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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⟨ Blood, Sweat And Tears… ⟩

THEME; Making Them Pay


By; Succie Brown.




Mr. Watterson banged his hands on the table with so much indignation in his eyes. “It’s just your first day in this college, and you are already fighting each other, will you burn yourselves, when you start schooling here” Mr. Watterson asked both Dario and Jaycee. Ariel was in the middle of both Dario and Jaycee, not minding what Mr. Watterson was saying.

“I didn’t start the fight. You can see it from the footage that he was the one who throw a punch at me, I couldn’t just sit back and allow him to punch me, I am not a weakling” Jaycee said.

“You made me punch you Jaycee, because you keep asking silly questions” Dario said, and Jaycee snickers.

“Really? I am asking silly questions? You and I know that what I was asking earlier wasn’t a silly question, but a question to find out about the truth” Jaycee said, and Dario’s veils pumped out from his neck.

“Shut that gutters of yours!!!” Dario shouted.

“I am sure guit is eating you up and that is why you are always paranoid, anytime I mentioned that day” Jaycee said.

“I told you to shut up!!!”

“I won’t shut up!!!” Jaycee shouted back, and Mr. Watterson hits the table again. “Don’t you both have manners!!!” He yelled at them, and both Jaycee and Dario glared at each other, while Ariel just sat down, caring less about what was going on.

“I am still talking about the fight you engaged yourself in, and yet you want to start another fight. Dario, even if your dad has one of the most successful automobile companies in Moscow, that doesn’t mean you should act like your dad owns the world” Mr. Watterson said, and Dario kept mute, not uttering a world.

“Jaycee Mendoza, you dad said good things about you, is this the character he was talking about?” He asked.

“Of course not Mr. Watterson, I am sorry” Jaycee apologize.

“Even if you are sorry, that doesn’t mean you won’t escape from your punishment. You both broke the rules of this school, and you will be punished for that, despite your Dads status in Moscow city” Mr. Watterson said, and Ariel stood up to her feet, heading for the door.

“And where the heck are you going?” Mr. Watterson asked. Ariel stopped walking and turned to look at Mr. Watterson.

“To my dorm” She answered.

“Why are you going back to your dormitory, when I am not yet done talking to you”

“What do you want to talk to me about? I don’t even know why I am here. This two guinea fowls were the ones who fought and not me” Ariel said.

“You didn’t separate them from fighting, rather you added fuel to the burning flames” Mr. Watterson said.

“I didn’t add fuel to the burning flames, I was just teaching them how to throw a kick properly, since they were doing it as if they’re kindergartens” Ariel said, with her hands on her ripped jean pockets.

“The school doesn’t engaged itself in violence, you’re only trained to caught criminals with your ski||s, not using it on one another. You went against the rules of the school Ariella, and that’s why you are going to join them in their punishment” Mr. Watterson said.

“We are in a cop college, since when did teaching a cop student how to throw a kick become a breaking of law?” Ariel asked.

“That’s why Moscow cop college exist. We train our students ourselves, if you are that perfect why did you come to Moscow cop college” He asked, and Ariel kept mute.

“Your punishment is running around the school field from 7pm to 10pm for a week” Mr. Watterson said.

“You want us to run around the school field for four hours? We won’t have the legs for training the following day” Dario said.

“You should have thought about the consequences of your actions, before doing it. Your punishment starts tomorrow night, after your trainings and classes”

“Wh@ťěver” Ariel said, she covered her head with her hoodie cap and left Mr. Watterson’s office.

“I will be going now, Mr. Watterson” Jaycee said, and left. Dario was about leaving, but Mr. Watterson stopped him.

“Can I have a word with you?” He said and Dario looked at him.


“Ariella! Ariella wait!” Jaycee said, going after Ariel.

Ariel stopped walking and look at Jaycee, taking off her hoodie.

“What do you want? Don’t you know how precious that name is!!!” Ariel shouted at him.

“Why are you so mad? Is it a crime that I called you Ariella?” Jaycee asked.

“What do you want and why are you following me?” She asked, coldly.

“Loosen up a bit Ariella, you are acting as if the world turned their back on you. We are classmates, we should associate like one” Jaycee said.

“I don’t want to Jaycee,”

“Will you be able to take the punishment? You shouldn’t have involved yourself in the fight between I and Dario”

“Then you both shouldn’t have fought like chickens, and FYI, running for four hours isn’t a big deal to me, you should worry about yourself” Ariel said, walking away. Jaycee smiled and went after her.

“Have you been training since you were born? How come your kicks are so powerful?” Jaycee asked. Ariel stopped walking and kicked his knee. He groaned in pain, hopping on one foot.

“That’s how powerful my kicks are, and yes I have been training right from my mother’s womb. Follow me again, and you won’t like what I will do to your cute face” Ariel said and walked away, covering her head with her hoodie.

“She is harsh, but at least she knows I am cute” Jaycee said and smiled.

*The only thing good about you is your cute face, you don’t even know how to throw a punch* The voice of the girl from his childhood, echoed in his ear, and he smile.

“Why does everything about her, reminds me of triple trouble?” Jaycee muttered and smiled cutely.



Ariel entered the room, and sees Jessica and Nora playing a game, and laughing so loudly. She ignores them and went to her bed.

“Why is she always wearing a cold face?” Nora asked.

Jessica looked at Ariel, whose eyes were facing the ceiling and stood up to her feet. “Don’t tell me you want to talk to her?” Nora asked.

“She is our roommate, we should try to mingle together” Jessica said.

“Wh@ťěver Jessica” Nora said, with a frown on her face.

Jessica walked up to Ariel, and tapped her gently, and Ariel glared at her. “What do you want?” Ariel asked.

“I just wanted to check up on you” Jessica said.

Ariel looked at Jessica and sit up on the bed. “Why are you checking up on me, did I tell you I was sick?” She asked.

“No you didn’t, but….

“Are you a lesbian?” Ariel asked, rudely.

“Why are you calling my best friend a lesbian?” Nora asked, approaching Ariel.

“Because she looks like one to me, she kept prying in my business, when I clearly didn’t ask her to. What’s her business if I am ill or not?” Ariel asked, directing the question to Nora.

“I am not a lesbian Ariella, I just want to be friends with you” Jessica said.

“I don’t need your friendship Jessica, so please stay out of my business. Can’t you see I don’t want to be friends with you? Are you acting stupid, or are you born stupid?”

“That’s harsh Ariella!” Nora said.

“Then stay out of my business” Ariel said, and laid back on the bed, backing both Jessica and Nora.

“She is so rude and supercilious Jessica, you should stop talking to her” Nora said, and Jessica looked at Ariel.

“Let’s just forget about her, and continue with our game” Nora said, holding Jessica’s hands and both went back to the game they were playing.

As for Ariel, she was trying her best not to stand up from the bed, and joined them in the game, since rock, paper, scissors and cut is her favorite game.

“Don’t get affected by what they call you Ariel, in order to find your twin’s sister’s ki||er, you have to distance yourself from everyone. You can’t be distracted by anything Ariel” She said to herself, and cleaned the tears that was about falling down from her eyes.


Chitchatting and loud laugh could be heard inside a room, as Caramel, Candace and Camila engaged themselves in a non-stop talks.

“But seriously, we should keep our voices down, what if the school authorities knock on our door?” Camila asked.

“Relax Camila, is our first day in MCC, so tonight is the only night we have to do what we want, from tomorrow, lights out starts by seven, so we should enjoy it while it last, right Caramel?” Candace asked, but Caramel was lost in thought.

“Caramel!” Candace said, tapping her, and Caramel looked at her. “What were you saying?” She asked.

“Really Caramel? We were all discussing together, and all of a sudden, you got lost in your own thoughts. What were you thinking Caramel?” Candace asked, while Camila looked at her.

Caramel smiled and asked. “What do you think about Jaycee?”

“Who is Jaycee?” Camila asked.

“The cute guy I was sitting with” Caramel said.

“Oh, I think I know him. He was the one who fought with Dario, right?” Candace asked.

“Yes. He is so cute, and somehow I can’t stop thinking about him. I can’t just get his sweet fragrance out of my nose” Caramel said, smiling.

“Me too”

“What!!” Caramel shrieked.

“I am not talking about Jaycee, I am talking Dario. He is kind of rude, and that makes me want him the more. He is so handsome, the perfect guy I have been looking for” Candace said smiling.

“Don’t tell me you both are falling for Jaycee who has a cute face, and Dario who has a handsome face? Have you forgotten the rules of this school, no dating?” Camila said.

“C’mon Camila, don’t be a vibe ki||er. Our parents fund this cop college, and that makes us exceptional” Caramel said, and Candace concurred to what Caramel said.

“Fine, let’s say we are a bit exceptional from the others, but that doesn’t not include dating, and what about that girl?” Camila asked.

“What girl?” Candace asked.

“That cold face girl who kicked both Dario and Jaycee. Those two seemed to be interested in her” Camila said.

“She dare not cross my part, Jaycee is mine” Caramel said.

“I will so deal with her, if she dares go close to Dario” Candace added. Camila looked at them and shaked her heads.



Dario kept shaking his head, holding on the bedsheets tightly, and at the same time, sweating so much, as he dreamt about what happened on the prom night party.

He was with Jaycee and some of his classmate, and they were drinking and enjoying themselves, since it was their last day in high school.

“C’mon Dario, stop drinking” Jaycee said trying to take the drink from him, but Dario slapped his hands off.

“I want to drink some more” He said, excitedly.

“You are drinking too much Dario, what if you can’t drive back home”

“You are my best friend, right? You can always volunteer to be a designated driver for me” He said, blinking his eyes and Jaycee chuckle.

“You are a carton” Jaycee said, playfully, and Dario laughed and continue drinking.

He got pressed and wanted to use the restroom, but on his way to the restroom, he began feeling h*rny, with his head spinning like crazy. While he was trying to control himself, he saw a girl coming his way.

The scream of the girl he R@P£D at the prom party wake him up, and Dario sprung up, panting heavily, and slowly he broke into tears.

“I didn’t mean to do it, I didn’t mean to ki|| her” Dario said, crying like a baby.


Someone’s foots could be seen walking to an isolated place in MCC, but no matter the fast pace of the person’s feet, it couldn’t be heard by anyone.

The person stop walking when he got to the Isolated place in MCC, and put someone on call.

“Hello boss” The voice said.

“Are you already in MCC?” The boss asked.

“Just as we planned, I am in MCC, and from now our criminal business will go smoothly, because I will always update anytime they plan to carry out investigations about the smuggling of kids” The voice said.

“Good job. Find a way to sneak out from MCC college, I have a reward and a mission for you” The Boss said.

“Thanks a lot boss, I promise to do my best” The voice said, and ended the call with a dangerous smirk.



“Daddy!” Nadiya said, running to her dad to hug him. Lorenzo smiled and carried her. “How is my princess doing” He asked.

“I am fine Daddy” Nadiya answered.

“Where’s your momma?” He asked.

“She is her room taking a rest, she is not feeling well”

Lorenzo nodded his head and looked at the maid. “Take Nadiya to her room, she needs to sleep, she has school tomorrow” Lorenzo said.

“Okay sir” The maid said, and carried Nadiya to her room.

Lorenzo went to Becca’s room, and sees her laying on the bed, and she was shivering despite the fact that the AC wasn’t on, and she was covering herself with a thick duvet.

“Get up Becca, I am back” Lorenzo said.

Becca sit up in the bed, looking at Lorenzo with so much trepidation in her face. “Nadiya told me you are sick?”

“Yes… I’m not feeling well” She said, shivering.

“What are we going to do Becca, I am h*rny, and I want my Ďïčk inside of you, f-__-king you like never before” Lorenzo said.

“I am sorry Lorenzo, but I can’t give you my body today, I am sick” Becca said. Lorenzo walked up to her and she snuggle back fearfully.

“Are you trying to deprived me of my property?” He asked.

“No, I am not feeling…..”

Becca couldn’t complete her words, when Lorenzo slapped her, and spread her legs wide open.

“Please Lorenzo, don’t rape me today, I am not feeling well” Becca said, crying.

“Are you trying to say I am a rapist. I am your husband Becca and you are my wife!!” Lorenzo shouted at her and punch her stomach so hard, and Becca cried.

“When I want you, you give yourself to me. No one can have you, except for me” Lorenzo said, and forcefully torn the PJs she was wearing, and without wasting time, he penetrated inside of her banging her p**sy aggressively, not minding she was sick.

“Lorenzo, please you are hurting me!” Becca cried in so much pain, but Lorenzo didn’t stop f-__-king her vigorously.

“Please Lorenzo have mercy on me” Becca begged, crying.

“Stop crying!!!” He shouted at her, and punched her so much hard on the face, f-__-king her so hard.



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