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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?


CHAPTER 21 & 22
★. ★. ★. ★.


The doctor approached the Xuan family and they all stood up immediately

“How is my daughter??” Mrs Xuan immediately asked hoping for good news that she had been praying for all day

“Fortunately your daughter is okay but we’ve sedated her so she can get some rest.We had run some tests to check if there are no complications and luckily there are none…” he said and lowered his gaze

“Why do I sense a but, what’s going on doc?” Xavier asked with a hint of concern

“The embryo.. couldn’t survive the injury …we did everything we could and unfortunately it didn’t make it…there are still chances that she can have kids in the future,please excuse me I have other patients to attend to..” he said and left

Mr Xuan slumped on the bench in shock and his wife sat next to him and hugged him

“It’s not the first or second time Eva,it will break her” he said in a low and cracked voice about to tear up

“I know dear,but we have to be strong for our daughter,she needs all the support she can get right now” she hugged him tight

“Where were you when all of this happened?” Xavier glared at Tyson who gulped down nothing

“And you mean to say that you had no idea she was pregnant!?” Anderson barked

“Guys! Please not now… let’s talk about this at home” Catherine stood in front of Tyson protectively and glared at the two brothers

Anderson said nothing and went to sit on a bench a bit far from them while Tyson went out silently.

Xavier went to stand outside the window of his sister’s ward and watched her.He loved his sister more than anything and he would die if anything was to happen to her,though he knew how much Tyson loves his sister he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he had something to do with this misfortune.

“Mom,dad I think you should go home and get some rest.We’ll keep you updated if something comes up” Catherine suggested and they nodded and got up

“Thank you dear,please don’t hesitate to call us if there’s any change” Mrs Xuan held her cheek gently and she nodded

“Drive safely” she muttered as she watched them leave

Catherine sighed and went to get coffee for Anderson and Xavier.It was getting more cold since it was getting more cloudy and windy outside.

When she got back Xavier was nowhere to be found and Anderson was still sitting on the same bench with his head resting on his knees and she approached him.

“Babe,I got you some” she said softly

“I don’t want it, I’m fine” he mumbled

“You haven’t had anything all day,please…have it”

“I said I want no d@mn coffee!” He thundered and stomped off

She sighed and sat down “I was just trying to help!” she groaned and rolled her eyes and sipped his coffee

After drinking it she left the one she got for Xavier on the bench and went to throw the empty cup.

She then went to stand at the window of Millicent’s ward.She watched as she breathed in and out and wondered how she must feel like right now and prayed she gets better,no woman wanted to go through what Millicent is going through right now.

She breathed out and rubbed her shoulders as the cold breeze penetrated into her skin.

Catherine stood there for a while and then decided to take a walk to find a warmer area.She passed few doors down the empty cold hallway when suddenly someone pulled her into an empty ward and shut the door.

She was about to scream but that person covered her mouth to keep her shut and he turned her to him and let go.

“You!..” she shouted in shock

“Me? What did I do, sweetheart?” Xavier smirked at her

“Why did you do that?” she frowned

“Here..” he took his jacket on the bed and handed it to her

“No I’m fine” she said stubbornly

“Okay..” he threw it on the floor and walked up to her

“W..What are you—” he suddenly grabbed her waist and yanked it towards him to get her closer

“Warming you up,since you don’t want to wear the jersey” he whispered huskily into her ear and sent shivers down her spine

“Stop! This is wrong!” she tried to push him but he held her tighter and slowly lifted her chin up to stare into her soul

“You always say this and try to push me away but your body reacts to my touch each time” he smirked at her

“I’ll wear the stupid jersey!” she picked it up and wore it “Can you leave me alone now!?” she barked

He laughed at how little she looked in the jersey.Catherine watched him laughing at her like she had grown two heads but she didn’t miss the fact that his laughter was melodious and his smile was curved perfectly on his face with those perfect set of teeth.

Her cheeks reddened and she tucked her hair behind her ears.

“Mi amor,I told you not to treat me like a stranger ” he held her cheek gently and stared at her

Catherine felt butterflies fluttering in her tummy and her heart raced as she stared at his beautiful blue eyes.

He suddenly lifted her and she gasped,he then placed her on the empty bed and zipped up the jacket and stared at her lips then slowly took off her glasses while he stood in between her legs.

“This is wrong, Anderson would ki|| us if he finds out ab..bout us” she avoided his gaze and he chuckled

“My brother can never ki|| me,or anyone for that matter..but I’m willing to die at your hands Mi amor,If you ever ask me to die for you I will accept it in a heartbeat ” he muttered and she looked up at him

“You feel that?” he took her hand and placed it on his left side right where his heart it and it was thudding against his broad chest and ribcage “Only you,can do that”

Xavier leaned in closer and slammed his lips on hers, Catherine melted instantly and gave in to this bad,bad man who was also her brother in law.She knew this was a sin, forbidden attraction that would backfire badly but she couldn’t fight off her emotions and cravings!

She felt like she was in cloud nine while she throbbed down there yearning for this bad man’s touch one more time.

Xavier knew he had her right where he wanted and got hold of her perfectly shaped small a*s and pulled her closer.He knew this was wrong but his heart wanted what it wanted and he had to get it or he would suffer alone,he wanted to taste the forbidden fruit one more time.

They kissed passionately forgetting everything and everybody else and lived in the moment until…

“Excuse me, I’m looking for my wife, she’s short with long curly hair, Catherine? She wears glasses,have you seen her somewhere?” Anderson said outside standing right at the door talking to a nurse

Catherine and Xavier immediately pulled away from each other and Catherine jumped off the bed in panic.

She went to stand at the door and peeked through the keyhole

“No sir I haven’t” she shook her head and left him there

Anderson groaned out and decided to call her, Catherine’s phone rang in her pocket and he heard it and hung up.

She panicked more and stepped back,he opened the door and looked inside…there stood his wife looking all pale as a ghost.

“My love,why are you here all alone?” he shut the door and walked up to her

“Huh??” she asked in confusion and looked around the room and Xavier was nowhere to be found,where did he disappear to?

“Are you okay? I’m sorry I snapped at you and left you but I went home to clear my head,check on mom and dad and get you some warm clothes” he placed the bag she didn’t notice he was carrying on the bed

“I’m okay, it’s all water under the bridge and th…thank you” she opened the bag with nervously with shaky hands

“Is that my brother’s?” he pointed at the jacket

She turned to him slowly

“Y..Yes he borrowed me be.. because I was feeling cold,before he left.I couldn’t leave Millicent alone..” she played with her fingers nervously

“He’s a lifesaver,I need to thank him for keeping my pumpkin warm for me” he smiled and hugged her tight

Catherine saw Xavier peeking while standing behind the curtain smirking at her and she shut her eyes and buried her face on his shoulder.



Jasmine threw herself on her bed and winced in pain as her whole legs throbbed and she was breathing heavily

“Not bad for your first day huh?” Felicia chuckled while leaning against the door

“This is hell!” She groaned out

“You’ll get used to it” She laughed and sat next to Jasmine

“When are we meeting the boys again?” she looked at Felicia

“Tomorrow morning,why? You searching for a boyfriend?” Felicia grinned

“Nah,I like hanging out with boys,girls are boring” she rolled her eyes

“Ahh! Are you saying I’m boring!?” Felicia gasped and held her chest dramatically

“Well if the shoe fits, Cinderella!” she chuckled and Felicia laughed and cleared her throat afterwards

“Do you really know the real reason you’re training this much?” she asked with a serious tone

“Not really,this is different from what I expected,why?”

“Well, we’re training to become assassins,We all come from different homes and backgrounds but we are one once we join the coven” she laid down and smiled

“If that’s…but I’ve never ki||ed anyone before!” she freaked out and stood up

“You’re funny you know,how were you gonna avenge your father if you’re scared of spilling blood?” She sat up and stared at her

“I…I guess I just—”

“Have to learn? Yeah that’s exactly why you’re training this much,we were all like you when we first came here.Soon enough you’re gonna love the smell of blood and ki|| mercilessly without batting an eye. Now come on, let’s go take a bath…have dinner and go to sleep,we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow” she stood up and went out

Jasmine stood there thinking about the mess she entangled herself in,was it too late to go back?




Tyson slowly tiptoed into his wife’s ward in order not to make any sound.

He stood next to her bed and watched her breathe softly.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry Lily…it was not my intention” he teared up “But I’m more scared of…of your brother,I know that you h@ťě me so much right now and will surely let everyone know the truth.That’s why I have no choice but to do this…”

He slowly pulled out one pillow under her and held it,he kissed her forehead gently with a tear slipping down his face.

“Forgive me my love” he slowly approached her face slowly and suffocated her with the pillow.She kicked and tried to get it off her face but he applied more pressure to it.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★



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