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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 29 & 30
★. ★. ★. ★.


Mrs Hosten took the dirty dish and from the water and washed it with the sponge,even though it was clean she still ran the sponge all around it over and over again with her mind wondering over the hills,miles away.

Her hair that she always took good care of and made sure it stayed shiny and soft was now messy and as dry as a desert.

She hardly rested or eaten,her eyes were reddish and had dark spots under them.She had already lost some weight that her cheekbones were slightly visible.

“Mrs Hosten?” a young man spoke behind her and she turned to him slowly

“Yes? Martin what’s wrong? and how long have you been standing there?”

“I’ve been knocking for a while but you didn’t answer.Mom asked me to bring you some food” he placed the covered food on the table that was dirty

“T..Thank you but I’m okay” she turned back to the sink

He sighed and looked around the messy kitchen and walked up to her.

“Let me help you while you get some rest, when you wake up we will head to the station together and ask if they got any lead?” He suggested and prayed she agrees

She kept quiet and nodded her head slowly after a while.

She took the dried dishcloth on the counter and dried her hands before turning to him.

“Thank you son, you’re a lifesaver” she smiled a little before walking slowly as a snail dragging her slippers upstairs.

Martin smiled sadly and set to work.He was their neighbour and was once Jasmine’s best friend.Their friendship fell apart when Jasmine had a crush on him and told him, unfortunately that time he saw her only as a ‘friend’ and rejected her.

Things turned south between them since then until they completely drifted apart.

He still loved her and hoped she comes back home before her mother loses hope.



Jasmine paced back and forth fuming in anger and also she was shaking as a leaf right now.

They just got the news that Rachel decided to take the new members on a mission in a few minutes,out of the blue of course!

“Could you please sit down! I’m trying to think of any excuse we can come up with so you don’t go there!” Felicia snapped

“Arghhh! I h@ťě this!” she groaned and threw herself on the bed next to Felicia

“But the first day is not that bad,I don’t get why—”

The door suddenly opened and a head popped in,it was the same girl that Jasmine met first when she got here.

“It’s time,come on” she said and left after that

“I’ll take you there” Felicia said and Jasmine nodded “No need to take anything you’ll find everything you need there

They got up and left afterwards.

When they got there the rest of the girls were there,they were seven in total making them eight with Jasmine.

“What are you doing here, Felicia?” Rachel spoke behind them and they both turned to her

“I..I just wanted to help her with preparing for her first mission” she stuttered

“Fine wh@ťěver” she was about to leave when Jasmine pulled her back gently

“Miss Rachel ,I don’t think I’m ready for all this” she said softly

“Well then missy,you will have to be ready because you have no choice but to tag along” she smirked at Jasmine

“Actually I do”

“Ohh really??” she laughed

“Yes,I quit…I wanna go home!”

“No no no sweetheart,I gave you a chance before to either stay or change your mind and leave but you said it confidently,that you wanna stay.It’s too late to change your mind now” she held her chin up

“i don’t want—”

“Your mother’s life pumpkin, don’t push me” she smiled sweetly and pushed her aside and left them there to attend to the others.

“Jasmind I’m sorry I…”

Jasmine felt hot and cold at the same time,she felt scared and angry like she could just explode!

She trusted that woman blindly,how could she do that to her! She’s too young for all of this!



“Yes honey I’m pregnant,with your father’s child isn’t that great!??” Mirriam laughed

“M..My husband’s child??” Mrs Xuan couldn’t believe her ears and she turned to Mr Xuan who was already staring at her with guilt glowing in his eyes

Catherine couldn’t understand what was going on,who was this woman claiming to carry her father in law’s child?

Anderson looked away while Tyson was staring at his wife as pale as ever like he had seen a ghost!

Millicent didn’t pay attention to him as she boiled in anger because of what Mirriam had said

“Get out of my house woman! You’re a liar!!” Mr Xuan roared at her trying to defend himself

“Ohh my dear Maxwell,I told you that you weren’t gonna escape my clutches so easily without tasting my wrath didn’t I? You’ve been a bad boy” she smirked at him

Mrs Xuan was speechless and she went numb but Xavier held her and took her upstairs while trying to calm her down.

“Get out of my home!!! Out!!” Millicent was about to pounce on her but Catherine held her back “Brother get this woman out of our house!!” she cried

Anderson rushed to her and snatched her hand but she yanked it away and pointed at him.

“Don’t you ever touch me like that! If you still value your life, marriage and happiness young man!” she warned and snatched her suitcase and marched upstairs

Mr Xuan palmed himself in distress wondering how he got himself into this mess and now he was about to lose his wife for good!

“Brother why didn’t you get her to leave!!? What is wrong with you!!?” Millicent marched to her brother and held his collar “Did you see how it—”

Anderson yanked her hands off him and pushed her off and stormed out and Catherine ran after him.

Millicent ran to Tyson and threw herself on him,he hugged her tight and said soothing words to her to calm her down.

A beautiful night that turned into a family feud in just a blink of an eye.

Was this really what it means by sadness before happiness?

Was this really what goes on in every household behind closed doors?



Jasmine and the rest of the girls entered the club wearing skimpy dresses with wigs and lots of make-up.

She tried to keep her cool as she walked to the VIP room like she was instructed.They were sent to steal cards and money from all the richest men that were present in the club at that moment.

“I’m in” she whispered and the men on standby in the van outside heard her through the wireless micro device that was planted in her left ear

She got into the room and closed the door.

“Ohhh my,they sent you already! Come here baby!” a man old enough to be her father spoke excitedly behind her

She almost puked when she turned to take a clear view but she quickly masked her disgust with a petty smile

Beard all over the face,a protruding pot belly that the last buttons of the shirt was even open and the shirt had blurted out.

“Ohh daddy!” she giggled and rushed to him as part of the act

She threw herself on him and he caught her and slapped her a*s and she gasped and threw herself on the couch next to him.

“How about we start with a drink before getting down to business?” she winked at him in a flirty way

“Of course segzy dang!” He laughed and poured some champagne for the both of them and handed her drink to her.

“Cheers to a wonderful, blissful night” she said and they made a toast and laughed out loud before gulping down their drinks

‘Time for action and get this over and done with’ she thought and looked at him

“Daddy?” she said softly to get him to look at him

“segzy dang?” He cooed and she giggled

“Kneel before me ,I wanna show you something” she smirked at him and he immediately jumped up like a love sick puppy

He placed the glass on the table and knelt before her and she felt like bursting into laughter with how an old man like him can just obey her like that

She slipped off her heel and folded the leg with no heel on top of the other.

The old man laughed excitedly and watched how she poured the champagne on her thigh and the drops ran down her legs down to her toes.

He immediately got hold of her leg and sucked off her toes that had the champagne running between it and he licked up her leg.

He was too engrossed in what he was doing while she felt disgusted but faked a Mõ@ɲ anyway.

While doing that she took out a mini bottle from her bra and poured some drops into his drink and when she was done she pulled her leg from him.

“What happened now?” He frowned at her and got up

“No…Nothing I just—”

“Jasmine are you there!!” someone spoke the device “Jasmine is everything still okay!!!? Jasmine!!”

“Shut up” she gritted her teeth

“What? Are you talking to me!?” the old man frowned more as he asked that

“No no no I wasn’t talking to you I—”

“Then who were you talking to if not me..wait… a snitch!! Ahhh!!” he grabbed her neck as soon as realisation hit him and the discomfort in her eyes was too convincing

He growled and squeezed the life out of her.

“S..Stop! Arghhh!!!” she choked and tried to push him off and he let go and went to his jacket to take his gun

She quickly pulled out a pocket knife from her heel that was in there in case of emergencies like this.

He grabbed it from the jacket and turned to $h00t her when he suddenly felt something cold pierce into his chest.

He gasped and looked down and it dawned to him that the Ɓîtçh had stabbed him!

Jasmine gasped out loud and froze when she realised what she had done.

The knife went in much easier than expected! It sunk in fastly , gently and
softly when it pierced through his skin layers.

She stared at him struggling to breathe until he slumped back on the couch bleeding out

She just ki||ed someone! She was a murderer.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


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