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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 53 & 54
★. ★. ★. ★


Catherine tossed and turned whole the urge to puke came and left.

She couldn’t take it anymore as she threw the sheets off her body and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Xavier jerked up and followed her

“Mi amor what’s—” he paused when he saw kneeling on the floor and puking in the toilet

He rushed to her and held her hair backwards to prevent it from getting in her way,he rubbed her back gently while he brushed her hair back

She flushed and stayed like that for sometime

“Amor, it’s cold…come on ” he helped her stand up and she went to brush her teeth while he leaned against the door with drowsy eyes

When she was done she turned to him with a grumpy face and walked towards him

He pulled her and kissed her forehead and the bridge of her nose

“You still look beautiful kitten” he whispered and she buried her face in his chest and he chuckled “Come on” he held her hand and led her to bed

They laid on the bed facing each other and Xavier pulled her to lay on him.

“Are you okay?” he stared at her worriedly

“Hmmm” she nodded

“Are you sure?”

“I love you” she muttered

“No I love you” he smiled at her and she giggled and closed her eyes

He watched her for some moments before falling back to sleep




Mr Xuan stood in front of the mirror fixing his tie,Miriam walked up to him and helped him

She was still wearing her nightgown and he was all dressed up seemingly going somewhere

“You look handsome” she pecked his cheek “Where are you going this morning?”

“To see my wife and get out of that filthy place” he said and her mood changed and she let him go

“You are not going anywhere!” she shrieked and he glanced at her once and took his gaze back to the mirror

“She’s my wife so I have to get her out,I still love her!” he picked up his jacket

Miriam rushed to the door like a mad woman and blocked it “You’re not going anywhere!”

“Move out of the way” he walked up to her

“I won’t! You can’t bring that woman back into this house,not after everything she did! Never” she spat

“I believed you at first until you pulled that stunt of yours! Now I don’t,even if my wife did really push you it wasn’t intentional and I’ll gladly testify to that” he pointed at her and pushed her out of the way and walked out

“You think I was bluffing?” she said and he halted on his steps “If you take one more step out of here,I will take those documents of all shady dealings of the old man and the little reputation you guys have will vanish just like that! I am Miriam…nobody messes with me!” she thundered glaring daggers at him

“I have nothing to lose anymore” he muttered without looking back at her “I lost my wife,my family and I’m not afraid of losing everything that comes after that—”

“You’re going to lose me! Me baby! You don’t want that right?” she placed he hand on his back with eyes glittering with tears

“No,even if I lose you one thousand times I don’t care,go ahead… I’m tired of your blackmails and thr_@ts ” he said nonchalantly and left her there

“Arghhh! ” Miriam took out all of her anger on the poor door as she shut it and kicked it while roughening her already messy hair



Xavier turned to Catherine’s side and tapped her space but it was empty and cold meaning she woke up a long time ago

He opened his eyes and checked the time on the wall clock but it was still half six in the morning

He got up and wore his robe and searched for his slippers and slipped his feet into them before going downstairs

Catherine was busy on the phone when he walked in the kitchen

“Of course sir,thank you” she grinned and hung up

She was about to turn when he hugged her from behind in a swift

“Why did you leave me all alone ?” he whispered in a deep sleepy voice

“I was starving ” she pouted and looked at him

“You should’ve woken me up to accompany you” he buried his face on the crook of her neck and kissed it

“I..I didn’t want to disturb you” she stuttered and bit her lip

He smirked and let go of her and she frowned,he walked up to her food and looked at weirdly

“What is this?” he arched a brow at her

“A sandwich?” she folded her arms

“With a vegetarian pie in between?” he furrowed his brow and stared at the food

“It’s delicious!” she walked up to him “Wanna try it?” she looked at him

“No,I prefer eating you instead” he smirked at her and her face reddened

“Pervert!” she slapped his hands off when he tried holding her waist

“I know you want me too” he licked his lip and held her waist firmly and pulled her to him and she crashed on his broad and firm chest

“I don’t” she bit her lip and wrapped her hands around his neck

“Really?” his eyes darken as he grabbed her a*s and pulled her up

She gasped and wrapped her fair legs around his torso

“You don’t?” he whispered and kissed her deeply and she reciprocated

They kissed slowly and he placed her on the counter and grabbed her thighs .She ran her fingers in his smooth hair and Mõ@ɲed in the kiss

Xavier opened her legs wide and ran his fingers in her inner thighs till they reached her lace pant,he shifted it to the side and his fingers got in contact with her wetness and he smirked

He slowly slipped two fingers into her p@zzy and she pulled out of the kiss and he kissed her neck down to her collarbone

He th-ru_sted his fingers in and out slowly while exploring her insides with them before increasing his pace

“Xavier! Awww please!” She m*aned out and he shut her with a kiss

He added another finger and she gasped out,he used that opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth and explored it

He moved his fingers in and out of her fast and she m*aned inaudible words in the kiss

Catherine felt a tight knot in her abdomen and tried to push him off,she knew she was close and didn’t want her juices to spill on the kitchen counter but he seemed not to care

He pulled away and looked at her with his eyes filled with lust.

“Don’t Com yet” he whispered

“I c..can’t ahh!” she threw her head back and her eyes rolled back simultaneously with her head

The pleasure was too much for her that her ćƖĩťor*s throbbed and her blood was boiling, probably more hotter than lava.

Xavier’s manhood twitched begging to be freed and rip apart her inner walls

He suddenly pulled her fingers out of her wanting to torture her,he looked at her trying to catch her breath while he licked his fingers

He helped her get off the table and in the process she knocked over the sandwich but they didn’t pay attention to it,he scooped her up before going to their room

Nanny Diana came into the kitchen after a while to get some water to quench her thirst

She spotted the sandwich on the floor and she panicked

“Are there rats in here!? Ohh god!” she rushed to take a broom and opened the cupboards slowly
“Where are those days! I’m going to get them!!”


Xavier placed Catherine gently on the bed and took off her nightdress she pulled him and kissed him

He hovered over her and held her thigh and rubbed it smoothly

He pulled away and traced wet kisses down to her chest to the space between her perky mountains of Jericho ,her tummy to her lower abdomen

He grabbed her pant with his teeth and she lifted herself up a bit to enable him to drag it down

He took it off completely and threw it across the room before getting off the bed to take off his clothes,she covered her face with a pillow shyly and soon after she felt the bed sink.

“Look at me Amor ” he said huskily and she slowly took off her pillow to face him

Before she could comprehend what was going on he th-ru_sted into her at a go and she gasped and released a loud m*an

Xavier th-ru_sted in and out of her slowly and she m*aned lowly while they stared deep into each other’s eyes

He increased his pace soon after and her m*ans filled the whole room



Anderson was about to go downstairs when Sofie stopped him

“I’m coming with you” she said behind him and he turned to her

“That is not necessary, we’re just going to take the test,the results won’t be out immediately” he rolled his eyes mentally

“I know that, I’m still coming with you to make sure nothing goes wrong” she frowned

“Fine, I’ll be downstairs” he hissed and left

“Good” she smirked and went into the bathroom



Nanny Diana and Mrs Xuan were having breakfast when Xavier and Catherine into the dining holding hands

“Ohh my you look lovely this morning” Nanny Diana complimented referring to Catherine who wore a tight long dress that reached her ankles and some light heels

“Thank you,Good morning” she smiled and went to sit down

“Good morning” Xavier muttered and kissed both their cheeks and took his seat

“Are you ready?” Mrs Xuan looked at Catherine worriedly

“Not really but I hope all goes well” she breathed out

A knock interrupted their conversation and a maid ran to open the door

Mr Xuan rushed in panting and went to them.Xavier immediately stood up when he saw his father

“What are you doing here?” he thundered and Mr Xuan rushed to his wife’s side

“Ivy! You’re here,thank god” he wanted to hug her but Nanny Diana stood in front of her protectively

“Leave!” Xavier was about to attack him when Catherine pulled him back

“Please calm down” she said softly

“Son!” he turned to Xavier “Miriam must be on her way to the police,you have to stop her or our family business and reputation will be ruined,I cannot explain everything now….” he turned to his wife “She’s the reason why I treated you that way but I’ll explain everything you have to stop her!” he said breathing hard

Xavier stared at him for a while before going out to make a call

“Sit down before you get a heart attack!” Mrs Xuan scolded and pulled him to sit

Catherine rushed to get some water for him and he took the glass with shaky hands and gulped down everything

“Daughter,you should go to the hospital or you’ll be late for the test,take Xavier with you, we’ll take care of …him” Nanny Diana eyed Mr Xuan who tapped his foot on the floor impatiently

Xavier came back after a while and looked at him “I sent some men to look out for her”

“Thank you son I—” he didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence when he grabbed Catherine’s hand and left



Anderson paced back and forth while checking the time on his watch

“Where are they! They should be here already!” he groaned

“Will you sit down! I’m sure they’re on their way” Sofie snapped

After a while Catherine arrived with Xavier hand in hand.Sofie gawked at how both they looked, especially Xavier who’s aura followed him each step he took

Anderson clenched his fists when he saw their entangled hands

“You arrived together? Do you live together?” he forced a smile

“Yes,any problem?” Xavier arched his brow

“So you didn’t waste time to jump on his bed?” he looked at Catherine who was in a glaring competition with Sofie

Xavier was about to speak when the doctor interrupted them

“Shall we start?” he opened the door of his office for them and they went in

Sofie was about to go in when Xavier stopped her “You’re not part of it,sit down and wait”

She was about to protest when he shut the door in her face “How dare he!” she fumed and paced around the hall

They came out after what seemed like forever and Catherine stopped by her side and stared at her

“What! You didn’t even love him anyway!” she snapped and Catherine wanted to slap her but Xavier pulled her away “I hope it doesn’t last together with that bastard of yours!” she shouted and earned a glare from Anderson

“Stop speaking nonsense and go wait for me in the car!” he barked

“And where are you —”

“The restroom geez!” he hissed handed her the keys

“Fine!” she fumed and stormed to the car

He waited till she was out of sight before going back into the office

“Is there anything else sir?” the doctor looked up at him and he took a sit

“Listen doctor,that woman and the Child she’s carrying are very dear to me” he smiled “and I’d do absolutely anything to keep them as mine,now what I want from you is very simple…make sure the results match with mine,one hundred percent!”

“But sir..—”

“How much do you want?” he leaned in closer

“Sir it’s not about money—”

“I don’t care what it’s about ,make sure that child is mine! Or this hospital of yours will be shut down by me , Anderson Xuan the last child of Maxwell Xuan,I hope I’m clear doctor” he grinned and stood up and fixed his suit before leaving

The doctor sighed in relief and he jumped out when his phone rang and he quickly answered

“Fernando my dear friend” a deep voice spoke up

“Mr X..Xavier?” he stuttered while sweating profusely

“What I want is very simple..”

“Y..Yes?” he stood up

“The outcome of those results will affect my wife badly,I want you to make sure no changes or manipulation is done to those tests, whether it comes out as my child or my brother’s,the truth and nothing but the truth…am I clear? Good” he said and hung up immediately

“Ohh holy God ! What did I get myself into!” Dr Fernando whined and paced back and forth


★★★ ††† ★★★






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