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HomeGUNSHOTS - {Orgasms & Guns}GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} - Episode 16

GUNSHOTS – {Orgasms & Guns} – Episode 16

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{ 0rg@zms & Guns… }

THEME: ki|| It!


By, Naomi Cindy B.


For the first time in her 25 years of living, she felt what she has never felt before…

Happiness…in his arms.


They stood that way for minutes, relishing deeply in the peace of each other till Toyota broke it, and he leaned in to K!SS her forehead.

“Told you I h@ťě surprises” she glared icily.

“Just take it quietly, it’s a gift for comforting me” he winked, and she smirked as he sat back beside Chance, holding his hand.

“Where did you lock the doctors in?” She asked

“Together with the nurses in the head office” he replied.

“Phones out?” She said.

“What do you take me for?” He replied.

“Little piece of cake, baby” she said, and he smiled.

“You seem happy tonight, you just called me baby”

“Enjoy it while it lasts” she replied and started walking out

“Leaving already?” He faced her, and she brought out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket.



“Can’t possibly smoke in here, want me to choke your half-dead brother till death?” She muttered, rolling eyes as he walked out of the ward immediately.


“Always sassy” Tiger smiled, standing up.

He followed her and caught up in front of the ward, holding her back.

“Anything else?” She asked without blinking, and he smiled, looking into her beautiful eyes.

The eyes that got him hooked and trapped tightly back then, they’re the first thing he loved first , even before her hair.

She has deeply soulless eyes, and a look at you wound make you think she’s staring directly at your soul, she works spell with her eyes too, and they’re mesmerizing.

He leaned in and was tempted to K!SS them just like he does back then, but he stopped his lips right in front of them, her long lashes pointing directly at his pink lips.

“Want a bullet in your skull? Fůçƙ off and stop ki||ing my vibes” she pushed him away and began walking out, looking dangerously breathtaking as her long hair flowed behind her.

She’s really the goddess of beauty, she’s a true descendant of Aphrodite, she’s enchanting and charming all in one…

She’d always be Rachel, his Rachel, his girl, now his woman…his own …

He walked to her again and hugged her from behind, making the cigar she’s holding fall from her.

“Tiger, you sure we don’t have to get you admitted in their mental health ward here? What the Fůçƙ are you…

He tightened his arms on her before she could finish, and he K!SSed her neck gently.

She tried unwrapping his arms, but his strong arms overpowered hers…

“Stay still, please” he whispered, resting wholly on her.

Toyota sighed, her eyes moving slowly as her hand fell from his strong arms

His oak smell oozed into her nose, and his breaths tickled her neck as they kept standing.

“A minute” she whispered.

“More than enough” he smiled calmly.

“Why are you doing this though?” She asked curiously.


“I want to feel you more, so don’t complain” he whispered.

“You’re insane” she muttered, getting another cigar.



Toyota arrived at the clan , and she made her way to the lab immediately she vacated the wagon.

Everyone except wounded Delilah were already waiting around the table.

The lab looks different with newly installed systems, then destroyed ones replaced with new ones. She smirked when she beheld everything.

Now there’s even less that systems can do, winning this battle means bracing up and rebuilding the inner energy.

“Entry zones?” She asked.

“Reconstructed” Taylor replied.


“Recovered” Lambo replied.

“Delilah?” She asked at last.

“She’s innocent, we got her brother like you ordered” Zenith replied.

“No foul plays?” Toyota smirked again.

“Zenith confirmed everything” Sylvester replied.

“How many days will it take to install the eyes?” Toyota asked zenith.

“24 hours” she replied quickly.

“Start in an hour, no mistakes” Toyota ordered.

“Yes boss!” Zenith smiled


“I, Sylvester, Jaemin and Jezebel are going on tonight’s hunt. Taylor you should go stay with Zenith during the installment” she ordered.

“Yes boss!” Taylor bowed.

“No Fůçƙ ups, or you’re paying with your goddamn life” she finalized and walked out of the lab.

Lambo followed her immediately.

“You planning to make Tedross join the gang?” She asked as they walked to the trainees lodge.

Toyota stopped and faced her with a questioning look

“Oh…that’s the name of Delilah’s bro” Lambo quickly said.

“I’ll have to see him first” she replied expressionlessly, and Lambo opened the lodge door for her.

Tedross is in the first room, sitting on the ground while backing the wall, but he spranged up immediately they came in.

“I did nothing wrong! Why am I here?” He asked, and Toyota smiled.

“You’re as gutsy as I’ve been expecting, wasn’t expecting less from Delilah’s blood”

“Delilah? You know my sis?” He replied, and she smiled again, going closer to him.

She held eyes with him, but he couldn’t stand it more than a second before looking away fearfully.

“Even the devil fears me” she smiled, patting his shoulder.

“His training starts now, no spare time” she said and walked out.



Jezebel watched her surroundings carefully, making sure no one’s watching before stepping into the capture zone

Of all the buildings in the clan, it’s the only one with a rotating camera,so far you can calculate the time taken for it’s rotation to each angle.


She stood by the door, watching the camera as it prepared to rotate to another angle, then she began counting the minutes.

Immediately it turned to the left angle in two minutes, she slipped into the right angle and got her burner phone.

She dialled the only line in it, and her heart skipping beats as he watched the camera nervously.

“Hello” she whispered into the cell.

“I think Sancho is in danger” she whispered, but the cell began whizzing immediately, and she wasn’t able to get a reply. She couldn’t hear anything afterwards.

“Hello, hello…. Hello…”

The camera has just one sec to reach her again, so she left that angle and went to the other angle.

“Hello, are you listening? Sancho is in…

She hasn’t finished talking when she heard footsteps from outside, and she quickly hid the phone, then she picked a rope from the ground and walked out, meeting two trainees by the door.

“Jezebel?” One of them said.

“And how dare you call my name Ɓîtçh!” Jezebel spat, and she laughed scornfully.

“Isn’t is Jezebel? I mean your name, oh were you expecting a darn miss? This is a clan, not a church babe!” The girl said in all feistiness.

“Let’s go, Tequila” the second girl pulled her away, and Jezebel smirked, watching her leave.

“Tequila?, Just wait, I’m coming for you” she smiled before walking away too.



Toxica was led in with her group of three guards, her purple lips giving out ominous energy as her heels clicked the ground under her white palazzo.

Her hair was dyed to complete grey with few sprinkles of black, and a cigar stick is in her mouth as she settled on a couch

The room is just beside the neon room, only for important meetings like this, but even at important meetings, no one sees Godzilla’s face.

All meetings are done in secrecy too, he has never showed his face to a soul.


A giant female brought in a bottle of rum on a tray with a glass.

She poured for Toxica , and she took the glass after taking the cigar away from her lip.

She sniffed the drink to check for poison, and she smirked when she smelled ketamine.

She let go of the cup, and it shattered on the ground, then she raised one of the pieces with the sharp front of her heels, kicking it up to the throat of the female who brought the drink.

It penetrated into her throat, and her blood splashed as it got stuck. She fell heavily, dying straight.

“Now you’re tryna poison me? Godzilla!” Toxica stood, and his deep voice laughed, echoing in the speakers.

“It was just ketamine, enough to make you unconscious for a week so you’d stop sending me letters telling me to stay away from The Terminator, no harm intended” he spoke.

“You think I was joking when I told you to stay away from her? I trained her!” Toxica shouted.

“And I trained you!” Godzilla yelled back.

“Of course, but what can you do now that you’re old and useless? All you do is sit in your room and give orders through dark speakers!” Toxica spat.

“Is that why you’re refusing to give me information about the clan? You love Toyota that much?” Godzilla asked.

“She’s my masterpiece, I trained her just like you did to me. I know you’d betray me without thinking twice, but we’re different, I don’t betray my blood! She’s already a part of me!” Toxica shouted.

“Want a surprise? I have an informant in the clan, and I brought down one of the gangsters last night” Godzilla replied.

“What!” Toxica gasped.

“Oh I guess you haven’t been told, I’m glad to be the first person to tell you” Godzilla laughed, and Toxica began rushing out

“Who the hell is she? Why is she revenging? Why did she ki|| Alberto, and who’s her next target?” Godzilla asked.

“You said you have an informant in the clan, ask whoever it is, old hag” She replied and left eventually.

Shark came in immediately and took a bow

“The informant?” He asked.

“She made a call, but her words were whizzing, I got no special information, and the gangster we ki||ed survived” Shark replied.


“Then murder him again, ki|| him!!!” Godzilla yelled.



Everything is on the clock for the mission.

Zenith is currently in the spare lab with Taylor, Delilah’s electronic eyes installment is on.

Lambo is in the lab, overseeing the processes, and as planned, the rest are going with Toyota.

They got in different wagons, weaving the clan through different routes as planned.

Toyota was the first to arrive at the Jungle at exactly 8pm, but she stopped her car some meters away from the old building.

She came out of the wagon with her mini microscope and viewed the building with it, zooming in through the open window.

No one’s on yet, so watching is the next step.

There’s a dilapidated bungalow beside the forest, so she went there and climbed the fallen bricks, looking gallant as she viewed from there.

She zoomed in on the camera again, but still no one in sight in the jungle.

Another car stopped in the forest, and Sylvester came out with Jaemin

They joined her on the brick.

“Where the hell is Jezebel?” She asked, and her wagon stopped immediately.

She came out, and Toyota smirked darkly as she joined them on the brick.

“Took you long enough” she mumbled.

“I’m sorry boss, i had indigestion, so I had to …

Toyota raised her hand before she could finish, and she stopped talking.


“Off to work, stay here to cover” she said, jumping down the brick.

She made her way to the jungle.

The cracked concrete which Tiger fell in back then is still there, and Toyota almost grinned when she saw it.

She hid in the darkness, waiting for the eagles to land.



Tiger checked the time on his wristwatch for the uptenth time, and he released an heavy sigh, hoping everything will go well with the mission tonight.

He wish he could be there, but it’s impossible, he can’t possibly leave Chance here alone, it’s dangerous.

He looked at unconscious Chance again, then his eyes went to the time once more, but he got his gun when he felt a presence behind, and he stood to win directly at an head

He smirked when he came face to face with Toxica.


“I’m the godmother, shouldn’t you accord me some respect?” She replied.

“I’ll go straight to the point, what were you doing at Viper clubhouse, and what was the parcel you received? Why did you come to Sicily without informing the gang, and what the Fůçƙ are you doing here right now?” Tiger questioned, lowering his gun.

She knows Toxica well, and guns can be useless while dealing with her, so if at all a fight is gon’ happen soon, it’d be a hand-to-hand combat.

“You probably won’t believe me if I told you I went to the clubhouse to Fůçƙ a Ďïčk when I got horny, and about the parcel…” She brought out the parcel and emptied the content on the ground. It’s cocaine.

“I found this gold while looking for a good Ďïčk, so I bought it, and I didn’t tell the group that I’m in Sicily cos I came for fun, and I’m here to protect your brother… Over now?” She said.

“You expect me to believe that?” Tiger smirked.

“Godzilla has an informant in the clan, and that’s why tonight’s mission might be a bit dangerous. Yunno what happens when enemies are a step ahead, Toyota might be madly dangerous but…

“But what?” Tiger interrupted.

“She’d need you tonight, so you need to go now” Toxica said.


“And leave my brother to you? Why?”

“I just said I’m here to protect him! I don’t care if you trust me or not Tiger, but you’re surely needed in the Jungle tonight, and if I fail to protect your brother, you can come for me in Atlanta, I promise you my head” she smirked ominously.

Without taking another look at her, Tiger rushed out of the ward.

Toxica’s two hands went behind as she began parading the ward, not taking her eyes off Chance for once.

She suddenly craved for smoke, and she got her purse to take it,but that’s when she started hearing fighting sounds by the door.

Her guards are obviously in it with some men.

She stood straight, and Shark came in, his muscles breathing in his arms as he advanced.

“You dare come with your men into this building?” Toxica smiled.

“I must end him, it’s an order from Godzilla” Shark replied.

“Then get started, end me first” Toxica smiled, taking off the white jacket she’s wearing.

She’s left in her singlet and the palazzo trousers as Shark rushed to her at once, but she sent him back with her heels, and he flew to the heater in the room…

“C’mon!” Toxica smiled, waving for him to come with a finger



Toyota was still in her hiding place when a group of two men entered the place, talking and laughing loudly as their voices echoed

They’re obviously late Kay’s men, here to deliver the collated numbers to Sancho’s men.

Two minutes after they came in, four men came in too, Sancho’s men.

Kay’s men did the number exchange, and they left with two bags of money.

Sancho’s men left the building too, and Toyota sneaked out of the corner, running out knowingly.


“Fůçƙing stop! Who the hell are you!” Their leader shouted when he sighted her, and she stopped immediately, raising her hands.

They came closer, accessing her body Lū$tfully.

“Looking for a Ďïčk to Fůçƙ? Why the hell are you here?” The second one asked.

“Nice Ɓø0ɓs” the third one said, touching her left Ɓø0ɓ while the third one spanked her @zz.

“We’d surely get some stacks from boss if we deliver her, what do you think?” The leader said, and they all agreed.

Toyota was pushed into the car, almost laughing at how well she’s acting right now.

One of them sent a mail to their boss that they’re bringing a hella hot Ɓîtçh, and they started the car.

The car drove off, and Sylvester jumped down from the bricks with the others.

They got in their wagons and began following the car, but even before they could get close to it, Tiger showed up, running into the thin road knowingly.

He crashed his car directly into the red car, stopping it deliberately.

He came out of his car and walked to the car, meeting all Sancho’s men unconscious.

Toyota injected them already.

“Why are you here? Who’s with Chance?” She asked, getting out.

“He’s fine, let’s get this done” he replied, and Toyota got a bag from the back of the car.

They placed one of Sancho’s men inside the bag and Tiger tied it tightly, then he tossed him at the back of the car.

He injected another one of the men immediately, and he woke, but his senses were obviously still asleep.

“Drive to your base” Tiger ordered him, entering the car with Toyota.

He obeyed sheepishly immediately, driving them out of the forest.

This time, Sancho isn’t escaping…. for real.


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