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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEART OF A SISTER – Episode 28

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⟨ Blood, Sweat And Tears… ⟩

THEME; Making Them Pay


By; Succie Brown.



“How where you able to know this illegal organization, Camila?” Dario asked.

Camila took in a deep breath and said. “I followed Daniel, and that’s how I was able to know where this illegal organization is located”

“But how did Daniel became part of this?” Jessica asked.

“His working for them, and he is also a spy in MCC. He goes by the nick name code 62”

“Code 62? Daniel is code 62?” Brett asked, looking surprised.

“I was surprised too when I got to know about it. But it’s all my fault while he joined this illegal organization. If I haven’t insulted and hurt him so deeply, he won’t have joined in their criminal activities. Daniel is a good person, he might be working for them, but I am sure he hasn’t hurt anyone. I am saying this to you, because Daniel said he is going to die if he makes an attempt to leave the organization. If this organization is found by the police, Daniel is going to be free, even though it’s going to land him in prison” Camila said, cleaning the tears in her eyes.

Ariel took up from where she was sitting and sat beside Camila. “Thanks for disclosing what you know about Daniel. It’s a difficult thing to do, but you think tackled it and came out in the open” Ariel said.

“I just want Daniel to stop being part of this organization because of me”

“Now that we know where this illegal organization is, what’s next?” Nora asked.

“We have to put them behind bars” Ariella said.

“Yes, but we have to take them unaware” Jaycee said.

“How, Jaycee?” Aria asked.

“By making Venom believe that Dario is actually dead” Jaycee answered.

“How would that be possible, Jaycee?” Dario asked.

“I know of a drug that makes someone look like they are dead. Your breathing will stop and you will have to take the antidote in the next one hour, or you will die completely” Jaycee said, and Ariel shake her head.

“I disagree do that Jaycee. That’s dangerous, what if we’re ain’t able to give him the antidote on time” Ariel said.

“I also know how dangerous it is too, Ariel. But we can’t just barged inside the organization, without having something to distract them with. Jessica’s Mom wants Dario dead, that’s a perfect way to distract them, so we can distract them before they can make a move” Jaycee said.

“But still, I don’t agree to this, Jaycee” Ariel said.

“I will do it” Dario said, and Ariel looked at him with sullen eyes.


Nora parked her hair into a ponytail getting ready to go for their set mission. They have sneaked out of school, through the hole Leo always crawl out from, and they resided in Jasper’s condo. They’d have gone to Jeremy’s house, but they are being conscious of Rock who might just barge in unaware.

“You shouldn’t come with us, Nora” Jasper said, approaching her. Nora looked at him, but looked away from him. “I told you not to talk to me”

“I am being serious here Nora. Among us, you’re the weakest. You should stay back, the rest of us can handle it” Jasper said.

“My Dad is one of the reason we are embarking on this mission, so I have to be included. Beside Brett and Jessica are going, so why are you stopping me?” Nora asked, trying to leave, but Jasper blocked her part.

“Because I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, Nora” He said.

“Why? Do you love me?” She asked, and Jasper went numb.

“You don’t love me right? So mind your own business, and care about yourself instead” Nora said and walked away, bumping shoulders with him.

Jasper swipe his hair to the back and sighed.


Ariel entered the room and sees Dario looking at the drug. He was sitted on the bed, and was caressing the container of the drug. “You don’t have to do it, if you don’t want to, Dario” Ariel said, sitting beside him.

“I want to do it Ariel. If I don’t, we won’t be able to catch them. We have to end all of this, so Jasper won’t have to die, so that the young girls won’t be rape, and for you and your sisters to live freely without being scared that someone is after your life” Dario said.

“But I am scared of what might happen to you, Dario. What if we are unable to give you the antidote after an hour. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you” Ariel said, sobbing.

Dario smiled and cleaned her tears. “Nothing is going to happen to me, Ariel. So don’t cry okay” He said and Ariel nodded her head. Dario took off the necklace he was wearing and gave it to her.

“Keep it safe okay”

“I thought you just said nothing bad is going to happen to you, so why are you asking me to keep this safe. You should wear it” Ariel said, trying to take off the necklace, but Dario held her hand.

“What I am trying to say is that you should return it to me after the whole mission have been complete. So keep it safe okay, because you will have to return it to me”

“I will Dario”

“I also have something to tell you after we accomplished this” Dario said.

“Why can’t you tell me now?” Dario asked, curiously.

“After our mission, Ariel” Dario said and winked at her, and both of them smile.


“Are you ready to take the drug?” Jaycee asked, and Ariel gulped down hard, caressing the necklace Dario gave to her.

“Yes I am”

“You will automatically be dead once you take this drug. Jeremy will take you to Jessica’s mom, and after everything is settled, I am going to inject the antidote in your body system after an hour” Jaycee said and Dario nodded his head.

He was about taking the drug, when Leo approach them. “What are you going here, Leo” Ariella asked.

“Sorry Ariella, but I informed him about it” Jessica said.

“Where y’all planning on going for a mission without your big brother?” He asked.

“We thought it wasn’t necessary” Aria said.

“Well, there’s no way I can allow my kid sisters to go through this alone. Jessica already explained everything to me on the phone, so let’s get this over and done with” Leo said.

Dario took the drug, and within a few seconds, he fell to the floor, looking like a dead person.

“Dario” Ariel called his name trying to go to him, but Ariella held her hand. “Don’t worry Ariel, he will be fine” She said, and Ariel took in her lip, frighteningly.

“Jeremy call my Mom and tell her you have gotten rid of Dario’s body. I’m sure she will asked you to bring her body to her” Jessica said.

Jeremy took his phone and called Paulina and she picked at first ring. “Have you gotten rid of Dario?” She asked.

“Yes I have” Jeremy said.

“Bring the body to me, I want to see his body. I am going to text you the address” She said and ended the call. Within a second, she sent the address.

“She already sent an address” Jeremy said, showing them the address.

“This is not the address to the organization” Camila said.

“What should we do” Nora asked.

“We have to split. Some of us we go with Camila, and the rest of us will go with Jeremy”

“But how do we distract them. I have been to that organization, and it’s highly guided” Camila said.

“I have a plan” Aria said and they’ll looked at her.


Camila pulled into a halt a little bit far from the organization, and she came out from the car with Ariel, Ariella Brett, and Leo. The rest of the gang has gone with Jeremy.

“So the plan is for me to keep them distracted, in order to gain access inside the organization, so we can arrest them” Aria said and the rest of them nodded their heads.

The moment the gate of the organization opened, Aria quickly rushed towards the gate and collapse on the floor. “Please help me I am dying, my stomach hurts” She cries in pain.

“Miss who are you?”

“Just help me, please I am dying” she cried.

“What’s going on over there?” Some body asked approaching Aria and the gateman. Ariel, Ariella, Leo and Camila used that opportunity to jump over the fence, and stylishly gain access inside the main building.

Aria quickly stood up on her feet when she saw that they had made their way inside the building. “I am okay, now” She said laughing, but one of the bodyguard pointed a gun at her.

“How did you get here?” He asked.


“No need for answers, you should answer to Landmark, I’m sure he’s going to join you among the girls” He said.

*Landmark? He is still alive?* Aria thought as she was being taken by the man. She didn’t try to fight back because their plan was for the bodyguards to take her to any important person inside the organization.


Landmark looked at the innocent girls who were being locked up, and some of the girls were the same age with his sisters. Daniel approach him and said, “The boys who will be raping the girls will be brought in, later tonight” He said, and Landmark nodded his head.

“You can go” He said. Daniel looked at him, before leaving, and just after he left, the bodyguard approached Landmark with Aria.


Landmark looked at him, and his eyes widen when he saw Aria.

“I saw her wandering outside. She is going to join the girls, right?” The bodyguard asked, and Landmark throat dried immediately. He doesn’t know how Aria was able to find this organization, but one thing is for sure, she’s going to die when the bosses sees her face.


Ariel, Arielle, Camila, Brett and Leo after gaining access inside the main buildings of the organization, disguise as bodyguards of the organization, so they’d be able to know the location of the bosses suites.

“I already called for backup in case anything happens” Leo said and the rest of them nodded their heads. They were wearing masks and were trying to entered the elevator to the 7th floor, because while disguising as bodyguards, they heard the rest talking about the bosses’ suite being on the 7th floor.

“Stop right there” A group of body guards said, and they halted from opening the elevator.

“Where are y’all going?” One of them asked.

“The boss wants to see us” Ariel answered.

“Take off your nose mask” Another said. Ariella, Aria, Leo, Brett and Camila looked at each other.

“Why are you hesitating to take off your nose mask. Take it off right now” One of them said, pointing a gun at them. Ariel was near the elevator, so while looking at the organization’s body guards. She pressed the elevator button, and unfortunately, only she and Ariella were able to entered the elevator before it closed.

“There are intruders in the organization!!!” One of them screamed out as they released their bullets. Leo, Brett and Camila flew to safety. They were with their guns, so exchanged of guns were being made, as they tried their best to avoid the bullets been shot at them.


“Why did you bring me here? Shouldn’t you be helping your bosses, so why are you helping me escaped?” Aria asked when Landmark brought her to an escape route.

“I am going to explain everything to you later, just leave here”

“I can’t leave without these bosses put behind bars, and without my sisters”

“Your sisters are also here?” He asked, and suddenly they heard gun shots from different angle.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

“My sisters are in danger!” Aria shrieked and ran back inside the organization.

“Aria” Landmark said, going after her.

They were strained bullets going on in the organization, because the more Leo, Camila and Brett flew to safety, the more the organization’s bodyguards shot at them.

Aria bumped into one of the bodyguards, and just when he was about pulling the trigger, Landmark shot him and pulled Aria to an alley. Aria tried pushing him away but Landmark held her tightly. “Stop holding me, I have to look for my sisters!!”

“Just calm down and listen to me, Aria” Landmark said.

“Why should I listen to you and why are you helping me!!!” Aria shouted at him.

“Because I am your brother, Adrian”



Leo found rescue in an alley, he was bleeding from his arm, because he got shot, during the exchange of guns. He didn’t know where Brett and Camila were, because they flew to different direction during the $h00ting. Leo brought out his phone and dialed a number. “We need backup now” He said.


Camila was still running for safety when Daniel pulled her to an alley. She wasn’t shot. “What the heck are you doing here?” He asked.

“This wasn’t how we planned it, but I am doing this so that this organization will fall into their doom, and you be free” Camila. Said.

“By involving yourself in danger? What were you thinking to have here with our classmates? This whole organization is a mess because of you”

“I am doing this for you, Daniel”

“Come with me” Daniel said, trying to help her escape, but a bodyguard shot him, and he fell to the ground.


“Leave this place, Camila” He said, weakly as the bodyguard approach them.

“I can’t leave without you, you are bleeding” She said crying.

“Just get out from this place Camila, I am going to you”


“Just go, Camilla!!!” He shouted at her, and Camila ran away crying. The bodyguard tried to go over Camila, but Daniel block him.

“I know you aren’t supposed to be trusted” The bodyguard said, trying to $h00t Daniel, but Daniel kicked off the gun from his hand, and they were involved in a huge fight. But because Daniel has been shot, he was unable to fight properly.

He kicked Daniel and Daniel landed on the floor, vomiting out blood, and without mercy he shot Daniel on the forehead, and he instantly met his death.


A wicked smile appeared on Paulina’s face, when she saw Dario’s dead body. “Good job Jeremy, now I can make a phone call to Raymond” Paulina said, but stopped halfway when she had some noise outside the room, Dario’s body was laying.

“Was that sound?” She asked.

“It’s nothing Boss Venom” Jeremy said.

“Go check it out” Paulina said to Rock and some of her men. Jeremy took in his lips as Rock went outside the room with her gun.

Nora kept holding her breath as Rock walked around the building. Leo has managed to informed them to be on standby that the cops will be there soon, since they were having it hot in the organization. She was about going to where Jessica, Jaycee and Jasper were after peeing, when she mistakenly made some noise.

Thinking that Rock already left, she let out a sigh, and began walking back to where her friends were, but unfortunately for her, Rock pulled her hair from behind, and she screamed. “Who are you?” Rock asked, but Nora kicked her face instead of answering Rock’s question.

“Did you come here with Jeremy? Is he trying to betray us?” Rock asked again, but Nora kicked her again, and the gun Rock was holding, flew away and rolled into a corner.

“Since you want to fight, I am going to give you what you asked for” Rock said and engaged in a fight with Nora. Since Rock has been in the streets for years, she was a very ski||ed fighter more than Nora. Nora was bleeding furiously, but Rock didn’t stop using her boots and punches on Nora. Rock gave Nora a very hard kick and she flew and landed in a metal, and it pissed inside her stomach and came out from the front. Blood gushed out from her mouth, and her eyes blinked severally before meeting her death.

“Jeremy brought someone here” Rock announced to Paulina when she got back to the empty room.

“How dare you…… ” Paulina was cut short because Jeremy pointed a gun at them. “Try to move and I won’t think twice of blowing your skulls”

The next thing that was heard was the siren of a police van. Different cops came down from th van and surrounded the area.

“She’s inside, make sure you arrest her” Jessica said, as she followed the police men alongside with Jasper and Jaycee.

The police men breaked inside the room, and they all pointed their guns at Paulina and Rock. “Your reigning is over, witch” Jessica said to her mom h@ťěfully, as Paulina and Rock where being handcuffed by the police. Jasper looked around, but he couldn’t see Nora.

“Where’s Nora?” He asked.



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