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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEART GAME – Episode 8

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(Love and Infatuation…)

By: Diaynë ✍️

Genre: College romance

Tags: Love, infatuation, betrayal, jealousy & envy, passion, s£x, love triangle, desire…


Chapter 8&9


She swallowed hard. ‘What was she gonna do? She can’t sleep with lights off. She’s scared of the dark and he can’t sleep with lights on either.’

“Are you deaf? I said switch off the d@mn lights!” He yelled in a commanding tone.

She nodded and hesitantly switched off the light.

She climbed the bed and laid on it, covering herself with the duvet. She faced the window since there was little light coming through it.

She closed her eyes to catch a sleep but she quickly opened it. She gasped as she saw a shadow.

“Wh… who’s there?” She asked softly as she gulped in fear.

The shadow seems to be coming closer, she turned around, facing the opposite direction.

She shrieked as she saw another shadow.

“Ahhh!!” She screamed as jumped out of her bed.

She hit a masculine chest and fell on the floor. “Please spare me! Don’t ki|| me monster! I haven’t done anything!” She begged, suddenly the light turned on.

Vlad frowned as he saw her squatting on the floor, her face buried in between her knees and her palms placed together in a begging sign.

He had rushed to switch on the light immediately he heard her scream, only for him to meet her acting like she was haunted by some kinda ghost.

“Pls…” she mumbled as he walked towards her.

He got to her and squatted beside her, he placed his hand on her shoulder and she screamed in fright.

She hugged him immediately, she saw his face.

“Save me, that monster wants to ki|| me.” She said, closing her eyes tightly.


“Yeah monster. I saw his shadow there.” She said pulling out of the hug, pointing towards the window.

“Monster? Shadow?” He asked, confused.

“Yeah.” She nodded affirmatively.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked doubting her sanity.

“Wait! Are you tryna say that you don’t know those monsters that walk in the night?” She asked him, looking surprised.

Now he get it, this girl was surely insane. She’s a psycho.

“Oh dad, look what you’ve done to me… As if coming to college is not enough, I have to share a room with someone, not just anyone, a psycho.” He mumbled squeezing his face in a pitiable manner, swears he looked pathetic in it.

“What’s wrong? Are you suddenly scared of the monsters?” She asked looking concerned.

He didn’t say anything but gave her a pathetic look.

“You’re a psycho.” He muttered after few seconds of silence.

“No I’m not, I swear I saw the monster.” She stood immediately.

“Go to sleep.” He said instead and started walking towards his bed.

She followed behind.
“What?” He asked looking confused.

“Uhmm… I wanna sleep beside you, I can’t sleep alone on my bed, who knows if the monster might come back again…”

“Monster! Monster! The f-__-k! Monster doesn’t exist, don’t you get! Those f-__-king creatures do not exist! Why the hell are you bent on frustrating my life this night?! I beg to sleep, is that to much to ask. Please!” He snapped looking frustrated as he clasped his palms together.

Daisy just stared at him, looking unmoved by his reaction. She was lost drooling foolishly at him as he scolded her.

‘He look incredibly handsome when upset.’ she thought smiling.

“Hello? Did you even hear what I said?” He asked her.

He sighed tiredly running his hands through his hair. If only he new the effect that had on Daisy, he’d have stopped.

“Hey…” He called, clicking his fingers on her face making her come back to earth.

Then, he realized that he doesn’t know her name.

“Uhmm… what did you say?” She asked and he felt like slapping her but instead he rolled his eyes.

He climbed the bed and turned to sleep. Daisy also laid beside him.

“Should I switch off the lights.” She asked.

“Sleep!!!” He yelled and she gulped.

He peeked at his phone every then and now as he ate his breakfast sluggishly.

It was bacon, eggs and cheese sandwich.

He unconsciously stabbed the bacon repeatedly with his fork. He seemed to be lost in thoughts of his own.

“Kelvin?!… Kelvin!” His mom jolted him.

“What’s the matter son? You seem lost. Is anything the problem?” She asked, worriedly.

“No… nothing.” He lied, avoiding her gaze.

“C’mon son-” she said as she stood up from her seat and went to seat beside him.

“- I know something is wrong. I’m your mother and I can tell when you are not alright. Tell me what is it?” She asked in a concerned tone.

“I already told you mom, it’s nothing. I can fix it myself.” He assured.

“If you say so, I won’t pester you. But if the issue ever gets out of hand, do not fail to let me know, okay”

“Sure mom.”

“Okay mom. I’ll go to my room now, if there’s anything you need, do not fail to let me know.” He told her as well.

“But you didn’t finish your food…”

“I’m full mom.”He said and went to his room.

Immediately he got to his room, he dialled Daisy’s number. He hoped for a positive outcome but it was still the same thing.

Her line was unreachable. He sighed as he slumped on the bed.

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