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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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GAME OF SECRETS – Episode 17

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Season 1
Episode 17
Written by Author Nath
He raised his hands up like a surrendered soldier, while his gun hung across his neck with the barrel pointing on his toes. Three able armed bodyuards aimed their guns at him from the other end of the pool, actually to carryout the order of executing him. However, Bili Poss heroically flexed his ankles towards the gate in his suit and a hand in his pocket like one that just won a bet. Israel didn’t understand it, he thought he had won the game but the ‘back to sender’ action he was witnessing rendered him aghast. He observed the guards silently and the soldiers outside the gate who also aimed their guns at him. Nowhere to escape!

Tension rose from every nook and cranny of Conilas enhanced by the tranquility of the vicinity that, even their ears could hear a circular wave of the water in the pool, triggered by unknown particles. They could also hear pop sound from the pool made as a result of wave contact with the walls of the pool.

“How can I be shot dead like a fow?.” Israel began to think. “I planned the success of this game which, of course, was a success until this fools turned back against me… Oh $h|t! If these people have the ability to hear the dooms words, there is a possibility that they can manipulate people too. No, if they can, I would have been manipulated by now.. f-__-k! This is actually the end of time for me.” he concluded thoughtfully.

However, Annabel and Agatha could be seen at their hiding niche; behind an old abandoned truck. The tyres of the truck had sunk into the ground which adjudicate how long it had been abandoned to any eyes that sees it. It had a red colour. The windscreen and door glasses had been clouded by vapour from days mist, therefore, the girls barely see through it to ascertain the level of danger Israel was. They seated on the floor with their guns in their hands. The barrels pointed upward and their fingers gripped the edge of the trigger. Annabel peeked through the base of the truck to see the surrendered posture of their leader then returned back to her initial posture.

“What’s the situation?” Agatha whispered to her.

“They have him surrounded.” Annabel replied with a sudden increase in heartbeat like the obvious movement of stomach of a breathing dog. “Three guards at a close range and some soldiers outside the gate. Bili Poss is leaving.” she added.

“Something is wrong somewhere?” Agatha said. “Our plan was the aimed personnel to turn against Bili Poss after his secret is made public, but…” he glanced at Annabel with a heavy exhalation.

She read her expression. “But what? Is Israel going to die?” she asked.

Agatha didn’t say a word.

On the other hand, James was one-man squad. He could be found behind a large drum, a few meters from the truck. He had a clearer view of all that surfaced at the pool. So he aimed his gun at Bili Poss who had approached the gate to open it. He brought out a walkie-talkie through which he spoke to the girls saying, “Israel has loss the game. Take out the guards while I open a bloody tap on Bili’s head then the war starts with the military.”

“Copied.” Agatha replied.

Bili Poss, arriving at the gate noticed that a gunshot had not been heard which means the guards had not carried his order of ki||ing Israel, so he turned with a hand on the metal knob of the gate. “I said ki|| him!” he instructed for the second time. Instantly, a bullet opened a hole on his forehead and blood started pumping like water from a tap, just as James described. At the same time, the three guards received bullets on their heads too. One fell inside the pool while the two hit the ground. Israel used the opportunity to get hold of his gun then the war began, also like James narrated.

Bullets escaping from the barrel of Israel’s gun vibrated his hands when he opened fire on the military outside. At the same time began to walk backward like a native doctor coming out from his shrine. Some of the bullets from the military splashed on the pool of water while some hit the floor at a close range where Israel was. Some also hit the wall of the building. Just at the entrance of the house, two bullets hit Israel down.

“Israel is down!” James yelled from his position.

Bullets hit the drum and the truck thereby making a whistling sound. Some shattered the glasses while some flew across the girls’ heads. They looked at each other, stood up and fired back at the military who had entered into the premises. Their hands quivered on the heads of the rifles as bullet escape from the barrels, ki||ing some of the soldiers that kept dropping dead on the floor.

“Cover me! I want to go get Israel!” Annabel moved forward towards the wall of the house while Agatha and James kept $h00ting. Meanwhile, Henry had used the back door to join James. However, as bullets flew around the vicinity like sky rocket, one hit Annabel’s leg while taking cover at the wall. At the same time, Agatha saw more military trooping into the premises.

“Oh, no! Annabel we have to leave!” She shouted, running to her.

“No, I can’t leave Israel behind! Agatha, please, do something. I beg you!” she cried with tears gushing out from her eyes.

“We won’t make it if we try. Let’s leave now!” Agatha pulled her up. “James, cover us!” they began to stagger back while James openly came out, $h00ting at the soldiers like it was his last time, yet took caution and cover. The girls met up with them and they escaped through the back gate, leaving Israel behind.
Like the red sea, a strong wind destabilized the flow of the ocean at the island. The sky became cloudy with its black Brownian motion as an indication of in-coming rainfall. The coconut trees at the shore of the sea bent towards the direction of the wind, exposing every nut that tried to hide in a branch. Grasses in the island also succumbed to the sudden hazardous weather. Only the wooden house remained firm.

Inside the living room were Annabel, shedding tears at a corner while Agatha treated her bullet wound. Others moodily settled on bamboo chairs. Henry stood up to break the silence that had so long been observed due to Israel’s absence, but a thunder strike staggered him around.

“Whoa, I guess it gonna rain so badly.” he began. “Now, I know you guys are into one hell of a mission regarding what my eyes saw today and where my legs carried me to. I nearly pee on my pants. I’m just gonna deliver my message to you guys and go back home.”

Agatha tied up the wound and faced Henry. James also stared at him while Annabel never showed any concern where she wept uncontrollably.

Henry carried his video machine up. “I actually rolled my camera. Yes, Bili Poss was an alien. And that fricks me out because it’s all boiling down to what you said about the end of the world which, of course is another reason for me to go back to my home. I don’t wanna involve myself with any of these.”

“I think we have to let the world know about the existence of these people and their mission. We just have to broadcaste it on air.” James suggested.

“No” Agatha objected. “It gonna scare many people. People will start living in fear.” she added.

“Uuhm..” Henry rolled his eyes. “Though it’s not as if I want to be part of this but I just have to say this; Letting people know about these aliens will help you fight them. They will make a protest and support you. No offense.” He concluded.

They thoughtfully began to reason with him which spawned a precipitous reticence among them. Annabel stood up like a dog in the presence of thieves. “We are doing nothing until Israel returns.” she warned.

“The dude is long dead, princess.” Henry said.

Hearing that, Annabel attacked him physically. She hit him on the wall, grabbed his shirt at the neck region and said with a speeding breath, “Say that again and I’ll have your body fed by the fish of the ocean!”

Henry didn’t say anything. He already looked scared.

“Is okay, Annabel.” James dragged her back. He looked at Agatha. “Is there any chance that Israel’s allies could safe him, you know, like the ones that do help him broadcaste on the television?” he asked her.

“His men don’t interfere on other duties except the one assign to them. The one that flies the helicopter does nothing but that. The ones that broadcaste cannot pull a trigger. So I doubt if he would get a help.” Agatha replied. Instantly, the rain escalated. She entered into one of the rooms while Annabel also made use of another room.

Agatha bulled her cloth. On her back of a tattoo of a dragon. A bulb shone on the local room. One could see a bed and other decorative fabric. She walked to the window with only a bra and a trouser. She had not taken off her boots too. At the window, she spaced out to the rain and began to shed tears that suddenly changed into a weep. She sniffed in and finally closed the window. Turning back, she saw James at the door. She paused for a while and sat down on the edge of the bed. James sat beside her.

“I’m sorry for bagging in like that.” he began. “I felt there was something bothering you. I understand the pains of leaving your lord behind. It’s…”

“One day, I was on my way to lectures.” She interrupted him. “I saw a cluster of people and a disco music blasting from an mp4 within the same arena. I wore a short loose skirt with a white tight long-sleeve crop-top. In my hands were my books while on my feet were white canvas. I approached the crowd, squized myself through it and saw a young harmless dancer. He danced so well that I began shake my body. I joined him in the circle where we throw ‘leg-over’ and people cheered us up. He smiled at me which was like a charm of love..” Agatha smiled without narrating again.

James exhaled. “You must had fallen in love with him.”

Agatha stood up. “Yes, I did, but it didn’t end well.” she began to remove her shoes.

“Why? What happened?” James was still inquisitive.

“The boy never saw the love burning in me.”

“Let me guess, the harmless dancer was Israel.”

“Yes.” She replied without looking at her.

James waited before uttering another word. That brought about an obnoxious tranquility. He stood up from the bed with a finger pointing at his mouth. He looked up at Agatha who was at a wardrobe. “Even though he hasn’t noticed, you still love him don’t you?” he asked.

Agatha turned to him. Both gazed at each other for a while before James made a U-turn and began to leave the room sadly. The poor girl caught herself in the middle of emotional battle. James actually took her silence as a ‘yes’ to his question which broke his heart. Getting to the door, she called him, “James?”

The boy didn’t stop until he walked out of the room.
Israel battled with his breath that didn’t circulate enough oxygen in his body as he laid on the floor. His mouth gushed out blood likewise his bullet wounds at his abdomen and arm. One of the soldiers approached him, aimed his gun at him to finish him.

“Israel spat out a lump of blood on the floor and said, “You’ll ki|| me and at the end you’ll remember me. The world will turn against you. It will swallow you and our kind then you’ll have nobody to ki|| anymore.”

The soldier had no knowledge of what he was talking about, so he placed his finger on the trigger to pull, but a voice from the gate stopped him.

“Get away from my child!” the voice had said. Israel narrowed his eyes to see Linto, his father coming. He smiled and collapsed on the floor.
It was night, the rain had stopped when Israel woke up on a sick bed to see only his father and mother. He looked around the room to see medical equipments and stains of blood on some fabrics. He tried to sit up but the mother restrained him.

“Rest my child. You were badly wounded.” she said.

“Where is Annabel?” he asked.

“Your father and I don’t know who that is.”

Israel finally sat up from the bed. A bandage was tied round his stomach and had another on his arm. He glared at his father who also returned the glare. “You know what they are, don’t you? I over-heard you telling them about the dooms brain”

“Son, you can’t stop them. They are dangerous. You need to stop!”the father said.

“Israel, please, listen to your father.” The mother urged him.

“I should stop and have the world destroyed and taken by them? How am I sure both of you are not among them.” he brought down his legs from the bed.

“We are not aliens, son. This people have masterminded their plans. You can’t stop them. Not now that one of them is the source of the dooms brain.” Linto added.

“Kande?” Israel called as an afterthought. “She’s not of this planet too? I now I understand why the dooms brain had to reveal her secret.”

“The boy she ki||ed and burried in Uburu discovered their identity. That’s why she had him ki||ed.” The father clearified.

“That’s to say the dooms brain is only after their kind. What will you say in the case of Lizzy and her brother?”

“Obviously, They must have one way or the other to help these people. That’s why. Mind you, the dooms brain does not only reveal the aliens, it also have those that help them secure their secret directly or indirectly ki||ed.” Linto concluded…
The sound of helicopter woke everybody in the island up. All grabbed their guns, waiting at the corridor of the wooden house until the chopper landed at the shores of the sea. Surprisingly, they sighted a man with his hand hung on his neck. The wind blew his shirt backward for them to also see another bandage round his stomach.

“Israel?” Annabel didn’t know when her gun fell from her hand. “Israel!” She began to gallop towards the shores in only a night gown which the wind also blew backward continuously.

“Wow!” Henry exclaimed.

James and Agatha didn’t make a move, rather both glanced at each other. The night incident was still in their minds…..

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