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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Written by T.M?

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CHAPTER 57 & 58

( I am coming back )


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Millicent tried to call Tyson for the umpteenth time but it still went straight to voicemail,she angrily threw her phone on the bed and sat down

She hugged her teddy bear tightly and sniffed in her tears.

“Lily? Can I come in?” Grandma Daisy knocked softly on the door and came in

“I just want to be alone” she mumbled

“Ohh child” she sat next to her and patted her back “this can’t go on like this, it’s not healthy for you”

“What if he doesn’t come back Grandma? This is unlike him!” Millicent sniffed in her tears

“You said that you two had a fight before he left right? Maybe he just want to be alone and maybe blow off some steam, don’t stress too much” she said and Millicent nodded “Now come on, let’s go downstairs and get you something to eat”

They both stood up and went downstairs but as they were about to step out of the room they bumped into Tessa who was about to knock

“I’m sorry for barging in like this but Grandpa Paul seeks your presence in his study” she bowed her head

“Okay we’ll be there,thank you Tessa” Grandma Daisy smiled at her and she nodded before excusing herself

They both went there and they were the last to arrive

“Please sit down..” Grandpa Paul cleared his throat

They sat down quietly and looked at him

“I want us to discuss the behaviour we have around each other and I want all of these fights to come to an end—”

He stopped talking when the door opened and Xavier stepped in, Anderson scoffed out loud when he saw him and Sofie stylishly fixed her hair

“Finally you decided to show up!” Grandpa Paul retorted

He said nothing and sat down and stared at him

“Where is Catherine? I thought you were going to show up with her like I asked you to?” Grandpa Paul frowned at him

“I don’t want her to be entangled in all of this,she doesn’t need any drama or stress grandpa so please,let her be..for now” he said and Sofie rolled her eyes and mumbled inaudible words to herself

“Then where is Ivy dear? When is she coming home? Maxwell told me that you took her out of jail” Grandma Daisy said while looking at him

“As if you care about her” Xavier scoffed “Mom is never coming back to this house—”

“Brother that’s unfair! She’s our mother too!” Millicent shouted

“Where were you all when she needed you!” he glared at her

“That’s enough! Enough!” Grandpa Paul banged on the table and it became as silent as a grave

“She agreed to come home with me, she’s my wife and I’m bringing her home” Mr Xuan spoke up

“Excuse me!? That would happen over my dead body!” Miriam barked at him

“What we had is over Miriam,you cannot stay here any longer” Mr Xuan said calmly

Her face looked drained and she looked at him in shock

“Well son, you’ve made your choice but one thing is for certain…you cannot have two women under the same room,one has to go,one has to stay”

“And that would be my wife” he looked at Miriam who clenched her fists and stood up

“You will pay for this! All of you I swear!!” She thr_@tened with bloodshot eyes and she stormed out of the study afterwards

“Anderson say something!” Sofie whined but Anderson ignored her like a plaque

“So nobody really cares about my husband? His whereabouts? Or how I feel about it!? You’re all selfish!!” Millicent suddenly snapped and stormed out too

Xavier was about to go after her but grandma Daisy stopped him

“I’ll go” she said softly and rushed after her

“Now,you two..” Grandpa Paul looked at both Xavier and Anderson “You need to stop letting women get in between your brotherhood,I get that what your elder brother did was wrong Anderson but there is nothing that can be done! Your bride chose your brother,he didn’t force her to be with him”

Anderson clenched his jaw and looked away

“You have this beautiful lady next to you now and what’s even better is that she is pregnant for you, it’s best if you marry her” he shrugged

“But grandpa, I’m still married to—”

“You signed the divorce papers and so did she? Practically you’re not married anymore” Xavier said calmly and Anderson was about to pounce on him and Sofie dragged him down

“Thank you so much Grandpa, at least you understand my situation” She smiled sweetly

“Thank you my dear,you may go” Anderson stood up first and rushed out and she followed suit

Xavier was about to stand up to leave when Grandpa Paul put a contract in front of him

“Read it and sign,after you sign it you will officially become the president of PAC Empire and the majority shareholder” he said and Xavier just stared at him


Grandma Daisy was sitting in the living room with Millicent laying her head on her laps,she was stroking her hair gently.

Tessa approached them with two policemen trailing behind her

“Miss Millicent? They are here to see you” she said and Millicent stood up and wiped her tears

“Good evening ma’am, you’re Tyson Taylor’s wife… correct?” a female police said

“Y. Yes how can I help you?”

She took a package from the other policeman and handed it to her

“It is a flash drive,watch,ring and a letter,these are the only belongings we found of your husband and since you’re his next of kin we should hand it to you” she paused and looked down “Ma’am your husband is no more,a hotel cleaner found him dead in a hotel suite and it was a suicide,he shot himself” she said softly

Millicent staggered back and stared at her as she spoke,she looked at the package that she held with shaky hands

“W.. What?” a tear slipped from her eye

“Thank you for c..coming and letting us know …you can—”

“Yes umm please accept my deepest condolences and goodnight” she said and they left

“Grandma!” Millicent hugged her and cried her eyes out

Grandma Daisy held her tight and whispered soothing words to her

Everyone came to check on what’s going on when they heard her cry

“Mother what’s going on?” Mr Xuan asked in confusion

“Dad! T..Tyson is gone! He’s dead he…” Mr Xuan pulled her into a tight hug

Xavier watched from a distance and guilt ate him up from inside and it wasn’t even visible,his face was stone hard as always

“Brother!” Millicent ran to him and hugged him “It hurts so bad” she sobbed and he rubbed her back

“It’s okay, I’m here with you” he whispered

“Please bring mom back” she looked at him and he instantly nodded

“Go get some rest, I’ll bring back mom…for you” he held her cheek gently and she nodded

“Come my dear”, Grandma Daisy took her upstairs and Xavier watched till they disappeared from the stairs and left afterwards.

When he arrived at his house he found Catherine sleeping in an uncomfortable position on the couch in the living room

She passed out while waiting for him for hours,he scooped her up gently and took her to bed

He laid awake on the bed thinking about Tyson’s death,he was happy that he was no more in her sister’s life to hurt and torment her but he felt a sting because of how she was affected by his death.

They planned the whole idea and decided to make Tyson’s death like it was suicide,they thr_@tened and bribed the forensics to ‘confirm’ their lies

Catherine turned to his side and snuggled closer to him for warmth,he smiled at her and hugged her to himself before falling asleep



Catherine was brushing her hair when Xavier hugged her from behind

“Good morning Mi amor” he whispered and kissed her cheek

She nodded slightly and wore her glasses

“Are you mad at me? Okay I’m sorry about yesterday” he let go of her and she turned to him

“Where did you go?” she folded her arms

“Home,grandpa Paul called a family meeting—”

“And I guess since I tore the family apart I’m no longer family? That’s why I wasn’t invited right?” she said bitterly

“You were ,I just didn’t want you there …you know how they’re and i didn’t want you to stress or anything happening to our baby” he held her waist

“Our baby?” she blushed and wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him

He nodded and pulled her closer

“You look segzy” he bit her earlobe and she giggled and pushed him off

“I’m going to be late” she picked her bag and was about to leave when he pulled her back

“Be careful out there okay? Don will take you to work” he kissed her forehead gently

“Okay” she smiled and left

There was no one downstairs and she grabbed an apple in the kitchen before leaving.

Don was already waiting for her outside and she immediately got in and they exchanged greetings before leaving.

They arrived at the hospital after a fifteen minutes drive and when she stepped out everyone outside stared at her.

She ignored the glares and stares she received all over and simply walked to her office.

A nurse arrived shortly after she got in and gave her the schedule for all the patients she needed to see for the day.

Catherine wore her coat and went to do her rounds.

After a while a girl was rushed into the hospital and Catherine was asked to attend to her.Whrn she arrived at the ward she took a deep breath before going in.

The girl was bruised up and some wounded parts were covered with bandages.

She checked her file and scribbled something on it

“It’s you” the girl chuckled

“And who am I?” Catherine put the file back and looked at her

“Catherine,the bride of the Xuan family”she wanted to sit up but hissed in pain and laid still “I admire what you did,really.You followed your heart and never cared about what anybody else would say” she chuckled

“Since you know a lot about me ,how about I get to know you too… let’s start with your name?” Catherine checked her wounds

“My name is Jasmine, Jasmine Hosten,your biggest fan” she smirked



Miriam was coming back from her morning jog when she spotted a familiar car outside and she immediately rushed into the house

She met her luggage at the door and Mrs Xuan’s own was being taken upstairs

“What is the meaning of this? And what is she doing here!?” she glared at Mrs Xuan who only smirked at her

Mr Xuan stepped forward and looked at her deep into her eyes

“Ger out of my house” he said bluntly and she chuckled

“Maxwell? You’re kicking me out!? Me!?” she snapped

“Do you want me to call the guards to escort you out?” Mrs Xuan mocked

“No” she smiled “I will leave,but you!” she pointed at Mrs Xuan “watch your back ” she grabbed her luggage and dragged them out and stopped at the door and turned to look at them

Mrs Xuan went to the door and shut it on her face and she gritted her teeth and took her luggage to her car.

After she put them in the trunk she took her phone and made a call to someone,the person picked up on second ring

“Boss?” a feminine voice spoke up

“Rachel, I’m coming back” she muttered with a hardened face

“That is good news boss! We will be waiting for you, I’ll let the whole black coven that our boss is finally back!” Rachel spoke in excitement

“Of course” she smirked and hung up

Miriam took one last glare at the mansion and got into her car and drove off


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Enchanted Ink Library (T.M)

★★★ ††† ★★★

*My requirements weren’t met but it’s alright,ghost readers remain as ghost readers it’s okay,may God bless you??






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