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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 64

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Walton stepped out with mayor Mario, and immediately they got beside his car, he faced him.

“Have you gone bunkers?, How does it sound in your ears that the last son of the mayor was sighted in a restaurant, wasting his time with riff raffs ”

“They’re my friends, and I h@ťě when you call them names” Walton replied.

“You’re my son!, You’ve gotta trail my footsteps!” Mayor Shouted.

“And I’m not interested in trailing it!, Wasn’t that why I ran away from home?, Cos I’m fed up of your insane principles! You led my brothers astray, was that not why they became rapists?, I’ve been trying to hide the fact that you’re my father from everyone but you just ruined it!, Now everyone will recognize me as rapists brother!” Walton shouted, and he received a resounding slap from the mayor immediately.

“My triplets aren’t rapists!, They did nothing wrong so stop accusing your brothers wrongly!” Mario shouted.

“If they’re innocent, why did they run away from Cali?” Walton smirked.

“They’re coming back next month”

“That was even kept away from the public!, That’s because they’re scared!, And listen dad, don’t ever show up in anywhere I am, don’t ever!” Walton shouted.


“I h@ťě you!!!” He interrupted and rushed away from him, entering a balcony in front of the restaurant.

He bent there and started crying as the mayor drove away with his guards.

Mayor Mario was actually the one who entered the other time, alcohol made him look like Lustre in their eyes.

He was still crying when Lucy came out of the restaurant, and when she saw him, she rushed to bend in front of him.

“Baby what’s…

Walton hugged her before she could finish, dipping his face in her shoulder as he continued crying.

“Lucy what do I do?, What do I do?” He sobbed slowly, and Lucy started stroking his hair slowly, hugging him tighter.

“Stop crying” she said slowly. She could feel tears coming out of her own eyes too.

“Now everyone knows I’m his son, everyone now knows that I’m the rapists brother” he cried.

“You said you weren’t sure if they’re really involved” Lucy said, and Walton broke the hug.

“Angel Klein is not the only girl they R@P£D, they R@P£D two girls before her, but they buried them after raping them so their bodies weren’t found, they weren’t able to bury Angel’s body before the police invaded their hideout, that’s why Angel’s body was found” Walton cried, and Lucy’s eyes widened.

“My brothers are criminals, hardened ones believe me” Walton continued, and Lucy started wiping his tears.

“Do you know the family of Angel Klein?” She asked.

“Who else bears that surname?, Among us?” Walton replied, and Lucy’s eyes widened.

She fell on her butt, and her eyes kept widening.

“L… Lea…der?”



The hangout ended already, so everyone came out of the restaurant at once.

The sunflowers are all drunk, so it was Snow who put them in a cab since they won’t be able to drive.

Winter is not that drunk, so she waved with rolling eyes before getting in her car too, driving away instantly.

Snow faced James, and she blinked once before waving.

“Good.. night” she waved, but no answer came from James till she entered her car and drove away.

James got in his car too and started driving after her, wanting to make sure she’s ok till she gets home.

She got to her house after twenty minutes, and he watched her drive into the compound before sighing, then he drove away.

“You’re back already?” Derek said immediately Snow entered the living room.

“Big brother!, You’re still up?” She replied surprisingly.

“Yes, I’m expecting a call” he smiled.

“The hangout ended already, I’m so tired I need to go get some sleep” she replied, and he widened his arms.

Snow smiled before walking to him, then she hugged him tightly.

“Goodnight big bro”

“Goodnight baby sis” he smiled, kissing her hair before releasing her.

Immediately she went upstairs, Derek got his phone and dialled a number.

“How come she’s still alive!, How come she came home!, I told you to clear her!” He gritted his teeth as he spoke.



JoJo squinted slightly in her sleep, then she rolled from one side to another before smiling prettily, her hair so scattered on her face.

“Hmmn!” She Mõ@ɲed, yawning slightly as her eyes opened slowly.

She continued smiling as memories of last night kept hitting her head, it was the sweetest night of her existence, and she’s hoping for sweeter ones already.

She was still smiling when she spread her arms to her right,no Draco.

She spread to the left but still no him, then she sat up and the duvet fell from her body, she’s still totally naked.

“Knight” she called lazily, but no answer came.

“Knight where are you?” She called again, but still the same, then Draco’s phone rang on the bedstand.

She saw Walton on the caller ID and took it.

“Walton LOVERBOYZ?, He has never talked to Walton in class” she muttered.

The phone stopped ringing, but almost immediately, Luke’s call started ringing.

“Luke too?, Why?” She said, and Draco came in.

Her eyes brightened immediately cos he’s with a tray of food.

“Knight!” She smiled, dropping the phone.

He placed the tray of food in front of her, and he kissed her first before anything.

“Goodmorning” he smiled.

“Hug me” she pouted, widening her arms.

He hugged her immediately, kissing the sensitive part of her neck.

“Hmmn” she Mõ@ɲed sensitively, and he broke it to kiss her lips again.

“You cooked breakfast?” She said, looking at the tray.

Pan-fried steak, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fried pork and chilli.

“Yeah, eat before it gets cold” he replied, bending over her B-__-bs to kiss them.

“You said you don’t have a kitchen the other time when you were showing me around” she said, and he smiled.

“If I told you I have it, you might decide to cook and I don’t want that, the time you’ll spend cooking should be spent Mõ@ɲing my name instead” he said naughtily, and she smiled.

“Aww, kiss me again”

He kissed her lightly, then he started arranging her hair with his fingers as she started eating.

“Hmmn! Sweet!” She said with wide eyes and started eating fast.

“Easy baby” he said, rubbing the back of her neck.

“10 on 10” she said, and he smiled.

“Jo” he called.

“Yes baby?” She replied after eating another fork from the eggs.

“I love you till death” he said, and she smiled.

“To the square of eternity baby” she winked.

“You made me feel like a man last night, and I swear the next time we do that, I’m gonna make sure you won’t be able to move a leg the next morning” he said, and she laughed.

“Bring it on, now you know I’m a tigress in bed” she said.

“I know, and I love you so much Ann” he replied, kissing her lips again.

“I love you more my man” she replied, and they had an Eskimo kiss afterwards.

“What are we doing today?, The first class is by 12, after which we go to the arts club center” she said.

“We’ll go see mum at the mansion, but before then, I’ll bath you and I’ll teach you the use of cameras” he replied.

“You’re the best baby!” She blew him kisses like a kid, and he laughed as he continued watching her eat.

“What if I run mad at this rate?” He suddenly said.


“I just love you more than I can control, and I think I’m really going crazy, but it’s fine so far it’s for you” he said, and she blushed hotly.

“I registered for our India trip already” he said, and she gave him a peck.

“I love you”

“Till death” he replied, and they kissed again.

Immediately she finished eating, he lifted her off the bed and carried her into the bathroom.

He brushed for her and washed her hair before bathing her, sucking her B-__-bs as he did.

“You love them that much?” She giggled.

“Yeah, more than my life” he replied, and she laughed so hard as he continued sucking like a baby.

“Get off baddie!” She pushed his head away, and he smiled before giving finishing touches to her bath, then he took her out and dressed her up.

He packed her hair in a ponytail and helped her braid the tail, then she climbed his back and they entered his studio together.

He got a text from Viola immediately.


He dropped his phone after reading it.

“Walton and Luke called you earlier” she said.

“Oh, we do talk at times” he replied, dropping her.

“Never knew” she smiled, and he suddenly held her hand.

“Ann, I’m actually….”

“What?” She asked curiously.

“I love you” he changed the word, and she smiled.

“Let’s get used to the camera!” She said, picking one.

He got behind her, and the lecture started.

They were on it for an hour before leaving for the mansion.


Immediately they opened the door and came in, Aurora gasped excitedly.


JoJo ran into her arms, and Aurora started showering her face with kisses instantly.

Draco smiled.

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