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HomeGUNSHOTS - {Orgasms & Guns}GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 27

GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 27

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{ 0rg@zms & Guns… }

THEME: ki|| It!


By, Naomi Cindy B.




His eyes widened, and when he made to move, the ground beneath him cracked like a vault, and he fell deeply into darkness.

SILENCE… A dead silence ensued immediately, and for one more minute, it remained the same till Tiger’s husky sigh came.

He stood at once from where he had fallen, and small pebbles fell from him to the ground together with drops of blood from his wounded arm.

“$h|t” he muttered and looked around.

It’s like another world entirely, full of nothing but darkness, but thanks to the moon in the sky, he could see up till a feet away from himself.

“Tigress!” He shouted, but the only thing that came back to him was the echo of his own voice.

He was about to scream again when two more people fell into the place with him.

“f-__-k!” Tedross voice spat as he stood.

“Where the hell is this!” Jezebell breathed as she stood next.

“Boss!” They both gasped immediately they saw Tiger.

“Alert the others” he ordered.

Jezebell tapped her bud immediately, connecting with the rest.

“Be careful y’all, there’s a ditch” she said.

“Where are you?” Tequila asked.

“We fell unluckily. I, Tedross and the boss” she replied.

“Y’all should go into the hall” Tiger commanded.

“Alone?” Delilah asked.

“Lambo will lead you, no mistakes. Yenicall is the main target” he replied.

“Where’s The Terminator herself?” Lambo asked.

“Just do as I say for now no f-__-king time!” Tiger shouted.

“Yes boss” Lambo replied, and Tiger faced the two.

“There might be another ditch, careful while you walk, we have to find The Terminator now” he ordered.

They nodded and followed him behind immediately.


Lambo, Delilah, Tequila, Jaemin and Sylvester stood some meters away from the hall, all using their hoods this time as they stared at the building.

The party is still ongoing, in fact, it got more heated some minutes ago.

“So… According to the calculated statistics, The Terminator is missing” Jaemin said.

“We can’t trust that entirely, you really think any living thing would be able to capture the devil?” Delilah replied.

“I support you Delilah” Tequila said, and Sylvester grinned.

“Ion think this is the time to share banters” Lambo replied, hitting her bud to connect to the lab.

“Zenith, is the coast clear?” She asked, but no answer came.

“Zenith!!!!!!!!” She screamed in anger.

“Huh! Lambo?” Zenith woke up from her thoughts.

“Yunno what? f-__-k you! f-__-k you!!! Do you plan to ki|| everyone here? Why the hell are you zoning out!” Lambo yelled.

“I’m so sorry, I was….I… don’t…it…ok… don’t… it’s…the…

Zenith’s voice began cracking, and the buds began making choky noises in their ears.

“Zenith? Zenith?” Lambo hit the bud repeatedly, but nothing came from her.

“$h|t! It lost connection” she muttered.

“At this point, I think it’s better to leave this mission for another day, I’ve been feeling odd all night” Jaemin muttered.

“Impossible, we’re here already so it only makes sense if we do what we came for” Lambo replied, putting on her black mask.

Everyone else masked up, and Jaemin sighed before following suit.

They all took the first step towards the hall at once, and they began advancing, steps in sync till they’re almost in the hall.

Just few steps away from it, an arrow suddenly came flying, towards Lambo.

“f-__-k it!” Sylvester grabbed her, and they ducked together, so the arrow got stuck in the ground.

“I think we got trapped completely, how did this happen?” He said.

“Jaemin, Tequila, you both should go into the hall and check for Yenicall” Lambo said.

Tequila and Jaemin ran into the hall immediately, leaving the rest outside.

The arrows kept coming, and they kept ducking till one of it got Sylvester’s arm.

He removed it immediately, and his flesh followed it out as he growled in pains.

Another one came for Delilah, but surprisingly, her eyes located the direction fast before it could reach her.

Her legs moved instinctively to that angle, and she caught the arrow perfectly. Her eyes glowed immediately, and she smiled.

She pushed Lambo and Sylvester behind herself and began catching the arrows faster that usual.

She maneuvered her way to the different angles, gathering the whole shot in her palms before standing straight.

The arrows were over fifty, and she dropped them proudly.

“How’s that possible?” Lambo said shockingly.

“Thanks to my new eyes, they control my legs, so I locate danger faster” she replied, and Sylvester smiled, but his smile was short when they were suddenly surrounded by numerous dangerous looking men.

They stood back to back immediately, the three against many.

“Jae was right, it’s a f-__-king trap” Sylvester muttered.

“The top priority right now is defeating them. Trap or not, Yenicall can’t see the light of tommorow” Lambo replied.

“Right, so let’s get this done” Delilah smiled, folding her fists as the men began rushing to them


“No sign of Yenicall” Jaemin muttered.

“I know” Tequila replied.

They searched all the nook and cranny of the hall already, and there’s nothing like Yenicall.

The most amusing thing is that the people in the party weren’t behaving like they saw them, the party continued like no one entered.

“You might be right, it’s a trap obviously, but how?” Tequila faced him.

“Let’s get out first” he replied, and they ran out of the hall together, only to meet a hot fight outside.

Sylvester was trapped in the middle of six men, trying to get out.

Lambo is in the middle of numerous men too.

Only Delilah is fighting them squarely.

“f-__-k!” Jaemin ran to Sylvester and dragged out two of the men.

He kicked them in the face before releasing them, and they came for him immediately, grabbing him too.

They tried lifting him off the ground, but he resisted and landed on the ground intentionally.

He pulled their legs from there, and they fell on the ground with him.

The rest is a bonus as he drew his knife gave them nice stabs on their necks.

Their blood reached his face before he looked up.

By now, Sylvester was already out of the remaining men, taking them down one by one.

Meanwhile, Tequila went to Lambo too.

She forced herself into the middle so it’s her and Lambo, but they didn’t notice till she began stabbing them roundly, making their blood mix in the middle before they fell apart, to the ground.

There was only one left when she was done, and Lambo grabbed him by the collar instantly.

Just three punches from her made him pass out, and she shot him on the forehead before facing Tequila.

“Thanks” she sighed.

“Of course” Tequila replied, and Delilah joined them.

She defeated all her opponents already.

Jaemin and Sylvester joined them shortly after bringing down theirs too.

“We should find the bosses” Sylvester said.


The darkness was pitched till a dim light came on in the middle, revealing a female tied to a chair.

The face was down, covered by her hair till she suddenly looked up, and the hair wavered, revealing the face to be Toyota’s.

She rolled her eyes up and smirked. “Zenith, I think I’ll end up ki||ing you myself” she muttered.

“Shh, cover me from behind” she told Tiger and walked away before he could say another word.

She was focused on going into the hall when she suddenly heard an unusual sound from a corner, and she stopped.

It’s an unusual place, so unusual sounds are bound to erupt, but it was eerie, as if it was calling her to come.

A devil can’t resist dangers anyways, so she started walking there, but to make the last sure, she tapped her bud to connect Zenith after throwing a magnetic cam into the corner.

“Is the coast clear?” She asked, but no answer came.

“Zenith f-__-king speak!” She spat.

“Boss?” Zenith finally talked.

“You’re dying by my hands , I swear it!” Toyota gnarled and removed her bud.

She threw it away and stepped into the corner, throwing herself into the long arms of danger.

As expected, she was grabbed by two strong hands.

No matter how strong, she could have easily fought them off, but what if she wants to see this till the end?

It seems like a trap, all the process of their coming seems like it has been overseen by Yenicall herself even before they came…

Danger is the love of her life, so she gave in, smiling as she was bundled in the dark.

She was suddenly stabbed with a knife on the thigh, and a loud Yelp escaped her throat.

Her gun and knife fell from her straps as she was held down.

“Tiger!!!” She screamed before she was sedated…

“d@mn it!” Toyota spat and laughed, expecting the next show.
Who’d take the next stage? Yenicall herself? she can’t wait.

The pains is a given, and she’s badly looking forward to it.

She was still anticipating when a bright light suddenly came on on her face directly, almost blinding her.

“What the hell!!” She shouted, and it went off immediately.

A second later, it came on again, and she gritted her teeth.

“Shouldn’t you attack me heads on instead of this lame resort? You’re f-__-king funny” Toyota laughed, and the light went off once again.

The clicking of heels on the ground alerted her of the entry of someone, and at the third click, bright lights came on in the room, illuminating everywhere.

Toyota looked up slowly, and a cruel smile formed on her lips when she saw Yenicall’s face. She’s coming in with ten men behind her, and a thick stick of weed in her mouth.

Toyota calmed herself down till she got to her and removed the cigar stick from between her lips.

She pressed it hard on Toyota’s face, and that spot reddened as it got burnt.

“d@mn it!!!!” Toyota seethed, and Yenicall laughed wickedly as the cigar fell.

She got horsewhip from one of her men, and she immediately brought it down to Toyota’s body.

It peeled off her skin immediately it made contact, and Toyota laughed out like a maniac as her skin bled.

Yenicall gave her another lash, and another, and another, till her blood fell in streams down her bruised skin.

“You’re a f-__-king maniac like they say, so you don’t feel pains?” Yenicall muttered, dropping the whip to bring her face closer to Toyota’s

“Tired already? I was expecting you to whip me till I go to hell” Toyota laughed, and Yenicall hit her forehead on hers.

Toyota’s head made funny noises immediately,but even the funny noises made her feel hyper.

She began laughing again, and Yenicall grabbed her hair, forcing her face up.

“How dare you break into my territory!” She spat on her face.

“Gosh I’m scared!” Toyota replied with a funny expression.

“I’m so scared, Yenicall is mad at me” she muttered and bursted into an hysterical laughter immediately.

“Were you expecting me to say that? What? Your territory is that precious for me not to break?” She grinned.

Yenicall punched her face, and blood rushed out of her nose and mouth.

“F”*k, if you keep hitting me like this, I might really die” Toyota laughed mockingly again.

“You don’t know what’s coming for you, I guess that’s why you’re confident” Yenicall whispered.

“You’re quite talented I must admit, this would be your second trap we’d be falling into, what’s your secret?” Toyota laughed again.

“You’re eliminating the Hunters who went for mission Hope Hospital, what the f-__-k is your connection with the mission? Huh!!!” Yenicall yelled.

“If I tell you, what would you do?” Toyota sighed.

“I’m the one who threw down the baby that day. The baby boy, is he by chance your brother? Are you the elder daughter of the Stonington family? That was their first baby so you can’t even be! So what the f-__-k are you!” Yenicall yelled.

“You’re the Ɓîtçh who threw him away, you ki||ed my twin” Toyota smiled, and Yenicall’s eyes widened as she slowly let go of her.

“What the hell did you just say!”

“You heard what you heard, surprised?” Toyota laughed, and Yenicall slapped her soundly.

“Stop spitting trash!”

“I bet you’re too shocked to take it, you should just ki|| me so you’d have time to digest it well” Toyota replied.

Yenicall got a bag immediately. She opened it and brought out a wired bomb, heavy weighted.

She was smiling as she went close to Toyota and started tying it on her body.

“This is your end, for life” she said.

“Are you sure? Baby?* Toyota smiled.

“There’s no way your others will find you here, and the bomb is going off in fifteen minutes, lucky you” Yenicall smiled back when she finished fixing it.

She stood straight and signalled to her men.

They started going out of the room together, but she suddenly looked back.

“Oh I should make you feel the pain of betrayal before your death. Wanna know how I found out you Bloody Sinners are coming here tonight? I got secret info from Toxica’s son, he said his name was Brazil” she said.

Toyota smirked immediately.

“My mind was on him throughout, I’m not surprised, you should learn how to drop shocking bombs” Toyota replied bluntly.

“Bye then! See ya in hell!” Yenicall snapped her fingers immediately she stepped out, and the door locked automatically with a padlock.

Toyota looked down at the bomb timer, and she smirked again when she saw it’s only 13 minutes left.

She closed her eyes.


Tiger stuck his knife into the neck of the last man standing, and he sliced it round

His head got plucked from his neck, and Tiger threw the head away before looking back at Jezebell and Tedross.

They’re still fighting the remaining thugs.

They’ve been going from darkness to darkness since they left the first one, and it’s like there’s no end to it cos they kept meeting and fighting rogues.

He left the remaining thugs to Jezebell and Tedross before dashing into the next room where he met another set of rogues.

“f-__-k it! Tigress!!!!” He yelled as they came at him at once.

He began throwing punches around, sweeping them away from himself before switching to kicks.

At the third attempt, his leg was stabbed, and the leg went down immediately.

Without minding the blood, he smirked and jumped on the wall, touching it with a leg before flying back to the two.

His knees met their chests, and they went down together like that.

Their hearts almost came out through their mouths as they landed.

Another one attached him from behind, but an elbow jab from him made him fly out of the room to the door.

Tiger stood immediately, and the others started rushing to him again.

He has to leave this place and search for Toyota, his instincts is telling him that she’s in danger, and he wants to believe that.

He sighted an axe below a table and went for it.

He threw it forward, and it got the face of one of them, splitting his head open in the front.

He took the opportunity and dashed for the door, rushing out of the room

He continued his race.



The corridor was as silent as a graveyard, and the only sound is the sound of the reading timer inside.

A big padlock stood by the door, not shaking as someone jumped down from the roof.

She landed on the ground, and when her face came to view, it turned out to be Toxica.

Immediately she heard the sound of the reading timer, she ran to the door and threw herself on it.

“Rachel!” She shouted.

“Toxica?” Toyota said from inside.

“Why the f-__-k are to inside! Isn’t that a bomb timer sound?” Toxica shouted.

“Yeah, you should sing me a farewell song, I’m left with just five minutes” Toyota laughed.

“Ɓîtçh!! Why always laughing even at the face of death! You’re about to f-__-king die!!!” Toxica shouted, throwing herself at the door again.

“What? Are you scared? You should feel guilty instead cos your son snitched us out” Toyota replied.


“You have another son?” Toyota replied, and Toxica fell on the ground when she saw the padlock.

“It’s Saint Genius, only the key can open it” she muttered.

“I’m not scared of death yunno, Tiger can carry on with the revenge” Toyota replied.

“I’m sorry” Toxica muttered, crying slowly.

“About what?” Toyota asked as the timer started reading two minutes left.

“That night… That night, it wasn’t Denzel, it was Brazil…your virginity taker” Toxica replied, and Toyota’s eyes widened inside.

“Toxica!!!!!!!” She yelled, untying the ropes she was tied with.

Everything fell from her body at once, together with the bomb, and she stood gallantly.

She has actually untied herself even before Yenicall came in earlier.

Right in front of her, the bomb timer reached 15 minutes, and instead of bomb blast, it went off….

It’s a fake bomb!

“Enough of my acting, i think I have more people to ki|| now, I’m still the owner of the game after all” she whispered and started running to the door…

TBC… 💜

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