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HomeGUNSHOTS - {Orgasms & Guns}GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} - Episode 6

GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 6

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{ 0rg@zms & Guns… }

THEME: ki|| It!


By, Naomi Cindy B.


“Now, baby” Tiger smiled like a baddie, and at once… They jumped down the window together.


It took approximately two minutes before they they landed at once.

Their presence alerted the securities in that angle, and they started rushing to them, alerting the others through their walkie-talkies.

“Those $cvms” Toyota smirked, and before Tiger could stop her, she shot down four of them straight in the heart, and their innocent blood wet the ground.

The remaining securities didn’t stop running towards them, not minding their fallen comrades who has gotten a taste of The Terminator’s wrath, they started $h00ting back too, and Toyota kept avoiding it all perfectly.

She was highly trained for this in Atlanta anyways, so far it’s a human who shot the gun, it can only hit her if she wants it to, she’s the devil for a reason.



Her eyes held no mercy as she delivered the bullets, no kindness left to share and no softness left to exude, the eyes of the devil shone again.

Tiger’s gun didn’t release any bullet, but he kept avoiding getting hit.


They’re after Alberto anyways, shedding the blood of the innocent is not his thing. He might be a monster who’s reeking of vengeance, but he’s not that heartless to ki|| innocent men.

Jaemin suddenly zoomed the car towards them from the front of the hotel, and he was the first to jump in

Toyota jumped in after $h00ting down three more men, and Tiger grabbed her hair immediately, almost snapping her neck.

“Why the Fůçƙ did you $h00t? We could have just avoided their bullets till Jaemin’s arrival!” He said angrily, his wide eyes so red as he glared down at the devil in his hold.

Toyota got her favorite knife from her straps, and she raised a leg to his face, but he grabbed the leg and pinning it down.

While pinning, Toyota took the chance to raise the second leg, and it got his face so hard that the heel penetrated into his cheek.

He was forced to let go of her first leg, and she placed the knife on his neck, the sharp blades glimmering even in broad daylight.

Tiger stayed still immediately, cos one wrong move from him, his throat will get cut. She was placing it directly on his jugular.

“I do my things my way, no one has ever questioned The Terminator, and you won’t have that luxury either!” She spat at his face, and when he tried to make a slight move, the knife cut slightly into his neck, and a small trail of his blood ran down below the knife.

The blood on his wounded cheek is still trickling too, and their eyes are still glaring hard at each other.

She’s the embodiment of carnage, she acts the way she smells, no doubt, and it was that moment he realized what he’s really gonna be dealing with, a Fůçƙing heartless wĥõrë.

“Car sighted!” Jaemin announced from the front, bringing them back to their senses.

Toyota let go of him, falling back on her seat as she got her pocket microscope to zoom in on the car.

“Keep following” she ordered, not sparing Tiger another glance.

Tiger wiped the blood on his cheek, deciding to leave the rest of the talk till tonight. Tonight will be the night of the destruction, the night he ruins her without remnants, the night he’ll watch her cry out at his mercy. He’ll give her exactly what she needs, the monster between his legs.


He smirked and got another microscope, watching the car too till it suddenly switched routes to a new street.

It went out of sight before Jaemin could switch too, and they lost it for a moment.

“The car just stopped in front of an house” Lambo announced in their buds.

“House number?” Tiger asked.

“02, that same alley” Zenith replied, and Toyota smirked.

“The car is moving again!” Lambo announced, and the car zoomed roughly out of a corner immediately.

“I think someone is protecting him, I’ll go into the house, you keep following the car” Toyota said and made to come down, but Tiger held her forearm, and her glaring eyes turned to him.

“Careful, I need you to be in one piece tonight while I destroy you myself” he smiled, and she gave him a punch which made him release her.

“Fůçƙ! You’re so romantic” he laughed, and Jaemin started the drive without waiting.

Toyota’s mask is off right now, maybe because it’s a silent street, only the passing cars are oblivious witnesses.

She kept her knife and gun in place, her two favorite babies which she knows how to use best, then she walked into the corner and found herself at the door of a bungalow.

It’s just as old as the Jungle, she kicked the door open with her heels, and a bald hefty bouncer came out, looking down at her like she’s some raggy doll.

That instant, she promised herself that she’d dish out his disrespectful eyes before she leaves this place.

He’s not alone, cos six others came out after him, and they all surrounded her.


‘Ok… This will be fun’ she smiled out her venom.


Meanwhile, the car kept speeding madly throughout the chase, but Jaemin is a mad driver himself.

He cuts throug the corners and went through different tight alleys to match up. The driver of the car is not a simpleton too.

“He’s leading us to his safe place” Tiger smiled, but his smile left his face immediately, and he snatched the wheel from Jaemin, pressing a golden button below the wheel before directing the wheel forward.

“Fůçƙ!” Jaemin spat when the car began moving at the speed of wind, knocking away several cars before it finally got to the main car, crashing into it from behind.

The two cars pivoted into a wall, driving a hole through it before stopping.

Shark came out of the car, and Tiger recognized him with the dark pouch on his left eye, he’s well known in the underworld for his lunatic toughness despite his one eye.

“You’re Alberto’s protector, how cute” Tiger laughed, coming out of the car with Jaemin.

“Boss, you know him?” Jaemin asked, wearing his gloves.

“That’s the little Shark” Tiger replied, spitting the gum in his mouth away.

“Was expecting some muscles, but he’s just a shortcut” Jaemin laughed too, getting the fact that Tiger is trying to provoke him with words.

“Muscles are for strong soldiers, not for Fůçƙing bottles like him” Tiger replied, and that finally broke the ice.

Shark started running angrily towards him, and he smiled.

“Stay back Jae, I’ll handle him” He said, and Jaemin rested on the car as he ran to meet up with Shark.


Their bodies slammed, and the weight made them stagger away from each other, but they came clashing again, and Shark’s punch made contact with Tiger’s jaw immediately.

Tiger smiled as a bruise appeared, then he grabbed Shark’s throat and hit his head hard on his own.

Shark’s one eye widened immediately, and blood ran out of his nose as Tiger smiled like a devil, his bright eyes glaring.

“You work for Godzilla, don’t you?” He muttered, and that was when Shark came back, and he smiled, baring his bloody teeth.

“You’re after Godzilla? Give up early cos it’s a fruitless chase, and as for Alberto, he’s safe somewhere right now, loser” he spat, and Tiger bursted into a heavy laughter, his neck still trapped between his palm.

“I’m sure Alberto will be tasting The Terminator’s wrath right now, big loser” he finally talked, and though Shark tried not to look shocked, but the shocked look dominated his face, giving Tiger the opportunity to make the next move.

He got his knife and sank it into his throat, cutting it open, but he didn’t stop after one cut, he continued sinking and removing repeatedly, cutting through his multiple veins till his neck is in shreds in his palm, then he removed the black pouch on his right eye.

He only used the porch as a camouflage, his two eyes are actually still complete.

“I knew it, Shark can’t be a softie like this, he’s not Shark” Tiger muttered, letting go of his limp body which fell on the ground immediately, his head flying off his neck.

“Meaning… Shark went into that house with Alberto?” Jaemin said.



“What the hell!” Chance almost screamed when he got up the ceiling with Taylor and met a Ɲ@kēɗ lady there, Alberto’s paid $lüt.

“Please don’t ki|| me, I promise to let you go multiple rounds with me, just spare my life please” she begged, and Chance smiled.

“Now I feel hard, come here” he grabbed her hair and dragged her down the ceiling with himself.


They fell on the bed together, and Taylor jumped down too.

Chance spread the Ɓîtçh’s legs, and he started unbolting his belt, but Taylor suddenly pulled him away from her.

“We’re here on a mission dude!” She shouted, and he smiled naughtily.

“The elevator to this floor is locked, so no one is coming, relax buddy” he winked and continued unbolting his belt, but Taylor pulled her gun immediately, aiming for his skull.

“Stop it right now before I lose my whole d@mn temper! You ain’t Fůçƙing her!” She smirked, and Chance came closer, pushing her gun away.

“You have a crush on me or what? It’s becoming more suspicious, buddy” he said, and Taylor’s lid shook once.

“Chance, Taylor, the elevator lock is getting opened, get out of that hotel right now!” Lambo ordered in the bud, interrupting them.

“Delilah is downstairs” Taylor replied.

“She’s out already, meet her at the underground park. There’s a secret door at the end of the floor you’re in” Zenith replied, and they ran out of the room at once.

They started running to the end of the floor, and immediately they got there, the elevator lock opened, and the cops came in.

“Hands up right now! Don’t move!” The cops voice came.

“Fůçƙ” Chance muttered as they raised their hands, their backs on the cops.

The cops started moving closer, and Taylor exchanged glances with Chance secretly.

“Lights off!” They chorused, and Zenith put off the lights in the whole hotel immediately, and the secret door opened.


The cops lost them in the darkness as they entered the elevator which rode them downstairs.



“How were you able to connect with the hotel lights too” Lambo said in awe, and Zenith smiled as her fingers kept working non-stop on the keys.

“It’s simple, I easily hacked into the lights current so far I know the manufacturing industry, all the lights were made in a company in Russia” Zenith replied, and Lambo nodded.

” You won’t know how long I’ve been trying to hack lights, but I couldn’t, I still have a lot to learn” she said.

“C’mon Big Lambo, it’s a trait, once you learn it, then it becomes part of you, you just need a little touch” Zenith replied, and Lambo nodded.

Zenith never looked away from the screens even during the talks, she was so deeply into it professionally.

Lambo’s eyes suddenly got hooked on her face, and she started staring, unable to stop herself.

She suddenly raised her hand to Zenith’s hair, stroking it gently while still staring.

“I love your hair” she said.

“Many people say that” Zenith replied, and Lambo smiled, stroking more.



The walls have imprints of blood already, and the ground is just the same. There are shatters of glass on the ground from the broken windows, then broken human fingers.


Just as promised, Toyota brought down all the men, and her baby blades are filled with blood of the $cvms right now, same as her face.

She’s holding the neck of the last man in her hands right now, ready to pull his life out of him and throw it into abyss.

His head has a crack already as a result of how she hit it on the wall, and half of the tooth in his mouth is gone.

He’s half-dead as Toyota slammed his back on the wall for the third time, and the that made his backbone split.

“Arrggghhhhhh!!!!!” He screamed into the sunny afternoon, his voice renting the air as his mouth widened completely.

In his eyes, she saw her work of art, doom. She saw hellish pains of someone who’s preparing to leave the human world in an agonizing way. She saw helplessness, her favorite sight, and a smile formed on her full plush lips as she raised her knife on him again.

He’s the one she promised to dish out his eyes, and it’s only normal if she does that.

“Not sorry, baby” she said in mockery before bringing her blade down to his right eye.

The cries that left his mouth almost felt like a desperate siren’s, and when she sank it into his second eye, he opened his mouth to scream, but he couldn’t.

Toyota withdrew the knife, and his two eyeballs followed it out as his body fell, joining his fallen comrades on the ground.

She entered the house afterwards, her heels clicking the ground dangerously at each step. Only a heavily trained vixen like her can fight enemies on heels, she could even wear heels on sharp edges without falling, Toxica trained her madly anyways.

Of all the three trainees, she seemed to always add extra strength and harshness when it comes to training her, and that has come a long way while hunting her victims. Her brutality and viciousness, it can never be second to none, well maybe there’s an exception. Denzel.

Despite Toxica’s harsh trainings back then, she was only able to beat Lambo, but she lost all the three fights she had with Denzel, and that’s why she needs to find him and ki|| him, there can’t be a superior on the surface of the underworld.

Her thoughts came back to the present, and she kicked the only door in the house open.


A grin sounded from her when she saw her little meat, her first big victim among others, Alberto Gunner himself.

He’s standing in the middle of the room with a metal pipe in hand, shaking as he beheld her.

Now whoever left him here alone is wicked, they just gave her an easy moment.

“Don’t come closer! Don’t! Don’t come!!!” He shouted in fear, and Toyota smiled.

As a lover of chaos and ruins, she’s enjoying this. If his tears is so melodious to her ears right now when she hasn’t even started with him, how much more melodious would it be when she starts?

That thought alone awakened her demons, and excitement rushed through her body, thrilling her skin as her loud laughter filled the place, but the laughter was short as Alberto threw the metal pipe at her.

She caught it and wasted no time in throwing it back, and the sharp edge penetrated into his stomach, pumping out his blood

“Spare me!!! Spare me!!!” He cried, falling on the ground.

With lost patience, Toyota walked to him and pulled him up, removing the pipe roughly.

“AHHH!!!” He screamed painfully as his blood painted the ground.

There’s a iron chair in the room, and metal chains, then a burning furnace, obviously the bouncers turf.

Even better, she’d make this place his death place.

She pulled bleeding Alberto to the chair and plunged him down, then she got the chains and started chaining him to the chair, thinking of all the possible havoc in her head. She’d make a barbeque of his pieces.

“Who the hell are you!!!” Alberto cried, and she grabbed his hair, bending his neck to the back of the chair.

“How dare you forget my face! Motherf_cker!” She spat, craving to pull out his tongue so badly.


“Please spare… Spare…

He hasn’t finished saying that when he noticed the necklace on Toyota’s neck.

The pendant is the head of two babies, her mark.

“The…The… Termi… Terminator!!!” He cried out so loud, peeing in his P@ŋts immediately.

“Twenty five years ago, Hope Hospital, a mother gave birth to her first child, and they happened to be twins, you and the other three gunmen ki||ed the twin boy” she said amidst gritted teeth, and more urine pumped out of his shaking Ďïčk.

“Y..y..yes that’s true, that was our biggest operation since we started organ harvesting, and Godzilla payed us hugely” he shivered under her cold hands, and she almost tore him apart immediately, but she stopped herself.

“Who are the other three gunmen?” She demanded, and he started crying again.

“It’s top secret!!!”

And that was it, she lost her patience, her demons kicked in, taking charge.

She grabbed her knife from her straps, and she slid it directly to his right ear, cutting it off completely.

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!” His agonizing shriek came so loud, but she stopped it by shoving the ear into his open mouth.

“Swallow it!” She ordered, her eyes shimmering with anger as they reddened ragingly.

This is only the beginning of his pains.


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