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HomeGUNSHOTS - {Orgasms & Guns}GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 29

GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 29

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{ 0rg@zms & Guns… }

THEME: ki|| It!


By, Naomi Cindy B.




“I want your heart too, Yenicall” she muttered devilishly.

“How did you….how did you Ɓîtçh!!!” Yenicall yelled, trying to hide her fears, but it didn’t work cos her shaky voice gave her out.

Toyota laughed wickedly before dropping her hand, then she released a long sigh and laughed again, amusing Toxica.

“You’re so funny Yenicall, really” she said, standing straight again.

The smile wiped off her face, and it got replaced by a mean glare immediately.

“You really think you’d outsmart me for the second time? You outsmarted me once, that’s a sin and a bonus for you at the same time, and you’re paying for it now together with your past sins. What? You ki||ed my twin? And you’re proud of it?” Toyota muttered.

“You should face Godzilla instead of doing this, ki||ing The Hunters amounts to nothing, you’ll never get Godzilla anyways, no one has ever done it and you won’t be the first cos you’re not even his match!” Yenicall shouted, and Toyota smiled.

“Why don’t you leave that for me to decide? Let’s talk about your own death first” she said, hanging Toxica’s heart on top of a short tree beside her.

The heart was dangling as she started walking to Yenicall.

Yenicall took off immediately, running away madly, but Toyota took after her, and with just four long steps, she reached her and jumped on her from behind, so they went down together.

Toxica stabbed her with a knife immediately, and Toyota’s arm bled as the knife penetrated, but the pains only made her more excited as her blood washed down her long arm.

“You should try harder, baby” she muttered with a degrading smile before removing the knife from her own arm.

She returned it to Yenicall’s arm, and a tell took over the forest from her as her blood pumped too.

“How you like that?” Toyota grinned and removed the knife. She made to stab the arm again, but Yenicall blocked with her palm, so it penetrated into her palm to appear at the back of her hand.

“Arggggghhh!!!” She cried, raising her legs from behind. She hit it on Toyota’s head, making her release her.

She stood and grabbed a fallen tree branch from the ground which she tried hitting on Toyota’s head.

Toyota caught it and smiled, holding eyes with her.

“You’re quite good, but when I’m involved, I own all the good. Too bad” she muttered and snatched the branch from her.

She swung it at her, hitting it hard on Yenicall’s head, and that made her fall flat on the ground.

Toyota dropped the branch and rolled her eyes slowly as she stared at her body on the ground.

She started walking to her, but a little before she’d get to her, Yenicall’s eyes flew open, and despite her wounded bloody head, she spranged up and got a gun from her pocket which she pointed at Toyota, aiming for her forehead.

“I know you messed with my goods yesterday, and that’s why everything is fake!” She said.

“You found out too late, poor you” Toyota laughed.

“But this wasn’t part of the goods, it’s my personal gun always loaded, so you’re dying now” Yenicall smiled and pulled the trigger immediately, but Toyota ducked immediately, so the bullet rammed into a tree.

Toyota started running into safe angles as the bullets continued chasing her.

She suddenly got hit in the thigh, and she stopped to curse for a second before jumping down the lane, rolling down the carpet of dried leaves till she got to Yenicall.

She grabbed her legs and pulled her down with herself, then she came on top of her and began punching her repeatedly, making sure she bled massively.

Yenicall suddenly pressed the wounded part of her arm, and that distracted her a little, so she took the opportunity to push Toyota away from herself.

She came on top and tried punching her, but Toyota grabbed her hand and twisted it, breaking her wrist.

“Arggggghhh!!!!!!” She cried in agony.

“No other woman has access to my face” Toyota spat, standing from her as she kept wriggling in pains on the ground.

“Now shall we move to the next level?” She said, and Yenicall smiled on the ground.

She didn’t know the meaning of it till she revealed her second hand. She still has the gun!

“Goodbye, Terminator” she muttered and pulled the trigger fast, but instead of Toyota, someone else suddenly blocked her, getting shot on the chest directly.

“Tiger!!!” Toyota screamed when she saw his face as he landed on the ground.

Yenicall raised the gun to $h00t again, but Toyota picked the branch from earlier and hit it on her head, making her pass out.

“Tiger!” She ran to kneel beside him and held his face up.

“Tiger!!!!!!’ she shrieked. He was already unconscious, looking lifeless as blood kept rushing out of his chest.

“Boss!” Lambo appeared with the others.

“Boss!” Jaemin shouted, rushing to take him from Toyota.

“Let’s get out of here, now!” Toyota ordered.

Jaemin carried Tiger on his back, and Lambo carried Yenicall.

They started running out of the forest.


“The kid we ki||ed is her brother? Lawrence and his wife only just got married a year before the operation, meaning the baby we ki||ed was their first and only baby” Zampano said, pacing around the special room.

Thanks to the bud on Yenicall’s body, they were able to listen to her conversation with Toyota earlier.

“The Terminator’s sign is two heads of babies, and she said the dead baby is her twin” Shark replied by the door.

“Meaning the Stonington family really birthed twins? Then where was the second baby during the operation back then? Where was The Terminator?” Godzilla said.

“She was saved by a nurse named Monica” Brazil said as he entered the room suddenly.

“Toxica’s son?” Shark said.

“She’s dead, found her dead in Yenicall’s cottage” he replied.

“The Terminator ki||ed her teacher?” Zampano said shockingly.

“She’s far from human, you should know better by now. She’s just like me” Godzilla laughed.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be mourning your mother?” Zampano asked.

“What use would mourning bring when I have a lotta people to ki|| now, starting from the male boss, Tiger” Brazil replied.

“Now it’s getting interesting” Zampano sat.

“Any grudge against him?” Godzilla asked.

“According to mum before her death, he’s Denzel” Brazil replied.

“Her strongest student back then? How possible!” Godzilla shouted in shock.

“How strong is he?” Zampano asked.

“Stronger than The Terminator herself” Brazil replied.

“What! There’s someone stronger than her in the Underworld?” Zampano said.

“He has every reason to be strong anyways, her holding a strong deep grudge against me, the ki||er of his parents” Godzilla said.

“How did you know?” Zampano asked.

“I’m the alpha after all” Godzilla replied with a light laughter.

“Nurse Monica is in hiding now, I think we have to get her if we really wanna bring The Terminator down, she’s in somewhere in Morocco” Brazil said.

“I think it’s time I handle things myself” Godzilla said.

“What do you mean?” Shark asked.

“Dismiss the rest of the Hunters for now, you three are my subordinates, and you’ll have the luxury of seeing my appearance” he replied, and their eyes widened as a door suddenly opened.

For three whole minutes, nothing happened, but a pair of black shoes suddenly stepped out of the room.

It’s an aged man in his mid fifties, mask on.

Their eyes remained wide as he stopped in the middle of the room and removed his mask.

For the first time in their lives, they saw the face of Godzilla, and Brazil’s eyes widened the most cos right in front of him is his carbon copy, they look madly alike!

So this is why Toxica said he has to look like him, it’s true!

“I’m leading the trip to Morocco, I’ll ki|| Monica myself” Godzilla said and faced Brazil with a haunted smile.

“Good to have you see my face, son” he said, and Brazil’s eyes widened again.



Tiger finished receiving treatments an hour ago, though he’s still unconscious as expected.

Chance and Taylor stayed with him in his apartment, and Chance kept sighing every minute, staring at his face.

“He always gets hurt cos of her, just how much does he love her? Stupid brother” he muttered.

“Love? Boss in love with The Terminator?” Taylor asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? Who’d keep risking his own life for a lady without any string attached? I wonder if he even values me as much as he values her” he replied.

“But he’s strong anyways, I’m making him my new role model” Taylor replied, and Chance smiled.

“Of course you will”

“Heard Zenith is in trouble” Taylor said.

“Hope she survives it” Chance replied.

“And about the other time” Taylor said again, and Chance faced her.

“What about it?”

“I ran away cos I was shocked, not because I didn’t like the kiss” she replied, and he smiled.


“We can bang whenever you want, I’ll make you like me back” she replied.

“I already like you” he said, and she blinked.


Chance smiled and brought his face closer.

“I like you, anything else?” He asked, and she smiled.


Apart from Yenicall who was tied to a chair nakedly, Zenith was kneeling in the middle of the room too, face bruised from tortures, and she’s crying.

Lambo and the rest were standing on a safe angle, watching from there since there’s absolutely nothing to do. No one can change The Terminator’s mind anyways.

Toyota came in at once, still smelling like blood from the just completed mission as she walked briskly to her and slapped her twice on a cheek.

Zenith tightened her throat together so her cries won’t come out, though it stings cos Toyota gave her the third and fourth slap immediately, and as if that’s not enough, she gave her the fifth and sixth till the tenth.

She was about to slap her for the eleventh time when she finally cried out.

“Boss I’m sorry!!!! I’m sorry I was carried away!!! I was out of my mind I swear!!! I was really not thinking!!!”

Even the cries angered Toyota more, and she grabbed a sword from the weapons hanger.

She unsheathed it and raised it on Zenith’s head, ready to slice off her head ….

“Rachel!” Lambo shouted, rushing over to kneel in front of her.

She held her legs tightly, so her hands stopped in the air.

“Let go” Toyota muttered without looking at her.

“I know she committed a grave sin but please, I beg you with our friendship since Atlanta, please forgive her just this once” Lambo begged, holding her legs tighter.

“She risked the lives of everyone! She f-__-king toyed with it!” Toyota yelled.

“I understand your anger, but please….yunno I’ve never asked you for anything, so just do this for me, huh? I can’t be alone in the lab so…. please.. we’re besties remember? Consider it as a gift boss…. Please spare her” Lambo begged again, and Toyota’s hand finally went down.

“Tell her to get out of my sight” she said, and Zenith stood immediately, rushing out of the zone.

Toyota walked to Yenicall’s chair and rested on it, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

“You should wake up now, time for your journey to hell”

Yenicall’s eyes flew open immediately, and her eyes widened when she saw where she is, and her nakedness.

“Where the f-__-k am I!!!” She yelled.

“I have no words to say to you like the dead two, your journey would he without hinders” Toyota smiled, and Lambo passed her a rod.

She shifted back and inserted the rod into Yenicall’s middle, plunging it deep into her naked p@zzy.


The cries were deafening as it left her lips, taking over the whole clan as Toyota started f-__-king her with the rod.

Without minutes, her blood filled the chair, coming out of her p@zzy in large quantities.

She literally menstruated with force, and she saw the angels of hell as the rod f-__-ked her mercilessly. She was on the bus to hell already when Toyota stopped the rod f-__-k and threw it down, then Lambo handed her a knife.

Without waiting, she cut off her B-__-bs from her chest, and another painful shriek followed from Yenicall as her blood began pouring again.

She’s in the line between hell and Earth already, ready to crossover.

Toyota handed the B-__-bs to Lambo’s tray, and Lambo handed the tray to Jezebell who took it to a blender.

The B-__-bs were blended and brought back to Toyota.

She took the tray and a spoon. She scooped the blended B-__-bs into the spoon and forced her to eat.

Toyota was smiling as she watched her swallow her own body part, nothing could be more thrilling.

Immediately she finished eating all the flesh, Tequila brought hot water in a pot, and Toyota took it.

She poured it all on Yenicall, and her skin turned brown immediately.

She picked the knife again and started scrapping her skin away from her body, skinning her alive while her agonizing cries sang melodies to her ears.

“Don’t worry, you won’t die if I don’t say so, you’ve been injected” Toyota snickered and continued scrapping her skin away from her flesh.

She did it thoroughly except her face, and she smiled at her work when she was done.

“Your heart?’ she muttered, sinking her knife into her chest immediately.

She easily dug out the heart, and immediately it came out of her body, her soul left her, and she went limp without struggling.

Toyota smiled, staring at the heart amusingly. She dropped it beside Toxica’s on a tray, and almost immediately, Chance rushed in.

“He’s not breathing anymore!!” He shouted, and all eyes widened.

“Denzel! Denzel is not breathing anymore!! Tiger is not breathing!!!” He shouted as tears rushed out of his eyes.

Everyone rushed out of the zone with him immediately, but only Toyota remained standing.

Her lips parted, and her lids raised slowly as she spoke…

“Den…zel?…. My Den… zel? Tiger?”


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