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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 79

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“Wait…did something happen between you guys?, I was expecting a dangerous drip from the two of you today since it’s your first day in school as the celebrity’s girl yunno” Luna said immediately Draco left the class.

“We’re fine” JoJo replied.

“And you think that works?, I saw the faces you gave him earlier”Snow said.

“And you don’t look happy too” Virginia said from the front.

“I’m fine, please stop asking” JoJo replied simply.

Butter came into the class with his group of girls, and Luna’s eyes widened.

“They say he has changed, but I definitely don’t like this change” Virginia said sadly, staring at him as he laughed with the girls.

“Wait…is that Butter?” Luna stuttered shockingly.

“Sure, your crush” Snow replied, and Luna folded her fists tightly under the table, watching hurtfully just like Virginia.

Cora and Abigail came in at once, and Abigail kept beaming while bouncing on her sneakers.

“Can’t believe you really left them” Snow said.

“I’m free” Virginia replied, still staring at Butter.

The first lecture went by fast, and Draco came in just before the second one.

The students started screaming immediately, blowing kisses and chanting “Lustre” as he walked, but JoJo wasn’t even looking at him.

Girls surrounded him immediately he got to his seat, but he kept looking back at JoJo.

Snow sighed, knowing there’s definitely something going on.

The lecturer came in and they all settled down quickly.

“Finally the trip to India is tommorow!, 8pm” the lecturer announced, and they all screamed again.

“Check your luggages limit on the group, and no lateness or the plane will have to leave you behind” he continued.

“Can’t wait!, Should we go shop together tonight?” Virginia suggested.

“I… have a date” Snow replied.

“James or nobody” Luna said.

“Witch” Snow laughed.

“So… JoJolove are you interested?” Luna asked.

“No” JoJo replied slowly.

“Gosh… today is boring already” Virginia sighed.

The lecturer was on for two hours, then they left class at 3 and made their way to the arts club center.

“I’m switching to modellers angle today” Snow suddenly said.

“Really?” Virginia asked.

“Yeah, I joined photographers because of Draco, but now that I’ve found myself, I’m gonna go to where I belong” she replied, and JoJo smiled lightly as they went in.



Draco was already waiting in the bedroom when JoJo came back from school, and she started packing her bags immediately.

“Ann I can explain, I was…

“I’m not in the mood” she cut in, opening her closet.

“I was set up believe me …

“I’m not daft Draco!, I’m not stupid!, I saw you both in the car, you were f-__-king her jerk!, I saw it all!, And now you’re saying you were set up?, Stop talking already!, Stop!” She shouted at his face, her eyes getting red.

“Jo, just wait and lemme…

“No, I might just die it I spend one more minute in here, it’s toxic!” She shouted again.

“I’m sorry Ann, i swear it was a spray and…

“Don’t say anything again!, Your words makes my ears itch!, You hurt me and what you’re doing right now is even more hurting!, I regret falling for you Draco Klein!, I regret ever having any f-__-king thing to do with you!, Aren’t I good enough? I’m not good in bed enough?, I’m not pretty for you anymore?, My @@zz is not enough anymore, my tan skin is beginning to irritate you and my smile is not charming anymore, wasn’t that why you left me and f-__-ked another girl in same car we f-__-ked in?, same seat Draco!, And not just any girl, it’s Cora!, I h@ťě you Draco!, I h@ťě you more than anything right now!” She shouted, pushing his hard chest as hot tears rushed down her cheeks.

Draco felt like ki||ing himself immediately he saw the tears, his head went into the messiest frenzy, and tears started falling from his eyes too.

“Jo, I love you very much and I…

That was interrupted by a slap from her, and he stopped talking.

“Don’t f-__-king talk to me bastard!, Don’t!, Go meet Cora!, Go meet the lioness since a tigress is not enough anymore…go meet her jerk!, And don’t ever come close to me anymore!, I h@ťě you!!!” She cried more as she unclipped the anklet from her ankle.

She threw it at his face and stormed out of the room with the small bag she packed.

Draco held his head with both hands immediately, more tears came out of his eyes as he watched the door shut violently.

“Ann!!!” He shouted, running after her immediately.

He opened the door and ran out, but before he could get out, she already left in a car that’s not his own.

He dived an hand into his hair as he stood still, the cold night breeze hitting him hard every minute

His lips was shaking as he cried so hard for the first time since Angel’s death, his heart just left him and he’s feeling like dying right now.

His world just went down the drain, he just became empty.

Without thinking again, he got in his car and drove madly out of the hostel.

It only took fifteen minutes drive to get to the wolves empire.

He got down from his car and started $h00ting at anyone he comes across, both the fighters and the guards.

They started returning the $h00ts immediately, but he was able to dodge for the first five minutes.

Bullets flew like fireworks, and a great showdown of bloodshed happened as bodies started falling.

As he shot, he was crying slowly.

A bullet penetrated into his chest suddenly, and he staggered back, but he quickly ducked before standing again, he ki||ed the $h00ter of the bullet first before climbing his car roof, then he started $h00ting from there.

He’s so ski||ed in dodging them so much that not even one got him except the one that got him earlier, he was already bleeding from that spot.

He jumped to the bonnet before rolling down from there, then he started running in while $h00ting non-stop.

Some started attacking him, but after few blows and fistfights, he brought them down and blew off their skulls before returning to his race.

Another bullet entered his arm, and he staggered again, but he got a knife and threw it at the $h00ter.

The knife entered his mouth straight, and he went down.

Seems he’s the only one left of the fighters cos no one is in sight anymore, everyone is down already…dead!


“He ki||ed all the fifty fighters?” Tiger said shockingly as his hitman reported to him in his parlour.

He was on codeine but he blew away the white stuff and stood.

Cora is with him.

“Yeah, we need to move fast out of here” the hitman replied hastily.

“Stone only trained him for a year, those fighters were trained in northern Asia for years before I hired them!, So how come he ki||ed them!” Tiger ranted.

“You underestimated him, I told you to let’s ki|| him and his girl the other day but you never listened boss” the hitman replied.

“What do we do?, I don’t wanna die, I only agreed to do it cos I want him , I’m not part of you guys” Cora quickly said, and Tiger suddenly shoved a knife into her neck.

She went down dead straight, and he smirked.

“Let’s leave for now” he said, and the hitman opened the door, only to see Draco standing there.

He’s crying and smiling toxically at the same time.

“$h|t” Hitman muttered and shut the door immediately, but Draco broke the glass with his fist.

He opened it forcefully and came in, sending the hitman to the wall with just a punch, then he walked straight to Tiger himself.

“You’ll regret this” he said fearfully, and Draco smirked.

“The only thing I’ll regret is not ki||ing you, but I won’t regret it cos you’re dying right now, death is the only adventure you have left” he said in a deadly mutter before taking the last two steps to him.

He shoved two knives directly into his head at once.



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