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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 41 & 42
★. ★. ★. ★.

(I’m seriously losing on the competition please don’t ignore I need your help,go to the post below this one and click on the link,look for where I’m mentioned in the comment section by novel writer and like the comment, I’m not asking for much please ???, I’m losing!)


“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lily,happy birthday to you!!” Everyone sang hovering over Millicent’s bed including Tyson and the workers

Millicent rubbed her eyes and opened her eyes and a big smile curved on her face as she saw Tyson holding a cake with candles and everyone smiling warmly at her

“Ohh you guys! Thank you so much!” she teared up and Mrs Xuan embraced her in a heart warming hug

“You’re welcome my Lily!” Mr Xuan gushed “Today is all about you my dear

“Your brother made breakfast today,only because of you” Tessa smiled at her

“Who?Andy?” She looked at him and he nodded while smiling

“Thank you so much brother!” she crawled to it and hugged his waist

“You’re most welcome pumpkin” He smiled at her

Xavier stepped outside the room to answer his phone that has been vibrating for long

“Boss” Sierra said on the phone

“Any news? Where’s Matthew?” He moved to a more private area

“He went out with the boys to check out the location of her whereabouts,and he told me to let you know that he found her”

“Good,make sure you don’t lose her! That woman has bitten off more than she can chew” he clenched his jaw

“Yes boss” she said and he hung up and went downstairs

Everyone came downstairs after a while,the workers went to their duties and the rest of the family went to the dining hall to have breakfast.

“Wow this is lovely” Millicent giggled as she saw all the mouthwatering food on the table

“All for you ” Anderson said and chuckled

Xavier silently took his seat and pressed his phone with a frown plastered on his face

“Enioy!” Mrs Xuan smiled and dished up for herself and Mr Xuan

Miriam glanced from each family member thinking someone will rant over why she’s here but surprisingly they acted like she was not even there .

Catherine dished for herself and Anderson and kept stealing glances at Xavier who kept furrowing his brows and frowning from time to time.

“So what are your plans for the day?” Anderson looked at Millicent

“Ohh,Tyson and I are going out all day” she blushed “He’s taking me out on a date”

“Ohh wow but please make sure you spare some of your time to spend with your mother” Mrs Xuan said sternly

“Of course mom! You know I love spending time with you especially on this day because you spoil me too much!” she winked at Mrs Xuan

“Excuse me everyone” Tessa’s tiny voice spoke from the door and everyone turned to her “Mr Xavier someone is here to see you sir”

“Let him in” Xavier said and she bowed before leaving

Patrick showed up after a while holding a present

“Good morning everyone!” He grinned

“Patrick what a lovely surprise!” Mrs Xuan beamed and he rushed to her side

“My beautiful lady,how are you my love?” He kissed her palm and she giggled

“I warned you to stop touching my wife like that!” Mr Xuan slapped his hand off and frowned at him

Everyone laughed at their little act except Xavier who simply rolled his eyes and Mr Xuan who was frowning

“I missed you too dad,stop frowning like that you’ll get wrinkles and my beautiful damsel here will surely leave you for me” he pouted angering Mr Xuan more

“You! How dare—”

“Patrick what brings you here?” Xavier asked cutting off Mr Xuan who was about to rant nonstop

“Ohh yes! ” He turned to Millicent “Happy birthday Lily” he handed her the gift

“Thank you Patrick” she smiled sweetly at him

“My pleasure” He winked at her and his smirk quickly disappeared when he saw how Tyson glared at him

Xavier suddenly stood up and looked at Patrick “You coming or not ?”

“But you haven’t even touched your food!” Mrs Xuan looked at him

“I’m not hungry” he said bluntly and left

“Excuse me family,I have to go” he bowed slightly and rushed after Xavier

“I don’t know what really goes on in that head of that boy” Mr Xuan muttered and shoved bacon in his wife while his wife glared daggers at him


“Sir are you alright?” Patrick looked at him

“Just drive Patrick,or you want me to get out and use my car?” He arched his brow at him

“No, I’m sorry” he started the car and drove out

Their ride was silent till they got to PAC BUILDINGS.

Xavier got of the car as soon as it came to a halt and left Patrick there to park it.

He walked elegantly into the building and all eyes fell on him as usual.

“Good morning sir—”

“Follow me” he cut Kim off and she quickly nodded and followed him

Whispers filled the reception area as they wondered why he called her

?Is he going to fire her?”

?Maybe they are secret lovers?”

?She obviously did something that girl is always clumsy and careless!”

When they got to his office he gave her a seat and gave her his laptop and she stared at it blankly

“…Sir I don’t understand?”

“Look for pretty gifts I can get for someone, she’s a female like you but younger,make sure she likes them” he took off his jacket and sat down

“O..Okay” she glanced at him then the laptop and began typing

Xavier took his other laptop and set to work



Catherine was currently sitting in the garden silently lost in her own thoughts.

She thought about what occured last night.All this while she didn’t even realise she’s late until last night,was she pregnant?

She palmed herself when she thought about it and cursed herself inwardly for being so reckless,both men slept with her without protection and she knew she was in deep waters if she’s really pregnant.

“Oh god I hope I’m wrong!” she groaned

“Hey!” Millicent spoke behind her

“Hey! Come sit ” Catherine smiled and her and she nodded before sitting next to her

“I just wanted to tell you that I’m going” she said softly

“Ohh enjoy! And you look lovely in that dress” she gushed

“Thank you!” she giggled and hugged her lightly “Bye!” she rushed off

“Bye!” she waved and waited till she was sure that Millicent had left she quickly grabbed her phone and dialled some numbers

“Hey Leroy!” she spoke as soon as that person answered

“Ohh hey darling!” He spoke

“She’s gone,can you come over now?” she bit her lip

“Of course darling! I’ll be there in a jiffy! Just send the address”

“Okay bye!” she hung up and immediately sent the address “Party time!” she giggled and texted Sofie to come over before going back in the house



The mansion was decorated lovely in and out and everyone was getting ready in their rooms before Millicent arrives.

Catherine stood in front of the mirror struggling with the zipper on her back and she groaned in frustration and shut her eyes.

Cold fingertips got in contact with her bare back and she opened her eyes to see Xavier standing behind her and he slowly zip it up.

“H..Hi” She said breathlessly staring at him through the mirror
and his image quickly changed to that of Anderson

“Done” he smiled at her through the mirror

Catherine furrowed her brows in confusion and turned to him.

“What? You wanna kiss me?” He smirked

“Don’t be silly” she walked away from his side “Get changed I want everything to be perfect when she gets here” she wore her earrings

“You look segzy!” He winked and she glared at him “And beautiful too” he added and chuckled afterwards

“See you downstairs I need to check if the guests are here” she left him there and went downstairs

As soon as her heels made contact with the stairs they made a clicking sound and all eyes of the guests looked up

She was wearing a gold gown with glitter that hugged her body like a glove exposing her figure,she was not wearing her glasses as usual and her hair was straightened and let loose,it was much longer now reaching her mid thigh.If there was anything she loved about herself the most,it definitely was her hair.

All guests smiled adoringly at her and some complimented her of how pretty she looked.

She searched for Sofie and found her ordering the maids around

“Don’t spill that juice! You serve the guests well and on time!” Sofie barked at the maids

“Hey!” Catherine said behind her and she turned swiftly

“Ohh honey you look breathtaking” Sofie hugged her

“Not as much as you” she laughed

Sofie was wearing a tight black gown that was transparent and almost every part of her was exposed.

Mr and Mrs Xuan came downstairs afterwards dressed elegantly and Anderson followed soon after too all dressed up.

They greeted the guests and walked over to where Catherine was standing.

“How far are they?” Mr Xuan looked at her

“They’re almost here dad”

“Anderson where’s your brother?” Mrs Xuan looked at him

“No idea—”

“They’re here! Everyone get ready” they all gathered around closer to the door ready to surprise her

Tyson guided her in blindfolded and he stopped her as soon as they were in the house

“Ready?” He smiled and took off her blindfold

“Surprise!” Everyone chorused and she screamed

“Ohh my word! You guys!!!” she cried and Catherine rushed to hug her

“It’s okay! It’s your day,stop crying and let’s enjoy the party” she whispered soothingly in her ear

“Thank you sis” she smiled and they let go of each other “Thank you so much for this guys! I really appreciate it,and please enjoy! It’s my B day!!!” everyone clapped joyfully and music played in the background.

The party continued till the evening and nobody seemed to be ready to go home.

Millicent and Tyson were already wasted while Catherine kept herself sober just to make sure nothing goes wrong and Sofie kept practising on how to expose her dear friend.

Mr and Mrs Xuan kept dancing from time to time,while Grandpa Paul and grandma Daisy who arrived an hour ago chatted happily with the guests and there was still no sign of Xavier.

Anderson felt uneasy with Miriam and Sofie’s eyes on him and he joined the crowd that was on the dancefloor to reduce tension.

Catherine walked to the kitchen to check how things are there and Tyson spotted her and followed her.

No one was in the kitchen when she got there and she took a glass and poured herself some water,Tyson stood at the door watching her lustfully.


Mr Xuan excused himself soon after to ease himself and Miriam saw him going upstairs and followed soon after.

Mrs Xuan saw them but she brushed the silly thoughts she had and danced with one of the guests.


Tyson sneaked behind her not wanting to make noise and he failed since he was drunk and she turned to see him smirking at her.

“Ohh he—”

He cut her off by grabbing her waist and tried to kiss her but she pushed him

“Stop!! What are you doing!??” they kept struggling with each other and she missed a step and they went crashing on the floor

He used it as an advantage and ripped off her gown exposing her chest and he held her hands tight above her head and kissed her neck forcefully

“Stop please!” she cried and tried struggling to get off his grip but it was all in vain

“I got you now princess! ” He laughed “I’m gonna f-__-k you so hard you’ll barely walk out of here!” He bit on her lip and kissed her roughly


Mr Xuan was washing his hands when he felt hands wrap around him and he turned to see Miriam smiling seductively at him

“Miriam what are you doing here!?” He shouted

“To see you, Maxwell don’t tell me you don’t miss me too? Please don’t push me away it’s me,your love!” she slowly walked towards him and wrapped her hands around his neck and saw the lust and need visible in his eyes and she knew she got him,she kissed his lips and he kissed her back after a while

The bathroom door burst open and an angry wife stood at the entrance fuming,they quickly separated and Mr Xuan watched his wife in horror

“Oops…” Miriam chuckled


Tyson was about to rip her gown further more with his teeth when suddenly he got smashed with a glass and he got thrown across the room.

Catherine saw a blurry image of Xavier since her eyes where clouded with tears

“Mi amor” He picked her up worriedly

“He…He” she struggled with her words trembling in fear

“Shh it’s okay, I’m here now” He took off his jacket and covered her chest with it “Stay here” He marched to Tyson who was struggling to get up and Catherine ran after him

“Xavier stop! Please” she shouted but he ignored and grabbed Tyson with his neck and pushed him out of the kitchen in such a force that he collided with a vase at the corner and guests turned to the scene as soon as they heard a shutter sound.

Xavier took out his gun and pointed it at him,everyone watched in horror and some gasped out,the music stopped and everyone listened to Catherine screaming and begging Xavier to calm down

“Nobody touches what’s mine! That is my woman! Mine!!!” He growled Burning in anger

Time paused as soon as he said that and everyone turned to Catherine for answers

“What do you mean by your woman?” Anderson stepped out of the crowd and glared daggers at Xavier


“How dare you! In my house!??” Mrs Xuan angrily marched towards them and they stepped back

“How dare you!” She slapped Miriam hard across the face

“You slapped me! You slapped ME!!!” Miriam fumed holding her cheek and she angrily slapped her back,hard

Mrs Xuan was about to pounce on her but Mr Xuan held her

“Go!” He shouted at Miriam and she took on her heels

“Let me go you cheater!” she pushed him off and ran after Miriam with Mr Xuan running after both of them “Come back here you slut!!” Mrs Xuan shouted

Miriam stopped by the stairs and looked at her “Do.. Don’t come any closer”

“You dare mess with my family?” Mrs Xuan walked towards her

“I said…ahhhh!” she missed a step and fell off the stairs

The guests that heard her scream looked up and saw her body rolling down on the stairs and Mrs Xuan standing at the top

?She pushed her!!!”


Miriam’s body rolled off the last stair and fell on the floor in a thud and everyone gasped in shock including Grandpa Paul and his wife

“Ivy!! What have you done!!!!?” Mr Xuan shouted


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

(I’m seriously losing on the competition please don’t ignore I need your help,go to the post below this one and click on the link,look for where I’m mentioned in the comment section by novel writer and like the comment, I’m not asking for much please ???, I’m losing!)

*I dozed off while typing last night I’m sorry you all? I was really tired??

Please check the comment section afterwards ? and don’t forget to comment!






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