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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEART OF A SISTER – Episode 17

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⟨ Blood, Sweat And Tears… ⟩

THEME; Making Them Pay


By; Succie Brown.



Rock is brought inside the suite by code 62, and she let out a shocking gasp when she saw Landmark. “You are already awake?” She asked.

“Yes I am still alive” Landmark replied with a smirk on his face.

“Rock” Venom called her name.

“Yes… Boss” Rock stuttered.

“Explain to us why you lied that you already got rid of that girl that saw our face” Dragon said.

“Well…. I… You…. I have always wanted you three to appreciate me, and that’s why I thought of a way so you can like me, just the way y’all like Landmark” Rock said, trembling with trepidation.


Rock entered the abandoned warehouse with a girl who was also working in their organization.

“What happened in here? Where’s the girl, and why is Landmark and his minions down to the ground” The girl asked.

“Someone must have save the girl who saw our bosses’ face” Rock said.

The girl with her bent down to check Landmark’s heartbeat. “He is still breathing, we need to take him back to the organization, so he can be treated” The girl said.

Rock saw Ariella’s bloody clothes and bag on the ground and she smirked. “I think I know what to do” She said.

“What do you mean?” The girl asked, but Rock shot her stomach.

“Why… Did you do this… Rock?” The girl stuttered with blood, gushing out from her mouth.

“Sorry Lotion, but I want our bosses to see that I am more better than Landmark” Rock said, and shot Lotion again, and Lotion loss consciousness immediately.

Rock took off the clothes Lotion was wearing, and wear her Ariella’s bloody clothes and bag, and after which, she carried Lotion out of the abandoned warehouse.

It was still raining that faithful night, so Rock came out from her car, and dropped Lotion’s headless body on the ground.

She took a picture of Lotion’s headless body and sent it to her three bosses. She smiled when she got a call from Dragon.

“Hello boss” She said, smiling.

“It’s that the body of the girl who saw our faces?” Dragon asked.

“Yes boss. I have gotten ride of her. You can tell it’s her through the clothes she was wearing” Rock said.

“Good job Rock. Where is Landmark?” Dragon asked.

“He was shot by the girl who saw your faces” Rock answered.

“Is he still alive?”

“I don’t think so, maybe I should just bury him” Rock said, then she heard some noise from the background.

“What’s going over there, boss?” She asked.

“Landmark is back, but he lost consciousness again”

“How did he managed to come back to the organization, he was unconscious when I left him to finish off that girl” Rock said.

“That’s why he is called Landmark, but I don’t think he will be conscious for the time being, come back to the organization and get your reward for getting rid of that girl” Dragon said, and ended the call.

“I should have gotten rid of Landmark first. Well at least I got to be appreciated by boss dragon” Rock said and smirked.


Rock dragged Landmark’s minions to an alley inside the organization. She looked around before asking.

“What happened back there in the abandoned warehouse?” She asked.

“A girl wearing a mask interrupted us when we were about to ki|| the girl that saw our bosses’ face. She fought with us, and we lost consciousness. That’s all I can’t remember. Did you also got rid of the mask girl, since you ki||ed her sister?”

Rock cleared her throat and said. “Yes I did. Both of them are dead, but you should never mentioned the mask girl to our bosses, understood?” Rock said.

“Why Rock?”

“Just do according to how I have said. No words about the mask girl, ok!!” She shouted at them, and they nodded their heads.

“Get a wiggle on” She said, and Landmark’s minions left. Rock took in a deep breath and sighed. “I wondered who this mask girl is. She must have taken her sister with her. No one will ever find out that the headless body doesn’t belong to that girl, and I do hope that Landmark stays in coma forever” Rock said clenching her fist.


Three slaps from Dragon, Venom and Posion landed on Rock’s face, and she fell to the ground, bleeding from her lips.

“How dare you make a fool out of us Rock? We lay low thinking that girl was dead!!!” Poison shouted at Rock.

“I am sorry boss, I just wanted you to appreciate my effort, you have always favored Landmark over me, I just wanted to be appreciated” Rock said, and Landmark smirked.

“I have always seen you as a useless being, maybe you should just die” Dragon said, trying to pull the trigger on Rock’s head, but Rock quickly held Venom’s leg.

“Please don’t let them ki|| me boss. Jeremy still doesn’t know that you are one of the bosses of this illegal organization, that sponsored his kid’s toy business and made him rich. He has already started his revenge plan on Raymond Anderson, and he trusts me so much. You also want to harm Raymond, right? I am going to help you do that. Jeremy knows me as Hailey, and he trust me so much”

“What are you trying to say?” Venom asked.

Rock stood up to her feet and said. “After we saved Jeremy years ago, and you decided to help him. Although he doesn’t recognize your face, but he made a promise to you that he will do wh@ťěver you want him to do, if you help him become rich. You didn’t bother asking about his identify, and you ask me to watch over him. Jeremy and I somehow became close, and he told me he wants revenge on Raymond Anderson, Lorenzo Anderson and Connor Mendoza because of what they did to him six years ago. I know everything about Jeremy like the back of my hand” Rock said.

“Why are you just telling me now!!” Venom shouted at Rock.

“Because I was waiting for the right time to tell you boss. If you spare my life, I will use Jeremy to get closer to Raymond Anderson, and inflict pains on him, just like how we drvgged his son, Dario at the prom night party” Rock said.

Venom looked at Dragon, and signaled him to withdraw his gun, and he did.

“Fine, I am going to give you a second chance to live, but make sure you do your job properly, this time” Venom said.

“I will boss. Jeremy is the key to getting back at the Andersons” Rock said, and Landmark clenched his fist, angry that Rock wasn’t ki||ed.


Rock came out from the organization, and Landmark block her. “What do you want?” She asked.

“Who is Jeremy, and why am I just hearing about him?” Landmark asked.

“From what I can remember, I own you no explanation Landmark, and FYI, not everything that happens in this organization revolves around you” Rock said, and Landmark held her arm.

“Let go of me Landmark!”

“You may have escape death this time, but I am going to seek to it that you die” He said, and Rock laughed.

“Say those words to the little pencil between your thighs. Boss Venom so badly wants revenge on Raymond Anderson, and I won’t easily be ki||ed, because Jeremy trust me, and the same Jeremy wants revenge on Raymond, which means that boss Venom and Jeremy are on the same team, and I am the bridge that links them together. If I were you, I concentrate more on finding that girl and her sister, because our bosses won’t take it lightly with you, if you fail” Rock said.

She worked closer to Landmark, and kissed him deeply. She broke the kiss, smirked and walked away. Landmark looked at her, as she walked away.

“What’s your relationship with Rock?” Code 62 asked, approaching Landmark.

“Don’t interfere in my personal life, kid” Landmark said.

“I am not a kid” Code 62 said.

“But you are 23 years old, right? And also a student of MCC”

“I only became a student of MCC because our bosses asked me to” Code 62 said.

“It still doesn’t change the fact that you are a newbie in this secret organization” Landmark said.

“I might be a newbie in this organization, but our bosses said we should work together”

“Just focus on being a spy on MCC, and inform us when they’re about to invade in our organization”

“They haven’t gotten any information about our organization. Tell me what that girl who saw our bosses’ face look like, and I am going to be of help in finding her” Code 62 said, and Landmark looked at him.



Ariel entered the room with a happy smile on her face. She was so happy that Ariella was alive likewise Aria, which means they were complete. Although her parents were no longer alive, but at least she had her two sisters, especially Aria who is more crazier than her.

*Let switch places tomorrow Ariel. I can’t entered MCC using my name because I am not a students of MCC. But since you are pretending to be Ariella, allow me to be Ariella tomorrow, I want to talk to Jaycee. It’s been long I talked to him* Aria’s voice echoed in her ear and Ariel smile.

“I am happy Aria is Jaycee’s triple trouble, because he is really a nice guy” Ariel said, smiling. Her smile slowly disappeared when she remembered Dario. She brought out her phone from her hoodie pocket, and dialed his number, but he wasn’t picking.

? Are you all right? She sent a message to him when he didn’t pick her call, but when no reply came from Dario, she sighed throwing her phone on the bed.

Jessica and Nora entered the room.

“Oh, Ariella you are back” Nora said.

“Yeah. Sorry I left you all alone and ran off. Were you able to find the gambling den of that man?” She asked.

Jessica and Nora looked at each other, and both faced Ariel shaking their heads.


Jaycee was heading back to their dorm with Jasper and Brett when he spotted Dario sitting alone in the school field. He sighed and said to both Jasper and Brett.

“You both should go ahead, I will join you guys later”

“It’s everything ok?” Jasper asked.


“If you say so. Let’s go Jasper” Brett said, and they left.

Jaycee walked to the school field, Dario was seated on a bench inside the school field, drinking a bottle of tequila.

Jaycee sighed and took the bottle of tequila from him. “If you are caught drinking, you will be punished hellishly regardless of your dad’s reputation” Jaycee said.

Dario looked at Jaycee and balls of tears falls down his eyes. “Why are you here? To rubbed it to my face that I am a rapist? You are right, I am indeed a rapist, that’s why I can’t be part of the investigation. How can I investigate a rape Case when I am a rapist too” Dario said, crying.

“I… I didn’t know you were still feeling guilty about what you did” Jaycee said.

“I am, and it’s ki||ing me slowly everyday. Maybe if I had listened to you and stopped drinking, maybe… Just maybe I won’t have R@P£D that innocent girl. It was my first time having segz, but I used it in raping a girl” Dario said, crying.

“I am sorry Dario,” Jaycee said.

“Why are you apologizing to me Jaycee?” Dario asked.

“I didn’t know you were hurting so much from everything that has happened, and yet I kept reminding you about that day. I am sorry for reporting you to the police, despite your pleadings”

Dario smiles lightly and more tears falls down from his eyes. “I guess you did the right thing reporting me to the police Jaycee. If I haven’t used my family’s reputation, I would have been in prison. The guilt of running away from my crimes, keeps hunting me every night”

“At least you are different from those other rapists who are not guilty for what they did” Jaycee said.

“Are you trying to console me right now?” He asked.

“If you see it as a consolation, then I am trying to console you Dario. Regretting what you did is fair, but don’t ki|| yourself because of it, ok” Jaycee said, patting Dario.

“Thank you Jaycee. I just wanted to talk to someone and here you are talking to me, despite our difference” Dario said.

“You were always there for me during the times I needed you, I can’t ignore you now that you need someone to talk to” Jaycee said, and Dario smile.

“Thank you Jaycee for staying with me all through the night that I was in the hospital, and for bringing me food”.

“Eish, I told the nurse to say the food was given to you by Jessica. She’s so daft” Jaycee said.

“She’d tell me it was from Jessica, I happened to figure it out myself. Macaroni and cheese, only you know that I love eating it”

“Maybe I should have just prepared something else” Jaycee said, and Dario smile.

Jaycee looked at Dario whose head was buried on the ground and sighed. “You might be a rapist, but that doesn’t stopped you from catching a rapist” He said.

“It will be hard doing that” Dario muttered.

“You are a rapist with a conscience, and that’s why you are different from other rapist out there. Those who rape innocent girls without regretting it, are the ones you need to put behind bars. Don’t feel guilty Dario, you can only fix your mistake by fighting against it” Jaycee said.

“Thank you Jaycee” Dario said and Jaycee nodded his head smiling. He got a call from Ariel and he picked up.

“Hello Ariella” He said, and Dario look at him.

“I have been trying to call Dario, but he is not answering my calls or texts” Ariel said.

“He is here with me, I will just give the phone to him” Jaycee said and gives his phone to Dario.

“Ariella wants to speak to you, she said you aren’t picking your calls” Jaycee said, and Dario took the phone from him.

“Hello, Ariella”

“Are you all right? Why aren’t you picking your calls?” She asked.

“Sorry Ariella, I left my phone in my room” He said.

“You are always fond of leaving your phone 30 miles away from you” Ariel said and Dario smile, standing up to his feet. Talking to Ariel has somehow made him forget his pains.

“I am not the phone kind of person. Why were you calling me?” He asked, smiling.

“Well I just want to check up on you” Ariel muttered over the phone and Dario smiled the more.

Jaycee saw someone from a distance trying to $h00t an arrow at Dario. “Dario!! Watch out!!” Jaycee screamed pushing Dario away. The arrow flew and landed on the school’s football net.

“What’s going on?” Ariel asked over the phone.

Jaycee saw the person running away, and he stood up and ran after the person.

“I will call you back Ariel” Dario said and joined Jaycee in chasing the person, who was so ski||ed in terms of running.



Rock’s footsteps could be seen walking back and forth, patiently waiting for someone. The girl, Rock was waiting for entered the cottage, and Rock quickly approach her.

“Where the heck have you been?” Rock asked.

“I just stepped out for a while” The girl whose name was Felicia answered and Rock slapped her.

“Haven’t I told you countless times not to go out from this mansion, huh!!!” Rock shouted at her.

“But it’s so suffocating in here, and lonely too” Felicia said.

“Suffocating? You are given everything you wanted by boss Venom and you are still saying it’s suffocating. If boss Venom finds out that you are going out, don’t you know it’s going to cost you your life? The plan is to stay hidden from your sister, so that’s she’d think you are dead, and for her to ki|| Dario” Rock said.

“Don’t you think this is wrong? Raymond should be the one paying for the crimes he did to boss Venom, not the innocent boy” Felicia said.

“Boss Venom will make Raymond pay for what he did, including Raymond’s favorite son” Rock said.

“I still think the innocent boy shouldn’t be involved in this revenge plan. My sister thinks I am dead, and she is not going to stop till she ki||s Dario. The innocent boy is going to die when he didn’t even R@P£D me!!!” Felicia shouted at Rock.



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