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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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GAME OF SECRETS – Episode 15

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(Dooms Brain)
Season 1
Episode 15
Written by Author Nath
She was bold, fearless and dangerous even at the sight of her persuaders who rounded a long rectangular table dressed like grooms, waiting for their brides at a wedding ceremony. All in black suits. Behind each of them were huge bodyguards with huge guns in the unknown room. On their faces were sunglasses that added to their intent behavior. At the end of the table was fearless Lizzy, anticipating a response to her question but none said a word.

“I asked again, who are you people?!” her once again was suppressed by the walls of the sanctum.

“We are the government!” a man said, coming out from another room. He had some grey beards and hair, fair and tall. He was Nini Joe, the president of the country.

“Mr. President.” Lizzy accorded him with some respect by bowing to him.

The man took a seat as he joined the other men thereby completing their number; ten. He crossed his fingers, cleared his throat and began, “Our agenda is to stop Israel from ki||ing and revealing people’s secrets. In you, young lady we’ve found worthy to help us decode every of his move regarding that, so that we can stop him.”

“But Israel believes that revealing and ki||ing those with deadly secrets will safe the world from destruction.” Lizzy objected.

“He only thinks that’s what he’s doing. But if he isn’t caught and prevented in the next ten days, your planet will seize to exist.”

“My planet?” Lizzy thought critically. “Isn’t it your own planet too? Also, are you saying my planet will be destroyed in the next ten days?”

The president ignored her. “We are running out of time. Decode the doom words; ‘But it’s only temporary. And this is perhaps the most comforting conclusion to be reached if one discounts the possibility of meaning'”.

The room became as quiet as a grave yard. All fixed their eyes at Lizzy with crossed fingers and tapping foot on the floor by some of them. Only the air conditioner distablized the lull that circulated the room. The young girl didn’t know who to believe. How can Israel bring about the destruction of the world if he isn’t stopped? What if he is stopped and the world still meet her doom? She was thinking.

Truly and scary, if Israel is stopped or doesn’t decode ten doom words and ki||s the people behind it in the next ten days, the world will experience an everlasting apocalypse where humans only die without reproduction. On the other hand, if he succeeds, the world will be a better place. Now, that’s why the unknown government wants to stop him in order to destroy the world because they are not humans. They are aliens who only want to eradicate the humans and reproduce their kind. Stopping them was the mission of the little girl which is now Israel’s mission through the dooms brain.

Notwithstanding, Lizzy was yet to understand that even if she had a clue. So she said to the men, “What if I reject your request?”

The president stood up. “I will cut you into pieces and feed your body to the vultures.” he narrated with all seriousness. Lizzy could see death in his eyes that bulged out as a result of his intentness. She became scared and tried to make use of the door behind her, but a bullet on her leg dragged her butt to the ground. She screamed!

“Now listen,” the president continued. “We are helping you. If you work for us, we will protect you from Israel. You know he must ki|| you because your evil deed was recorded in the dooms brain.”

“Now I know why the dooms brain wanted me dead. It’s not because of my segzual affair with my brother which is no ones business. It’s because wh@ťěver force driving the dooms brain never wanted me to help you achieve your evil agenda.” Lizzy replied from the floor, gasping in pains. One could see blood pumping out from the bullet wound.

“But you must help us decode every dooms words correctly in the next ten days otherwise, you and your family will be dead.” The president left his seat, adjusted his suit and began to walk towards Lizzy. Only the sound of his shoes echoed in the room until he stopped before her and smiled. “We are the government. People will rather listen to us than any other people in the country and the world at large because we are the world power. Moreover, if you work for us sincerely, we will bring your brother back to you… alive.”

Surprisingly, Lizzy looked up at him. “You can do that?” she asked.


“That means you people are not humans.”

The president squats down. “‘But it’s only temporary. And this is perhaps the most comforting conclusion to be reached if one discounts the possibility of meaning.’ What does this statement mean, Lizzy? Tell me and I’ll keep my promise to you.” he concluded….
Back to the secret island, all waited for James to pick his uncle’s call which he did and put it on speak-out. No voice came from the phone neither did any of them say a word. It was like the presence of ghosts dominated the room. They could hear the swaying tides of the ocean and chirping of cricket as they waited for James’ uncle to speak. They began to look at one another queerly.

“Uncle Andre.” James finally eradicated the ghost mood. “Hello, uncle Andre, are you there.” he added yet, there was no response. Suddenly the line went off.

“Weird.” Agatha said.

“Obviously, they are aliens among us but how do we know them?” Israel walked cleverly to the door.

“Don’t you think they are the main reason for the dooms brain? Don’t you think they are the ten people you need to reveal their secret in the next ten days?” Annabel inferred.

Israel swiftly turned. “It’s becoming clearer! The little girl knew her kind and their agenda to earth, that’s why she came to stop them but I ended up ki||ing her. Now I need to stop them through dooms brain.”

“But why through the dooms brain? Why can’t the little girl tell you who they are and where they are for you to just… you know….” James waved his palm across his neck, indicating a ki||ing sign.

“I thought I said going through the dooms brain is a punishment.” Israel replied.

Instantly the little girl in red gown appeared at the door. This time, everybody saw her. James nearly jumped through the window while Annabel ran to Israel. Only Agatha remained fortitude. She glanced at James whose leg and hands have grabbed the wooden window. Shamefully, he came down, dusting his shirt in the process. “I wanted to check… you know… my Ďïčk fell off through the window… I wanted…” he was whispering before interrupted by the little girl.

“The dooms brain is not a punishment! It is the only way to get to them and their secret without their knowledge. Mind you, they can hear the dooms words but can’t decode it. You’re running out of time otherwise the humans you see today will go extinct from the next ten days.” she narrated.

“What’s your name and what planet are you people from?” Annabel asked.

“I am Jini and this might be the last time you’ll see me.” she disappeared.

“Holy $h|t!!” James exclaimed terrifyingly beside Agatha only to realize himself, so he dusted his shirt again, boldly looked at Agatha and said, “Sorry, I just received my Ďïčk back.”

“We need to start decoding the dooms words.” Israel pulled out a large paper and placed it on a table with a pen in his hand. What did Kande say? Remind me.”

“But it’s only temporary. And this is perhaps the most comforting conclusion to be reached if one discounts the possibility of meaning.” Annabel reminded him..

“That’s my baby!” Israel wanted to kiss her.

“Go away, please!” she restrained with a trace of smile on her face. All bent their heads as Israel began to exercise his brain.

“The statement is incomplete.” He began. “…it’s only temporary. What is temporary? We don’t know, that’s why I said it’s incomplete. The secret lies behind the thing that is temporary.” he looked up at them.

“So what could that be?” Annabel asked.

Israel looked down at the paper. “What is temporary can be decoded from the subsequent sentence; …is perhaps the most comforting conclusion to be reached if one discounts the possibility of meaning. Meaning…” he repeated and looked at his colleagues again. None of them said a word because they didn’t know what to say. “Meaning’ as used in the sentence is ‘living a difficult life that death will even be preferable.’ So the last word ‘meaning’ tell us what is temporary.”

“Life!” Annabel answered.

“Life is temporary!” Israel supported the answer happily. “This simply means someone’s life has been subjected to the state of him or her prefering death.”

“Who could subject the person to such inhumane state of being?” James asked.

Israel looked at the dooms words again. “Someone named Bili Poss from ‘possiblity’ as used in the sentence, and the location of his secret is…. where is the most comforting place in town?” he asked.

“Conilas.” Agatha replied.

“Bingo! This anguishing life is located at Conilas, subjected by Bili Poss who we must ki|| and show the world how evil he is.” Israel concluded.

“Wait!” Annabel began while everyone directed their eyes on her. “The little girl’s name is Jini and the victim here is Bili. Our president’s name is Nini Joe. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” She looked at them.

“Either they are related or from the same place.” James clarified. “Truly, we have aliens among us.” he added.

“How can we be truly sure?” Israel asked.

“I know who to call. He developed a special camera that if viewed on anything that is not human, the image on the screen becomes blur.” James answered.

“Call him, he’s coming along with us. Ladies and gentle men, the game of secrets continues tomorrow morning” Israel finalized and grabbed his gun…..

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