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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 23 & 24
★. ★. ★. ★.


“Forgive me my love” he slowly approached her face slowly and suffocated her with the pillow.She kicked and tried to get it off her face but he applied more pressure to it.

The machine beeped while Millicent continued to kick out trying to fight for her life,Tyson quickly and took off the pillow and threw it under the bed.

He dashed out of the room and when he was out he walked down the hallway with his head bent and wore his hoodie with bits of sweat forming on his forehead,his heart thudded against his ribcage like a djembe drum that he heard it loudly pounding in his ears.

Nurses and two doctors rushed into her ward afterwards with Catherine and Anderson running after them.

Anderson tried to get in but they blocked him out and he threw a fit.

“That’s my sister! Let me in I want to know what’s going on!”

“I’m sorry sir but I can’t let you in” the male nurse standing at the door blocked his way in

“Do you know who I am!? I’ll burn this place down! Let me in!!” he thundered and tried to push the nurse out of the way but he stood his ground

“Anderson,stop it’s enough now” Catherine pulled him to sit on the bench

“What if something happens to my sister Cathy?” he sat down and palmed himself

“No, nothing will happen to her” she sat next to him trying not to worsen his state

Xavier got off his phonecall and went into the hospital when he bumped into a man wearing a hoodie

“Hey watch it!” he barked at the man who didn’t even bother to look back

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and went to Millicent’s ward.The doctors and nurses were coming out when he arrived.

“What’s going on? Anderson is everything okay?” Xavier stared at Anderson

He looked up at Xavier and then the doctor

“Everything is okay sir,we got everything under control and your sister is awake now.You may see her but one at a time and please take it easy with her she’s still vulnerable” she said and excused herself

Anderson looked at his brother who nodded in approval,he nodded back before going into the ward.

Xavier sighed and sat next to Catherine who held her breath praying that he does nothing to her but again she wished he could look her way so she can get lost in his enchanting orbs again.

“You still wearing my jacket,I thought your dear husband got you some clothes?” he said without looking at her

“He did,but I chose to wear it be.. because it’s much warmer than mine…not because it’s yours” she tried to sugarcoat the issue at hand

The truth was she loved his scent reeking from his jacket that she decided to wear it instead of hers.

“Can’t fool me” he chuckled and stood up and stood against the wall and leaned his head back with eyes closed.

She stole glances at him from time to time to try and memorise his features and she must admit,the creator took time to make this cold human.



“Hey,Lily” Anderson smiled and held his little sister’s hand

Millicent turned to look at her brother and smiled back “What are you doing here?”

“To check up on you obviously!” he chuckled “The doctor said you’re awake and we can come in to see you but I found you deep in sleep again”

“I was up moments ago but my eyes felt heavy, this medication is taking a toll on me.Where’s brother Cole? Didn’t he come to see me? Did he leave home again—”

“Hey,take it easy.He’s outside and he never left your sight for a minute” he said and she giggled

“C..Can I see him, please?” she pleaded

“You know sometimes I wonder if you love that brother of yours more than me” he feigned annoyance

“You know that’s not true Andy,brother Cole is never at home..and i want to spend time with him every chance I know I love you both the same” she said lowly playing with her fingers

“I’m just kidding” he smiled at her and stood up “I’ll call him in” he held Cher cheek gently and went out

“She wants to see you” Anderson said to Xavier as soon as he was out

“Okay..” he muttered and checked his phone

“Let’s get you home to rest” Anderson pulled Catherine up

Catherine tried to protest but he shut her up by pecking her lips.She looked at Xavier with stared back at her nonchalantly.

“You should rest too,brother.. I’ll take of our sister” Xavier muttered and went in

“Let’s go” he took her bag and they left


“My love” Xavier pecked his little sister’s forehead while she giggled foolishly

“I told you to call your girlfriend that,not me” she pouted and he chuckled and sat next to her

“How are you feeling?” he asked softly

“I..I lost my baby didn’t I? The doctor didn’t want to say anything but I know you will tell me the truth” tears glittered in her eyes

“I’m sorry Lily,but there was nothing that the doctors could’ve done…it was already too late when we got you to the hospital” he kissed the back of her hand

Millicent looked away and blinked to stop her tears from flowing and tried to swallow the lump in her throat but it felt impossible

“Who brought me here??” he go voice cracked proving that she was about to break down in tears

“Tyson,he said he found you unconscious and we immediately rushed you here” he said

Millicent turned to her brother,she wanted to break down and tell his brother anything but she knew if she does he won’t spare Tyson.No matter how much Tyson treats her badly,she loves him still!

“Lily,you know you can tell me anything right? What really happened? What is going on? Please tell me,and why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” he said with a hint of anger and she knew he was upset

“I’m sorry,I wanted to tell you first but—”

“Why me first and not Tyson? What’s going on between the two of you? Is he mishandling you?” he asked with a stern voice

The tears she tried so hard to stop from falling finally found their way out of her eyes and she felt stuck between a rock and a hard place

“Lily talk to me!” he shouted and she flinched “What did he do!?”



Anderson and Catherine arrived after a while and headed straight to their bedroom

“Don’t you think we should let mom and dad know that Millicent is awake?” Catherine asked as she changed into her nightdress

“Not now, we’ll tell them in the morning,you know mom would want to go there right away so I’m avoiding that” he wore his vest and sat on the bed

“You’re right” she tied her hair

“Uh huh,come here” he smirked sheepishly at her and motioned her to come closer

“ What are you planning Mr Xuan?” she giggled and catwalked towards him

“I’m make a baby with you,I think I’m ready to have a child.Are you ready to carry my seed in your womb Mrs Xuan?” he pulled her on top of him and she gasped

“A baby? Mr Xuan have you forgotten I have to get back to work soon,how can I work when—” he quickly placed a finger on her lips to shut her up

“You can sit at home,look pretty for me,and besides if you don’t carry my seed who will? If I don’t make you a mother who will? This temple of God,is mine..only mine to enter and feed my eyes with..” he trailed a finger on her exposed thigh and she got a sting of guilt when he said those words

“I..I have something to tell you” she got off him and sat next to him avoiding his gaze

“O..Kay, sounds serious” he looked at her

“On the night,the night where I went out with Sofie…i”

?“You always say this and try to push me away but your body reacts to my touch each time” he smirked at her

“You what?..” Anderson asked impatiently because she went mute suddenly

“I did something,it was..”

?“Tell me,tell me you don’t feel anything…tell me you don’t feel my presence” he whispered in her ear and she held her breath while he inhaled the sweet scent coming from her Curly long hair.

She shut her eyes trying to stop the sinful flashbacks from interrupting her confession but it seemed like the more she tried the more they pushed themselves into her head

?He took a clean knife on the counter and held it in front of her

?“Wh..what are you doing?” she trembled in fear

?“Look..” he brought it closer to her eyes “What do you see Mera piyar?” he asked huskily

?She slowly looked into the knife and saw her reflection

?“It’s you,magic” he whispered and leaned in and inhaled her scent “goodnight sweetheart” he smirked and left her there

“I made a terrible mistake,it wasn’t meant to…I didn’t mean it…I…”

His phone rang and and he quickly rejected the call

“I’m sorry about that my love,please continue…what is it that you did?” he held her hand and she stood up and went to stand at the window backing him

“Please know that it was a mistake…” tears prickled in her eyes “I never meant to hurt you and I know it will upset you and… I’m sorry…”

?“You feel that?” he took her hand and placed it on his left side right where his heart it and it was thudding against his broad chest and ribcage “Only you,can do that”

?“My brother can never ki|| me,or anyone for that matter..but I’m willing to die at your hands Mi amor,If you ever ask me to die for you I will accept it in a heartbeat ” he muttered and she looked up at him

Anderson’s phone rang again and he quickly checked the caller ID and when he did,he panicked

“My love,I have to take this, it’s really important… it’s one of our biggest client…maybe something is wrong at work” he rushed his words and went out of the room to answer the call

Catherine groaned,how can she let this man drive her this crazy! Why does he have so much control of her thoughts!

She felt like she’s going crazy and dug her fingers into her hair and roughened it carelessly


“I told you not to call me!” Anderson spoke harshly into the phone

“Why have you been ignoring my calls !??” the lady barked “I’m getting rid of my child you hear me! And just so you know I won’t let someone take what was meant to be mine! I will be there tomorrow morning and trust me on this I’m not playing!!!” she shouted and hung up

“What!!!? Don’t you dare woman! Hello!? Hello!!!” he looked at the screen and realised she hung up “d@mn it!!!” he kicked the air and roughened his hair


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


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