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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CHAPTER 65 & 66





Xavier tied his robe on Catherine’s body,it looked huge on her that it almost swallowed her whole little body if not for her baby bump

“Is this necessary? It’s not that cold” she pouted

“This weather is starting to change and I don’t want you catching a cold and my child getting cold so yes it is necessary” he muttered and put his slippers in front of her “go on, put your little feet in there”

“I have my own” she scoffed “And I’m supposed to take care of you,not the other way around?”

“You talk too much” he kissed her lips to shut her up “Come on” he held her hand and pulled her gently downstairs

They descended the stairs slowly and when they heard laughter they looked at each other in confusion

“My son! You’re awake” Mrs Xuan rose to her feet as soon as Xavier and Catherine stepped foot in the dining room

“Mother” he smiled and she rushed to embrace him

“I couldn’t believe it when Nanny told me you’re awake” she smiled

“Father,good evening” Catherine said to Mr Xuan and he hummed in response

“Mr Xuan” Xavier said to his father and he nodded with a smile

They took their seats and Dora and Flora brought food to the table

“Are you coming to your brother’s wedding?” Mrs Xuan looked at Xavier as he dished up for himself and Catherine

“No” he said bluntly and ate slowly

“I think you should go Cole, you’re brothers afterall and don’t you think it’s time this feud of yours came to an end” Mr Xuan pointed out

“Can I please have my dinner in peace?” He muttered and glared at them and they kept shut

“Son” Mrs Xuan spoke up after a long choking silence “I know deep down you still love your brother, don’t let anger get the best of you please” she begged softly “He’s your brot—”

“Mother!” He banged on the table startling everyone and he pushed his plate and limped upstairs

Mr Xuan was about to stand up and follow him but Catherine stopped him

“I’ll talk to him father please sit” she said softly and stood up and followed him “Xavier?”

He ignored her and walked up to the balcony and lit a cigarette,it was raining already with thunderstorms

“Hey” she shut the door and walked up to him “Are you okay?”

“Go back inside Kitten it’s cold out here” he looked at her “And I’m…”, he held out his cigarette to show her

She sighed and sat slowly on the bed “Your mom is right you know,I know how Anderson is but that doesn’t change that we did him wrong” she looked at him “I couldn’t stop falling for you even though I knew you’re his brother,I mean we slept together under the same roof as him! I feel bad about it all and—”

“Do you regret it?” he looked at her

“That’s not the point but not entirely,I just can’t help but blame myself for it all because everything changed when I came into the picture as his wife” she looked down

He threw the cigarette over the balcony and went to sit next to her

“I blame myself too,everytime my relationship with him is brought up I can’t help but beat myself up for not trying enough to be there for my little brother and just be his elder brother” he muttered and she held his rough hand and kissed his palm

“It’s not entirely bad to let go of your ego for once and say sorry, it’s part of life,to part ways and reconcile…life is too short to always be bickering and holding grudges because we never know whom we lose next and we’ll always have that regret of not getting along and making peace before we lose that person” she said softly and looked at him

“Thank you” he smiled genuinely at her

“For what?” she chuckled

“Everything” he whispered and leaned in slowly for a kiss

Their lips touched and his manly scent mixed with that of a cigarette filled her nostrils,the smell was alluring to her and intoxicating at the same time

His lips felt cold on hers but it warmed her heart up.

He pulled away and stared at her

“I love you” he whispered and she blushed and pulled him before smashing her lips on his

Xavier pulled her closer and deepened the kiss and she m*aned in pain and pulled away when she felt a kick in her tummy

“What’s wrong?” he furrowed his brows when he saw the distress in her face

“The baby is…ouch!” she held her tummy and groaned “Kicking” she chuckled and stood up and loosened the robe

She took his hand and placed it on her tummy and the baby another kick

Xavier’s heart skipped a bit and accelerated and unknowingly he grinned widely

“Our baby is kicking, he’s kicking Xavier” Catherine laughed with tears in her eyes

He pulled her close and lifted her nightdress and exposed her baby bump

The baby kicked a few times and they watched with tears in their eyes,it was the most beautiful thing to see and feel

When the baby stopped Xavier pulled her to sit on him and hugged her gently

“Thank you Mi amor,thank you so much” he said and she laughed and wiped her tears and hugged him back tight




Dr George walked in the room where they had kept Jasmine and he didn’t find her anywhere in the room

His heart skipped a beat and he ran outside like a mad man to search for her,he spotted her at the mini garden and he rushed to her

“What are you doing here?” he spoke behind her

“Getting some fresh air,not like I’m going to escape….I mean I’m stuck in this wheelchair” she hissed

He sighed and turned the wheelchair towards him slowly

“I told you that it’s not the end of the world to be stuck on a wheelchair,by the way I brought you some books to read and a chocolate…hope you like it” he smiled and put the bag she didn’t notice he was holding on her laps

“Why are you being nice to me?” she frowned at him

“Can’t I just take care of my patient?” he scratched the back of his neck nervously

“I don’t know” she whispered and looked down

“Why the long face?” he squatted in front of her

“What’s my fate? Am I kept here so he can finish me off?” she stared at him

“Honestly I don’t know,but if he wanted you dead…you would be rotting underground right now or they could’ve just dumped you in acid” he shrugged and she narrowed her eyes

“You’re bad at making someone feel better” she huffed

He laughed and she smiled at how melodious he sounded

“How about we..” he picked up a flower “explore the garden a bit?” he tucked it over her ear and her face reddened

“Okay” she played with her fingers and he walked behind her and pushed her down the little road between the flowers

Sierra watched them from a distance boiling in anger



“Come in” Miriam said to whoever was knocking

Rachel walked in and closed the door

“Boss I did as you asked,I check the internet for any news about his disappearance or death but none…. it’s like he’s still alive” she sat down

“We both know he’s dead right? So patience my darling… the event is still recent” she smirked “I’m sure his family thinks he’s too busy at work or something or maybe it hasn’t reached the media yet”

“Okay,so how about we end that old lady, what’s her name again?”

“Leave Ivy to me, I’ll end her soon and then I’ll become Mrs Xuan” she grinned

“We’re attending your daughter’s wedding right? It’s in a day” Rachel looked at her

“Let me think about that, remember Xavier’s lapdogs are still loyal to him and obviously want to seek revenge,so we have to lay low”

“I heard you loud and clear boss” she stood up and left

“Ohh Xavier,who will save your little family now that you’re no more, I’m sure your soul is full of rage wherever it is” Miriam bursted into laughter



Xavier was eating the cookies that Catherine had baked not so long ago when his phone beeped and he checked the notification

His mood changed and he stood up

“I have to go” He kissed Catherine on the cheek and limped out of the kitchen

“What? Xavier!” Catherine called him back but he was already shutting the front door

He got into the car without his driver and drove to his secret warehouse

He arrived after half an hour and parked his car carelessly and limped to the mini clinic that they built in case any of his men got injured and Dr George was in charge of it

Dr George was coming out of the room which Jasmine was in when he bumped into Xavier

“Where is she?” Xavier thundered and Dr George swallowed hard before moving out of his way

Xavier walked into the room and when Jasmine saw him she backed away with her wheelchair

He pulled it back towards him and she shrieked

He took out something from his back and she shut her eyes preparing for the worst but what he said next shocked her to the bone

“Run,run as far as you can and never come back”, he threw a package on her laps “Open it when you get home” he said in a deep rough voice and turned to leave and stopped on his tracks and turned to her “If you ever come back I’ll ki|| you Mi amor I swear to the devil” with that he left

Dr George ran into the room after he left and held her

“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he checked for wounds and waited for her to say something but she was too shocked to utter a word


Someone rang the bell non stop and Catherine rushed to the door to answer it since the maids were busy upstairs

She opened the door but there was no one,she was about to walk away when she saw a basket full of goodies on the floor

“Who could’ve sent this?” she questioned herself and picked it up and went to put it in the kitchen

She was about to return to what she was doing when she spotted a fruit salad amongst the goodies,her weakness!

She craved fruits more since she became pregnant and she couldn’t ignore the thought of grabbing them and munching on them

Her mouth watered instantly and she grabbed a fork and took them.

She sat on the counter and munched on it like there’s no tomorrow

“Catherine,ohh my where did you get these?” Nanny Diana asked as she walked into the kitchen “Slow down you might choke” she laughed at how Catherine was devouring the salad

“I don’t know who sent this but I love them so much” she shut her eyes and Mõ@ɲed in satisfaction

“I know my Cole, it’s definitely him…so romantic” Nanny Diana laughed



Dr George took out Jasmine slowly out of the car and placed her gently on the wheelchair

“Thank you so much for your help” she smiled at him and he nodded

“Now let’s go and meet mom,are you ready?” He looked at her and she nodded

He wheeled her to the door and pressed on the doorbell

They stood there for a while and the door creaked open after a while,Mrs Hosten’s pale face came into view and she gasped when she saw Jasmine

Jasmine’s eyes welled with tears when she saw how thin and pale her mom looked,she looked sick and she knew it was all her fault

“Jas….Jasmine?” her hoarse voice shook as she spoke

“M..Mom” she said softly,the word she has been dying to say…she said it finally…after a long time,she was home

“My Child” she threw herself in her daughter’s embrace after such a long time

They both bursted into tears while holding on tight to each other,Dr George shed a tear with a smile as he watched the overwhelming reunion



Catherine groaned for the umpteenth time and shifted uncomfortably on the chair

“Are you sure you alright child?” Nanny Diana stared at her worriedly

“Yes Nanny,this child is too active today I don’t know why” she stood up and took a bowl of cookies on the rug

She was about to sit on the counter when an excruciating sharp pain attacked her

“Ahhh!” she screamed in pain and held tight on the counter

The bowl fell from her hand and shattered on the floor alerting Nanny Diana

“Catherine!” Nanny Diana rushed to her

“Na… Nanny!” she shouted in pain and held her tummy ,warm liquid ran down her thighs and Nanny Diana watched in horror as blood trailed down in between her legs

“John!! Ohh god Dora!!! Ohh Jesus!!! Catherine!!!!!” Nanny Diana screamed her lungs out not knowing what to touch or to do


★★★ ††† ★★★



Written by Your Dzadzy ✍?


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