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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Pregnant for her worst enemy)
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter one

“Hillary I have some thing to confess to you”Elena said as she stood from her chair coming towards Hillary who was seated waiting for her reply.

“What’s wrong Elena? Am not going to die right?”Hillary asked as she began feeling scared.

Not minding the white overall she was wearing,Elena knelt in front of Hillary getting her more tensed

“Your scaring me Elena, just tell me what’s wrong with me “Hillary said

“You….you are…..this is very hard to say”Elena said again

“Just tell me Elena” Hillary said almost pleading with her

“Your pregnant Hillary”Elena said letting the bomb out

“What di…did you just say?”

“I said you are pregnant Hillary,you are pregnant and it’s all my doing ”
(A week before Elena news to Hillary )

“Is he here?”Elena asked as she walked along the hall while the nurse behind her help put on her white overall.

“He is! He has been waiting for a while now and he is very angry”The nurse replied as she followed Elena until they got to her office.

Treating and helping female with their daily lives is a simple thing but having to meet with the boss himself is some thing else entirely.

He had called yesterday to tell her that he was coming to see her the next day but with her being a doctor, she had totally forgotten about it and now he was at her office and had been waiting for her while she was in surgery.

Getting to her office, she breathed in softly and opened the door to find him sitting on her chair.

Richard Watson isn’t what the news say about him.

Apart from being called arrogant and ruthless, he really is very very handsome, where had they leave that description, she thought as she greeted him and took the visitors seat.

“I didn’t know you were here already sir and i was at the operation theatre having a surgery”Elena excused herself

“It doesn’t matter as long as you are here now”He replied as he stared at her

“What can I do for you sir”She asked trying to look professional

“I want a child”He said softly

“A child?”She asked

“I got a news from my doc a week ago that I have cancer”He began softly and Elena gasped out in shock.

“Of course apart from my doctor and myself you are the third person to know of my ailment and once it’s out,I will know it’s you that leak it and I will make sure I get back at you”He said

“It won’t be heard from me”She said quickly knowing what he is capable of, they didn’t call him ruthless for nothing.

“Like have said,I need an heir, I would have achieved it the normal way but my doctor forbids it and I can’t make my mistress the mother of my child “He added softly.

Everyone knew that Linda Forbes the number one actress in the city is Richard Watson current mistress and she certainly wouldnt have her body altered just to have a child for her lover.

“So?”Elena asked still not getting where this conversation is leading to.

“So I want you to get some one pregnant with my child using my sperm, I know you still have it somewhere in the hospital”He said

“Yes we do and certainly I can get someone pregnant as long as she is willing to do it and……”

“You don’t get it do you?”he said suddenly

“What do I not get ?”She asked

“My mistress was throwing herself at me just so she can be the one to carry my child but she is not fit for the person I want to be the mother of my child”He said

“So?”Elena asked again

“So, I need you to find some one decent and get her pregnant with my child ”

“You are entrusting me to finding a good lady for you?”Elena asked and he nodded

“What if I chose wrong! What if I get you a gold digger or perhaps some one rotten or…. ”

“You will have to suffer for it”he said cutting her off


“I told you apart from my doc and you no one else knows about my illness, Am willing to pay you Elena and I also heard that you are going through some financial situation which led you to robbing my hospital”He said as he put down some document

“This proves clearly how you started taking hospital funds for your own use, I didn’t want it to get to this but seeing your reluctance,I will just have to use it “Richard said softly and Elena found herself being cornered


“Common! Am willing to let go of you stealing and am also willing to pay you, all you just have to do is help me find some one decent enough to care for a child even when the father is gone”He said cutting her off

“That’s where the issue is, I don’t know anyone who is decent,everyone who comes to our hospital are either mistresses to some rich man or ladies who are dying to get pregnant for a man who has his own family or…….”

“Stop making excuses!!!”He yelled as he stood up

“I don’t care how you do it! All I want is for you to find some one preferably decent and innocent, inject my sperm in her and get her to have my child!” He added

“That’s not some thing easy…..”

“I want it done! Am willing to pay as long as I can get an heir before I die, just find some one to carry my child for me!”he said again cutting her off

When Elena said nothing, he turned to leave only to stop by the door.

“Am giving you three days, three days to find some one for me and have the money am willing to give you or you go to jail for theft and even if you get out which I doubt , I will make sure your licence to being a doctor is siezed”He said and left the room leaving a quivering Elena alone.

After hours spent at the hospital trying to find some one decent for the task given to her by her boss, she came to relax at her usual cafeteria.

“Am giving you three days,three days to find some one for me ”

Remembering Richard thr_@t got her putting her head on the table while stamping her feet on the floor.

She didn’t notice some one walking up to her table.

“Send me some one lord, send me some one decent and innocent “She prayed to herself.

“What are you saying to yourself”a female voice said and she looked up to see Hillary Raven starring at her.

“What are you doing here?”Elena asked surprised at seeing the nurse who took care of her sick mother at the hospital.

“Today is my day off and I frequent this cafe from time to time. Are you just getting off work ?”Hillary asked

“No I got off a while ago,I just came here to relax and also to think”She said

“Have you visit your mom at the hospital? “Hillary asked

“I did yesterday”Elena replied thinking about her mom whose treatment depends on her.

It was because of her that she had to steal the hospital funds and now if she doesn’t find some one soon, she will be spending the rest of her life in jail.

“Is some thing bothering you? You have been sighing frequently”Hillary asked and Elena found herself starring at Hillary.

She hardly knew a thing about her, all she knew is that she is her Mom nurse who works at the hospital which her mom stayed.

“Yes there is”Elena replied

“You can tell me about it, am a good listener”Hillary said giving her a warm smile.

“You know that am a doctor who specialise in women fertility”Elena began and she nodded before saying

“You are quite popular for your work and i along with my colleagues at work admire you greatly”

“Well what do think about having a child?”Elena asked

“I haven’t really given it a thought, as it is am more focused on my work than having children and finding a good dad for that child and having enough money are the first step in having a child, once I get to have that, then the child who will be brought into a loving family will be next “Hillary replied as the waitress Brought Hillary order to her.

Elena smiled to herself, at least she hadn’t given her a negative answer, certainly the Lord heard her prayers, he brought to her someone who can be of use to her. A woman who is decent and innocent well she certainly is the girl for the task.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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