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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 27 & 28
★. ★. ★. ★.


Catherine sobbed silently while hugging her knees in the bathtub,the water was cold already since she was sitting in it for over an hour.

“Cath.. You okay?” Anderson knocked gently on the door

She sniffed in and looked at the door

“I..I’m okay! I’m almost done,will be there in a moment”

“Okay, you’ll find me downstairs” he said and she heard his footsteps retreating back

She breathed out in relief and got out of the water,she wrapped herself with a towel and went to stand in front of the mirror

“Okay Catherine,no more acting weak! You’re married to Anderson he’s your husband.No more Xavier,wh@ťěver you have for him is over… Forget everything and move on” she stared at her reflection as she said those words



Xavier shook hands with some of the men who were present at the meeting before they left

“It was nice doing business with you,again Mr Xuan” Mr Stark shook his hand

“Likewise Mr Stark” He forced a smile “I’ll be in touch”

“Of course” he nodded and left with his PA

“Hey buddy!” someone said behind him and threw an arm over Xavier’s shoulder

“Get off Austin!” Xavier pushed his hand off

“Ohh come on why do you always have to be so grumpy!?”Austin whined like a little boy

“Hmmhgh” Someone cleared his throat behind them and turned to see Mr Xuan

“Mr Xuan” Austin smiled and him and they shook hands

“Austin, it’s nice to see you again…I was just nearby and decided check on my son” he looked at Xavier who stared at him nonchalantly

“Of course sir” he looked at Xavier “I’ll see you around pal” he said before leaving

“What are you doing here?” Xavier said sternly after Austin has left

“Son., can’t we talk somewhere private,your office would be much better” he looked around to see if there’s anyone prying in their business and luckily everyone seemed to be too engrossed in their work

Xavier said nothing and walked to his office and his father followed suit.

When they got there they both sat down and the atmosphere immediately turned tense.

“Son…” he began “I really h@ťě this tension between us—”

“And who’s fault is that?” Xavier chipped in

“I know it’s mine” he looked down sadly “But please hear me out! I didn’t mean to hurt you and your mother”

“You did! And you still continue to hurt her even now! What? You think I didn’t know about that wh-_-re!? You tore that family apart! Our family!” He growled

“I’ve put an end to it son believe me! I want to make things right,with you,your siblings and your mother.I want to make her happy and not hurt her anymore, please just find it in your heart to forgive your father and give me one more chance” he begged

Xavier clenched his jaw,his anger boiling like lava that he tried so hard not to release it because he knows this man right in front of him called his father will burn to ashes once he releases it all,all the anger he has been bottling inside.

“I want to see her smile again,I want to get embraced by the delightful smell of her freshly made pancakes everytime I open that door of our home” Tears streamed down Mr Xuan’s face.

He wished that his son could believe what he’s saying,deep down he felt guilty and he meant every single word.

Xavier relaxed a bit and closed his eyes and realised how much he missed that too.Game nights on Friday, family day every Sunday,his mother brightening the house with her smile and the warmth she gave their home,and now …after everything that happened all of that turned to memories, painful memories,they were only left with a cold house.

“I would really appreciate it if you ..join us for dinner tonight,I have an important announcement I want to make” Mr Xuan said softly

Xavier opened his eyes and looked at his father silently and he nodded after a while.

“T..Thank you” he chuckled and wiped off his tears and cleared his throat “I.. I’ll let you get back to work” he stood up and looked at his son once more before leaving

Xavier stared at the closed door for a while deep in thoughts before getting back to work



It has been two days since the boys of the black coven returned with Rachel.Jasmine told Rachel about attending school and Rachel promised her that she’ll also be going to school on monday like other kids and she couldn’t be happier.

She rolled over the bed smiling foolishly as she remembered what happened two days ago.


Jasmine yawned and turned to the other side when suddenly the door burst open and Felicia rushed in and ran to pull off the sheets off her.

“Get up get up! It’s the D day!” Felicia say joyfully

“Arghhh! What now!?” she groaned and got up

“The boys are coming back silly! And we’re going to have a feast, it’s PARTYY time!” Felicia screamed at the top of her voice and Jasmine had to cover her ears

“I didn’t know you can be this loud arghhh! And I thought you didn’t care about them” She rolled her eyes

“Of course I don’t,I only care about the party and having a great time.Now go and take a bath I’ll help you make the bed so we don’t be late ”

“Alright” she chuckled and went to take a bath and Felicia made the bed humming lovely and dancing

After a while Jasmine was done with everything and they stepped out.The bell rang notifying everyone that it was time to meet at the hall and they all went there.

When the two girls got there they took their seats while everyone else did the same.

“Tell me why exactly are we here again?” Jasmine whispered to Felicia who was constantly looking at the direction of the entrance.

“To welcome back the boys from their missions” she said without looking at her

“Arghh wh@ťěver” she folded her arms and frowned

Soon after boys started coming in and the girls couldn’t help but drool.The last ones came in with Rachel who went to the stage.

“Hello everyone, we’re here to celebrate a successful mission and to welcome the new recruits!” she shouted through the make and they all hailed in joy

“Now…I want us all to…” Rachel continued with her long space that Jasmine was not even paying attention to

She was capturing all the faces of the boys sitting across the room while they paid attention to what was being said by Rachel.

Her eyes moved from the ones at the front to the back and her eyes fell on one particular boy

He was frowning from time to time while constantly checking his watch.She loved how his blond hair fell on his face covering his eyes.

When he looked up and looked to the other side since he felt like he was being watched,his eyes fell on Jasmine who was staring at him

They held eyes and Jasmine loved the way he looked at her even though it sent chills down her spine,it was like he was looking into her soul.His emerald green eyes didn’t move from hers for a while until he winked at her and faced the front.

She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear and looked to her front but his image seemed to be all over her mind and one thing is for sure,she must get him to talk to her at all cost.

After the meeting was over,they were told to go and have breakfast before going to train.When everyone went out Jasmine searched for him but she couldn’t see him anywhere.

“Jasmine! Where are you going wait up! ” she heard Felicia shout behind her and she turned to go back for her but instead she bumped into a hard body and looked her balance

The stranger caught her and she opened her eyes to know who is her knight in shining armour and behold,it was him..the emerald green eyes boy.

He frowned at her for not trying to get up and relaxing like she weight like a feather.

“Get off me you’re heavy little girl” he said grumpily and she chuckled awkwardly but didn’t get up.

He rolled his eyes and let her fall to the floor with a thud and left.Everyone who passed by her laughed at her.

“Jasmine! What happened? Why are you on the floor,did you fall?” Felicia stood before her worriedly

“Uh huh,I fell…in love” she said dreamily

“What!” Felicia bursted into laughter


She laughed and went to sit in front of the mirror.

“You found your soulmate Jas,now it’s time for you to claim him” she said confidently and took a deep breath



Everyone was seated on the dining table except Catherine who asked to fetch Millicent by herself and they agreed to let her go.

Tyson had no idea that his wife was awake and that he was coming home.He made plans in his head about how to finish her off while he ate hungrily.

Mr Xuan cleared his throat and looked at everyone.

“I have an announcement to make,i wanted our daughters to return but they seem to have taken longer so I have run out of patience”

Everyone stopped eating and paid attention to what he wanted to say.

“Anderson, son I want to thank you for taking care of our family business all this while and giving it your level of best all these years” he said to Anderson who smiled at him

“Thank you father..” He said and Xavier kept quiet

“But in these years your brother laid a helping hand,like now that he is the acting president of our company since you were busy with your wedding preparations I now release him from those duties”

“Finally..” Xavier muttered calmly and sipped his wine but they all heard what he said

“During those times I realised that your brother is more capable of running the company that is why I’m making him, officially the president of our company and I’m officially stepping down, it’s time for me to retire” he dropped the bombshell and it was like time stopped since everyone had frozen because of his statement.

“What!?” Anderson,Tyson and Xavier asked simultaneously

Sounds of heels clicking on the floor echoed in the room as a lady stepped into the dining hall and all eyes turned to her except Xavier who thought maybe it’s Catherine

“Hello everyone, I’m sorry for barging in and ruining family time but I’ve been knocking for a while but no one answered the door so I let myself in” she said slowly yet charmingly

“W..What are you doing here?” Anderson asked in a panicked voice

“Mirriam! Wh..what do you want?” Mr Xuan stuttered

Xavier turned to look at her and found that it was the woman he h@ťěd the most.

“Get out of my house now!” Mrs Xuan stood up, boiling in anger

“Ohh dear Ivy,relax ” she stepped fully into the dining hall dragging her large suitcase

Millicent and Catherine arrived and went straight to the dining hall knowing that that’s where everyone would be

“Get out” Xavier said calmly staring at her

“Ohhh everyone is against me now,including you …sugar lips” she smirked at Xavier who clenched his jaw “But I don’t think that’s the right way to talk to a pregnant lady,carrying the new heir of the Xuan family” she broke the news and Mrs Xuan felt like exploding

“Pregnant?” Millicent asked from the door holding hands with Catherine

“Millicent?!?” Tyson stood up with his heart racing

What is he going to do!!??


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


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