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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Did you notice that they are cute looking guys from the neighbouring school? I need to find a perfect guy and get him to kiss me” Alice said dreamily as they tour the camping grounds.

“I get the part about cute looking guys but then a kiss? Isn’t that too sudden?” Mirabel asked feeling confused but Joanna who understood what her cousin meant let out a slow smile.

“Let’s tour that part! I think more guys are there” Alice said running off while Mirabel followed suit

“Wait up guys…..” Joanna stop running when one of her shoe got off.

She was hopping back to it when a guy picked it up before she could.

“Oh, thank you” she said wanting to take the shoe from him but instead he got on his knees and help her put on the shoe.

“Thank you” Joanna said even as the guy got to his feet.

He had a pretty smile which Joanna knew must have got him a lot of girls.

“The buckle wasn’t properly done” he said.

“I must have been in a rush when I left our tent” Joanna answered.

“Am Justin by the way and you?” He asked.

“Joanna” She replied slowly.

“Would I be too straight forward If I ask you to join my friends and I at the cafeteria?” Justin asked.

“Err, I was sight seeing with my…..”

“We don’t have a problem going” Alice said suddenly even as she walk towards them.

“But you said you wanted to tour the whole place and save our food for later” Joanna said to Alice who waved her off.

“Forget about that, we can’t say no to a handsome guy like him. So let’s go” she said putting her hand in Joanna and Mirabel arm, bundling them off to where Justin friends were.


As soon as Francis and Nicholas got to where food was being served to everyone, the first thing they noticed was Joanna and Mirabel amidst the neighbouring school kids.

They were laughing at something one of the students was saying to them and that renewed Francis and Nicholas anger.

“Stop gawking and let’s go and get something to eat” Theo said to them and even as they walk by some students, they were ignorant of the admiring glances which followed them.

“Seems like they are having a good time”Theo said as he bit into his snack.

“Good time my foot” Nicholas replied as he repeatedly poke his fork into his chicken while glaring at the guy who was talking privately Mirabel.

Francis gaze was on Joanna and Justin who seem to gawking at her too much and unknowingly and out of anger, Francis squeeze the cola can in his hand.

“Just stay calm, they wouldn’t even give them a glance. You should know that” Theo said.

“We do know that but what we can’t trust are those guys who keep on being……”

“Touchy!” Pierce said suddenly even as he got up startling Nicholas.

While Nicholas and Francis glared at the table next to them, Pierce had been doing his too and that’s all due to the guy who keeps on touching Alice, some thing which made him angry.

“If you guys aren’t going to do some thing then I will” Pierce said marching towards the table to pull Alice out of her seat.

“If you don’t mind, this lady here has got some thing to give me and she has got to give it to me now” Pierce said pulling Alice out of their midst before they could do a thing.

Joanna and Mirabel who had been surprised at first stood up to leave too but Justin and his friends stopped them.

“You both don’t have important things to do right?” Justin asked while they continued their food.


“Let me go! Let go of me!” Alice yelled at Pierce who tightened his hold and it wasn’t until they were in one of the tent that he let go of her.

“What was that about?” Alice asked massaging her wrist.

“What’s with the flirting?” Pierce asked startling Alice.

“And how’s that suppose be your concern?” Alice asked in return.

“Those guys….those guys are known to be playboy. They will think you a easy prey and….”

“What’s with this sudden lecture? Shouldn’t you be thrilled that my attention is some where else?” She asked cutting him off.

“Why would I be thrilled about that?”

“Cause am someone you want out of your sight, someone who pisses you off and someone you would least be interested in. So I suggest you keep to yourself and stay out of my business” Alice said walking out of the tent only to barge into some girls.

“And who do we have here? If it isn’t Alice, the wonder girl” the girl said eyeing Alice maliciously.

“It’s a surprise seeing you here Gabriella” Alice said also eyeing the girl in return.

“It is. I came here to support my boyfriend who is part of the team and you? Don’t tell me that you came here without your boyfriend?”

“Cause if I remember vividly you walked out of our school saying all the boys there are tainted. So did you find someone who isn’t?” Gabriella asked and for a while Alice was tempted to say the truth but not wanting to lose to a snob like Gabriella, she spoke up.

“Of course I did, I found a true gentleman. A freaking handsome dude and also he hasn’t been tainted like some people I know. Wait till you see him, your jaw will drop open at how handsome he is” Alice said and some how she couldn’t help fitting Pierce to the description she gave these snobs.

“Really? I find that hard to believe. Since he’s not here for you to prove to us, why not show us a picture or two?” Gabriella demanded knowing she didn’t have any to show.

Alice tried to think of what excuse to give but when she thought of nothing, she was about blurting out the truth when she felt someone arms around her.

“Miss me babe?” Pierce asked starring at her while she stared at in surprise.

“Smile, we are trying to fool them right?” Pierce muttered down at her and she let out a smile before turning back to Gabriella and her friends.

“Isn’t he Gorgeous?” Alice asked as Gabriella and her friends kept gawking at Pierce.

Suddenly cupping her cheek, he turned her gaze on his starring down at her with all the love a guy would have for a girl.

“Why don’t we further convince them so they can believe us ” he said and before she could get him, he bent and kissed her.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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