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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Written by T.M?

Please do not comment with “next,tag me or
anything short,comment with something
meaningful and longer!

Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?




CHAPTER 67 & 68



Xavier walked into the house and furrowed his
brows since the house was too quite which was

He limped to the kitchen but no one was there

“Where did everyone go,Dora! Nanny!” he
limped upstairs and a maid quickly rushed to
him when she heard his voice

“Sir, they’re not here they took miss Catherine to
the hospital”

His heart skipped a beat when he heard that

“Hospital? To do what?” he frowned

“Umm miss Catherine fell ill all of a sudden,she
was bleeding and we tried reaching you but you
were not answering” she said softly and he
quickly reached for his phone in his pocket

He cursed silently when he saw the missed calls
from both Nanny and Catherine,his phone was
silent that’s why he didn’t hear it

“d@mn it!” he cursed “Which hospital?” he
looked at her

“Kingston hospital si—” he didn’t let her finish
and rushed out



Sofie was currently taking a short nap in her
room when she suddenly felt a soft breeze and
she pulled the sheets over her

A figure got in to the room through the window
and walked lightly to her.He stared at her
covered body and slowly pulled off the sheets
from her face

He smiled when her sleepy face came into view
and he frowned at how her hair was covering
half of her face restricting him from seeing her

He brought his hand closer and brushed her hair
to the back and caressed her cheek

Sofie felt a cold hand touch her soft cheek,the
touch was familiar and she laid still without
opening her eyes

He let go of her for a moment and a wide grin
carved on his scarface and he went to the
window,he turned to glance at her one more
time before jumping off the window

Sofie opened her eyes after a while when she no
longer felt the touch and her eyes met the
curtains flattering in the room being blown by
air and the window was wide open

She frowned knowing perfectly well that she
had instructed the maids this morning not to
open the windows

She got up slowly and held on to the bed,she
couldn’t stand at one go since her tummy had
grown bigger and she went to close the window



The nurses ran down the hall pushing Catherine
on the bed with Nanny Diana and the workers
running after them

“Please wait here ” the doctor restricted them
from entering the ward with Catherine and they
shut the door

“Ohh my goodness! God what is happening
please help us!” Nanny Diana cried out and
Dora pulled her to sit on a bench

“Have you called the boss?”Flora pulled John,
the driver to the side

He nodded “I tried to but he’s not picking up ”

The doctor came out of the ward in a haste and
Nanny Diana sprang up and rushed to it

“Please tell me they’re both okay please!” She
sobbed and held his hand tight

“Ma’am please calm down we’re trying
everything we could, it’s still early to tell.. please
excuse me” he said and left

“Nanny” Xavier arrived panting heavily “What’s
going on ? What happened? Where’s
Catherine?” he rushed his words in panic

“Dear sh..she was okay and the next minutes
she was bleeding and in a lot of pain i—”

“Bleeding? Did she fall of
or something?” His heartbeat thudded when he
heard the word ‘bleeding’

Was she having a miscarriage?

“No” he shook off the thought

“No she was fine,it was just after she ate the
goodies you sent and—”

“What do you mean by that? I didn’t send
anything” he furrowed his brows in confusion

“Then,if you didn’t send anything…who did?”
she looked at him and something crossed her
mind and she gasped

“Nanny how could you two be so careless!” he
barked through gritted teeth when he realised
that what she ate must’ve been poisoned

“I swear we thought you sent them child” she
cried out

He glared at her wanting to scold her but he
held himself and paced back and forth on the
hallway impatiently



Dr George tiredly packed his things getting
ready to go home.

Sierra catwalked into his office and hugged him
from behind

“Hey” she smiled

“Hey” he simply said and reached for his keys

“Where were you? I’ve been looking for you but
you were nowhere to be found” she let go of
him and sat on the table

.“Somewhere” he said bluntly and was about to
leave when she pulled him back

“Where did that girl go? I saw Xavier entering in
the morning,did he ki|| her?” she chuckled

“Sorry to burst your bubble honey but she’s
okay,kicking and breathing” he smirked at her
“I’m sure if it was up to you,you wouldn’t have
spared her right?”

“why do you care so much about her?” she
scoffed “What’s so special about her?”

“There you’re,being all corky…if it’s not about
feeling insecure it’s about comparing me to
Xavier demanding me to be a ki||er machine,
what’s next? Forcing me to marry you?” he
rolled his eyes

She got off the table and clenched her fists

“Do you like her?” she asked through gritted

“Maybe I do” he said bluntly before leaving her

She groaned and stormed out and took another
direction when she bumped into Matthew on the

“Watch it you—” he swallowed what he wanted
to say when he saw tears welling up in her eyes
“Hey” he said softly and pulled her into hug

Sierra cried her eyes out while Matthew rubbed
her back silently,he knew Sierra as a strong
person who hardly shed a tear,he knew once
she pours out her emotions like this it means
she’s really hurt

They might fight all the time but since they met
he had a soft spot for her which she didn’t know
at all.

“It’s okay” he whispered and held her tightly



It was already dusk when the doctor finally
came out of Catherine’s ward after hours of

They all rushed to him with worried expressions


“How is my wife?” Xavier asked in a hoarse

“We managed to stop the bleeding on time and
extract the poison from her—”

“She was poisoned!?” Nanny Diana gasped

“Yes,the poison was deadly and could’ve ended
both mother and child’s life but luckily you
brought her on time

“C..Can we see her?” Nanny Diana gave the
doctor pleading eyes

“She’s not awake yet so only one person can
see her” she said softly

“Go” Xavier muttered and glanced at Nanny
Diana before walking out with reddened eyes

Nanny Diana’s looked at his retreating figure
worriedly before going into the ward to see



Mrs Hosten and Jasmine were currently
washing dishes in the kitchen

Jasmine wanted to put a glass on the rug but it
fell over

She wheeled her wheelchair back “I’m so sorry
mom I—”

“It’s okay I’ll take care of it” she smiled faintly
and picked up the broken pieces

“I feel useless in this wheelchair!” she groaned

Mrs Hosten sighed and put the dustpan down
and looked at her

“Are you still not ready to tell me what’s going
on?” she asked softly

“Mom” she looked down “I’ll tell you everything
I promise,just not now”

“Okay,take your time” she leaned closer and
pecked her forehead

Someone knocked at the door and Mrs Hosten
went to open and Jasmine followed her

When she opened the door Dr George came into
view while holding takeaways

“Hi” Mrs Hosten smiled at him

“Good evening,umm I’m here to see ..miss
Jasmine? And umm I brought this” he grinned

“Of course, please come in” Mrs Hosten opened
the door wide and he stepped in

“Hi” he flashed a smile at her and she stared at
him with shock written on her face

“W..What are you doing here?” she frowned

“I’m here to see you,is there anything wrong
with checking on my patient?” he chuckled

“I’ll take that,thank you” Mrs Hosten chuckled
and took the food from him and excused herself

“I’m no longer your patient so I don’t buy that”
she wheeled herself closer to him

“Alright you caught me,I Just wanted to see
you…I miss you,I just realised some time back
that I got used to you being around and I got
used to taking care of you and seeing your
pretty face every single day even though it was
for a short period” he muttered

“I…I don’t know what to say” she stuttered and
he chuckled

“You don’t have to say anything, anyway I have
to go —”

“Nonsense, please join us for dinner… I’m sure
Jasmine would love that,right Jas?” Mrs Hosten
chipped in and eyed Jasmine who swallowed
hard and nodded slowly



Patrick and Millicent were currently on a date
when his phone rang,he rejected it immediately
and put it back

“Where were we?” he took hold of Millicent’s

“Aren’t you going to pick that—”

“Not important” he cut her off

His phone rang for the second time and
Millicent chuckled

“I guess it’s important now” she said

He checked the caller ID and answered “Hello?”

“Thank god you answered! Mr Patrick I’m sorry
for disturbing you but I didn’t know who to call”
Flora said over the phone with a panicked voice

“What is it?” he frowned

“It’s Mr Xavier, he’s…miss Catherine is at the
hospital and we…we took her there and I came
home to get some warm clothes a ..and when I
got here he got all of the guards and he’s
beating the daylight out of them, there’s blood
everywhere and I’m scared” she burst into hot

“What! I’ll be right there just stay calm okay” he
said and hung up

“What is it? Is everything okay?” Millicent
stared at him worriedly

“Babe I’m sorry there’s an emergency and—”

“It’s okay I’ll take a cab” she said and he stood
up and paid the bill before rushing off “drive
safely ” she muttered to herself

Patrick drove to Xavier’s house like a maniac
and he got there in no time.

As soon as he arrived he ran into the house but
no one was in sight,he suddenly heard gunshots
from the back and he rushed there

All of the guards were kneeling down while the
maids stood aside shaking in fear,three guards
were already swimming in the pool of their own
blood and before them stood Xavier filled with
rage like he might burn up at any moment

He pulled up one of the guards and held a gun
to his head

“What’s your job? What’s your f-__-kin duty!?” he
roared and the guard shut his eyes in fear

“T..To protect you and your family” he choked

“Then why is my wife laying on a hospital bed?!
Tell me! How none of you saw or know nothing
about the delivery!!!?”

“Boss, please calm down… let’s talk about this
calmly” Patrick took slow steps towards him

Xavier angrily let go of the guard and pushed
him back roughly and he stumbled

“I’m a nice guy you know that? But I can be very
very bad,I cross all limits when it comes to
protecting what’s mine,nobody tells me what to
do or how to behave!” he glared at Patrick with
bloodshot eyes “Not even you” he lifted his
hand slowly and pointed the gun at Patrick

“Xavier…th..think about this man” his heartbeat

Patrick knew that Xavier wouldn’t hesitate to
end him right there,he was ruthless and
merciless especially when he was very angry
and that’s how he was right now

Full of rage

Full of Vegeance

And blood thirsty for those who hurt his beloved
wife and child

★★★ ††† ★★★



Written by Your Dzadzy ✍?


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