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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HELD HOSTAGE – Episode 35

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(He ki||s for a living?)

Chapter 35
?Rated 18+


Lila was all bright and happy when she woke the next morning. She was embarrassed again that she’d let herself to Lannon after finding herself naked under the duvet and again,she was the only one on the bed and Lannon was nowhere to be found.
She quickly got down from the bed and went straight to the bathroom to take her bath since she felt all sticky. When she looked at her self in the mirror, she could see the hickey’s Lannon planted on her neck. Embarrassment couldn’t even describe how she felt at that moment and when she thought about how she sucked on him, she cringed wondering how desire could make someone so blinded, he could do anything.
She filled the bath tub with water before entering it. She had a nice warm bath and when she was done she dressed herself in a jean short and baggy top. She let her hair flow and she got out of the room. The aroma of pancakes welcomed her and she knew Lannon was in the kitchen. She surprisingly heaved a sigh of relieve because she had been wondering if he ditched her again. Or probably ghosted her again. She quickly moved to the kitchen and there she found him, looking as hot as ever as he stared flour and eggs together. She just kept staring at him she didn’t know how many minutes had gone by,

“Morning Lila. Are you just going to stare at me all day?”

Lannon’s voice jolted her back to reality and she smiled bashfully.
“I wasn’t staring at you” She defended.

“Pftt”Lannon laughed”You were. Let’s not argue it”

Lila rolled her eyes before going to meet him at the cooking table” you need help?”she asked.

He passed her the bowl of batter” yes. Stair that” he said.

Lila scoffed”you can be more polite you know”

“Yes I know Lila. Maybe you should try it first” he winked.

She decided to ignore him and went to work immediately. The breakfast was served in few minutes time and they ate silently. Lila was kind of worried on why Uncle Mascow decided to hold a gala and she didn’t understand the reason Lannon had to bring her along. She decided to ask,

“Lannon?”she called his name.


“About the gala. What’s going to happen there. I feel like it’s so sudden.”

“No it’s not”he gave a short reply.

“Ok.”Lila looked at him quizzically.”but why do you have to take me along?”

“You won’t be safe here alone”she replied while chewing his pancake.

Lila suddenly was hit with a huge sense of consciousness. The previous day was so enjoyable that she had totally forgotten people were after her. Now it made a lot of sense why he wanted to tag her along for the gala.

“Are you…..” She was cut off as Lannon’s phone began to ring. She pursed her lips nervously as she watched him pick the call. He didn’t speak but slowly, he stood up and left the dinning.
Few minutes later, he was back in the dinning but he was suddenly cold. He didn’t touch his food again instead, he looked up at her.

” I have to go”he said” Douglas would stay with you till I return”

She scrunched up her nose” Go where? And who is Douglas?”

He looked at her without saying a word, then he stood up immediately and the next, he was out of the house. Lila didn’t have the courage to stop him because at that moment he seemed so unapproachable. She watched him as he drove his car out. Fear suddenly gripped her knowing fully well that she was the only one in the house. What if someone came and attacked her, the person would surely get her cause she didn’t even know how to defend herself. While many thoughts ran in her head as she stood by the door, she suddenly heard a knock on the door. Her heartbeat rapidly increased as she heard the knock. She shifted away from the door as she panicked.

“Who’s there?”she asked in fear.

“Miss Lila. I’m Douglas. Mr Lannon sent me here”he heard the person behind the door replied.

Her heart beat seemed to calm upon hearing the name and slowly, she opened the door for him.
A huge guy stood. His height was something else so as his body count. Lila had to stretch Her neck extremely just so she could have a view of his face.
“You’re Douglas?”she asked and the man nodded. Judging from his look she believed him and if at all he was evil, he would have attacked her immediately she opened the door.
“Come in”she said.

The man had to bend to pass through the door and when he stood again, he head almost touched the ceiling.
“So, you’ve been working with Lannon for how long?” Lila asked. Trying to start up a conversation.

“Ten years now”the man replied.

Lila nodded before looking at him”can you lend me your phone. I want to make a call?”

The man looked at her carefully, as if scanning her to be sure she wasn’t going to do something evil. Then slowly, he brought out his hone from his pocket and gave her.

She gave him a thumbs up before going to the room. She had to make sure that her mom was fine. So she decided to speak with Sam. Once she reached the room, she quickly dailed Sam’s number and she picked at once.

“Hello”she heard Sam’s voice.

“Sam this is Lila”she said.

“Lila. Jeez. How are you? Are you okay? Any problem?”Sam bombarded her with questions.

Lila sighed as she laid on the bed”I’m fine Sam. Please how is mum?”she asked.

“Your mum was mad at you for not visiting. Well I told her your circumstances so she became calm” Sam explained.

“You told her I was kidnapped?”

“Yes. But she’s okay now. You have to make it to see her today. Cus today is her discharge. Find a way to come”Sam said.

“I will try my best. Can she stay with you Sam after she’s discharged? “Lila asked

“Where do you think she would have stayed if not with me Lila?”Sam laughed.

“Thank you so much Sam. I will see you soon then”

“Yes please. Make sure you make it” then the call ended.

Lila laid back on the bed in relieve then she began to wonder what the person that had called Lannon must have told him. He didn’t look alright and the way he rushed out, she knew it was urgent. She kept on thinking until she finally fell asleep.

When she woke again, it was already almost evening. She wondered how she could sleep for so long without even bothering about anything. That was pure talent. She laughed at thought. Then she suddenly remembered Douglas and she stood up immediately and rushed out of the room. She was still with his phone and why was Lannon not back yet? She met him at the sitting room but he was talking with some group of people. They were two ladies and one male. They held kits and a big box. She watched from afar as he spoke to all of them and after sometime, they all turned to her. If stares could ki|| she would have been a dead meat by then.

She raised a brow and turned to Douglas”who are they?”she asked.

“Mr Lannon sent them. They will be making you up ma’am for the gala”

She practically had forgotten about the gala since she’d slept for so long and for the fact Lannon wasn’t back yet. She moved closer to Douglas before handing him his phone. Then she shook her head” I don’t need anyone to make me up. Sorry. I won’t be needing help with myself”she said.

“I’m sorry ma’am but that’s your husband orders”one of the ladies said. She had her hair dyed green.

Lila’s eyes widened “husband?”

The lady quickly rephrased her word” sorry, your fiancè?”

Lila was left speechless. She didn’t reply the lady instead she turned to Douglas”please lead them out. I can help myself.”

Douglas shook his head”You have to adhere miss Lila. Mr Lannon specially called for this make up team. Let them do their work”

She was speechless and after much thinking, she let them. She led them to the room where she immediately sat down and they began their work.
She knew she sat for so long because by the time they were done it was already after five. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror and surprisingly she loved her look even though she was so bored while they made her up because Lannon hadn’t come yet. She wasn’t really a fan of make up but she usually applied a little when she had dinner or hotel parties she needed to attend with her dad back then.
She grinned widely as she stared at the simple yet fantastic make up on her face.” I love it”she smiled.

“You should try out the dress and you would fall in love with yourself.” The lady that had spoken to her earlier said.

She nodded and they gave her a box”its inside”they told her. So she carried the box and went into the bathroom to wear it on.
When she opened the box she saw a paper folded on the cloth. She picked it up eagerly and opened it. There was smiley face drawn on the paper. Then beneath it, she read. ‘I hope you love the dress’.
She smiled immediately after reading it and she was glad Lannon took her into consideration. It felt like she was dating again. She had once dated a guy few years back but it didn’t work well. She blushed before finally bringing out the dress. It was a gown made with a black sequin material. She quickly wore it on and it fitted perfectly to her figure. It had only one long sleeve hand while the other was bare and it flowed to the ground. It was a very simple style but she loved it. There was a pair of red stiletto in the box and when she wore it, her height came up. She loved the way she felt at that moment.
She came out of the bathroom and the way they all turned to look at her almost pushed her back into the bathroom.
“Omg. You look amazing”they awed at her beauty.

She smiled”thank you”

“We are not done yet. Can you come over” one of the lady said.

Lila went back to her seat and they began to style her now curled hair to her left side. Then, they gave her a red designers clutch purse before adding bright red lipstick to her lips. Now she was ready.
When she looked at her elegant self in the mirror, she felt fulfilled and she was glad she didn’t send these people away earlier. But somehow, she was sad that Lannon had not come. She got out of the room and got to the sitting room where Douglas was standing and seemed to be waiting for her.

“Wow. You look beautiful miss Lila”he acknowledged once he saw her and she smiled thankfully.

“I will ride you there” he said before gesturing her to the door that was opened.
She followed his orders and went out of the house. The day was slowly getting dark. She got into the black car Douglas opened for her.
Once the car ignited she also saw the van of the make up artistes ignite and the both cars drove out.

It was a long ride to the venue but she was glad when they finally got there. By then, the day was already dark. Douglas got her out of the car and as they walked through the red carpet all eyes seemed to be on her. She didn’t mind though, she was used to expensive gatherings like that. When they were finally inside the main hall, her eyes immediately began to search for Lannon while Douglas kept following her for her protection.
The gala had not yet started properly and people only kept discussing. She moved to the third floor of the hall after searching the ground and second floor of the hall. Douglas kept following her tirelessly. She moved around still trying to locate Lannon then she sighted a lady lap dancing someone seated on a couch. She didn’t know why that scene attracted her but she stopped and stared at the lady. Somehow watching the lady got her horny and she remembered how Lannon had eaten her up the previous night. As she watch the lady, the person hand seated on the couch came from behind and squeezed the lady’s br***t. The lady stuck out her tongue and kept enjoying the moment while Lila couldnt just move any further. She was just rooted to the ground.

“Miss Lila are you okay?” She finally heard Douglas call her.

“Yes”she smiled” I’m sorry. I just dazed out’ She apologised and just as she was about moving she saw the lady she’d been watching stand from the person she was lap dancing as she turned to kiss the person but Lila caught a glimpse of the face and wait? Wasn’t that Lannon? Her eyes widened in shock upon seeing him and when their eyes met, she shook her head in disgust. Before storming out angrilly.
Lannon was quick to stand up and follow after her but she was far gone already.

Lannon you fall my hand??
Lila but he’s nothing to you too.?

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