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Friday, October 18, 2024
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with à
{£nchanted by her…}?

Chapter 29☆ 30

By, Gbemi Writes


༒︎♔︎ (Falling helplessly )♔︎༒︎


Francis got to the dorm he uses with his friends only to see Nicholas in the room.

“Why are you here?” Nicholas asked as Francis came to seat on the sofa beside him.

“I needed to give someone a thinking space” Francis replied.

“Who? Joanna?” Nicholas asked and Francis nodded.

“Tell me, what will you do if you confess to a girl and she doesn’t believe you ” Francis ask.

“Well I would show her my sincerity” Nicholas asked.

“By doing what?”

“By sticking to her side twenty four seven until she gets sick of my face” Nicholas said grinning foolishly while Francis frown his way.

“Is that the only answer you can give?” Francis asked and Nicholas nodded.

“Sure. Girls love it when you are all over them and am sure that this girl you are trying to impress will love it too. ” Nicholas said.

He promised to give her time to think but if he should do as Nicholas says will that work? He thought letting out a frustrated sigh when the song Nicholas was humming in his head began to disturb him.

“Shut up!” Francis said suddenly which got Nicholas starring at him.

“Me? But I wasn’t even talking ” Nicholas said.

“That song you keep on singing in your head, stop! It’s way off beat” Francis said getting off the sofa.

“But I wasn’t singing that out ” Nicholas voice followed him even as he went out of the room.

“Wh@ťěver! Just stop it, it’s ruining my ear bud and also prepare my room, I will be staying here for tonight” Francis said.

“I knew it! You must have annoyed Joanna and ended up getting kicked out but don’t worry, there’s always a place for you here you homeless boy” Nicholas said jokingly.

“f-__-k you” Francis replied even as he left.

He made a turn into the hall leading out side when he saw Pierce.

Pierce look up just as Francis saw him and for a brief moment their eyes clashed, Francis tried to listen to Pierce thought but he couldn’t hear a thing since Pierce wasn’t thinking.

Francis tried to walk past Pierce without saying a thing but Pierce had another thing in mind.

“How is she?” Pierce asked.

“Why do you care?” Francis asked in return.

“Cause I want to know” Pierce replied and at that moment Francis saw some thing in his eyes, some thing which got him feeling uneasy.

“You don’t only want to know, you also want to see her right?” Francis asked referring to Joanna.

“I doubt if she will want to see me” Pierce returned.

“You love her? Don’t you?” Francis ask again surprising Pierce who hadn’t even thought of that.

“Love? Of course not. I just….am just worried about her” he said.

“Then I hope it keeps being that way ”

“Why? Are you scared I might steal her away if I decides to ?” Pierce asked.

“To you Joanna might be a play thing but to me she means the whole world and I won’t let you hurt her even though you now feel some thing for her ” Francis said before walking on, leaving Pierce starring after him.

Pierce was about to go into the lounge when his phone began to ring and the caller turns out to be Jocelyn.

He didn’t feel like talking to her and so he ended the talk.


Joanna was heading into school still brooding over her conversation with Francis when a car horn beside her, jolt her back to reality.

She turn only to see Pierce in his car, waving at her.

Her thinking required her time from both Pierce and Francis and so she didn’t want to see any one of them but with Pierce being here and all she has no choice and besides she already told him to let them remain as friends and if she should ignore him now, it will seem weird.

Taking a deep breath, she went into the car forcing a smile on her face as she put on the seat belt.

“Good morning ” she greeted.

“Morning, for a while I thought you were going to ignore me” Pierce said starring at her intently.

“Why would I ? I said we should be friends and not ignore each other” she replied still having that forced smile on her face.

“Am glad then cause I would have felt bad if you choose to ignore me” he said and she found herself starring at him wondering why he would feel bad if she chose to ignore him.

“I know this might sound foolish and all but can we start again?” He asked suddenly.


“Can we start over, we forget about the past few days and start afresh” he said again.

“That sounds……good. Am fine with it” she said.

“Since we are starting afresh you won’t mind if I ask you out tonight right?” He asked startling her again.

“Ask me out? ” She repeated again.

“Yes, I want to take you out and if you won’t mind, I would like us to get to know each other better” He answered.

“Errr ……I think we should….” She got startled when another car horning loudly distracted her.

On seeing the plate number of the car which horn, Pierce let out a sigh and turn to her.

“I will be right back” he said turning to leave but Joanna stopped him.

“Do you know who it is?” Joanna asked not liking the black tinted wind screen which the car had.

“My dad” Pierce said before going into the other car which was parked right in front of them.

Joanna remembered the night of the party and she wondered if his father is once again abusing him.

It’s been thirty minutes since he left and thinking the worse had happen, she open the door and was about leaving his car when she saw him got out of the black car.

Having a sad expression on his face, he got into the car with her just as the black car roared off.

“What happen?” Joanna asked.

“Nothing” he said forcing a smile on his lips.

“Are you sure? You look pale, did he hit you?” She asked feeling worried.

“Joanna, please do me a favour” he said suddenly.

“What is it?”

“Can you please leave” he requested which earned him a frown from her.

“Please, I need to be alone” he said, she stared at him for a few more minutes before leaving just like he said.

And as soon as she was out of his car, he drove off leaving her feeling more worried.


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