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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEART OF A SISTER – Episode 27

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⟨ Blood, Sweat And Tears… ⟩

THEME; Making Them Pay




Leo kept looking at the A³ and they in turn looked at him. They weren’t talking to each other, they were just staring at each other.

“I can’t take this silent anymore, can I ask a question?” Ariel said, and Leo nodded his head.

“If you are really our brother why didn’t our parents talked about you. The only person they talked was Adrian, who ran away from home, on the day we were born” Ariel said.

“Your Mom didn’t know she gave birth to set of twins, who aren’t identical” Leo said.

“What do you mean by that?” Aria asked.

“What I am trying to say is that Diego who happens to be our father sold me to my foster parents” Leo said.

“Why will dad do such a thing?” Ariella asked.

“To settle his debt. According to my foster parents, they said my dad was owning a huge debt, and they thr_@ten to ki|| him. Having no option, he sold me off to my foster parents” Leo said.

“Did Mom know about this?” Ariel asked.

“No she doesn’t, she gave birth to Adrian and I through CS, and she wasn’t aware when the whole scheme was made. I guess Diego took the truth to his grave” Leo said.

“I don’t trust you, maybe you are just feigning the whole story up to deceive us. My dad has never lied to us, and if Adrian had a twin, he’d have told us, just like how he told us about Adrian” Ariella said.

“I am not lying. Why will I make this story up to deceive you, when I am just finding out that I have sisters who are triplets with the same face. My foster Parents told me about my biological parents and twin brother, because they didn’t know my real parents had children after I and my twin brother. If you think I am lying, I am going to show you prove that I am saying the truth” Leo said and hang over his phone to the A³

? I know you are trying to look for your parents, but you should know you aren’t allowed to leave MCC. What if you get caught?” Came a message from his foster dad.

? Don’t worry I won’t get caught. Leo replied to his foster Dad’s message.

The A³ continue reading the messages, and they were convinced that Leo was saying the truth.

“Did you have any information Adrian?” Ariel asked.

“No I don’t. I used Adrian in searching for him, but the people I have seen who bears that name doesn’t have the same parents with me or birth certificate” Leo said.

“That’s because Adrian ran away from home, I am sure he must have change his name, that’s why you can’t find him” Aria said.

“I do hope I found him soon. Who would have thought that I have triple sisters who have the same face” Leo said, smiling.

“About that, you have to give us time to think this through. You’re a brother we just met for the first time, you don’t expect us to accept you that quickly” Ariella said, and Ariella and Aria concurred to what she said.

“I understand you both, perfectly” Leo said, and smiled at them.

Few minutes later after the A³ has left the restaurant they were in, Leo was about to leave when Jessica approach him.

“Jessica. I thought you left with my sisters?” He asked.

“No I didn’t. Can I talk to you for a while?” She asked and Leo looked at her.


“What do you want to talk about?” Leo asked when they came out from the restaurant.

“I am sorry”

“Sorry for what?” He asked.

“My Mom is involved in a illegal business, so I overheard her talking-to someone who is called code 62. He is working for them and also a student at MCC. So I thought you were the spy because I have seen you go out of the school a couple of times. I am sorry if I accused you wrongly” Jessica apologize sincerely.

“It’s fine Jessica. Thanks to your wrong accusation, I got to find out that I have beautiful triplet sisters. It’s just to find my twin brother” He said, smiling.

“Did the A³ accept you?”

“No they didn’t, but I understand them. They just got to find out that they have another big brother, so it’s a difficult pill to swallow” Leo said.

“The A³ are sweethearts, I am sure they will come around” Jessica said.

“I hope they did, and as their big brother, I am going to protect them from this illegal organization”

“I also want to protect them too. We just have to be careful”

“That’s remind me, why were you crying earlier when you thought I was the spy?” Leo asked, and Jessica quickly stood up from the bench she was sitting on.

“I have to sneak my way back to school. I have trainings tomorrow, and I can’t afford to miss it” Jessica said trying to leave, but Leo held her hand.

“Were you heartbroken thinking I am a spy? Are you attracted to me?” He asked, and Jessica quickly took her hand from him.

“Of course not.. I am not attracted to you” Jessica said in a rush and ran away. Leo looked at her, and chuckled.

“she’s cute” He muttered.


Camila pulled her car to a halt when she got to Daniel’s house. She couldn’t come out from the car because she was in a phone call with Candace and Caramel. “I will be back to school tomorrow, I told the school boards already, so I won’t be punished” Camila said.

“You have been distancing yourself from us nowadays, which is on like you. Tell me Camila, do you have a boyfriend, and you leaving us in the single girls gang? Are you betraying us?” Candace asked.

“I didn’t betray you both. You two choose to go after Jaycee and Dario who doesn’t even consider your existence” Camila said.

“It’s confirm, you are dating someone, right? Who is he?” Candace asked.

“Shut up Candace. Camila, I am over with Jaycee, you should know me that I don’t go after someone who is already taken”

“What do you mean?” Candace asked.

“I think Jaycee and Ariella are in a secret relationship. I’d have exposed them, but something else caught my attention”

“What is that?”

“I think Ariella is three in one?” Caramel said.

“Meaning?” Camila asked.

“I overheard her talking to Jaycee and the rest of the people that always hang out with her. She said something about not being a students of MCC, and also mention the name, Ariel and Aria”

“Ariel, Ariella and Aria, that sound like names given to triplets” Candace said.

“Exactly what I am thinking. What if they’re triplets, and they are attending MCC one after the other, because they look alike” Caramel said and Camila sighed.

“This is really confusing. I will be back in school tomorrow, then we can talk about this” Camila said, and ended the call.

Camila and Daniel are together, and they had lied to the school authorities about being sick, so they’d go on a date. She was supposed to come later tonight, but she chose to spend more time with Daniel. She looked at her wrist watch and it was 8:35pm.

“I still have enough time to spend with him before our date” She said, smiling. She was about coming down for her car, when she saw Daniel coming out from his house.

A red tinted car drove pass her and halted in front of Daniel. He entered the car, and the car drove off. “Where’s Daniel going?” She muttered and decided to follow the car.


Camila came down from her car, and looked around the huge warehouse that was fenced. She couldn’t go in with her car, because she was going to be suspected, so she secretly jumped over the fence and sees Daniel walking into a store room.

“Where did heck is this place? It’s looks like a warehouse, but it isn’t” Camila said. They were bodyguards walking around, and they were protecting the areas of the warehouse.

Camila was hiding in a big tree that was inside the compound, and she could see Daniel talking to someone inside the store, but in order to hear his conversation she has to go closer. Luckily for her, the bodyguard in exchange of the store left to pee, and Camila silently walked towards the store, thanks to the big trees that was available inside the warehouse. It kept blocking her to be seen by the rest of the bodyguards.

Camila got to the window of the store, and she peeped from it, and then she saw Daniel collecting a huge amount of money from a Man.

“The bosses asked me to give this to you for a job well done, Code 62” The Man said, and Daniel smile collecting the money from him.

“Code 62? Why is Daniel answering code 62?” Camila muttered.

“I guess you have made lots of cash since you became a part of this illegal business. Have you show off to the girl who once called you a pauper” The Man asked.

“It’s none of your business” Daniel said.

“The men that will be raping those girls will be brought to this organization tomorrow, make sure you informed Landmark about it, and also continue to be a spy in MCC”

“I will”


Camila entered her car, and broke into tears immediately. Somehow she has managed to leave the organization, the same way she entered.

*You’d think I am going to settle down for a wretched pauper like you? If you want to date me, have some cash in your pocket. You are nothing compared to me, Daniel, so go and find your class*

Camila cried the more as she remembered what she said to Daniel on the night he asked her to be his girlfriend. “Why did you have to become part of a illegal organization and their spy, Daniel? Was it for the money? I didn’t even mean what I said to you that day” Camila said, crying and a call from Daniel ringed on her phone.

She cleaned her tears, before answering the phone. “Hello Daniel”

“Are you crying?” He asked.

“Of course not Daniel, I was just slicing some onion” She said, sniffing back her tears.

“Sorry about that Camila. Are you ready for our date?” He asked smiling.

“Can you come to the beach?”

“Why the beach Camila? I already made some reservation for our date”

“Let’s just talk at the beach, Daniel”

“Alright, I’ll be there”

Camila ended the call and cried again, before starting the engine of her car.

She saw Daniel waiting for her when she arrived at the beach. Daniel smile and approach her. “Why do you insist on meeting here?” He asked, and tears falls down from her eyes.

“Why are you crying, does the onion hurts so bad?” He asked, but Camila hugged him.

“I am so sorry, Daniel”

“Why are you apologizing to me?”

“I am sorry for pushing you to the wall, I love you the way you are. You aren’t a bad person Daniel, so please quit from it” She said, crying and Daniel broke the hug.

“What are you trying to say, Camila?”

“I followed you Daniel, and I found out that you are working for an illegal organization and you are a spy in MCC”

“Why did you follow me Camila!!! What if you have been ki||ed!!!” He shouted at her.

“Because I was curious. Please Daniel stop wh@ťěver you are doing. If this organization falls into the hands of the police, you are going to be arrested. Stop when you still have the time, please go back to the meek Daniel I used to know” Camila said.

“I can’t Camila. Because once you’re in, there’s no way out. I became part of the illegal organization, just to prove my worth to you” Daniel said, as tears escaped his eyes.

“You don’t have to prove anything Daniel. Please stop being a part of their criminal activities, I beg of you, Daniel”

“I can’t Camila. I already know too much, so I can’t leave the organization. If I choose to leave, they’re going to ki|| me, so I am stuck with them for life” Daniel said. He cleaned his tears and walked away.

“Daniel” Camila called his name and cried, painfully.



“Are you sure it was Jeremy you saw?” Mia asked.

“Of course I am sure about it Mia. It’s been six years, but I haven’t forgotten what Jeremy look like. I saw him standing on the road, and he was looking at me, but when I was about to go close to him, he disappeared like a bubble” Becca said.

“What if it’s just your imagination Becca? Jeremy is dead, you have to accept that, Becca” Mia said, and Becca sighed, taking in her lips.



“You are backing out in your investment, why Mr. J” Raymond asked.

“Because I realized your company isn’t worth investing on. You have a son who is a psychopath, and his wife divorced him because of that” Jeremy said.

“It’s temporary. They’re going to come back together, you don’t have to worry about that” Connor said.

“Sorry, but I am not a patient Man” Jeremy said, and left the office, while Raymond glared at Connor.

Jeremy took off his mask when he entered the car, and Rock gave him a gun.

“What’s this for?”

“You already back out from the investment, so you should get rid of his favorite son. Remember if you don’t do it this night, your brother is going to die” Rock said with a smirk on her face, and Jeremy reluctantly took the gun from her.


⟨ MCC ≈ 6: 45 ⟩

Dario sits on the field of the school, drawing a sketch of Ariel with a smile on his face. “What are you doing?” Maya asked, and Dario quickly hide what he was doing. “Nothing, Maya”

“You aren’t with your friends, why?” Maya asked.

“I just wanted to be alone. What about you Maya, what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Getting prepared to watch out for students who patrols after light out. Don’t remain here when it’s light out, because I won’t forgive you”

“I won’t Maya” He said, smiling.

“I will leave you alone now, so you will continue wh@ťěver you are hiding from me” Maya said. She looked at Dario for a while before walking away.

Dario sat back on the ground, and continue sketching a drawing of Ariel. Meanwhile, Jeremy was able to find his way inside the school. He was standing a little bit far from Dario, so he brought out the gun ready to $h00t Dario, but Just as he was about pulling the trigger, Jasper pulled him to an alley.

“What do you think you are doing?” Jasper asked.

“I am doing this for you, Jasper, so I need to ki|| Dario” Jeremy said.

“What did heck are you talking about Jeremy? Why do you want to ki|| Dario? What wrong has he done to you?”

“Dario hasn’t done to me, but Venom is going to ki|| you if I don’t ki|| Dario”

“Venom? How on earth did you know Jessica’s Mom?” Jasper asked.

“Jessica’s Mom?”


“You are still alive, but how come you are alive?” Jaycee asked while the rest of them looked at Jeremy.

“It’s a long story” Jeremy answered.

“Does my sister know you are alive?” Jaycee asked again.

“Since I kind of show my face to her she’d be thinking I am alive”

“So Jessica’s Mom wants you to ki|| me because of what my dad did to her years ago?” Dario asked.

“Yes. And if I don’t, she is going to ki|| my only brother” Jeremy said, looking at Jasper.

“Do you know where this illegal organization is located?” Ariel asked.

“No I don’t. When I was kidnapped, Rock didn’t take me directly to the organization. The three of you are their children, right? Don’t you have a clue of where is located?” Jeremy asked.

Brett, Jessica and Nora shake their heads. “The last time I tried to follow my dad, he went directly to his company” Brett said.

“I have a day left, if I don’t ki|| Dario, Venom will come after my brother” Jeremy said.

“The only way to stop that from happening is to know where their organization is located. That way we can be able to stop their illegal activities and put them behind bars” Ariella said.

“But how are we going to find their organization? We have no clue as to where it might be here in Moscow city” Aria said.

“I am going to help you” A voice said, and they all turned to look at the person that just spoke.

“Camila” Nora muttered.

“I know where you can find this illegal organization” Camila said with misty eyes.



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