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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEART OF A SISTER – Episode 24

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⟨ Blood, Sweat And Tears… ⟩

THEME; Making Them Pay


By; Succie Brown.



Landmark sits on the bed, as tears never hesitate to drop down from his eyes. He was in pain, and also in regret. If he had knew the A³ were the family he so badly wanted to see again, he wouldn’t have informed his bosses that Ariella was still alive. He used his hand in pulling his sisters into danger.

The thought of how he shot Ariella, and fought with Aria broke his heart into a thousand pieces. He was supposed to be their big brother who will always protect them, but he ended up being their worst nightmare.

“I wished I haven’t ran away from home, maybe I’d have grown up with my family, and know that I have sisters who are triplets” Landmark said, crying regretfully.


Mr. Campbell slapped Landmark so hard on the face, and he falls to the ground, Mr. Campbell didn’t stop there, he grabbed Landmark and slapped him again.

“Please, that’s enough, stop hurting him” Mrs. Campbell pleaded on her son’s behave. She was nine months pregnant, and was going to give birth soon.

“He needs some lessons to straighten his thinking. How dare you steal from someone’s shop, huh? Is it this the kind of behavior you’re going to portray to your sibling, huh!!!!” Mr. Campbell shouted at Landmark. At that time, they had no idea that they were going to give birth to triplets.

Landmark stood up from the ground, with a stubborn look on his face. “The reason why I stole from that shop is because I am tired of feeding from hand to mouth. You can’t even give me a good life, you’re a disgrace to fatherhood!!!” Landmark shouted at his father and it was followed by a slap from Mr. Campbell.

“How dare you insult me, Adrian!!!! Maybe you have forgotten that you’re a curse child. Our life became a living hell after you were born!!!”

“Please stop insulting my son” Mrs. Campbell said, crying.

“Since I am a curse child, I shouldn’t be living with you two. I am so sick and tired of this rat hole life” Landmark said and went inside the room. It was a room he shared with his parents. He put some of his clothes inside a bag, and just as he was about to leave, he stood his family picture and came out from the room.

“Where are you going?” Mr. Campbell asked.

“I am leaving this house, so don’t look for me” Landmark said, trying to leave, but Mrs. Campbell held his hand.

“Please, don’t leave son. Don’t run away from home, our lives will get better” She said, crying.

“I don’t want to live with you both anymore” Landmark said and forcefully took his hand from his mom. Mrs. Campbell fell down to the ground, and she entered into labor, even though she wasn’t due to deliver yet.

Her painful scream filled the room, and Mr. Campbell was doing everything he could to console her, instead of helping out, Landmark took to his heels.

“Where did heck are you going Adrian? Are you just going to turn your back on your mother, Adrian!!!!”


Tears falls down Landmark’s eyes, because that was the last time he got to his parents again. He joined a gang that steals money. He was making money from it, but the gang was caught by the police. Luckily for me, he escaped, he went back to his family, only to discovered that they were no longer living in the town he grew up in.

While searching for his family, he met Dragon, who introduced into the illegal organization he belongs to now. Landmark cleaned his tears, but tears kept falling down from his eyes.

“I have done lots of horrible things in my life, but I promised you three that I am going to protect y’all, even if it means dying at the end. If dying will make up for everything I have to y’all and our parents, I will gladly accept it. My sisters” He said, and continues crying.



“Did I just hear you correctly? You are backing out from your revenge plans?” Rock asked Jeremy.

“Yes I am. I no longer want to do it anymore, I am sick and tired of it” Jeremy said.

“Is it because of Jasper?”

“No it’s not because of Jasper, I just want to stop this” Jeremy lied. He is actually ending his revenge plan because he wants his brother back, and in order to have Jasper back, he needs to end whatsoever plans he has on Connor, and Raymond, and he also heard that Lorenzo was in the hospital, fighting for his life.

“You can’t end your revenge plans just like that Jeremy, we have everything planned out” Rock said.

“I was the one who brought up the idea of this whole revenge, and I am the one who is ending it. All you have to do is listen to me, and keep quiet” Jeremy said, and Rock glared at him.

“I am done with all of this, so do me a favor, and stop pestering me about this revenge plan” Jeremy said and went upstairs to his room.

Rock crimped her hands angrily. Jeremy’s revenge plan, is the only reason why she hasn’t die in the hands of her bosses. “I can’t waste my life just for you, Jeremy” She said, and called boss Venom.

“Hello, Boss Venom”

“Why did you call?” Venom asked.

“Because Jeremy is backing out from his revenge on Raymond Anderson. I tried to convince him, but he wouldn’t listen” Rock said.

“What is his reason?”

“I think it’s because of his brother. He loves Jasper so much and he is ready to do anything for him” Rock said.

“Bring that stupid Jeremy to me. It’s time I show him you gave him the life he has now” Venom said, and Rock smirked dangerously.



Becca entered Lorenzo’s ward, and she felt sorry for him after seeing the state he was in. A lot of medical instrument was attached to his body, because he was in a critical condition.

“Lorenzo” Becca muttered his name, trying to go close to him, but Madelyn came out from the bathroom, since it was a VIP ward.

“What did heck are you doing here?” Madelyn asked.

“I came to see how Lorenzo is doing” Becca answered.

“Why Becca? To see if he is dead just like you wanted, right?”

“That’s not true, I will never wish for Lorenzo to be dead”

“If you don’t wish for him to die, then why did you file for an annulment, knowing my son loves you so much!!!” Madelyn shouted at Becca.

“Because Lorenzo has frequently being beating me up!!”

What? My son is raising his hands on you?” Madelyn asked, because she has no idea about the sufferings that Becca has been going through in the hands of Lorenzo.

“Yes he has. Lorenzo beats me up with every chance he gets. He usually rapes me, mom. Did you know that I was hospitalized for three days, because Lorenzo almost sent me to my early grave. I was just fed up and that’s why I wanted to end my marriage with him” Becca said, crying. The door opened and Jaycee entered the ward, with hurtful expression in his face. He actually everything that Becca said.

“Jaycee” Becca muttered his name. Jaycee angrily look at Lorenzo, if not that he is 50/50 between life and death, Jaycee would have beaten him up. He just tighten his fists and left the ward.

“Jaycee!” Becca said going after him.

“Is this what you have been doing to Becca ever since you married her? Where was I when all these was happening?” Madelyn asked, looking at her son.


Becca got to the park and sees Jaycee sitting in one of the chairs at the park. She sighed before going to where he was. “Can I sit with you?” She asked.

“Would you go away if I say No?”

Becca smiled and sits beside him. “Are you mad at me?”

“Is that even a question? Do you expect me to throw a feast to celebrate my unawareness that Lorenzo always hits you? Why didn’t you tell me Becca? You left me in the dark and you suffered alone” Jaycee said, hurtfully.

“Because I didn’t want Lorenzo to do something bad to you”

“I am not afraid of Lorenzo. I’d have thought him a lesson if you had told me before hand. Now I can’t do anything to him, because he is stuck in the hospital” Jaycee said.

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you Jaycee I thought I could go through it alone, but I realize I can’t. That’s why I want to end my marriage with Lorenzo, so I will be free from him, you don’t have to worry about me”

“How can I not worry about you, Becca? I feel like I’m useless for not protecting you”

“I am the senior here, so I should be the one protecting you, not the other way around” Becca said.

“But I am more stronger” Jaycee said, and Becca laughed.

“Why did you even come to see Lorenzo at the hospital, I thought you don’t like him”

“Yes I don’t. Dad gave me an earful that he is in the hospital because of you, so that’s why I wanted to see him. It’s a good thing I went, because I got to know how my sister has been suffering in her marriage”

“I am fine Jaycee. So how is school? Any girlfriend already” Becca asked, and Jaycee smile.

“Since you’re smiling, it means you have a girlfriend, but I thought MCC says no dating. Who is she? Can you introduce her to me?”

“I am still mad at you, so I won’t introduce my beautiful girlfriend to you”

“Fine” Becca said, wearing a sad face.

“Her name is Aria Campbell. I will set up a date for you both to meet” Jaycee said, and Becca smiled.


Jaycee met up with Dario at a coffee shop, they were still on their break from school. “How’s my brother?” Dario asked.

“If you were so curious you should have gone with him. He’s fine, and do you know your brother has been beating my sister up?” Jaycee asked, and Dario just drank his coffee.

“You don’t look surprised. Does that mean you knew about it too? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jaycee asked, getting angry.

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you Jaycee. Becca begged me not to tell you, and that’s why I h@ťěd my brother, because he is beating Becca. Beside we weren’t in talking terms when I found out. I am sorry, Jaycee” Dario apologize.

“It’s ok Dario. What matters is that Becca is divorcing your brother”

“I am happy about it too. It’s time Becca frees herself from him” Dario said and Jaycee smile.

“I am also happy we are back in talking terms. I’d never expect we come back to being friends”

“Me too” Both smiled and did a fist bump.

“Will you go with Ariel to see her sister?” Jaycee said.

“The entire squad is going, so I am going to” Dario said and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He winced in pain, rubbing his chest.

“Are you all right?” Jaycee asked, and Dario nodded his head trying to bear the pain.



Jessica smiled as her mom helped her zipped her bag. “Thanks Mom, for allowing me go with Ariel” She said smiling.

“It’s nothing Jessica. I am glad that you’re giving some break from school. But I can’t wait for you to become a cop, so you’d arrest all the criminals in Moscow” Paulina said.

“Yes ma” Jessica said, and both mother and daughter laughed.

“Where’s Ariella?” Paulina asked. Jessica didn’t tell her mom about Ariel’s sisters, she just lied to her mom that she loves calling her, Ariel.

“She is in the living room waiting for me” Jessica said. Paulina and Jessica went to the living room, and Paulina hugged Ariel.

“Take care of yourself, okay” Paulina said, patting her.

“I will ma’am” Ariel said smiling.



“I don’t think letting you go to a town I know nothing about is the right thing to do” Dawn said to Nora.

“I will be fine dad. Beside Jessica is going, she will always protect me” Nora said.

“And Jasper?”

“I don’t want to talk about him. Lemme go with my friends, dad, I promise to keep you posted” Nora said pouting like a baby.

“Fine, but be careful” Dawn said, and Nora squealed and hugged her dad.

“I love you dad”


⟨ MCC ⟩

Camila sighed as she treated her injured knee. She sustain an injury during training. “Are you all right?” Daniel asked, approaching her.

“Yes I am fine” She said, taking down her leg.

Daniel sits beside her and took her leg placing it in his lap. “Don’t lie when you aren’t okay” Daniel muttered treating her wound.

“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me again, so why are you treating my wound?” Camila asked, with misty eyes.

“That’s because you do things that makes me worry about you, and I h@ťě myself for falling for it” Daniel said, and Camila hugged Daniel.

“I am sorry Daniel. I am so sorry for everything that I have done. Please forgive me” She said, crying.

“It’s okay Camila, stop crying” Daniel said, hugging her back.


The eight of them arrived in the small town Aria kept Ariella, and the elderly woman welcomed them with open hands.

“Where’s my sister?” Ariel asked smiling.

“She is inside the room, but still in coma. Since you’re here, I will step out for a while” The elderly woman said and leaves, while they went inside the room to see Ariella.

“Ariella” Brett said, and quickly went to Ariella, holding her hand, while Ariel broke into tears. She was happy to see Ariella again and that’s why she’s crying.

Ariella sighed and opened her eyes, and they all screamed thunderously because they weren’t expecting Ariella to wake up.

“Ariella” Both Ariel and Aria said at the same time.

“Yes. It’s me, Ariella” She said.


Ariella banged her hands angrily on the table when both Ariel and Aria told her they haven’t found the illegal organization.

“Then what have you both been doing all this while? I pretended to be in coma, which was a hard thing to do, only to find out that you both are busy having boyfriends, rather than finding that organization!!!” Ariella shouted at both Aria and Ariel.

“Ariella, calm down” Brett said, trying to hold her, but Ariella jerked his hand off.

“I don’t have a boyfriend, Ariella” Ariel said, and Dario looked at her.

“Fine I have a boyfriend, and that’s him over there, but that doesn’t mean we forgot about you. Ariel and I were just waiting for you to wake up, since you are the only one who knows these bosses face” Aria said

“You’d have seen something if you had look into it. I guess you both don’t care about me” Ariella said.

“That’s not true Ariella, we care about you” Ariel said, standing up to her feet. She had packed her short hair into two when she arrived in the small town.

Dario quickly held her hand when he saw something at the back of her neck.

“What’s wrong Da….” Dario placed his index finger on her mouth and he gave everyone a sign not to say a word, as he slowly took off the flat tracking device from her neck, and they all gasped.

“What’s that?” Nora asked.

“It’s a tracking device that tells the location of someone once is attached to their body. It only gets disconnected when it’s no longer in their body” Dario said.

“But how did that get to my body?” Ariel asked.

“Ariella, what does these bosses look like” Jessica asked, with widen eyes.

“I have a drawing of them” Ariella said, and went to bring the drawings, and then she placed it on the table for everyone to see.

Jessica, Nora and Brett gasps in shock after they saw the drawings.

“What’s wrong, do you three know them?” Ariella asked.

“The person on the right is…. My dad” Nora said, as tears falls down her eyes.

“The one at the left side is…. My dad” Brett said.

“The one in the middle is my mom, and I think she’s might have placed the tracker on Ariel’s neck when she hugged her earlier” Jessica said, almost crying.



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