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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 35 & 36
★. ★. ★. ★.


Sofie shook her head in disbelief and looked at her mom.

“So you mean you’re carrying his child and yet he treats you this way!?”

Mirriam sighed and palmed herself

“We’ll get through it I promise,he.. he’s just doing all this so he doesn’t lose his wife! Besides she’s evil I’m sure she’s forcing him to treat me this way” she tried to sugarcoat the truth to assure her daughter

“Still! I think you should come home ,if he wants you and his child he’ll come to you to beg you to come back,come on mom at least think about the health of my little brother or sister!” Sofie held Mirriam’s hand

“No Sofie!” she yanked her hands from Sofie’s grip “I’m so close to winning Maxwell’s heart,I can’t give up now” she shook her head vigorously

“You’re unbelievable!” she hissed and stood up “Just don’t mess things up between Anderson and I” she pointed at her mother before snatching her bag and left afterwards


Catherine smiled in satisfaction as she blissfully make it to the door of her room,she rushed in immediately and shut the door afterwards then leaned against it and sighed in relief.

“Ma’am? Is everything okay?” Tessa stood there looking all neat in a maids uniform while looking at Catherine weirdly

“Yeah, yeah I’m okay” Catherine cleared her throat then stared at her ”Wha..What are you doing here so late anyway?”

“Ohh Mr Anderson asked me to get clean towels for him,he has been looking for you everywhere he’s very worried”

“Well I’m fine,you done now I guess?” she folded her arms beneath her Břě@šťs

“Umm yes” Tessa took the dirty towels “By the way your hair looks very messy,what really happen—” the rest of her words got stuck in her throat when she received a deadly glare from Catherine “Not my business, goodnight” she scurried away like she was being chased

Catherine sighed tiredly and went to run a bath for herself,she really needed it since she felt sticky.


Xavier walked down the hallway with his head glued to his phone while busy typing with a frown plastered on his face

His steps halted when he bumped into someone who happens to be none other than Anderson,he was looking all grumpy and mad at the same time.

“Brother” Xavier said calmly and his lips curved into an annoying smirk

“Don’t do that I h@ťě it,what I want from you is very clear and simple so don’t make this hard”

“And what could that be?”

“Don’t accept father’s offer,reject it because I deserve to be the president,not you” He poked his brother’s chest

Xavier’s eyes darkened as he watched his little brother poking him but he decided to remain calm in order to annoy him more

“I’ll give you that,but you see the offer is too good to resist…so ..nah I don’t think so”

“I wasn’t asking you! It was an order” He said boring his eyes into his brother’s

Xavier suddenly bursted in laughter and shook his head.

“Ohh my little brother never ceases to amaze me” he laughed more and left Anderson there fuming in anger.

When Xavier descended on the stairs Millicent rushed to him.

“Brother,have you seen Catherine?” she said in her usual soft voice

“No,why are you asking me and not her husband?”

“Ohh Andy has never seen her or anybody else, I’m worried about her.It’s unlike her to disappear just like that”

“Is dinner ready? I’m starving” He said

“Arghh really?” she threw her hands in air and looked at him “Since when do you care about food?”

He simply shrugged and left her there batting her lashes unbelievably


Catherine slipped her feet into her slippers and took her phone then went downstairs

When she got to the dining hall everyone was present,they all turned to look at her as soon as they saw her except Xavier

“G..Good evening everyone” she said nervously

“Hey come sit next to me!” Sofie pulled out a chair for her

Catherine muttered a ‘thank you’ before sitting next to her best friend

“You’re still here?” she whispered to Sofie and she nodded

“Your mother in law insisted I stay for dinner” she whispered back and Catherine chuckled

“I have something to tell you later on” she whispered and Sofie nodded before facing her food

“Daughter in law, where have you been? We looked everywhere for you” Mr Xuan said looking at her

“Ohh umm… I’m sorry …I was the library” she tucked her hair behind her ears nervously

“But we asked someone to check there and they didn’t find you” Mrs Xuan said

“I…I was at the back of the shelves, that’s why”

They mouthed an ‘O’ simultaneously and continued with their food silently.

Sofie kept stealing glances at Anderson and Xavier comparing who looked more handsome.

Anderson took hold of Catherine’s hand across the table and Xavier looked at their entwined hands then at Catherine who didn’t even look up.

That went on till everyone has had their dinner and Sofie and Catherine decided to do the dishes.

“So how is everything exactly around her?” Sofie glanced at Catherine once and looked back at the plate she was drying with a dishcloth

“Not quite well,mom and dad are not on good times because a lady suddenly showed up claiming to carry his child”

“What? That’s big!” she pretended not to know anything

“I know right! And Millicent…”

“Is Millicent that short bubbly girl?”

“Yeah she is,she had a fall that resulted her in losing a baby,awful” Catherine washed the cups

“Yeah it must really hurt to lose one” she held her tummy with one hand and rubbed it slowly

“I was thinking though,that since this house is all about fights and tension,I should do something,throw a party since I saw in one of the family photos that Millicent’s birthday is the day after tomorrow,no one has talked about it meaning they probably haven’t planned anything” she shrugged

“Not a bad idea” she chuckled and it’ll help ease off the tension.Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?” she looked at her best friend

“Promise me you won’t judge” Catherine looked at her with pleading

“I’m offended!” she placed her hand on her chest dramatically “You know I’m not like that” she rolled her eyes

“I know I know but this is big and beyond my control” she sighed

“Okay?” Sofie looked at her with keen

“When we went out that day and got drunk? I…I ended up sleeping with a stranger” she blurted out and bit her lip

“What!” Softie looked around to make sure no one was around “How!? And why didn’t you tell me ealier!”

“I was scared! I don’t know how it happened but it did!” she whined

“God! But isn’t it too late to tell Anderson!? Does he really have to know?” Sofie held her hands

“You don’t understand it’s too complicated! It wasn’t just any stranger Sofia!” she lowered her voice more

“Then who—”

“His brother, Xavier” she looked down

“OMG!! CATHER–” Catherine quickly covered her mouth

“Shhh! Do you want the whole world to know!?” Catherine frowned at her

“Sorry” she whispered

“I know I know it’s a mess!” she paced around the room “And now we can’t just stay away from each other,I think…I think I’ve fallen in love with him” she sobbed dramatically

Sofie gasped dramatically too and fanned herself “You little devil!!”

“You promised not to judge!” Catherine sobbed more

“I’m sorry honey it’s just that,two Ç0çƙs from the same blood almost everyday,What a life!” she said dreamily

“Sofia that’s not helping!” she groaned

“Sorry,but I’m sure we’ll get through this” she held her hands “Just act normal, let’s plan this party to distract you from everything else,after that we’ll figure out what to do”

“I do need a break after all, it’s not—”

“See? You’ll be fine just relax” Sofie pulled her into a hug

“Thank you Sofie” She smiled and hugged her tighter

Sofie’s phone suddenly rang and they let go of each other

“I’ll be right with you Cathy I just need to answer this phone” Sofie said rushing out to answer her phone

Catherine sighed and continued to do the dishes,she suddenly felt large hands hugging her from behind.

“How are you feeling now?” Xavier asked huskily

“Stop! We’re gonna get caught” she giggled and tried to push him off but he held her tighter

“Who said I care? Hmm?” He let go of her and spun her around “Take care of yourself when I’m not around to make sure of it” he kissed her forehead gently

“Okay” she nodded like a little child and pecked his lips but he deepened the kiss before pulling away , unknown to them someone was watching them

“Goodnight kitten” He winked at her and left

Catherine blushed and turned to the sink.

“Enjoy it while it lasts,the party will be the one to remember dear friend” Sofie smirked at her while peeking at her at the door



Jasmine knocked out the last guard,all thanks to the training she had been receiving here she has successfully gotten rid of all the guards.

She didn’t plan anything or study all the exits of this place but she was determined to get out of here and prayed her determination will get her through all this.

She ran to the large gates and opened them,the gates were really heavy and she had to use so much strength for it

She squeezed her little body through the open space and finally she breathed in fresh air of freedom!

She started running through the woods,her heart was thudding that you could swear the whole forest can hear it.

She ran! And ran and ran,so fast that her legs were barely touching the ground.It was as if she was flying!

She was tired but she had to run as far away as she can if she wanted to escape Rachel’s sharp claws

She breathed hard as she ran,her legs were getting tired but she still pushed herself,she was going to make it no matter what!


A guard walked in Rachel’s office and bowed

“Have you found her?” Rachel asked not looking at him while staring out of the window

“No ma’am, should we send a team to look for her?”

“Yes,and bring back her dead body” she turned to him “When you find her,ki|| her” she said motionless


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


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