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HomeGUNSHOTS - {Orgasms & Guns}GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} - Episode 5

GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 5

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{ 0rg@zms & Guns… }

THEME: ki|| It!


By, Naomi Cindy B.



“Fůçƙ! Don’t stop!” The words ran out of her mouth unexpectedly, and Tiger raised his head up from her middle immediately, the eyes of the devils’ mirrored.

“You like this too, don’t you?” He said in a tone of mockery, his breaths brushing her Çüñť teasingly.

She couldn’t find the right words to reply him. She’s not the type to be at loss for words, but something about this devil is casting a spell on her right now. she couldn’t move a nerve as he kept holding her down.

“You enjoy pains like me, you like getting Fůçƙed like a wĥõrë, don’t you?” He smirked, and maybe a little of her thinking came back immediately.

She tried standing up, but he plunged her back onto the sofa, one hand leaving to grab her hair as he ran his nose over her cleavage.



“Fůçƙ!” She cursed again. Her Břě@šťs heaved eagerly in her ьѓä cups, and she twisted her hips, ready for the worse.

How the hell was he able to do this? He’s gaining dominance right now, and that’s what she h@ťěs most in the world, becoming vulnerable for any Fůçƙing one, but this devil between her thick thighs, who’s he?

She got no answer to her questions when his full lips wrap around her throbbing ćƖĩť.

Her hand went to the back of the sofa, holding herself still as he Ṣūçƙs her ćƖĩť into his mouth, Fůçƙing her labia with his tongue.

She could feel her hair sticking to her skin from the sweat, and a huge heart building between them as he continued having a meal of her wetness.

She couldn’t find the right words to tell him to stop when he dipped his had deeper into her, burying all of his face down there.


He gripped her Pů$$¥ lips with his teeth, and she gritted her jaws, grabbing the sofa tighter.

“Bastard! Testa di cazzo!” She cursed in Italian, rolling her evil eyes deep into their sockets, she could Cvm like this for real, he’s destroying her down there.

Grinding her hips with him, his mouth on her Pů$$¥, and his oak scent on her skin. A powerful and bizarre aura about this guy throws her over the edge, she can’t allow this to happen.

She grabbed his hair suddenly, throwing him off of herself before standing, pulling up her shorts.

They both started gasping, staring at one another as the need drowned them, there’s something about him, just something that she’s not understanding right now.

“Told you i was gonna destroy you, we haven’t even started yet” Tiger spoke with an obvious smirk on his attractive lips.

Isn’t it crazy that even the smirk turns her on? What the hell is happening?

“I’m gonna enjoy Fůçƙing your little hole, and make words stop coming out of your mouth when I bury my Ç0çƙ down your throat” he continued, the dirty words falling so easily from him.

She couldn’t help but clasp her thighs together, she just got wetter… This isn’t good.

“You like hearing those,don’t you? I bet your Pů$$¥ is so soaked right now, Ɓîtçh” he smiled.

“Your Ç0çƙ down my throat? Can it even reach half of my mouth? Stronzo (@$$h0le)” She said in the same tone, suddenly getting her confidence back, and that broke the gates of hell lose.

He rushed forward to grab her, and they fell back on the sofa together, but she quickly shoved her knee between them, his lips inches away from hers when he kneed him away from herself.

His back hit the chair hard, and she raised her heels in one swift move to his chest, holding him down firmly.

He smiled devilishly as he tried to stand, but he pressed his chest back with her heels, and he went back on the sofa with a little groan.

His eyes went to the middle of her opened legs. Even the shorts she’s wearing is wet with her liquid already, she’s dripping, and she knows it.

She wants him badly right now, but she’s never gonna let him have his way, not now.

“You’re soaked, baby” he smiled naughtily, grabbing her leg at once.

She was expecting a rough spin, but he attached his lips to her leg immediately, K!SSing all the way up to her calf.


She wants to badly push him back right now, but her control began falling when he began K!SSing up her thighs.

Her Pů$$¥ released more juices as he K!SSed up, and the juice flowed down her thighs.

He sank his teeth into her thighs when he got there, and she grabbed his hair as he left trails of mark behind, licking the trickling juice till he got back to her Pů$$¥.

“Back to square one, huh? You’re just a Ɓîtçh with a little hole waiting to be filled, puttana!” He slurred, and before she could move, he tossed her to the couch.

He pulled down her shorts once again, and a deep breath escaped Toyota’s nostrils when the warm air in the room hit her ćƖĩť.

He raised her legs up, so much that her knees were resting on her shoulders.

“Watch as I make you Cvm handfuls with my mouth” he smirked and was about to get down to business again when someone knocked on the door.

“Boss! The godmother is on screen!”

It’s definitely Lambo’s voice.

“Till another day, baby” Tiger let go of her, and she stood straight.

She suddenly pushed him to the sofa and pulled off the joggers he’s wearing. Her shorts is soaked with her juices already, she can’t possibly wear that out.

She put on the black joggers, leaving Tiger in his Ūŋɗēɍp@ɲtṣs as she started walking out of the apartment.

“Sweet Pů$$¥ you’ve got, smells nice too. Can’t wait to Fůçƙ it” he said from the sofa, and she turned back.

She wanted to curse him, but the way he looked at her stopped her.

His seductive eyes are casting a similar spell to what happened before, so she only glared before walking out of the apartment.

Deep inside her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to get what just happened away from her head.




Everyone bowed when Toyota came in, but Jezebel’s eyes widened.

She recognized the joggers on Toyota as the one she saw Tiger wearing this morning. Tiger’s joggers!

“She left in shorts, and she came back in his joggers? What the hell did they do” she muttered angrily.

“They obviously Fůçƙed” Delilah chuckled, and Jezebel made to go to Toyota, but Delilah held her.

“You wanna lose your remaining fingers?” she said, and Jezebel relented as Tiger came in next, wearing a new jean on black singlet.

Luckily, there’s a collection of wears for any new gang member in the clan store, so he got everything he needed. His favorite jean P@ŋts and joggers, then the black shirts and singlets.

Jezebel was biting her lip repeatedly, and anger started consuming her at the thought of him in bed with Toyota, it’s mad.

Tiger stood beside Toyota and smiled knowingly, then Lambo pressed a button, and Toxica’s face appeared on screen.

She hasn’t changed at all, thanks to multiple surgeries, she still looks as young and full of venom.

“She looks dangerous” Jaemin muttered.

“She is” Sylvester replied

“Now I understand The Terminator’s strength, she was trained by a thug, but how come you’re not as strong and poisonous as her when you received trainings together” Zenith said.

“Maybe she has a darker past” Lambo replied

“Tiger, is that you?” Toxica said immediately she beheld him.

“Have anything to say to me” he replied arrogantly, and Toyota glared at him.

“You don’t talk to her disrespectfully” she said.

“How old is she? Thirty? Why should I use honorifics” Tiger replied freely, and Toyota almost punched him.


“He never listens, is he really my brother?” Chance mumbled, and Taylor smiled.

“It’s nice to see you in my gang anyways, and it’s Fůçƙing great to see y’all, the new members” Toxica smiled, getting herself a fat roll of weed which she began smoking as she spoke.

“Bring down Alberto Gunner tommorow, the next thing I wanna hear about is his murder. Remember what he did to your parents Toyota? Keep that in your head as you slaughter him, make sure he falls in pieces like I taught, that’s the only reward for evil” Toxica said, and Toyota nodded once

“Yes, godmother”

The screen went off immediately, and she faced everyone.

“No room for plays, it’s our first mission as a gang, so stay awake” she said and walked out of the lab.

Tiger left next, and Jezebel followed him.

“The arrangements changed though” Lambo spoke.

“Ok?” Taylor replied.

“Instead of Sylvester and Delilah, Sylvester and Jezebel will be the ones staying back to watch the clan. You’re going on the mission, Delilah” Lambo replied.

“Wait… Why do you always act like a god? Who gave you the order to change the d@mn arrangement Fůçƙing wench!” Delilah shouted, pushing Lambo’s chest.

Lambo staggered, and when Delilah made to push her chest again, Sylvester covered her, and she pushed his chest instead.

“Stop it!” Zenith shouted.

“Who the hell do you think you’re shouting at? Midget!” Delilah barked, and Zenith slapped her soundly.

“I’m just glad I came here, I just need popcorn right now, and my movie will be spicy” Chance laughed.

“Is Zenith a good fighter?” Taylor asked.

“She’s crazy, trust me” Jaemin replied.


“Did you just slap me?” Delilah’s eyes widened, and it felt like a dream when Zenith slapped her again on the same cheek.

“Fůçƙ!” Taylor and Chance started laughing.

Delilah made to attack her, but Lambo stepped forward this time.

She grabbed her throat, and Delilah began gasping.

“Don’t take my quietness for granted, rotten $lüt!” She spat, choking her more.

Zenith left the lab immediately, but Taylor and Chance rushed after her

“Zenith, she just said you’re mad” Chance lied.

“What the Fůçƙ!” Zenith’s eyes widened.

“Delilah said it” Taylor replied, and Zenith stormed back into the lab.

Taylor and Chance did a fist bump, then they stuck hands before laughing out loud.

Few minutes later, Delilah’s cries could be heard from inside the lab as Zenith dealt with her.



Sylvester barged in and met Ɲ@kēɗ Jaemin in bed with two Ɲ@kēɗ trainees lying beside him.

They’re all still fast asleep. His face is stuck between the Ɓø0ɓs of one, and his Ďïčk is stuck in the Pů$$¥ of the other.

“This bastard” Sylvester grinned, picking the cup of rum on the bedstand.

He poured it on Jaemin, and his eyes opened wide.


“Ssi-Bal!” He cursed in Korean, sitting up.

“What the hell! Sylvester!” He shouted.

“You were making mouth about how you’re not interested in the trainees, but you Fůçƙed two of them all night?” Sylvester mocked.

“They were more than I expected, these Ɓîtçhes almost ki||ed me, they’re fire” Jaemin replied lazily.

“Wh@ťěver, time to leave, where’s your suit?” Sylvester replied, and his eyes widened.

“Fůçƙ! The mission!”

He quickly hurried down the bed and cleaned up in the bathroom.

He dressed up within few minutes, and they left the apartment together.



All the members going for the mission are already at the park, dressed corporately.

Taylor, Chance, Delilah and Jaemin.

They’re all wearing suits, typical ones for guards.

They’ll be playing the guards for the Italian couple.

Tiger appeared in his black suit, looking more handsome as his shinny shoes clicked the ground towards them.

“Isn’t he so hot?” Jezebel said beside Sylvester. They’re staying back to watch the clan as planned.

“And that’s why you beg for his Ďïčk all day and night. I heard your screams from his apartment last night, $lüt” Sylvester replied, and she smirked.

“Shut the Fůçƙ” she glared, and Sylvester scoffed.


Toyota came last, and Tiger’s eyes couldn’t hide their hungry desires immediately. She could destroy a whole city with her appearance, she’s Șëx¥.

She dressed gorgeously in a deep red gown which exuded her dark aura more. Her lips are same colour, and the gown was flowing as she walked on the black heels. It has a large opening in the front, giving out some of her Ɓø0ɓs in a lethal way. She wore long black expensive gloves, and same color of hat which lowered all the way down to her forehead.

Her hair was curled, and they fell in tiny curls down her Ɓø0ɓs, she wasn’t smiling as she tapped the tiny bud in her ear, connecting to the lab.

“Ready?” She said.

“Ready, boss” Zenith’s voice came.

“Always ready” Lambo replied, and they all got in the car at once.

Tiger and Toyota at the back of the limousine, then Jaemin in the front as their driver.

Delilah, Chance and Taylor rode in the wagon as guards.

“Not only your Pů$$¥ looks Șëx¥, you look Șëx¥ too, baby” Tiger said during the drive, but Toyota got a smoke without replying, and she began smoking, but she suddenly felt his palm on her exposed lap, and her skin tingled dangerously as he moved it up her thighs swiftly.

He almost pulled her P@ŋts to one side when she got her gun and aimed for his head.

“Get your hands off me, bastard” she smirked, and he smiled, taking his hand down.

“I love your dangerous side more, makes me hard” he said, and she returned the gun before resuming her smoking.

Tiger got his phone and began typing away on it, ignoring her for the rest of the journey.

They finally arrived after thirty minutes, and Toyota sprayed herself to keep away the smell of smoke.

Jaemin opened the door for them, and they stepped out together, arms linked as they gave the hotel a cursory look.

FOUNTAIN HOTEL was written boldly in word light on top of the skyscraper, and they smiled at each other before going in.

Delilah, Chance and Taylor followed behind as guards till they got to the front door where the hotel guards stood gallantly.


They presented their fake passes, and when it was about to be scanned to confirm its authenticity, Toyota suddenly held her forehead.

“Ouch!” She gasped.

“Madame, are you ok?” The guards asked at once, giving her all their attention.

“Are you ok? Amorina(little love)” Tiger quickly held her face delicately.

“I think it’s the pregnancy” she replied, and he bent in front of her to K!SS her tummy.

Chance quickly changed the scanner without drawing attention, and Taylor smiled.

“I’m fine now” Toyota said, and their cards were finally scanned. Thanks to the fake scanner, the passed.

“We’re here for a meeting with the congressman, Alberto” Tiger said when they arrived at the reception.

“But he has no meeting scheduled for…

Before the receptionist could finish, Chance shoved a tranquilizer syringe into her neck, and before the others could scream, Delilah gave them the shots too.

They all rushed to the elevator at once, but Toyota stopped Delilah.

“Stay here , in case of an emergency” she said.

“Yes boss” she replied, and the rest rode up the scrapper.

Alberto is in the thirteenth floor according to Zenith, it’s the only locked floor in the hotel.

“The lock serial number” Zenith said from the bud.

“024-111” Taylor read, and within a minute, Zenith hacked it open.

Toyota and Tiger entered the floor at once, and they barged into the only room they saw, but they met emptiness.

“He escaped?” Tiger smirked unbelievably.


“No Fůçƙing way” Toyota muttered.

She could still smell a lingering presence, maybe he escaped not long ago.

“The ceiling!” Chance said, and they all looked up to see a big crack.

“The window is open too” Taylor said.

Tiger ran there and peeked down to see a car driving away.

He got a magnetic tracker from his pocket and threw it down, attaching it to the car body without missing it.

“02#, trail the tracker on the car body right now and feed me with the location” he said on the bud.

“Copied” Lambo replied.

“I’ll go after the car. It might be a distraction from the real escape route, so Chance and Taylor should go through the ceiling” Toyota said.

They climbed up the ceiling at once, and Toyota smiled, getting a knife and rope from under her gown.

She tore the gown away from her body, and it fell on the ground, leaving her in her black shorts and singlet.

“Șëx¥, huh?” Tiger said.

“Shut the Fůçƙ, stronzo” she muttered and attached the elastic rope to her thighs straps, then she gummed the other end to the window edges before wearing her black mask.

Tiger took off his suit, got his ropes and attached it too, then he threw a gum in his mouth.

“The hunt starts….”Toyota smirked through the mask.

“Now, baby” Tiger smiled like a baddie, and at once… They jumped down the window together.


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