked at Sierra who sobbed quietly on the bed

“Please leave,I don’t have the strength to quarrel with you” Sierra muttered

“Tell me where he is!? Did you send him to get stupid things for your hormones at the market?” Hailey rested her hands on her waist

“I said leave! Are you deaf!? LEAVE Hailey leave!!!!!” she lashed out and Hailey stared at her in shock

No matter how many times Hailey bullied Sierra,she never defended herself or even raised her voice and now things were different and that shocked Hailey to the bone

She swallowed hard and glanced at Sierra one more time before leaving

Sierra exploded into another round of hot tears and covered herself fully with the sheets



Tamara quickly took an empty basket and a bun and shoved it in her mouth

“Mother! I’m going out” she rushed to the door

“Tamara! Come back here!” Sabrina shouted from their bedroom and quickly walked up to Tamara before she could leave

“But mother! The sun will set soon and I want to pick fruits” she whined

“Fruits are there Tamara!” Sabrina pointed at a basket full of fruits on the table

“I…well you know,the apples are not enough! Yes” she stuttered

“Since I left a week ago to get herbs,when I came back you’re always edgy and happy and you suddenly love outdoors? Tamara what is it that you’re hiding?” Sabrina narrowed her eyes at her

“Nothing! Mother I have to go!!” she ran out before Sabrina can forbid her from going out

She ran until she heard the sound of the waterfall and she stopped panting heavily

Tamara put the basket down and let her hair loose and adjusted her dress,she picked up the basket and ran to the waterfall

“My lord!” she placed the basket near the bush and looked around “But he said we should meet here as usual,where is he!” she frowned

“Boo!” King Austin sprang out of his hiding spot behind her and she jumped out and he laughed

“You scared me” she giggled

“I missed you!” he scooped her up and she gasped

“I missed you more” she blushed

“I got a surprise for you” he smiled and walked near the waterfall “Look” he diverted his eyes to the front and Tamara followed his gaze and she smiled when she saw a basket full of goodies and a blanket neatly folded next to it

“We’re having a picnic?” she looked at him and he nodded

“Yes” he smiled and dropper her gently “I forgot the strawberries so…will you go pick them while I set up here?” he looked at her

“Okay” she nodded and strolled away

King Austin unfolded the blanket and took out the goodies and placed them on the blanket

He took off his coat and placed on the grass for Tamara and took out the bottle of juice and two cups

He poured the juice and took out a mini bottle containing black liquid in it,he opened it and poured few drops of it into Tamara’s cup and shoved the bottle back into his pocket

“What are you doing?” Tamara asked behind him

His heart skipped a beat and he swallowed hard and turned to her

“You were supposed to wait for me to get back” she frowned and sat next to him

“My angel! I just wanted us to have a little drink before we—”

“Well okay! ” she picked up her cup and he did the same

“To us” he held out his cup

“To us” she giggled and they made a toast

He watched as she gulped every drop of the juice at one go

“I see you were thirsty” he chuckled

“mmh hmm” she nodded and grinned

“Have this” he took a piece of a blueberry pie and fed her

“Mhhhm ” she Mõ@ɲed in satisfaction and he watched closely as she licked her lips and at that moment she looked irresistible that he couldn’t control his urge to have her but he had to hold himself for the right time

Tamara suddenly felt dizzy and started to feel hot,her vision turned blurry as she looked around

King Austin glanced at her and furrowed his brows

“My angel? Are you okay?” he stared at her worriedly and she nodded slowly

King Austin grinned to himself and held her

“Shhh,take it easy” he unbuttoned her dress slowly

“No…I don’t want to..” she muttered lowly and tried to push him but she felt weak and helpless

“My angel, don’t fight it” he muttered and kissed her neck and planted Hickeys

King Austin snaked his hand underneath her dress and held her thigh firmly

He laid her back on the grass gently and kissed her lips roughly even though she didn’t reciprocate

“No no no” she mumbled in the kiss but the King paid deaf ears and had his way with her

☆゚.*・。゚ ✧༺❃༻✧☆゚.*・。゚

*Good people I know the novel is new there’s still a lot to understand and characters to know but please let’s corporate and like,comment (what you think and what are your expectations) and share please

★★★ ††† ★★★

Written by Your Dzadzy ✍🏼


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