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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?

✓NB:? ✓NB:? ✓NB:? ✓NB:?

★. ★. ★. ★.



The sun rays hit the room and birds chirped outside.Xavier was awake at that moment staring at the damsel before him.

Catherine sighed out softly as her eyes flattered open and shut them back again while groaning because of the ruthless sun rays piercing into her brown orbs without a caution

“Arghh…” She groaned and rubbed her eyes

“Good morning Mi amor” She heard a rough yet gentle voice mutter and she opened her eyes to take a look

“Holy…gosh!” She gasped and that’s when it dawned to her that she was in bed with a stranger!

“Suprised? You didn’t seem to care about anything or the outcome at least last night” he said and chuckled

“Don’t tell me..” she look under the grey duvet and found herself stark naked and the memories of last night started flooding in

?“Yes! Please don’t stop!”

?“right there right theeere!!”

?“Mi amor look at me,ahh yes”

“Are you okay?” Xavier interrupted her flashbacks and she snapped out of it and shook her head vigorously

“What have I done?! I’m so dead! i’m so dead!” she repeated and picked up his shirt laying carelessly on the nightstand and wore it

Xavier watched her in silence as she paced back and forth searching for her clothes and picking them up one by one and rushed into the bathroom but not without shutting and looking the door

Catherine came back after a while intending to look for her glasses and found him all dressed up except for his upper body.Her cheeks reddened as soon as she saw his broad chest and abs

“Can I get my shirt back now?” he arched his brow

“H..Here” she handed it to him without looking his way and he chuckled and wore it

“Looking for this?” he smirked at her waving her glasses at her and she looked at him

“Thanks” She snatched them from him and he caught her hand and pulled him to him

“Don’t treat me like a stranger Mi amor..I owned you last night,we shared a passionate night together” he said huskily staring at her

“No! That’s not it we made a mistake,we had a one night stand which is the worst mistake i’ve ever made!” she said without looking at him

Xavier chuckled as her words struck a nerve in him,in a painful way which was something he thought he’d never experience in his life

“Why?” He tightened his grip on her

“let go hurts” she winced

“Why??” His voice got deeper which was scaring her

“aww! If you do not let go I will scream and cause a scene!” she shouted

“Why!” he growled

“Because I’m engaged!”

“What?” He frowned

“Yes I’m engaged! And soon to be married!” She showed him her left hand and pushed him off afterwards and ran out

Xavier stumbled back till he hit the mini table near the window

“How come I didn’t…I didn’t see it..” he questioned himself and roughed his hair

“f-__-k!” he groaned and shut his eyes



Sofie paced back and forth with her phone placed on her ear

“Come on Cath..answer your phone where are you ….argh voicemail!” she hung up and sat on the sofa and threw her phone next to her

“? ” her phone rang and she picked it up


“Hey Sofie..are you with Cathy right now? She’s not answering her phone and I need to talk to her about something” Anderson, Catherine’s fiancé spoke

“Hey! Umm she.. she’s not with me …she” she stuttered not knowing what to say

“She what? Sofia what’s going on?? Is she okay?” he panicked

“No no no! She’s okay we just went out last night and came back in the morning, she’s probably tired by now …she drank …you know..” she chuckled nervously

“ I get it ..okay I’ll.. call her back later then”

“Yeah..bye!” she hung up and breathed out “that was close..I better go to her now and see if she’s home” she stoop up and went to get her bag and left



Catherine sniffled in her tears as she covered up the hickeys on her neck with a concealer

“Rina! I’m heading to work!” Becky, Catherine’s aunt shouted from downstairs

“Bye aunt!” she shouted back and wiped off her tears and sighed as she heard the front door close

She stood up and went out of her room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.


She was sitting on the counter sipping her tea as she heard the opening of the door and she went to check

“Sofie? What are you doing here?” she stared at her best friend who was closing the door

“Is that all you can say after you disappeared on me?!” Sofie frowned

“As you can see I’m fine” she said nonchalantly and looked away

“What’s going on Cath? You …”

“No! Nothing is okay and it’s all your fault!” she snapped out pointing at Sofie

“what are you…”

“Just leave Sofia” she interrupted


“Leave Sofia! Leave!” she shouted and dragged Sofia out of the house and shut the door “leave!!!” she fell on the floor and wept

?“Mi amor I’m going to rip you apart”

?“Ahh! Yes! Don’t stop! Yes right there!!”


?“Com for me Amor”

?“Ohh my god!! Awww god!”

“Get out of my head!! Leave!!” she held her head as she wept on the floor



Xavier sighed staring into space while roughening his hair

Patrick knocked slightly and got into his office

“Sir,the paperwork for the MUZ HOLDINGS just arrived and I need your signature” he placed the paperwork on the table

“Patrick,how do you explain a heartbreak or rejection rather? How does it feels like?” he turned to look at Patrick

“Well sir.. i’ve never experienced that …you see I was a charmer back in high school and all the girls loved me” Patrick grinned proudly and adjusted his glasses

Xavier rolled his eyes sighed

“Besides,sir you are very irresistible, to the ladies of it’s impossible for any lady to reject you” he continued

“Wh@ťěver..” he picked up his pen and signed the papers and handed them to Patrick afterwards

“Thank you sir” he bowed and left

“Irresistible huh” he chuckled and twirled his chair



“Ohh yes! Yes! Just like that ohhhh!!” A woman m*aned uncontrollably as her lover f_cked the life out if her in a hotel room

The room reeked of smoke of cigarette the their clothes and sheets were scattered all over the place,her pant hanging over the lamp on the nightstand

“I love this p@zzy!! Yes you Ɓîtçh m*an for daddy!!” he th-ru_sted in and out with so much force that her inside were burning

“Daddy!! My daddy yes yes yes!!!” she spread her legs wide for him as he held them and th-ru_sted her deeper and she felt a knot in her abdomen

He lifted one of her legs in the air and increased his pace.Both their m*and echoed all over the room and was interrupted by the ringing phone and he pulled out of her and answered it

“Babe” a feminine voice spoke into the phone

“My angel,are you okay?” he responded and looked at the other woman laying on the bed looking at him with an annoyed expression

“Yes.. but I wanted to talk to you,can you come over? Please..”

“Okay .. I’m on my way,bye” he hung up and picked up his clothes and wore them

“Don’t tell me that you’re leaving me like this!” the woman got up and walked up to him

“Not now, we’ve talked about this” he groaned and took his car keys and phone

“But…at least let me kiss and hug you” she whined

“Fine!” He walked up to her and hugged her and she tightened the hug before letting go and pecked his cheek

“Bye loverboy” she winked

He mentally rolled his eyes and left

“Now what can I do about this s*xual frustrations” she groaned and threw herself on the bed



“l’m coming!” Catherine rushed downstairs to open the door for whoever was knocking

“Hey!” Anderson spoke up as soon as she opened the door

“Honey! Come in” she blushed and opened the door wide for him and he walked in with a smile

“You okay? I tried to call you earlier but you were not picking up” he turned to her

She closed the door and played with her fingers

“i’m sorry..” she said with a face full of guilt

“hey what’s wrong?” he walked up to her

“I…” she looked at him “Last night…I..we.. Anderson what is that?”

“What is what..?” he arched his brow

“That..on your that… Lipstick!?”

“What!” he touched his collar with bulged out eyes


★★★ †††† ★★★



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