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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Written by T.M?

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CHAPTER 59 & 60

( Mother and son at the funeral )



“Shh don’t make noise” Quinn tiptoed into a room with Felicia

“The guards are all over! What are we going to do!?” Felicia whispered in frustration

“How about you,run?” a figure said in the dark and the lights suddenly went on and behold! Miriam was sitting comfortably on a chair with Rachel by her side

They both gasped and stepped back and Rachel pointed a gun at them

“Not a step further,stand still” Rachel smirked

“Please ,let my sister go,it was my idea to escape please spare her!” Felicia pleaded but Quinn pushed her back and stood in front of her

“Don’t hurt her! Just let us go and we won’t say a word about this place to anyone! We just.. don’t want to be a part of this anymore” Quinn said and Miriam chuckled

“You two made a vow,ring a bell? Nobody leaves this place alive,only corpses do..are you dead?” Her eyes darkened as she stood up and they swallowed hard

“Move!” Rachel walked towards them and pushed them out

She pushed them to the training grounds with Miriam walking behind them

She stopped and called one of his men to ring the bell,once it rang everyone got out of the rooms and the guard ordered them to go to the training grounds.

When they got there they gathered around and watched as Rachel beat the daylight out of the two siblings

“Everyone,this is what happens to traitors” she pointed the gun and Quinn and Felicia and looked at them “Get up!” she barked and they stood up slowly holding on to each other

“Pl..Please” Felicia choked and coughed out blood

Quinn glared at her with h@ťě,If only…if only she had that power and strength she would’ve ended this woman by now

“Do you know how much I f-__-kin h@ťě that word sugar? ” she took slow steps towards them and they limped back

“You’re heartless! What kind of a woman keeps young girls here only to torture them and use them for evil deeds? You lied to us! To all of them! That you’re a good person and you’ll save them from their sorrows only to make them segz tools for your clients! Money is not everything! What about our rights to say no? Our dignity and pride? Our bodies are not your tools to gain wealth!” Quinn spat with anger and looked around “You’re all fools! To let this woman walk over you like this! And I won’t let you!” she glared at Miriam who only laughed

“Aren’t you scared?” Miriam smirked

“I’m not scared of you!” she said with all the confidence she could muster

“The eyes sugar,they never lie” she grinned “I can see fear clouding your eyes,you might not be scared of me but you’re scared of losing..” she pointed the gun at Felicia “Her..” she pulled the trigger and the bullet flew straight to her chest just at the spot where he heart is

Everyone screamed while some gasped in fear and shock

“No!!” Quinn screamed at the top of her lungs and ran to Felicia before she could hit the ground “Felicia please keep your eye open! Don’t you dare leave me!”

She placed her hand over the wound to stop the bleeding but it was not helping

“Quinn.. I’m..s ..scared” Felicia whispered breathlessly

“Don’t be! I’m here with you okay?” she tore her shirt and placed the piece over the wound

Everyone watched in pity and some wished they could help but they were helpless,Miriam would not hesitate to ki|| them if ever they stepped forward and defined her

“Quinn..I you” Felicia felt her eyelids getting more heavier

The cold bullet was hurting as hell,the pain was excruciating!

“I love you too! Please I love you don’t do this! God please where are you! Mom! Mommy it hurts please!” Quinn bursted into hot tears.

Her heart was pounding loudly like it could just stop at any moment

“Quinn,I…It hurts” Felicia cried as tears streamed down her face

Quinn felt like screaming at that moment,she held her head high and looked into the dark clouds for hope but there was none,the clouds were even darker than that of the woman who just ended her sister’s life motionless

“Qui..Quinn I..It hurts so bad” Felicia whispered lower than before with the little strength she had

Quinn looked at her “D.. Don’t fight it” she choked on her words “It will hurt less that way, I’ll be with you soon” she pecked her forehead gently and when she looked at her a smile crept up on Felicia’s face as she stared at her sister for the last time and gave up her ghost

Quinn stared at her and she felt her sister’s body getting colder and colder, that’s exactly how her heart felt at that moment,it was empty and cold

“What a lovely show” Miriam yawned and Quinn glared at her

She put Felicia’s lifeless body slowly on the ground and stood up and ran towards Miriam

“You motherf—” A bullet pierced through her skin and she halted on her steps

Could it be?

She lowered her head and stared at the spot the bullet pierced through and a smile crept on her face,the same smile her sister had when she breathed her last

She looked at Miriam and Miriam frowned when she saw how she smiled

Quinn walked towards Miriam while holding the bleeding spot

Raindrops fell slowly,the more steps she took,the slower her heartbeat echoed and the more rain fell

“We’re going home,You …c..cannot hurt us anymore” she chuckled and stopped and looked up “The heavens are opening up,ready to welcome us home” she held her arms akimbo and bullets flew from Rachel and Mirriam’s guns as they shot her till their bullets ran out

She stumbled back and her bloody body fell to the ground in a thud.

She gave up the ghost immediately because she had no reason to fight with destiny just to walk on this cruel world but she died with only one question in mind

As the rain falls,will these clouds cry them back to life? Or do these rain drops fall over their wounded bodies just to wash away their souls?

The training grounds became less crowded as they all left with sad faces.

Rachel and Miriam were the first to leave with smiles on their faces



Catherine walked out of the bathroom sluggishly and Xavier walked up to her

He placed his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature and he frowned “You should stay home , you’re not okay” he rushed to his phone

“What are you doing?” she followed him and snatched the phone from him

“I’m calling the doctor” he looked at her

“No I’m fine and I’m going to the funeral!” She said sternly

“Fine just don’t leave my side” he pulled her into a hug

His phone suddenly beeped on Catherine’s hands and they both looked at it

A message appeared on the screen and they read it before looking at each other

“The results are out” Catherine muttered and fear striked her nerves immediately


Millicent stared outside and wiped her tears, everyone was present and they were about to leave

Patrick walked in and searched for her with his eyes,when he spotted her he immediately went to her

“I’m sorry …about everything” he muttered behind her

“You don’t have to apologise, it’s not your fault” she said without looking at him

“I know this is not a good time but can I take you out later on?” he mumbled and she snapped her head towards him “N..Not as a date! I just want to cheer you up, forget about my feelings and just agree to go out with me? Please” he smiled at her

“I…umm okay sure.. besides it would take my mind off things you know” she smiled sadly and looked down

“It’s going to be okay” he hugged her warmly and they stood there for a while before chatting about random things

After a while everyone left to bury Tyson,when they arrived at the graveyard the priest continued with the service

Millicent thought about all the things Tyson did to her,bag things to be precise

No matter how much she tried to think about the good things he did for her just to honour his memory,she couldn’t,the bad side of Tyson seemed to haunt her more and dominate and her little mind with his bad behaviour

She stepped forward to throw a rose into the grave,Patrick held her close to him.She felt safe and secured,how she wished Tyson held her like that like he used to on his last days.

After she stepped back a woman stepped forward and after throwing a rose into the grave she stood there,watching his casket like she was waiting for Tyson to come back to life.

If one looked closely you could see the fury in her eyes,the thirst for Tyson’s blood but nobody seemed to have noticed because they were too engrossed in questioning themselves and each other who the hell is she?

A little boy walked up to her and held the hem of her dress and pulled it slightly and she slowly turned to look at him

“Mommy, let’s go home” he said in his little voice that one could barely hear what he said

She smiled and nodded and turned to the grave one more time before they left leaving everyone confused

After the funeral Catherine,Xavier, Anderson and Sofie got into their cars and went to the hospital

Anderson smiled confidently from time to time knowing that the silly doctor would never go against him so he was so certain that the results will be positive for him

Sofie prayed inwardly that the results doesn’t turn out to be positive for him because she knew their relationship was at stake and depended on the results

“I’m so scared ” Catherine whined for the umpteenth time

Xavier looked at her and said nothing,he was scared too! How was he going to convince her to calm down when he himself couldn’t?

They arrived at the hospital after a while and went straight to Dr Office.

“Please take your seats” he said after they exchanged greetings and they sat down

“So what do they say doctor?” Sofie asked impatiently

“Would you wait!” Anderson scolded her and she scoffed

He cleared his throat and opened the envelope

“This results came an hour ago from the lab and I must assure you that no error or manipulation has been done to these tests,the results read as follows.The DNA match between the unborn child and Mr Anderson Xuan is only 1%” he said and took another paper “While the DNA match between the unborn child and Mr Xavier Cole Xuan is 99.9%”he concluded and looked at them

Shock was written in all of their faces and mostly on Anderson’s face

“No no there must be a mistake,there must…You traitor!” he exploded and was about to pounce on the doctor but Xavier held him back

Dr Fernando stood up and stepped back “I did only what was right sir!” he fired back

Xavier pushed him back and glared daggers at him “You were getting dirty huh? Is that how much you wanted to destroy her!? ”

“That’s how much I love her! You stole everything from me!!! My child too! I won’t let you!!!” he roared and punched Xavier

Xavier groaned and punched him back repeatedly without giving him a break

“Stop!!! Xavier stop please!” Catherine shouted but none of them were ready to back down as they fought and tossed and turned on the floor

“Stop!” Sofie shouted and an immense sharp pain attacked as and she groaned and held on to the chair “An.. Anderson our child” she tried to scream but her words came out in a whisper

“Do something!” Catherine screamed at Dr Fernando who immediately ran to separate the two

“C.. Catherine!” Sofie shouted amidst the pain

“Ohh my god Sofie!” she ran to her aid and helped her sit down “Breathe okay and calm down ,okay one two three..breathe” she knelt in front of her

“It hurts” she breathed simultaneously with Catherine and the pain subsided a bit

Dr Fernando succeeded to separate the two men and they immediately rushed to Catherine and Sofie

“Nurse!!” Dr Fernando shouted “Carry her and let’s take her to a ward now!” he shouted at Anderson who lifted her up and rushed out

Catherine was about to run after them when Xavier dragged her back

“Let’s go home” he said coldly and pulled her out



Mrs Xuan paced back and forth and when the door opened she rushed to it

Millicent and Patrick walked in hand in hand with his jacket hanging over her shoulders

“Where have you been!” she scolded

“Umm mom—”

“Come with me!” she pulled her out of Patrick’s grip and he stood there dumbfounded

She turned to him and mouthed “Call me”

He laughed and winked at her before going out

Mrs Xuan pulled her into the old man’s study and all the elders were present including that mysterious woman from earlier on at the graveyard

“Take your seats” Grandpa Paul said and they both sat down “Now tell Millicent here what you just told us” Grandpa Paul faced her

The woman sighed and looked down avoiding everyone’s stares “I’m the mother of Tyson’s first child” she muttered

“What!” Millicent sprang up from her seat startling the little boy

He jumped out in fear and sat closer to his mother

“Tyson and i have a child together,and this is his son” she looked up and stared at Millicent direct into her eyes


★★★ ††† ★★★






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