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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 5

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“I’ll be seeing my Butter on stage again after one long week” Virginia said happily as she walked in happily with her friends.

She was jumping on her pink shinny heels, her long hair flowing around her.

The hall is not as full as it was yesterday during LOVERBOYZ concert, his fans aren’t as numerous as theirs.

They found spots in the front of the barricades as usual, they always find spots in the front no matter how late they are.

“Where do you think spooky face will be right now?” Cora giggled.

“Hospital, she’d need treatment” Abigail laughed.

“That’s if she can even afford it, her family is so poor” Virginia replied.

“Not poor per say, her dad is rich, but he stopped giving her money since she grew up ugly” Cora said.

“Even her dad h@ťěs her?, I don’t blame the poor man, who’d want that ugly thing for a daughter” Abigail made faces.

“Her mum should be blamed for wasting efforts in the labour room just to bring forth that pig ” Virginia said, and they all laughed again.

“When you think about Butter, you get what?” The MC hyped.

? Butterflies!!!!!!

“Are you sure you’re smooth like Butter?” He shouted.

? Yes baby!!!!

“The title of the song is… THIRSTY, scream out your guts for… Butter!!!!”

? Yeeessssssssss!!!!!!!!

Fire started whooshing on the stage, and sweet smelling colourful smokes joined it later as a short standing microphone appeared on stage in front of a piano, then Butter walked in, wearing a blue shirt which was tucked in in the front only.

It was bigger than him, so it made him cuter, and the black pants went Șëx¥ with the expensive sneakers.

? Future husband!!!!

? My life!!!!

?I love you!!!!

? Notice me please!!!

? Let me be your bread!!

“My boyfriend!!!!” Virginia screamed tirelessly, snapping various pictures of him before he sat in front of the piano.

He flashed a cute smile before placing his fingers on the piano, playing the intro before entering.

? You calm me down, and stir me up

? You make me wanna eat you up

? I get thirsty for you every minute… like a vampire…

? Vampire…

? Thirsts for blood…



Draco’s car stopped some meters away from the mansion, and he looked at Kavita who was sitting beside him.

“He’ll be here… Say 9:30” she said, and he got his gun from the drawer.

Kavita did the same, and they layed low in the car, waiting for when the trap will catch the prey.

A plank full of nails has been placed on the road.

They only waited for five minutes before the blue car showed up, Kavita smiled.

“He’s eager to die” she said, watching from the front mirror.

The blue car stopped immediately the tyres got punctured by the nails, and the driver of the car came out first.

“Now” Draco said, and he came out of the car with Kavita.

Kavita shot the driver on the head, and he fell down dead in front of the car.

Draco opened the car door, and the fearful man was dragged out.

“No…no… please don’t ki|| me… don’t…

“Life’s unfair, right?” Draco smirked, aiming for him.

“Your life has been payed for” Kavita said as Draco pulled the trigger.

The bullet made it’s way into the man’s skull, and his eyes rolled as he went on his knees, falling on his face afterwards.

Draco tapped his earpiece once, and it beeped red.

“Mission completed” he said, entering the car with Kavita.

They drove off.



JoJo was just coming back home, she stayed out long so she’d come in under the shadow of the night, to keep her wounds from her mum.

She knowingly made her hair cover her face.

“You’re late JoAnn” Victoria said from the living room.

She has obviously been waiting for her return.

“I’m sorry mum” JoJo replied quickly and started rushing in.

She bumped into Ignatius, and Ignatius slapped her without waiting.

“Watch where you’re going!, Zombie!” He said h@ťěfully and entered his room.

“JoJo…” Victoria started rushing to her.

“Goodnight mum!” She quickly said and kept her face down as she ran to her room and shut the door, resting on it.

The bruises on her knees from yesterday’s torture, and the wound on her head from today’s bullying are contributing a lot to making her feel sick.

They need to be treated, but where will she even get the money for treatment???

Painfully, she limped to her bed and threw down her bag, then she took off Snow’s jacket and hung it in her wardrobe.

“I have to wash and return it” she smiled, leaving the wardrobe for her bed.

She got her phone and saw a message from Firefighter from Secret-room.

She quickly logged in and luckily, he’s online.

MIMI: Caught you!

FIREFIGHTER: I’ve been waiting since 10mins

MIMI: So sorry, something came up

FIREFIGHTER: Why are you always busy?

MIMI: I have a lot on my plate


MIMI: Are we really gonna meet soon?

FIREFIGHTER: Sure, why?, You don’t wanna see me?

MIMI: No, it’s because… I’m really…ugly

FIREFIGHTER: The heart matters, the face is a bonus

JoJo smiled afterwards, feeling much better than before.



? Mystic asassins ki||ed billionaire Costa on Saturday!

? Who the hell are they?, Even the cops can’t pinpoint

? I’m seriously fed up of them

? When are they gonna stop ki||ing?

Everyone was talking about just that as they walked in groups into the school.

JoJo walked alone in the middle of everyone, her head down as usual.

Her heart was beating fast in fear, and she almost fell as her legs kept stumbling on each other.

The gist changed suddenly when Virginia posted the picture of JoJo on the blog with the caption; “NEW Ɓîtçh GUYS, ONE DOLLAR PER NIGHTSTAND”

Everyone started laughing as they checked, and eyes started turning to her.

She’s used to attention, so she just continued walking, thinking it’s one of their mockeries.

Immediately she entered the hallway, guys started throwing one dollar notes at her.

? Let’s met tonight at seven stars hotel

? Can you suck my Ďïčk for me?

? Girl I’d love to lick your ćƖĩť

? One dollar!

? One dollar what’s up?

Rain of one dollar kept falling on her, and she has no idea why cos they were all laughing.

She started walking faster, but a group of five guys blocked her, and before she knew it, one of them grabbed her right B-__-b.

Everyone laughed, and her eyes widened, but she got over the shock and took the hand.

She didn’t hesitate before biting it hard, throwing everyone off guard.

“f-__-k!” The guy screamed out as she continued biting his hand deeper and deeper till the other guys grabbed her.

She was pushed against the wall, and she fell heavily.

The hand of the guy she bit was already bleeding.

Virginia came out of the class, holding Butter.

She actually brought him out to watch it.

“Funny right?, She’s always a cheap ugly thing” she giggled.

Butter looked at the scene quietly, the bitten guy was still swinging his hand painfully and JoJo was still sitting on the ground.

The wound on her forehead was still so fresh , it’s definitely untreated, plus the ones on her knees.

“You did that to her because I helped her pick her books?” He said, facing Virginia.

“Butter I….I was just jealous and…

He pushed her away before she could finish, and she fell on her minions as Butter started walking to the circle

He got there just when the bitten guy was about to slap JoJo.

He grabbed his hand and pushed him backwards, making him stagger.

Everyone watched with keen interest, and the hallway became silent as Butter faced JoJo.

He stretched an hand to help her up.

Everyone gasped as that happened, and Virginia’s eyes widened.

JoJo ignored the hand for the fear of Virginia, then she stood on her own, but her bruised knees made her legs shake on the ground immediately.

She fell directly on Butter, and he quickly held her waist to keep her still.


Draco and Kavita entered the hallway, and Kavita smiled.

“Wow, nice sight” she said.

Draco walked away immediately, and she followed.

Butter was still holding JoJo.

“I need oxygen, oxygen!!” Virginia screamed.


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