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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 33 & 34
★. ★. ★. ★.

(Have reposted this chapter for the sake of those who didn’t read it and also for the new followers since many of y’all have Inboxed me regarding that issue,kindly click on the like button even if you have read it?? you don’t have to comment again it’s fine)


Xavier walked into the training grounds with a grumpy face, everyone stopped training and bowed in respect.

Matthew,his second in command walked up to him.

“Boss , it’s good to see you again after so long” he smiled

“Good to be back” he simply said and picked up a long sharp blade on the floor “Any news about her whereabouts?” He took a bandage in the first aid kit that was on the ground and bandaged his hands

“Not yet boss,the boys have their ears on the ground and we’ve sent some spies out there” he explained

Xavier nodded and grabbed another blade on the ground and threw at Matthew who caught it in a swift.

Matthew chuckled and got ready for battle,everyone gathered around walked closer to watch the boss have a friendly battle with Matthew.

Xavier launched at him and Matthew blocked his blade with his and moved two steps back

They both went back and forth missing and blocking each other with the blades. Matthew finally got an opportunity and aimed for Xavier’s arm but he quickly shifted but the blade cut his cheek which bled out immediately.

“You’ve gotten quite fast” Xavier chuckled

“They say practice make perfect” He laughed

Xavier moved quickly and aimed for his leg and Matthew blocked it and Xavier aimed for his shoulder next and managed to cut through it and he hissed

Matthew quickly swayed his blade at him but Xavier blocked it once more and kicked him back and he landed on the ground,the blade got out of his grip and fell a bit far from him.

“but not fast enough…” Xavier smirked at him and gave him a hand

Everyone clapped for the boss and whistled.A girl with curly hair ran to them.

“Let me help you,clean up that” she smiled at him in a flirty way

Both Xavier and Matthew turned to her and Matthew rolled his eyes

“Ohh Sierra,why am I not surprised..” Matthew frowned

Sierra glared at him and took some wipes from the bag on the floor and reached for Xavier’s cheek to clean it but he grabbed her hand firmly.

“Did I call for your help?” his eyes darkened

“No but—”

“Get lost!” He pushed her hard and she fell on her butt and he left her there

“Fat chance you’re gonna get him” Matthew said laughing at her and so was everybody around

Sierra bit her lower lip in embarrassment and tears prickled in her eyes.



Millicent was coming out of the bathroom when she bumped into Tyson.

She ignored him and walked away but he pulled her back.

“Let go of me” she said lowly while staring at his hand on hers

He let go of her and muttered a sorry

“I thought we left the past behind us” he looked at her

“Then you must be stupid to think that” she frowned

“But yesterday—”

“I was just in a state! Besides I wanted to put up a show so no one gets to know what’s happening between us,my brother will ki|| you if he finds out and I don’t want that”

“Does that mean that you still love me?”

“That’s not the reason why I did it, I’m just not heartless like you and just so you know…If you ever touch me again I will spill everything without batting an eye trust me on that” she looked at him in the eye when she said that

He suddenly went on his knees and held her hands

“Please forgive me Baby,I didn’t know that you were pregnant…I was overwhelmed by emotions!” He sobbed “I’ll change, I’ll be a better man for me…I love you so much! Just give me one more chance”

Millicent looked at him then looked away.

“Milly please! I’ll do anything, please forgive me Baby,I love you and I just don’t wanna lose you I was so scared I …I … please” He cried out

“Okay okay stop!” she pulled her hands from his grip

“Really baby! You forgive me?” He looked up at her

“No I’ll think about it,now get up” she smiled a little

“Ohhh thank you so much Baby!” He hugged her waist happily and she smiled “I love you so much!” He cried

“Okay now get up and show me how sorry you’re ” she pushed him off her and he grinned at her


Mrs Xuan and Catherine laughed at what Catherine had said.It was already late in the afternoon and they were about to prepare dinner together again.

“You should’ve seen his face when he realised that Lily had seen his little butt!” Mrs Xuan said and they bursted into another round of laughter

Anderson came in with Sofie trailing behind him,she forced him to take her with him and he had no choice but to give in because she thr_@tened him endlessly.

They went to the kitchen where the two ladies voices were coming from

“Ohh son! You’re back” Mrs Xuan beamed when she saw him

“Yes mother” he went to kiss her forehead then Catherine who turned to give him her cheek and he sighed before kissing it.

“Hi mom” Sofie said at the door and Catherine turned to see her best friend

“Ohh hello dear, you’re welcome” Mrs Xuan smiled at her

“Sofie! What are you doing here?” Catherine stood up and went to her and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug

“Ohh I met your husband .. at the mall” she looked at Anderson “and he offered to give me a lift because I wanted to see you” she said nervously

“Ohh okay,mom this is my best friend Sofie,Sofie this is Mrs Xuan.. Anderson’s mom” Catherine introduced them and they smiled at each other

“Well, I’ll leave you ladies to catch up then” Anderson said and went upstairs

“Come on,sit here” Catherine led her to the counter but she stopped

“Can I please use the bathroom first? I’m pressed?” she clamped her legs together

“Of course,just head upstairs ,ask Tessa to take you, she works here.. you’ll find her in the hallway I think”

“Okay thanks” she went upstairs

Soon after she left Mr Xuan entered the kitchen.

“Daughter in law” he looked at Catherine

“Good afternoon father” she smiled at him

“My love,can we talk… please?” He looked at Mrs Xuan

“Say wh@ťěver you want to say and leave afterwards” she turned her back on him

“I think I’ll excuse you to—”

“No it’s okay child,can we please talk in our room Ivy .. please”

Mrs Xuan sighed and put the knife on the counter before leaving the kitchen with him behind her.

Catherine sighed and continued peeling off the potatoes,her mind drifted off to Xavier and she wondered if he’s okay and where he could be

?He pinned her against the wall and stared into her eyes “Not my brother’s nor anyone else’s name is carved into that little heart of yours but only mine,only mine Mi amor! I own your heart,I dominate that little mind of yours!” He growled

“Has brother Xavier arrived yet?” Millicent said interrupting her thoughts and startling her “I’m sorry for startling you I just wanted to—” the front door slam shut interrupting what she wanted to say

They both looked at each other before running to see what was going on.

Xavier was about to walk upstairs when Millicent appeared in front of him

“Brother is everything…Ohh my god you’re hurt!” she turned his head to the side

“I’m fine Lily” he muttered

“No you’re not! I’ll get someone to clean you up,you know I’m scared of blood ewww!” she made a disgusted face

“Will you let me go now?” he sighed tiredly

“Yes but expect someone to help you with that ” she stepped aside and he nodded at her

“Thank you” he looked away and found Catherine staring at him and he just looked at her motionless before going upstairs


Sofie groaned when she couldn’t find the so-called Tessa anywhere.

She was so pressed that she hurried to the nearest room and quickly unlocked the door and ran straight to the bathroom to ease herself.

When she came back after a while she noticed a figure laying almost lifeless on the bed

“Hello? Miss are you okay?” she walked slowly towards the figure and it moved

Mirriam heard a voice and stirred up to see who was it

When the figure turned to her Sofie got the shock of her life when she saw her..

“Mom! What the hell are you doing here!?” she shouted with shock written all over


Xavier sat on the edge of his bed with his shirt off while puffing out smoke.

Music played in the room in a not so loud volume,it was one of Billie Eilish songs called ‘I love you’

The door creaked open and Catherine walked in and closed the door while holding the first aid kit box.

He turned to look at who it was and frowned when he saw who it was he scoffed and looked away.

“Get out” he grumpily said

“I didn’t want to show up here too,Millicent sent me here since Tessa and Hannah are busy” she walked up to him and placed the first aid kit box on the bed next to him “Please,let me do what I was sent here to do and I’ll leave afterwards”

He looked at her and said nothing.She put a chair in front of him and sat on it before taking the box.

“What happened?” she looked at him

“None of your business” he muttered

“Fair enough” she looked down and bit her lip

“Are you happy with him? As you’re with me?” he whispered in a cracked voice

She glanced at him once then looked away

“What is it? What’s wrong? Do I lack something? Answer me Catherine” He threw the cigarette on the floor

“Stop please I…”

“Answer me damnit it!” He shouted and she jumped up and the box fell on the floor

He suddenly pulled her up and dragged her to the door and she yanked herself from his grip

“Stop! Stop this it’s enough!” tears streamed down her face as she shouted “It hurts me too! As much as it hurts you! It haunts me everyday! I cannot think straight,I don’t even know what I want anymore! I loved Anderson with all that I have but you forced your way in I…I don’t know I don’t want this! I was not meant to fall in love with someone else we made vows with him but my heart betrays me everyday!” her voice shook as tears streamed down her wet face “I don’t want to,I want to h@ťě you—”

“Don’t you dare say it!” He pushed her against the wall and glared at her with reddened eyes “Don’t you dare Baby!” he said sternly in a rough voice

“I want to h@ťě you Xavier! I want to h@ťě you so much but I love you! And I don’t want to!” she blurted out in a cracking voice and time seemed like it stopped as soon as she said that.

The song came to an end and stopped like it was shocked too by what she just said,time paused as these two humans burning with love and desire held eyes bursting with emotions

Sam Smith’s song,fire on fire played next strengthening the love filled in the air of this room.

?My mother said I’m too romantic
She said, “You’re dancing in the movies.”?

Xavier’s eyes that held tears in it finally set them free as they fell down his cheeks and he laughed and grabbed her cheeks.

He leaned in closer and placed his lips on hers.

?I almost started to believe her
Then I saw you and I knew?

“Please don’t push me away Mi amor, don’t do that to me it hurts” he whispered and kissed her passionately pouring out all his emotions into the kiss

?Maybe it’s ’cause I got a little bit older
Maybe it’s all that I’ve been through
I’d like to think it’s how you lean on my shoulder?

?And how I see myself with you?

Catherine melted into the kiss and reciprocated it,she felt complete,safe but yet fear seemed to battle with the rest of her emotions.

Xavier pulled away and stared at this breathtaking little woman in front of him.

?I don’t say a word
But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know
There you go, saving me from out of the cold?

He smirked at her and she blushed and looked down,he lifted her chin up and claimed her lips again and they kissed hungrily burning with desire.

?Fire on fire, would normally ki|| us
With this much desire, together, we’re winners?

Xavier lifted her up and she crossed her fair legs around his waist,he walked to the bed while they kissed hungrily and threw her on the bed before hovering over her.

?They say that we’re out of control and some say we’re sinners
But don’t let them ruin our beautiful rhythms?

He pulled away and looked at her “Mi amor,if we do this one more time…we become one,and you’re mine,only mine Mera Piyar” he whispered huskily.

?’Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me
And look in my eye?

Catherine pulled him by his collar and slammed her lips on his and they kissed hungrily.

?You are perfection, my only direction
It’s fire on fire, mmm
It’s fire on fire?

She wanted to express her love just once, without fearing anything and it felt like heaven,she felt alive again and the feeling was priceless!

They say even fear bows down when love strikes and that’s how it was for her at that moment,just love and the forbidden attractions were quickly transformed into pure desire when they finally gave in to their attraction.

?You are perfection, my only direction?

?It’s fire on fire?


(Have reposted this chapter for the sake of those who didn’t read it and also for the new followers,kindly click on the like button even if you have read it?? you don’t have to comment again it’s fine)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


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