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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Pregnant for her worst enemy)
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Twelve

“Its lunch break Richard,why don’t you give that a rest and come have lunch”Louis Bruce,Richard only friend said calling out to Richard who was piled up with work.

“I need to finish this”Richard replied

“All work and no food makes Richard a dull boy. You have been at that thing for a while now, leave it and come eat” Louis said and reluctantly Richard gave in.

“I know what your trying to do”Richard said as he took a bite of the salad on the table .

“If you do then stop making it difficult for me”Louis said jokingly.

Louis is the other person apart from Elena who knew he only had a year left to live and ever since then Louis has been looking up somethings online. Food, treatments and even getting herbal treatments for Richard and that’s because Richard refused to spend the rest of his days at the hospital.

“I still can’t believe that you have a year to live”Louis said suddenly

“You better start believing it. I will be dying soon”Richard said as he bit into the salad.

“You look so calm saying it, you like the thought of dying that much?”Louis asked

“I don’t, am just saying the truth right now”Richard replied.

“You have always been pessimistic about things”

“You know me well enough”Richard answered with a smile which made Louis angry.

“Have you found someone as the surrogate mother for your child?”Louis asked knowing about the artificial insemination.

“I did”Richard replied as he stared at the phone he had placed on his working desk.

Ever since Elena gave him the phone to listen to the conversation, he hasn’t done it and that’s only because he isn’t interested.

“You messed with the wrong girl”Elena words came back to haunt him.

He was still contemplating If he should listen when Louis stood up heading towards his desk to pick the phone up.

“This is an old brand, did you buy it?””Louis asked turning it on.

Richard quickly went to him snatching it from his hand.

“Its not mine and you shouldn’t touch it”Richard replied only to be given a sneering look from Louis.

“I get the drift, I won’t touch it”Louis said as he picked up his phone which was ringing.

He talked for a while and after ending the call,he told Richard of his meeting with a potential investor and left given an order to Richard to finish the salad he bought.

Instead of eating the salad like Louis ordered him to he found himself switching on the phone, listening to the recording.

It was a while that he set the phone down on the table.

Tracy had been his father lover while Hillary had helped cover for them.

“You messed with the wrong girl” Elena words came back to torment him and his thought drifted back to Six years ago.

He remembered Hillary trying to tell him that it was all a misunderstanding and that she wasn’t his father lover.

Tracy had came to him and he had believed her lies because all evidence was all pointed to Hillary.

He stood up wanting to go and see her but thought about it again.

She wouldn’t want to see him, he wouldn’t want to see himself too if he were in her shoes, he thought as he sat down starring at the phone which had all the evidence of Hillary innocence in it.

What right did he have to go to her when he never gave her the chance to explain, he thought as his phone began to ring again.

“Hello”he answered it on the third ring.

“Have you listened to it?”Elena asked through the reciever.

“I did”he replied


“It proves her innocence and I …..have been a complete fool”Richard said almost to himself

“You shouldn’t be telling me that, you need to talk to Hillary and let her know you have been a complete fool”Elena said not caring if she was talking to her boss.

“She wouldn’t want to see me, I wouldn’t even want to see myself”Richard replied.

“So you are just going to sit back and blame yourself? You should be trying to find a way to make it up to Hillary and just so you know, Hillary never knew that I wanted to get her pregnant, I chose her because she is perfect and she is though she loathes you… sorry to say but I also will h@ťě you for what you did if it were to happen to me ”

” I called solely to tell you that She will be having an abortion tomorrow, I will be the one to help her with it and am willing to accept wh@ťěver punishment for stealing the hospital funds. A little piece of advise from me, I suggest you try to meet her and ask for her forgiveness”Elena added as she end the call.

Immediately she Ended the call, Richard picked up his suit which had been placed at the back of his chair. He had to see Hillary, he had to talk to her before the abortion takes place.

Though it had taken him four hours to get to the hospital where Hillary worked, he finally did.

He asked the nurses for her whereabouts but they didn’t know.

He was sitting at the waiting room waiting for her just incase she pass by when a nurse walked towards him.

“I heard you were looking for Nurse Hillary, well I left her at the rooftop. She always go there to take a rest but today, I think it’s for something different”The nurse said and he thanked her before dashing off to the lift, pressing the top floor button.

He got there to find her standing by the edge of the building and judging from the way she stood, it looked like she was about to fall off.

Quickly he ran to her pulling her by the waist and out of danger.

“Arrrgh…..”Hillary shrieked out due to the unknown person who was pulling at her.

“Are you okay?”On hearing Richard voice,she turned to look at him.

“I know you h@ťě me but it doesn’t have to warrant you committing suicide”He said not waiting for her to reply.

She pulled away from him, starring at him with anger.

“What are you talking about? Who is committing suicide?”She asked wondering why he is here.

“You were about to or did I think something else?”He asked

“I might h@ťě you like you say but I wasn’t going to ki|| myself, I just wanted to take the little flower growing….why am I even explaining myself. What are you doing here?”She questioned

“I came to see you”he replied looking relieved

“If you are here to insult me and to tell me how I worked with Elena to get pregnant then you better stop. Am feeling a bit tired, maybe you can come back some other time”She said moving past him.

“I know what happened Six years ago”He said and she stopped suddenly.

“I know the truth, the whole truth Hillary”he said and she turned to stare at him.

“And so? It wouldn’t change a thing and it’s all in the past, let’s leave it that way”She said as she turned to leave again but Richard was quick to block her path.

“Am sorry Hillary”he said softly and Hillary began to laugh.

“Sorry? Do you think you saying sorry can erase it all from my mind. For six years, I kept thinking about it, there were times that I forgot but once I got back home, I kept on reliving the whole thing whereas you… forgot it all , you didn’t even recognise me”Hilary yelled at him.

“Am sorry “He said again

“Stop saying that Richard, it’s getting on my nerves. Like I said your knowing the truth doesn’t change a thing, To you I was just your father mistress and to me… me you are someone I h@ťě, you have no idea how much I h@ťě you”Hillary said with feeling and Richard stood starring at her, taking all her anger, he deserved it.

“If I had known that Elena had been thinking of getting me pregnant with your child,I would never have gone for the check up that day cause I would have preferred it if our path never crossed again”She began.

“This child in me isn’t going to be born, have decided to have an abortion, I suppose Elena must have told you about it and this isnt me trying to get revenge, this is me choosing a better life for the child cause having you as it’s father is a total loss”Hillary added

“I know that I did wrong to you Hillary but the child doesn’t have to suffer for it “he said

“You don’t tell me what to do Richard, you lost that right years ago. Am going to have an abortion whether you like it or not that will save you the trouble of having to see me. You came here yourself, you can as well leave”Hillary said moving past him but he held her by the arm and she jerked away from him surprising Richard by her action.

“You did the same thing last night but let me make this clear to you, I don’t like it when you touch me….I abhor it, even your presence itself makes me sick”Hillary said looking like different person.

“My mistake years ago have ruined you right? “He said starring at her

“You didn’t ruin my life Richard instead you made me realise that people are never to be trusted. Each time I forget that do you know what I remember to keep myself going ?”She asked starring at him and when he didn’t reply she moved towards him.

“Listen to this cause this will be the last time I say it….I never loved you….while I was with you, I only thought of one thing and that was getting revenge. Everything about you makes me sick . How could you even imagine that I….Richard Watson would be attracted to someone like you. If you still have hope of you and I getting back together, you better think again cause I don’t see myself being with someone I loathe”

She finished saying and Richard stared at her, saddened that she still remembered what he said to her six years ago.

“Shocked that i still remember right? Well that’s what I keep on thinking of each time I meet people like you and now that you are here, youve only fueled it more. The more I see of you the more I remember and the more I h@ťě you, so it’s best if you save me all the trouble and stay away, once the abortion have been carried through, you will have no cause to see me and that is what I want Richard. I don’t want to see you ever again”She said as she began walking off only to get to the door that led to the stairs and lift when she collapsed on the floor.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Now that Richard has come to know the truth? what will happen?

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