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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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(Pregnant for her worst enemy)
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter fifteen

Hillary walked out of the house the next day. All dressed and ready for work.

She had somehow had a feeling that, Richard will be waiting for her as soon as she walk out of the house. But luckily for her there was no sign of him.

She was bothered by him and that’s only because of what he told her yesterday. Knowing that he is determined to keep seeing her just when she told him that she didn’t want him close to her, made her worried.

She was on her way to the bus stop, when a car suddenly drew a halt . Two men in black got out of it. Heading towards her.

“Good morning Miss Raven.”One of them greeted.

Hillary wondered who they were and how they knew her name.

“I am Mark, and he is Paul . We are the new guards assigned to watch over you” The one called Mark, did the introduction.

Hillary was stunned into silence, and it wasn’t until they began moving towards her that she quickly spoke up. “I think you have got the wrong person. If you drive down the street. You will get to an apartment. Another Hillary lives there. She is probably the one your looking for.”

“We are quite sure who we have been payed to keep guard on, and you are the one” Paul, the other guard commented.

“I think you have got it wrong. I never payed you to keep watch on me. I can take care of myself, so I don’t need protection from anyone.”

“That isn’t what Mr Watson thinks” Mark replied.

“Mr what?”Hillary asked, stunned.

“Mr Watson payed us to keep watch on you and that is what we are going to do. You must be heading to work. Please, get into the car, so we can take you”Mark offered as he opened the door.

Reluctantly Hillary got into the car, and the guards took her to the hospital she worked at.

She would have called Richard but she didn’t have his number.

She got out of the car, heading into the building only for the guards to follow her.

“You two can wait here for me. I will be through……”

“That can’t be done Miss. Its our job to watch over you and wherever you go, we will do the same”Mark clipped out.

Knowing they wouldn’t listen her. She walked in only to be surrounded by her colleagues, who were congratulating her for her upcoming child.

Seems like Doctor Fraser have Spilled the whole thing to her colleagues.

Hillary thanked them all and they got back to work.

She couldn’t work in peace with the guards hovering around her. They were causing a stir, always following her everywhere.

They had only been kept out when she was in the operating theatre. They were being over protective and Hillary was close to losing her patience and it did happen.

A patient she knew had been coming to her to thank her only to be pinned to the wall by Mark, saying he looked dangerous.

It was then,Hillary told them to leave, they had refused at first but when she thr_@tened to call the police, they left. Giving her the peace she wanted.

It was quite late when she got off work and the rain was pouring hard. She was still wondering how far she had to run to the bus station when a car stopped in front of her.

Richard got out of the car, using an umbrella as coverage for himself he walked towards looking dangerously attractive in a black suit topped with a black coat.

Seeing him now got her remembering the conversation she had with, Sarah Ben. A nurse just like herself, she is the only one Hillary had let close after the incident with Tracy.

“I still can’t believe you are having a child?”Sarah had said when they got out of the operating room, cleaning themselves in the rest room.

” I didn’t believe it at first too.”Hillary muttered more to herself.

“Your lucky”Sarah chipped in suddenly,and Hillary frowned.

“Have heard that from three different people today and your own saying now makes it four. Why do you guys say am lucky?”Hillary asked.

“Simply because you met Richard Watson. A rich, handsome tycoon. You are the envy of a lot of girls” Sarah explained.

“Oh, I see” was Hillary reply.

She didn’t know that her being referred to as lucky is all because of Richard.

“I heard he was here the other day. I missed seeing him because I was in the theatre room. I will give my life just to see him”Sarah said dreamily. Judging by the look on her face, Hillary could tell she was on cloud nine.

“He isn’t that worth looking”Hillary grated out. There was a time she had thought the same thing but not now.

“He is! He is so handsome that a lot of girl drool over him. His striking features got girls looking, his walk and the way he carries himself got everyone looking his way and added to it, he is mega rich. You really are lucky to have fallen pregnant for a very attractive man”

Hillary was brought back to the present when he got to her. He had a smile on his face as he stared at her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked. Setting her mind firmly on the past and remembering the hatred she towards him.

“You sent the guards away by thr_@tening to call the police and so I came in their stead” he told her

Hillary sighed out in Frustration. ” Aren’t you taking this far. I already told you that I don’t want this. I don’t want you here, I don’t need you being around me” she said with determination.

“And I told you that I can’t do that, I made it clear to you, Hillary. I will be around you until your sick of me, so stop trying to send me away, cause the more you do that, the more I will keep coming. Will you get into the car or would I have to carry you” He replied, meaning his last words.

Hillary hesitated for a while before heading to his car while he used the umbrella over her.

He took his seat beside her in the car and instead of starting the car, he moved towards her helping her with her seat belt.

Hillary felt choked by his closeness, she looked up to find him starring at her. If he tries to kiss her, he would really be asking for it, she thought as they both stared at each other.

He never kissed her but instead he layed his hand on her flat tummy.

“I will be by to protect you and our child. Call it my selfishness for being close to you but also acknowledge my joy of knowing that I will be a father soon”He muttered as he kissed her on her forehead before moving back to his own seat.

It took a while but Richard drove through the pouring and stopped right in front of the restaurant where he and Hillary will be having their dinner.

Hillary who had been asleep woke up due to Richard who kept on calling her name.

“Am I home?”she asked drowsily

“No. I booked at a restaurant for us, you need to eat”He said to her.

“Must we really dine here?”She asked as they were both urshered to their table by the waiter.

After handing them their menu, the waiter left and Hillary pursued her question again.

“Must we really dine here? You could have ordered something. Are you trying to flaunt how rich you are ” she asked antagonising him.

“No. I just simply want the mother of my child to have a good dinner “He answered as he stared at the menu.

“Let’s get something straight, Richard. I might have been persuaded to let you….to let you close to me and that’s because of the child but am hoping that you don’t get any notion of spending your money on me. I didn’t accept it in the past and so I won’t do it now. If the child should need anything, if it’s under my power, I will give it to him but if not, I will consult you then” she said with a lot of pride.

“Am really a fool” Richard replied suddenly and she stared at him wondering why he called himself a fool.

“You never accepted my money in the past. I thought it was because my father had been giving you enough but….I now realise my mistake. It took me Six long years to do that. Am sorry, Hillary.” He pleaded.

Hillary didn’t get to give him a reply because someone called his name.

A blonde, who looked very attractive walked towards their table, beaming him a smile.

“What are you doing here love?”the blonde questioned not bothering to give Hillary a greeting.

“This is not the right place….”Richard began only to be cut off by her.

“Why is it not the right place? Is it because of her? Does she know who I am? I bet she doesn’t, I better let her know”The blonde said as she gave Hillary her full look.

“Am Linda, Linda Forbes. And am currently his mistress or if you want to put it in a more explicit way. Am this man lover and seeing you dinning here with him, makes me really mad “She said eyeing Hillary with contempt.

“What the hell are you doing? Linda.”Richard muttered as he pulled her close to him.

“Just making it clear to her that your mine”she asserted firmly.

“Don’t be stupid. Go wait for me at the apartment “Richard said drily not wanting to rouse up the other customers curiousity.

Hillary had gone through a lot with the press and if someone decides to make fun out of this little scene, she will back in the open. He didn’t want that for her and his child.

“While he have fun with this slut. I won’t be made a fool of Richard” Linda replied giving him an angry look.

“Your an actress Linda and making a scene will be bad for your image. You certainly don’t want that ?”He questioned

“I h@ťě being a joke but I h@ťě it more when you go around with other ladies. Cheating on me. I don’t care if I have to cause a scene “She stated with determination.

“Fine then. You win, I will come with you is that okay?”He asked and that earned him a smile of victory from Linda.

“That’s alright. I will be waiting outside for you and don’t take long. I might come back and act crazy. You certainly don’t want that right?” She asked as she moved towards him. Kissing his lips before sauntering off.

Richard stared at Hillary who had gone all quiet. She must be angry that he had decided to leave with Linda. If only she knew he was doing it because of her.

“Are you angry”he asked and her lips which had formed a thinned line put on a fake smile.

“Of course not. I should have insisted that you take me home. Well since it has been decided. We can as well leave”She replied as she stood up only for him to take hold of her hand.

“Am sorry Hillary” He apologised

“You don’t have to apologise. Like she said, she is currently your lover and she has every right to act that way. I suggest you go to her before she comes back to in” Hillary said quickly.

“Hillary Am…..”

“I already told you that am fine! Am used to this kind of situation, I went through it six years ago and it’s not a new thing. So I suggest we leave this restaurant before I get angry”she said to him with determination.

Knowing he was defeated, He walked her out of the restaurant. Hearing her talking about the past. He knew she was talking about the time when she saw Mirabel and him in the hotel room. He was trying to get her favour but he was only succeeding in letting her remember the horrid past.

They got out to where Linda was waiting and on seeing her arrive, she clutched her arm around his possesively.

“I was about coming in to get you”Linda said tersely.

“You didn’t have to. I was going to bring him to you anyway”Hillary spoke to her for the first time.

“Really? They are some leeches I know who does their best to leech on him”She said indirectly insulting Hillary.

“You don’t have to worry Miss Forbes. I myself dislike leeches. I wouldn’t dare leech onto him. I suggest you keep a very tight hold or you might end up being a discarded leech your self” Hillary replied still having a smile plastered on her face.

“How dare…..”

“That’s enough”Richard said pulling Linda when she would have attacked Hillary.

“You shouldn’t lose your cool. After all your just his lover or to be explicit your just his mistress. I will take my leave now”Hillary replied starring at Richard.

“Why don’t you wait here, I will get one of the guards to take you…..”

“Just attend to her.”She replied as she left them starring after her.

“What a Ɓîtçh!” Linda said Ɓîtçhingly.

“You and I have to talk “He stated pulling her to the car with him.

Richard walked into the Watson mansion. Having been ordered by his Grandmother to come pay a visit.

He didn’t know why he was summoned so early in the morning but knowing his grandmother wouldn’t give him a breathing space if he chose to ignore her.

He was greeted by Bruce who took his coat and bag. He headed into her study where luckily she was alone.

“I came just as you requested”He said as he took a seat without waiting for her to tell him to do so.

“I heard you found someone to have the child” Stella Watson tossed at him.

“How come you know….. Linda” he answered for himself.

After the huge row and breakup they had yesterday, he knew she was going to retaliate in some way.

He should have known she would be a Ɓîtçh about it and should have broken off things with her. But being too busy with winning Hilary over, he forgot about her entirely until she almost caused a scene last night at the restaurant.

“Your lousy mistress gave me the info. Did I have to learn about it from someone else?”Stella Watson asked

“I figured you wouldn’t be interested in my life. You have never been interested in what I do. So why meddle in this?”He asked in return.

“When it comes to the next heir of the Watson empire. I will have to meddle”She retorted.

“Well then, you are right in saying that I found someone. She is expecting my child right now.”

“I did an investigation on her Richard. I found out that she was the girl who was had an affair with your father six years ago”She stated.

“Turns out you got the wrong impression about the whole thing and had your revenge on her on behalf of mom but found out recently that it’s all a lie and that she was innocent”She added.

“Turns out you have done well on your investigation”Richard mocked Using her words. Feeling angry that she had gone through the trouble of investigating the whole thing.

Sofia held back her anger and instead continued her discussion “Have her get rid of that child. Much as I want a grandchild. I won’t let the next heir be born by someone who has a tarnished image.”

“You must be joking right?”Richard asked in flat disbelief.

“Do I ever joke?”She retorted

“Then you must be crazy”He retorted at her.

“Mind your…..”

“No. You should mind your words. How dare you suggest that I get rid of my child just because of what happened three years ago? I made a mistake of thinking she was dad mistress and I decided to take revenge. Everything is all my fault why the hell should she be the one to take all the blame?”He questioned now as he stood starring at her.

“Her image is tainted. I can’t let someone like her have the next Watson heir. Think of the damage it will cause the Watson group once what happens six years ago comes into the light again”

“To hell with what happened. I don’t care if it comes to light again and if it does. I will just have to tell the truth”.

“And begin a scandal again? Wake up Richard. This isn’t six years ago. One scandal to that will ruin the company and everything will be ruined.” She yelled at him.

“Then let it be so. I won’t sacrifice my child for the sake of the company”He stated fiercely.

“You really are your father’s son. I never expected much from him cause he was a weakling. I never expected from you too but you proved to me that you are worth it by growing the company. Don’t fail me now” she blackmailed.

“You really are selfish you know? For years I have wanted your acknowledgement but you never gave it and just because you want me to get rid of my child. You are sugar coating me with sweet words. You really are selfish” He yelled at her.

“I was born that way just as you were born to be a weakling. Now you decide. Its either you get rid of that child and save the company from a scandal or you get cut off. Which would be your option?”She asked

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Richard’s grandmother is something else??

Linda is laying her claim???

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