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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“So what you are saying now is that Joanna has been kidnapped and Pierce father is the one behind it?” Alice asked while Francis nodded.

“This is bad ” Alice muttered.

“He kept telling me to find a girl for him, a girl who look different. I never knew he was talking about Joanna and that he knew of her power” Pierce who had gone quiet after Francis finished his explanation earlier finally spoke.

“He knew Joanna’s mom and that is why he told me to bring her in exchange of Joanna” Francis said.

“Knowing aunt, she won’t hesitate in going if that will keep Joanna safe” Alice said.

“Which is why I called you both here. If I had gone straight to Joanna’s mom, she will choose to go to protect Joanna and that is what I don’t want. The both of them need to be safe and so we’ve got to come up with a plan before going to see Joanna’s mom” Francis said.

“Do you have some thing In mind?” Pierce asked and Francis nodded.

“Here is my plan……” Francis told them about his plan and they even chip in on it to make it better and when that was done, they all head to Joanna’s family home.

“Joanna told me once that you can read her thoughts no matter where she is? Have you done that?” Alice who was occupied the back seat of the car asked.

“I already did that but strangely I can’t hear a thing and it all started when your father shape shift into me ” Francis said.

“He shape shift into you?” Pierce who was driving asked.

“He did and ever since then, I can’t hear anyone thought not even the two of you as you are seated close to me” Francis admitted.

As soon as Pierce father had left the apartment, he tried reading Joanna’s thought but he didn’t hear a thing.

At first he thought she wasn’t thinking but when Alice and Pierce arrived and he couldn’t read their thought too, he knew some thing was wrong.

The car stop in front of Joanna’s house by nine in the night and though Gregory was surprised to see the three of them, he ushered them into the room.

“What brings you here? ” Jennifer who was dressed in her night gown asked even as she took her seat starring at Francis and Pierce.

“We came because of Joanna” Francis said even as Alice came back into the sitting room with a glass of water for everyone.

After serving her uncle, aunty and grandma. She went to seat beside Pierce.

“Joanna, What happen?” Gregory asked.

“She told me she was going to stay with you after the party” Jennifer said feeling a bit concerned by the look on Francis face.

“Why don’t you spill it out” Granny Grace said.

“Joanna has been kidnapped” Francis said and immediately the glass of water Jennifer held in her hand fell smashing into tiny pieces.

“Kidnapped? But how is that possible?” Jennifer asked looking agitated while Gregory held onto her.

“My father… My father did it” Pierce spoke up earning their attention.

“What do you mean by your father? ” Gregory asked.

“He is someone you know well ma’am” Pierce said starring at Jennifer.

“Are you…..are you Anthony’s son?” Jennifer asked

“Well some thing like it since I was adopted by him” Pierce replied.

“I thought Anthony left this place for good, how come he is still around?” Gregory asked.

“That’s because he kept a low profile for years and he finally open up about it” Francis said.

“What did he say when you saw him?” Granny Grace asked.

“He told me that he will only let Joanna go if you come to him” Francis said starring at Joanna’s mom.

“That mad man”Gregory muttered tightening his hold on his wife.

“If that is what he wants then I can go to him” Jennifer said.

“Say no such thing!” Gregory said which got her looking at her husband.

“But he….”

“You aren’t going to him and Joanna will come home safely” Gregory stated cutting her off abruptly.

“Father is right. You won’t be going to him and Joanna will come home safely cause we have a plan” Francis said.

“And it’s gonna work but before that, you need to tell us what went on between you and Anthony” Alice spoke up for the first time.

“It’s a long story” Jennifer said.

“A story which you must tell us, we’ve got to know about it” Francis said.

“It’s the only way to make our plan work” Pierce added even as Jennifer began to talk.

“Well Anthony had been studying in the same college as I back then. He was the only male friend I had and maybe that’s why I confided in him and told him about my powers and the kiss”

“I wanted him to help me find a good guy that I could share my kiss with but I didn’t know that he had other things in mind”

“I got my first kiss from him and he had claimed that that had been a mistake and the naive me had believed him but when he….when he manage to steal the second kiss from me, he made it clear that he wants to be my soul mate and I didn’t want that. I rejected him and stayed away and when his persistence got unbearable, I asked for help from Gregory here and while trying to get Anthony off my back. We ended up fallen for each other and I shared my three kisses with him ” Jennifer said letting out a sigh.

“After our marriage, I brought Jennifer here to live and since then we never heard a thing from him until today” Gregory finish for his wife.

“I can’t believe him! After stealing your first and second kiss, he do this to you? He’s such a creep” Alice said before her mind drifted off to Pierce who was seated beside her.

“The second kiss must have given him a power, What is it?” Granny Grace asked.

“Shape shifting” Francis replied.

“He shape shifted into a student got close to us and using that opportunity, he kidnapped Joanna” Francis added.

“That bastard” Gregory swore softly.

“What is this plan of yours? How do we get back my child?” Jennifer asked waiting for an explanation which he gave them.


“So you see, your mom and I have a long history and no matter what she will be mine as it is meant to be” Anthony said having explained to Joanna.

“Even knowing full well that she won’t love you and you won’t be her soul mate, you still want her ?” Joanna asked.

“Love? Who is talking about love here. I only want to have her and besides I don’t care about the soul mate thing. I have my powers thanks to the second kiss and I will have your mom with me”

“You are crazy if you think I will let you have your way” she said clenching her fist.

Pulling out of Linda’s hold, she ran towards him ready to use her fist on him but he caught her hand and held it back.

“One of the reason why I love my power is that I can shape shift and also earn that person power as long as I am that person” Anthony said and tightening his hold on Joanna’s hand he shape shift into her shocking Joanna and Linda who had stayed behind due to fear.

“Now that I am you and I posses your power for a while, you won’t be able to use your power” he said pushing Joanna who fell down hard on the floor.

Joanna couldn’t feel her power and that’s all due to Anthony who now posses her power thanks to him shape shifting into her……

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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