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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 49 & 50
★. ★. ★. ★


It was at the crack of dawn when Catherine felt the bed sink besides her and cold hands wrapped around her waist.

“What time is it?” she mumbled in a sleepy voice

“It’s still early ,go back to sleep” he kissed her cheek and she snuggled closer

“You’re cold” she whispered

“And you’re warm” he chuckled “Sleep tight ” he whispered back and closed his eyes

Catherine blushed and remained silent for a while and soon after she heard him snore lowly

She turned to face him and watched him sleep peacefully till she too dozed off back to sleep

She woke up later on and groaned as the sun rays pierced into her eyes.

Xavier came into the room soon after “You’re awake” he closed the door

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” she got up and saw how messy her hair looked through the mirror and she gasped and brushed it with her hair

“You want me to like get a comb or brush for you?” he chuckled

“N..No” she bit her lip “I’m g..going to take a shower” she rushed into the bathroom but he dragged her back as she walked past him

“You still look beautiful” he pecked her forehead and took her glasses on the table and put them on her

“Th..Thank you ” She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears

“I’m going out for a little while” he muttered

“Ohhh” her face fell “Okay”

“I’ll be back soon” he whispered and hugged her tight

“Okay” she mumbled and he let go of her and left

She sighed and went to take a shower,when she was done she wore one of his t-shirts that reached above her knees and some slippers

“I should get my clothes from that house” she muttered to herself and went downstairs

She walked to the kitchen to have some breakfast and when she stepped into the kitchen a smell of coffee welcomed her and she smiled

“Finally! You’re awake” Nanny Diana smiled at her

“Good morning everyone” she sat on the counter and they returned greetings

A maid immediately ran to give her some coffee and she muttered a ‘thank you’ when the maid put it in front of her

“You took off your ring” Nanny Diana pointed at her hand

“Umm yes,I just thought I should since we’re getting a divorce and I’m moving on with my life” she smiled and sipped her coffee

“Good, that’s very good” Nanny Diana stood up “excuse me I need to check if the gardener has arrived yet” she left

Catherine watched as the maids did their duties with so much concentration and she saw unfamiliar faces amongst them .

She wondered how many of them were hired but she wouldn’t blame him since the mansion was really huge and five people would take days just to get it clean.

She stood up and decided to make herself some sandwich since her tummy was grumbling nonstop



Xavier walked into the house without knocking and went to the kitchen where he heard laughter and giggled.

“Ohh sir, it’s you” Patrick said as soon as he saw him and Mrs Xuan turned to him

“Mother” he said and they rushed to each other and embraced each other warmly

“Thank god you’re here! I thought you didn’t want to see me” she sobbed

He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead

“I’m here now,did they treat you badly in there?” he looked at her and she shook her head

“I couldn’t stand that place,I didn’t do anything …I…I ”

“Shhh it’s okay” he consoled her

Patrick watched the reunion with smiles and wished his mother was here too

“Can you take me home now?” she looked at him

“No mother you can’t go back there, you’re coming to stay with me till everything blows over”

“But that’s still my house,I can’t just let them win like that!” she snapped

“I said it and it’s final, Don will take you back to my house and I’m not coming with, Patrick and I have some business to take care of” he pecked her forehead once more

“See you later Mrs Xuan” Patrick winked at her and left with Xavier

She scoffed and sat on the counter with a grumpy face



Mr Xuan wheeled Miriam into the house with the old couple following behind them.

Miriam smirked and glanced around the house,her own house from now on

“Son, let’s have a chat for a moment” Grandpa Paul cleared his throat

“I’ll take care of her” Grandma Daisy smiled at him and he nodded before leaving with the old man

Grandma Daisy waited till they’re out of sight before she stood in front of Miriam and stared at her.

“Listen you witch,I won’t let you get away with this, not after what you did to my daughter,I know this is just a pretense…women like you are only good at cunning but you won’t fool me” she spat and stood behind her “You will pay” She pushed her and she went crashing into the wall with her wheelchair

Grandma Daisy fumed and marched upstairs.

Miriam chuckled and gritted her teeth “You will pay for this you old hag,just a little bit more time” she smirked and hummed softly



“Rise and shine sweetheart” Tyson heard a familiar voice and he opened his eyes

“Where am I? ” he looked around and when his eyes finally landed on the man standing before him his eyes bulged out “You!”

“Me! Ohhhh!” Patrick gasped dramatically “But I think I should…” he picked up his glasses and wore them “wear this to jog your memory, remember me?” he grinned

“I swear when I’m out of here I’m going to ki|| you!” he tried to free his hands but he failed

“That would be a fat chance!” he laughed

“Quit playing Patrick,my wife is waiting” Xavier said calmly while sitting from afar and that’s when it dawned to Tyson

“Boss,ever seen a cat play with its prey before it ki||s it? I’m doing that!” he whined

“You’re a god d@mn human not a pussycat!” he groaned

“Xavier! Hey man let’s talk about this like adults you don’t have to do this I’ll do anything!” Tyson begged with a hint of desperation

“I h@ťě the word ‘sorry’ ,ki|| this dog” Xavier rolled his eyes and rested his leg on top of the other

“Your wish is my command sir” he took out a gun and pointed it towards him

Tyson sobbed and shut his eyes tight.

One second…

Two seconds….

Three seconds….

Nothing happened and when he opened his eyes Patrick pulled the trigger but nothing happened

“Ooops! My bullets seem to be missing,where the hell are those bullets! Bullets where are you! Just kidding” he took out bullets with Tyson’s name engraved to each one of them

“Please!” Tyson wept with wet cheeks

“Before I ki|| you,look into that camera and confess everything you did and I’m going to make this easier for you and less painful”

Tyson turned his head to the camera and Patrick brought it closer to him

“Go on” Patrick pressed ‘start’

“I…I … I’m sorry Milly I love you so much…I love—”

“Bullshit!” Xavier scoffed and stood up and walked towards him slowly “Go on, don’t stop on my account”

“Millicent, I’m sorry for everything, I’m sorry for hurting you, beating you up like a punching bag…I…I didn’t know what I was doing or what got into me I’m sorry please forgive me”, he cried and Patrick chuckled painfully with a lump stuck in his throat

He wanted to torture this man so much for hurting his beloved.

“You hit my sister with those filthy hands!” Xavier shot both of his arms and Tyson screamed in pain “You f-__-kin tried to rape my woman!” he shot at his manhood and he hallowed in pain and tried to free himself but it was all in vain

His blood stained his shirt and trouser and he cried because of the excruciating pain he felt

“I h@ťě you so much! How dare you touch what’s mine! My woman” Patrick sent one bullet to his head and the remaining to his chest and that was the end of him

Patrick laughed suddenly and grinned “That felt good”

“Are you sure you alright?” Xavier looked at him weirdly

“Never felt any better” he grinned “Ohh and about the ‘what’s mine and my woman’ part I just wanted to make it more dramatic like you” he cleared his throat “You know, besides Milly is not even my type” he scratched the back of his neck nervously

Xavier scoffed and went out and Patrick looked at Tyson’s bloody body and chuckled

“Patrick!” Xavier shouted his name

“Coming boss!” he ran out but came back after a while panting and shot Tyson one last time “That’s for f-__-king my wife” he said and ran out again



“Coming!” Sofie said when she heard a knock on the door thinking it’s one of her hook up friends

She rushed to the door and when she stood there a lady with short maroon curly hair stood there

“Hi,can i help you?”

“Ohh hi, I’m Flora,I was asked to fetch Miss Catherine’s luggage”

“About time!” Sofie scoffed and let her in “Tessa! Bring Catherine’s clothes in the basement!” she shouted

“Yes ma’am!” Tessa shouted from the kitchen and she rushed to the basement to get them

After a while she came back with Anderson while dragging the suitcases and handed them to Flora

“Ohh Mr Anderson,I was informed to let you know that the partenity test will take place tomorrow” Flora said before dragging the luggage out

“Partenity test!?” Sofie shrieked and looked at him “You impregnated her!?” she exploded before running upstairs and Anderson ran after her

“Baby wait I can explain!” he whined chasing after her

★★★ ††† ★★★



*Seems like our Patrick isn’t so innocent after all???





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