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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 89

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The happy fans were already waiting as the MC called Butter out.

Loud screams took over the hall immediately, but he wasn’t smiling till he got to the his piano and sat.

“I lost one of my fans two days ago, today was her burial” he said sadly and tears fell from his eyes to the piano.

Most of the fans started crying as they watched his tears streaming down.

“So… this song is dedicated to her, may her soul rest in peace, Viola Denmark” he said and played the piano softly before starting the slow grievous song.

? It feels like a dream, our moments together

? It still feels unreal that you’re gone… forever

? You left like a passing wind

? You passed away like the breeze….

As he sang, he was crying, same as the fans.

Draco suddenly entered the hall through the backdoor , and immediately he entered the power room of the hall, the wide TV came on, interrupting Butter’s song.

A video started playing, and when he saw it, his eyes widened.

Pictures of him as a kid, Moanna was carrying him in her arms.

Pictures he took with his late dad and Moanna were programmed in a slideshow as a video, and fans started gasping.

At the end of the video, his full name was written.

DRAKE MORRISON, Moanna’s only son, son of a pornstar.

? OMG!

? This $h|t can’t be real!

? He’s her son?

? No wonder he bears Butter instead of his real name!

? This is bullshit!, That slut?

As Butter watched them say those things, more tears escaped his already teary eyes, and he held his chest as it started slamming dangerously, his head felt heavy and woozy and his breath seized.

He went on his knees first, and blood escaped his nostrils before he fell on his face heavily, blacking out.

? Drake Morrison!!!!



Victoria came out of the pharmacy and sighed, looking at the black nylon with her.

It contains medicine for JoJo. She’s running a high temperature as a result of too much tears at the burial.

She got her phone when it started ringing, it’s Aurora.


“Are you anywhere around yet?, Her temperature got higher, 110°F” Aurora replied, and her eyes widened.

“We might need to get her to the hospital at this rate, come fast!” Aurora replied, and Victoria cut the call.

“JoAnn please be fine, JoAnn” Victoria started running, but she hasn’t ran for four steps when a car stopped beside her and the door opened.

Before she knew it, she was blindfolded and dragged in, the car drove off.



“Why did you call me?” Draco asked grimly as he appeared at the doorstep, Walton was already waiting.

“My… brothers, they’re arriving in Cali at 8:30” he replied guiltily, and Draco kept staring.

“I’m gonna go pick them up cos they trust me most, are you interested in getting them now?” Walton asked again.

“Let’s get going” Draco replied, turning to leave, but Walton held him.

Draco turned his evenly red eyes to him, and he quickly let him go.

“Leader, I’m actually one of… of… nevermind…let’s go” Walton said shakily and rushed out of the house.

He entered the car and Draco got in with him, not saying a thing throughout.

The drive to the airport took just thirty minutes, Draco acted as the driver, using shades.

The triplets were already waiting.

Immediately Walton came out of the car, Clinton hit him playfully.

“Baby bro!” He laughed, and Walton smiled lightly.

“Come here kiddo!” Hector hugged him.

“What’s up with the driver?, Thought we told you to come alone?, We can’t trust anyone and that’s why we even refused guards” Donovan said.

“He’s a friend, my palm is wounded so he offered to help” Walton replied.

“Let’s leave, this place is chilly” Clinton said, and they all got in the backseats of the limousine.

Draco drove away, and soon the cloud of smokes from their cigars and weeds started hitting him, getting him more angry.

In his mind, he was already slaughtering them.

He suddenly branched into a different street, and Hector dropped his weed.

“Hey where the hell do you think you’re driving to?” He asked.

Draco kept driving without replying.

When Donovan and Clinton made to grab his neck from behind, Walton sprayed sedative on their faces, and they slept off peacefully.

Draco drove to the same house he locked Brent’s parents in, located in the outskirts of that street.

He brought the car to an halt in front of it and dragged the sleeping bastards in one by one, then he removed his black gloves.

“Leave, you won’t be able to bear the things I’m gonna do to them” he said devilishly, getting a lighter from his pocket.

He lightened a cigar and started smoking.

“I actually…I have a confession to make” Walton stuttered.

Draco faced him immediately, and tears started falling from his eyes.

“I….I….I was …was there with them during…. Angel’s rape” he said, and Draco smiled dryly.

“Are you high?”

“Believe me I was there, but I swear it I didn’t rape her with them!, I didn’t rape her I swear!” Walton cried bitterly, and the cigar cell from Draco’s hand as he started walking slowly to him.


“I didn’t rape her, I was drunk so I…I was senseless and…

Before he could finish, Draco got to him and grabbed his shoulders, pushing him to the nearest wall.

Immediately his back landed on it , Walton cried out loud.

“I didn’t rape her with them I swear!” He cried as Draco’s red glassy orbs stayed in front of him.

Right now, Draco’s eyes is full of all venomous things. Anger, hatred, resentment, sorrow, spite, bitterness, grudge, rage.

They’re all swimming in his orbs, ready to ki|| and destroy, it got worse when a lone tear fell from his right eye, down to his cheek.

“Why….you… why” he muttered ragingly, and Walton sniffed, his back bleeding already.

Right now, Angel’s face and Viola’s face are the only thing in Draco’s head.

“I was…I was thr_@tened…by…

Draco let him go and got his gun…

Before he could finish, he planted a bullet in his arm, and Walton held it.

“AHHHHH!!!, Forgive me please!!!” He cried regretfully, falling on his butt.

“thr_@tened?” Draco smirked, pointing the gun at his head.

“Four people R@P£D her, my three brothers and one other person” Walton continued crying.

“One… other… person?” Draco said slowly, and Walton looked directly into his eyes.

“JoJo’s dad” he said, and Draco’s eyes widened.

“Ignatius Collins, also known as Stone”


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